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Salt Water Chlorination is one of the most effective ways of sanitizing a pool. It works on the principle of
electrolysis where small amounts of salt in the pool water is converted to chlorine.

The major components of a salt water chlorinator are

1. Power Supply
2. Chlorinator Cell

The power supply :

Supplies power to the chlorinator cell. This is typically 12 or 24 V DC

AC will not work with a salt water chlorinator.

The chlorinator cell

It is connected to the pool water supply.
It is connected after the filter and any heating equipment if installed. Water will flow through the
opening of the cells and chlorine is produced as a result.

Other Information

1. Salt required is 0.5% of the total pool volume

2. Chlorine production is dependent on the pool
Water temperature. Chlorine production is low
In winter but higher in summer. This is because
The electrical conduction of the water changes
With temperature. High when warm and vice
3. Some calcium will deposit in the chlorinator cell
After running it for a few months. Some chlorinators have reverse polarity systems to reduce
this but it has to be cleaned eventually otherwise there will be
reduction in production of chlorine.
Cleaning is done by removing the cell from the pipeline and
pouring acid from one end of the cell and continuing the process
until all of the calcium deposit has been removed.
The cell will be prone to such deposits if the hardness of the pool
is high.

4. Changing the chlorine output.

Chlorine output can be adjusted by rotating the adjustable knob.

This will not alter the power supply to the chlorinator cell but
momentarily disrupt power supply to the cell.

5. Chlorinators are available with ratings mentioned in gm/hr .

That is to say the amount of chlorine produced in an hour
6. Salt will only be lost from the pool via dilution and backwashing.

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