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The Art of Woke Enes Introduction. ..........0. ese e eee e eee eee 2 The Basics 1: The Blues—Triads . .. 2: The Blues—Diatonic Passing Tones . 3: The Blues—Chromatic Tones . 4: Minor Scales and Minor Blues. 5: Rhythm Changes 6: Other Common Harmonic Progressions . . 53 About the Author. . ‘All of the examples in this book are to be played in standard tuning, E-A-D-G, low to high. ‘The last track @ on the accompanying CD provides a series of notes to which you can tune up. ISBN 0-7935-8042-0-~ HAL*LEONARD® CORPORATION ‘Copyright © 1999 by HAL LEONARD CORPORATION Intationsl Copy Secu Al Figs Record No part of his pubsication maybe reproduced In any form o by sy moans witout prior writen permiion of he Pubs Vit Hl Leonard Oni at ‘

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