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Pre board exam in orif ed

1. Teacher D plays soft classical music while her class is asked to meditate on the beauty of creation
because she believes that meditative music can help them reflect better. On which theory is this
practice founded?

A. Humanistic psychology

B. Psychoanalysis

C. Gestalt psychology

D. Behaviorism

2. Teacher E’s sideline is selling “Encyclopedias for Children” on weekends. Her usual clientele are the
parents of pupils who are on the verge of failing or those vying for the Top Ten. In fact, she always
succeeded in selling encyclopedias to these parents. Is there anything unethical with the way Teacher E
does her sideline?

A. Yes, there is. She may become less objective in her evaluation of the work of these pupils concerned.

B. No, there isn’t. Books and teachers mix. Teachers are supposed to promote reading.

C. No, there isn’t. A teacher’s salary is meager and selling books is respectable way of augmenting

E’s income.

D. Yes, there is. She is not supposed to engage in any form of sideline.

3. To build a sense of pride among Filipino youth, which should be done?

A. Re-study our history and stress on our achievements as a people.

B. Re-study our history from the perspective of our colonizers.

C. Replace the study of folklores and myths with technical subjects that make youths globally

D. Set aside the study of local history.

4. Teacher Rodel discovered that his students are very good in dramatizing. Which tool must have
helped him discover his pupils’ strength?

A. Product assessment B. Performance test C. Journal entry D. Portfolio assessment

5. Here is a performance objective: “WITH THE AID OF A PERIODIC CHART, the students will list the
atomic weights of the first ten elements.” The words in capital letters are referred to as the

A. minimum acceptable performance

B. behavior

C. condition

D. Performance statement

6. Even if the situation allowed her to cheat, Bianca chose not to because she believes it is not the right
thing to do. In what moral developmental stage is Bianca?

A. Conventional

B. Post- conventional

C. Pre-conventional

D. Universal

7. Which assessment tool will be most authentic?

A. Short answer test

B. Alternate-response test

C. Essay test

D. Portfolio

8. Which of the following is a “fact” question?

A. What are some of the ways in which you have used the word ancient?
B. What are the effects of the invention of electricity on the life of people?

C. What is the function of a CPU in a microcomputer?

D. What would be one of the first things we have to do to clean the air we breathe?

9. Which holds true to norm-referenced testing

A. Constructing test items in terms of instructional objectives

B. Identifying an acceptable level of mastery in advance

C. Determining tasks that reflect instructional objectives

D. Identifying average performance of a group

10. I like to teach subtraction by engaging my pupils in a “sari-sari store business”. Which technique is

A. Contrived incident B. Game C. Dramatization D. Simulation

11. According to Bandura’s learning theory, the four factors that are necessary for a person to learn
through observation are attention, retention, reproduction and ______.

A. metacognition B. reflection C. discrimination D. motivation

12. In one of the pages of her printed reference material, Teacher Irene finds an illustrative life cycle of a
frog. Assuming that the following are available to her, which is the quickest way for her to effectively
present the life cycle of a frog to her class? By _______________.

A. the use of an overhead projector C. describing the life cycle

B. the use of an opaque projector D. drawing on the chalkboard

13. HERE ARE TWO SETS OF SCORES: SET A- 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 SET B- 3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,9

Which statement correctly applies to the two sets of score distribution?

The scores in Set A are more spread out than those in Set B.

The range for Set B is 6

The range for Set A is 5

The scores in Set B are more spread out than those in Set A.

14. I like my students to master the skill of multiplying 2-digit numbers. Which method is most

A. Drill B. Expository C. Discovery D. Unit

15. Which educational issue can be clarified by understanding Maslow’s Needs Theory?

A. The effects of different classroom structures

B. Delinquency in the public schools

C. The effect of poverty on academic achievement

D. Sex education issues in school

16. Teacher Alvin wants to teach the class the rules in playing basketball. Which method is most

A. Discovery

B. Inductive reasoning

C. Problem solving

D. Direct instruction

17. From which educational philosophy does Back to the Basics movement spring?

A. Essentialism B. Perennialism C. Progressivism D. Existentialism

18. Which does NOT belong to the group?

A. Completion

B. Alternate response

C. Multiple choice

D. Matching type

19. Teacher F helps the pupils remember that stalaCtite grows from the Ceiling and the stalaGmites
grow from the Ground. What device does Teacher F use?

A. Memory device

B. Drill device

C. Coding device

D. Mnemonic device

20. Which basic guidance service is concerned with the gathering and dissemination of information
about students to appropriate professional staff to aid them in their job to help students?

A. Counseling service C. Individual inventory service

B. Placement service D. Research service

21. Which of the following best illustrates the balance of responsibility and accountability?

A. A teacher allows a below average child to find out for himself how to manipulate a simple machine.

B. A teacher advises the parents of a below average child to get their child a tutor to teach him how to
manipulate a simple machine.

C. A teacher asks a brighter child to teach a below average pupil how to manipulate a simple machine.

D. A teacher diligently explains to a below average child how to manipulate a simple machine.

22. “What is most likely to happen in our economy when export continuously surpasses import?” is a
thought question on______.
A. generalizing B. predicting C. synthesizing D. creating

23. Teacher Y says: “Perfection must be real. While we cannot attain it here on earth, we aspire for it. It
must be real.” Teacher Y leans towards which philosophy?

A. idealism

B. Realism

C. Philosophical analysis

D. Pragmatism

24. How do cognitive psychologists see the learner?

A. With empty minds C. Full of experiences

B. uninterested to learn D. Totally conditioned by environment

25. A Grade I pupil has difficulty writing letter A. Which prompt/s is/are most appropriate?

A. Gestural B. Physical C. Verbal & Gestural D. Verbal

26. Which primary criterion should guide a teacher in the choice of instructional devices?

A. Novelty

B. Attractiveness

C. Ability of the students

D. Appropriateness

27. With which is true authority equated?

A. Suppression B. Power C. Coercion D. Service

28. Mitos was first asked to compare identical amounts of liquids in two short glasses. The liquid from
one of the two short glasses was poured into a taller, skinnier glass of the same capacity. Mitos
indicated that the amounts of liquid in the two different glasses are still the same. What is Mitos that
capable of ?

A. Assimilation B. Accomodation C. Conservation D. Reversibility

29. Which is most implied by a negatively skewed score distribution?

A. Several of the pupils are in middle of the distribution

B. Most of the scores are high

C. Most of the scores are low

D. The scores are evenly distributed from left to right of the normal curve.

30. Q1 is to 25th percentile as median is to ________.

A. 25th percentile B. 40th percentile C. 50th percentile D. 75th percentile

31. Which quotation goes with a proactive approach to discipline?

A. “An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.”

B. Do not make a mountain out of a mole.”

C. “Walk your talk.”

D. “Do not smile until Christmas.”

32. Each teacher is said to be a trustee of the cultural and educational heritage of the nation and is
obliged to transmit to learners such heritage. Which practice helps him fulfill such obligation?

A. Observe continuing professional education to be the best Filipino teacher.

B. Teach the latest instructional technology to Filipino children.

C. Study the life of Filipino heroes and pass on their deeds worth emulating to students.

D. Supplant indigenous culture with foreign culture claimed to be superior.

33. “All men are pretty much alike. It is only by custom that they are set apart.”, said an Oriental
philosopher. Where is this thought most inspiring?

A. In multi-cultural group of learners

B. In multi-cultural, heterogenous and indigenous peoples’ groups

C. In a heterogenous class of learners

D. In a class composed of indigenous people

34. Principal A tells his teachers to employ more cooperative learning to help students develop social
virtues like cooperation. Which philosophy governs Principal A’s thinking?

A. Essentialism

B. Perennialism

C. Existentialism

D. Progressivism

35. What is the mode of the following score distribution: 96, 97, 98, 97, 93, 90, 89, 97, 81, 80?

A. 97 B. 96 C. 98 D. 83

36. What an individual has learned in the formative years tend to persist, but they are not unchangeable
according to Hurlock. Change is most likely to occur under the following conditions EXCEPT when

A. the individual himself/herself is strongly motivated to make the change

B. significant people treat the individual in new and different ways

C. needs to be changed are in the genes

D. the individual receives help and guidance in making the change

37. You have presented a lesson on animal protective coloration. At the end, you ask if there are any
questions. There are none. You can take this to mean that ________.

A. the students are not interested in the lesson

B. the students did not understand what you were talking about

C. the students understood everything you presented

D. you need to ask specific questions to elicit response

38. English and Filipino are the official languages of the Philippines according to the Philippine
Constitution. This means that they are the prescribed media of ______.

I. communication in government III. Communication in public fora

II. instruction in educational institutions IV. Lectures in teacher’s seminars

A. I, II B. I, III C. II, III D. I, IV

39. What measure/s of central tendency does the number 16 represent in the following score
distribution? 14, 15, 17, 16, 19, 20, 16, 14, 16?

A. Mode only C. Mode and median

B. Median only D. Mean and mode

40. Teacher Jhonna is convinced that she should teach her students to appreciate themselves for who
they are and to accept the responsibility for their thoughts, feeling and actions. Which philosophy
governs Teacher Jhonna’s thought?

A. Existentialism B. Realism C. Perennialism D. Naturalism

41. Who is NOT covered by the Code of Ethics of Professional Teachers?

A. Teachers of academic, vocational, specific, technical, or non-formal institutions

B. Teachers in all educational institutions at the preschool, elementary, and secondary levels

C. Teachers in the tertiary level

D. All full time or part time public and private school teachers and administrators

42. Which group of philosophers has opposite views from the rationalists?

A. Empiricists B. Existentialists C. Naturalists D. Idealists

43. What does the principle of individual differences require teachers to do?

A. Give less attention to gifted learners

B. Provide for a variety of learning activities

C.Treat all learners alike while teaching

D. Prepare modules for slow learners in class

44. Which one does NOT illustrate the principle that rights and duties are correlative?

A. The right of an unmarried pregnant teacher to abort her baby is in relation to her duty to protect her

B. The right to a living wage involves the duty of the employer to give the salary agreed upon and the
duty of the employee to give a fair amount of work.

C. The right to life on the part of one person corresponds to the obligation on the part of other persons
to respect such a right.

D. The right of the state to compel citizens to military service is reciprocated by the duty of the state to
protect citizens.

45. For maximum interaction, which type of questions must a teacher avoid?

A. Rhetorical B. Informational C. Leading D. Divergent

46. A caregiver working with infants aims to maximize their cognitive development by having an
environment that provides multi-sensorial stimulation. This is guided by the theory of _______.

A. Erikson B. Piaget C. Gardner D. Goleman

47. What is/are important to state when explaining percentile-ranked tests to parents?

I. What group took the test

II. That the scores show how students performed in relation to other students

III. That the scores show how students performed in relation to an absolute measure

A. I & II B. II only C. I & III D. III only

48. Which is the true end of a teacher’s authority in the classroom?

A. To sow fear in every child for order’s sake

B. To coerce the child to do what is good

C. To motivate the child to internalize self-discipline

D. To make the child obey orders

49. I started my lesson with a graphic presentation of data then asked my students to analyze and
interpret them and draw implications from them. How did my lesson development proceed?

A. Deductively

B. Transductively

C. Inductively

D. Inductively then deductively

50. I want to have small group discussions in my class. Which topics will be best for group discussion?
Those topics_____.

A. that are formally structured by texts

B. that are factual

C. where a high degree of consensus among students does not yet exist

D. where a high degree of consensus among students already exists.

51. Which questioning behavior is appropriate?

A. Repeating students’ responses.

B. Allowing choral responses.

C. Cutting a student who gives a long response.

D. Asking the question then calling on a student to answer.

52. Standard deviation is to variability as mode is to ________.

A. correlation B. level of difficulty C. discrimination D. central tendency

53. You regard the classroom as a small democracy where you help your children live the democratic
way of life. To which educational philosophy do you adhere?

A. Reconstructivism B. Progressivism C. Existentialism D. Realism

54. Marking on a normative basis means that _______.

A. the normal curve of distribution should be followed

B. the symbols used in grading indicate how a student achieved relative to other students

C. some get high marks

D. some are expected to fail

55. In Krathwohl’s taxonomy of objectives in the affective domain, which is the highest level of affective

A. Responding B. Valuing C. Organization D. Characterization

56. The cultivation of reflective and meditative skills in teaching is an influence of _____.

A. Taoism B. Shintoism C. Confucianism D. Zen Buddhism

57. A teacher should take the obligation upon himself to study the customs and traditions of the
community where she works in order to __________.

A. change the culture of the community

B. have a sympathetic attribute for the people of the community

C. please the people of the community

D. identify the weakness of the culture of the community

58. Which of the following group activities provides an open environment in which group members can
discuss their opinions without being judged as wrong?

A. Buzz session B. Forum C. Philips 66 D. Panel

59.To teach the democratic process to the pupils, School T decided to pattern the election of class and
school officers after the local election process. There were qualifications set for candidates, limited
period of campaign and rules for posting campaign materials, etc. Which of the following did the school

A. Symposium B. Simulation C. Philips 66 D. Role playing

60. If a child is bitten by a large, black dog, the child may fear not only that black dog but also other large
dogs. Which conditioning process is illustrated?

A. Generalization B. Acquisition C. Discrimination D. Extinction

61. Here is a question on the knowledge level: “WHAT IS THE DEFINITION OF CAPITALISM” Which one is
a corresponding question in the application level?

A. In your own words, explain the concept of capitalism

B. What should an economic system be like that combines the main features of capitalism and

C. What countries from among those listed do have a capitalist economic system?

D. What factors distinguish capitalism from socialism?

62. To believe in the basic goodness of every learner is in line with the thought on the innate goodness
of man as taught by _______.

A. Lao tsu B. Kung-fu-tsu C. Mohammad D. Mencius

63. Cristy, a Grade 3 pupil, is happy when she wins in a game but sulks when she doesn’t. Which does
Cristy’s behavior indicate?

A. Egotism B. Egocentrism C. Rigidity of thought D. Autonomy

64.World War II has caused too much destruction to life and property and the Allied Forces which
composed of the United States, Great Britain and France wanted to end it. But Japan adamantly refused.
To force Japan’s surrender, the Allied Forces dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
on August 9, 1945. Which basic principle of morality applies to this case?

A. Always do what is right C. The end does not justify the means

B. Principle of double of effect D. Between the two evils, do the lesser evil.

65. To arouse in them the spirit of nationalism, Teacher Ima plays Philippine folk music as pupils enter
the classroom after flag ceremony. To what theory does Teacher Ima adhere?

A. Humanistic psychology

B. Gestalt psychology

C. Behaviorism

D. Psychoanalysis

66. Research found that children learn visual discrimination tasks more rapidly if they talk to themselves.
This shows that _________.

A. visual discrimination may be learned without vocalization

B. vocalization does not enhance visual discrimination

C. vocalization assists visual discrimination

D. visual discrimination cannot be learned without vocalization

67. In which lesson can you use the indirect instruction method?

A. Using a microscope properly C. Solving an equation with two unknowns

B. Distinguishing war from aggression D. Cooking pinakbet

68. The authoritarian setting in the Filipino home is reinforced by a classroom teacher who _______.

A. prescribes what pupils should do C. asks open-ended questions

B. encourages pupils to ask questions D. is open to suggestions

69. Belen enjoys games like scrabble, anagrams, and password. Which type of intelligence is strong in

A. Interpersonal intelligence C. Spatial intelligence

B. Linguistic intelligence D. logical and mathematical intelligence

70. To test if values have really been imbibed, which measurement instruments should a teacher use?

A. Rating scales and conflict stories

B. Projective techniques and moral dilemmas

C. Unobtrusive observation and anecdotal records

D. Likert scales and rating scales

71. The following are trends in marking and reporting systems EXCEPT

A. raising the passing grade from 75 to 80

B. conducting parent-teacher conferences as often as needed

C. indicating strong points as well as those needing improvement.

D. supplementing subject grades with checklist on traits.

72. Here is a lesson objective in a Language lesson: “From memory, the pupils must be able to recite the
poem”. Applying Robert Mager’s principle which does this objective lack?

A. Location B. Condition C. Criterion measure D. Performance

73. Teacher Jenny subscribes to the mental discipline approach. Which is she convinced of?

A. The more difficult the subject, the more the student exercises his mind, the greater the value of the

B. The more bodily exercises, the better for the student.

C. The less the student engages himself in mental exercise, the better for the student.

D. The easier the subject, the greater the value of the subject

74. The students of Teacher Sophie scan an electronic encyclopedia, view a film on a subject, or look at
related topics at the touch of a button right there in the classroom. Which device does Teacher Sophie’s
class have?

A. Videodisc B. Videotaped lesson C. CD D. Teaching machines

75. A class is composed of academically poor students. The distribution would be most likely to be

A skewed to the right B. leptokurtic C. a bell curve D. skewed to the left

76. A good classroom manager has “eyes on the back of his head.” This means that the effective teacher

A. has eye contact with his students

B. gives penetrating looks to his students

C. looks at his students from head to toe when he expresses

legitimate anger

D. is aware of all actions and activities in his classroom

77. In Krathwohl’s affective domain of objectives, which of the following is the LEAST authentic?

A. Responding B. Receiving C. Valuing D. Organization

78. I want to measure students’ awareness of values. Which tool will I use?

A. Likert scales B. Projective technique C. Moral dilemma D. Observation

79. Which theory backs up the use of computer-assisted instruction?

A. Classical conditioning

B. Insight learning

C. Associative shifting

D. Operant conditioning

80. Which characteristic of a good test is threatened when a significantly greater number from the lower
group gets a test item correctly?

A. Objectivity B. Scorability C. Administrability D. Reliability

81. Cognitive is to knowledge as affective is to ____.

A. rights B. skills C. obligations D. values

82. To develop higher-level thinking skill among students, which type of questions should be

A. Sequential questions C. Stimulating questions

B. Overload questions D. Clear questions

83. You want to generate as many ideas as you can as your class is about to embark on a class project for
senior citizens. Which of the following will you employ?
A. Brainstorming B. Role playing C. Brainwashing D. Simulation

84. Regular medical check-up required of teachers is done in the interest of _______.

A. School officials C. the state and of every teacher

B. Filipino medical doctors D. parents

85. In which competency did my students find the greatest difficulty? In the item with a difficulty index
of _____.

A. 0.1 B. 1.0 C. 0.9 D. 0.5

86. You made use of an “I message” to communicate your anger to Venus. Which is a characteristic of
that “ I message.”? Focus on _____.

A. what in Venus’s behavior made you angry

B. your feelings about Venus’s misbehavior

C. why you cannot control Ruth’s behavior

D. your thinking about Venus’s misbehavior

87. What kind of social environment prevails in your class if you, as the teacher, are the primary provider
of information, opinions, and instructions?

A. In between democratic and Laissez faire C. Authoritarian

B. Laissez faire D. Democratic

88. “ Knowledge is innate in the soul. Provoke people into thinking for themselves rather than teach
them they did not already know, said one Greek philosopher. What is the application of this in the
classroom today? Use of _____.

A. cooperative learning C. questioning method

B. role playing D. concept mapping

89. Because the pupils are hungry, they ignore the instruction to line up for their snacks and are
therefore unruly. On what level(s) are the students acting?

A. Ego and Superego B. Ego C. Id D. Superego

Practice Test in LET Professional Education-Principles and Strategies in Teaching

1. The _________ method is used when the learners are made to observe things in a certain place like
the market.

1) Participatory

2) Case study

3) Simulation

4) Field trip

2. The recommended method to use if the teachers wishes each learner to concentrate in learning a
topic to his skills are properly assessed is.

1) Semantic webbing

2) Independent study

3) Role playing

4) Field trip

3. The ________ method is observed if we wish the pupil learn from real life situation dilemmas.

1) Situation

2) Lecture

3) Textbooks

4) Observation

4. The ________ method is used to make the learners study in detail a specific thing, person or place
not known to them
1) Case study

2) Participation

3) Project

4) Field trip

5. Which of the following method will you used to verify a certain findings and to make the learners
handle apparatus properly?

1) Textbook method

2) Laboratory method

3) Field trip method

4) Project method

6. The ________ method is utilized if the learners are trained to do creative products.

1) Project

2) Case study

3) Field trip

4) Simulation

7. If the material is dangerous for the learners to handle, which of the following method will you use?

1) Textbook

2) Group discussions

3) Lecture-demonstration

4) Eclectic

8. Which method is used to develop scientific inquiry among the learners?

1) Project
2) Case study

3) Problem solving

4) Simulation


9. The ________ method is used to find out the learner’s knowledge about a certain topic assigned to

1) Independent study

2) Textbook

3) Lecture

4) Question and answer

10. The ________ approach is utilized when the learners are trained to ask intelligent question.

1) Process

2) Discovery

3) Inquiry

4) Value certification

11. If you wish to relate a subject matter to one of the four principles of learning, the ________
approach should be used.

1) Multidisciplinary

2) Interdisciplinary

3) Conceptual

4) Integration

12. The ________ approach is used if the teacher wishes to solve a problem being met in the school.

1) Mastery
2) Integration

3) Action learning

4) Value clarification

13. You wish to make the learners learn or internalized fully a subject matter to be taught to them.
Which of the following will you need?

1) Integrated

2) Multi-media

3) Master

4) Multi-disciplinary

14. Which of the following approaches will be used if you wish to relate a particular subject to all
disciplines of learning?

1) Multidisciplinary

2) Interdisciplinary

3) Value clarification

4) Integration

15. To enable the learners to learn by their own pace of growth, _________ approach is used.

1) Inquiry

2) Discovery

3) Mastery

4) Modular

16. The ______ approach is observed when the learners want to meet the criterion level of success act
set by the teachers.

1) Mastery learning
2) Interdisciplinary

3) Conceptual

4) Modular

17. Which approach is used to emphasize the skills in informing conclusions?

1) Multidisciplinary

2) Interdisciplinary

3) Conceptual

4) Inquiry

18. Which of the following approaches is used to include issues confronting the societies?

1) Integration

2) Interdisciplinary

3) Conceptual

4) Inquiry

19. The _______ approach is used to make the learners enunciate their feelings or attitudes about
certain issues.

1) Value clarification

2) Mastery

3) Integration

4) Interdisciplinary

20. The _________ method is used if the learners are to use their senses effectively.

1) Textbook

2) Lecture demonstration
3) Observation

4) Independent study


1. 4

2. 1

3. 4

4. 1

5. 2

6. 1

7. 3

8. 3

9. 4

10. 3

11. 4

12. 3

13. 3

14. 1

15. 2

16. 1

17. 3

18. 2

19. 1

20. 2
Practice Questions

1. Which theory would most support the following statement? There are many 'ways of knowing,' all
equal to one another: each student will learn in his or her own manner.

FTCE Test Study Guide with Practice Questions

a. Bloom's taxonomy

b. Situated learning

c. Problem-based learning

d. Multiple intelligences

2. Which approach is best for beginning to teach a group of new students?

a. Rely on age- and grade-appropriate standards to determine the starting point in the curriculum.

b. Review samples of past class work or test scores, if available, in conjunction with teacher-
administered assessment to determine a starting point.

c. Talk with students to gauge their intellectual and maturity levels and attempt to "jump-start" them by
introducing challenging work immediately.

d. Ask students to list their interests in detail and use the lists to design instruction that will maintain
their attention throughout the course.

3. Which answer describes the best use of concept extensions in the classroom?

a. During the course of the year, each student in Biology class is permitted to choose a topic of interest
and research it. The research is then presented to the class with visual and/or media aids.

b. Whenever a student comes across a word that he does not understand, his teacher shows him how to
use context clues or reference sources to find its meaning.
c. Each week during a unit on biodiversity, students visit the lake besides their school to observe and
record information about plant and animals living there. Each entry must be accompanied by class
reading and lecture notes.

d. A Social Sciences teacher instructs her students to interview one person over the age of 65 for a final
project. The students prepare a written report and participate in a classroom discussion about what
they learned.

4. Which statement is false?

a. Metaphors and analogies are often useful in learning new concepts through activation of prior

b. Metaphors and analogies compare things that are not the same, but that have some similarities.

c. Analogies should be presented before metaphorical concepts, since the former concept is more
specific and is easier for students to grasp.

d. None of the above

5. Which classroom arrangement is most appropriate for young students in Kindergarten or 1st grade?

a. Child-sized desks and chairs are placed in a neat grid so that the teacher can always see whether or
not the students are in place and on task. All personal belongings, supplies and class work are kept
inside individual desk cubbies.

b. Lamps, rugs, and cozy pillows create a home-like atmosphere. Artwork and 'found' objects decorate
the halls and tables. When group lessons are given, the students simply listen from wherever they are in
the classroom.

c. Certain curriculum areas each have a designated classroom space. Seating is provided in each area
and is designed to match the nature of the activities present. Whole-class seating is available at long,
arced tables in one area of the room.

d. The classroom chairs and desks are arranged in a U shape to promote discussion and collaboration
among students. The children alternate between desks and outdoor play.

Answers & Explanations

1. D: Howard Gardner first introduced the concept of multiple intelligences. His theory rests on the idea
that there are multiple ways to understand or 'to know.' Every individual will have strengths and
weaknesses in learning, but everyone will learn in different ways. The seven commonly identified
intelligences are: verbal/linguistic, existential, logical/mathematical, interpersonal, intrapersonal,
visual/spatial, musical/rhythmic, bodily/kinesthetic, and naturalist. Each intelligence can be used to help
identify the way in which a student understands the world around him or her.

2. B: When teaching a new group of students, the teacher must design instruction that will be at an
appropriate level of challenge. If course work is too easy or too challenging, the students may lose
confidence and interest early on. If samples of past work or performance on tests are available, the
teacher should review these whenever possible. Doing so will give him or her insight into the students'
past instruction and abilities. However, the teacher should also be sure to provide a current assessment
of some type to account for changes in classroom environment and knowledge retention. The teacher
should ensure that students meet objectives for the end of the term or course, but will need to begin at
an ability-appropriate level for the students.

3. C: Using extensions is a vital part of classroom instruction: students must have opportunities to take
the learning process beyond information presented by the teacher inside the classroom. All students
need opportunities to use what they have learned in class and apply (or extend) the information to
other skill areas. The third choice provides students with a direct application of classroom material on
biodiversity by observing plants and animals at the lake. Students also incorporate journaling and
research techniques to complement their studies. Finally, each entry must incorporate classroom
material so that students are making connections between what they have learned and their current

4. C: Metaphors and analogies are often taught in Language courses, but can be useful teaching tools in
all subjects. When a teacher presents new concepts, he or she can use these tools to help students
compare them to previously-learned information. For example, the teacher might help students
understand how their eyes work by comparing them to a camera. Metaphors and analogies use slightly
different language to accomplish the same goal: comparing two unlike things. However, one method
need not be used before or in place of another.

5. C: Young children at a Kindergarten or 1st-grade level are still learning to sit still, read and write
fluently, and increase attention spans. For these reasons, the classroom environment should provide a
variety of activities and seating spaces. Certain activities require certain body positions; for instance,
when writing, students should be seated at a desk of the appropriate height, but for a group lesson or
discussion, students might be able to sit in a circle on the floor. In this choice, each activity determines
the type of seating and space allotted, increasing likelihood that students will achieve the intended
learning outcomes.
separation of church & state

Constitutional Amendment 2

Right to keep & bear arms

Constitutional Amendment IV

unreasonable search & seizure

Constitutional Amendment X

responsibility of education rests at state & local levels since Constitution does not mention it as a federal

Constitutional Amendment XIV

life, liberty, property without due process

McKinney-Vento Act

homeless children cannot be segregated


Plyler v. Doe

illegal immigrants cannot be denied school enrollment, it violates equal protection clause of XIV

code switching

alternate use of 2 languages interchangeably


extending a grammatical rule by applying it inappropriately such as adding -ed to the end of irregular
verbs; for example 'goed' instead of 'went'



overdoing a grammatical rule by applying it unnecessarily such as adding -s to a plural form of a noun;
for ex peoples instead of people



Plessey v. Ferguson

'separate but equal' is a valid doctrine


Natural Approach

limited error correction, use of realia, lowered affective filter



emphasizes problem solving

students learn by doing & collaboration


Socratic Method


questioning & interacting

uses knowledge & reason

(not hands-on experience)


Orbis Pictus

1st children's book

by John Amos Comenius

Process Approach Model





Erikson's Theory

trust v. mistrust birth - 18 months

autonomy v. doubt 18 mos - 3 yrs

initiative 3-6 yrs old

industry 6-12 yrs old

identity v. role confusion 12- 18 yrs

intimacy v. isolation young adult

generativeity v. self absorption middle adult

integrity v. despair late adult



reinforcement to shape behavior

drill & practice - teaching strategy






discovery learning

project based learning

inquiry learning

learner centered approach

activate prior knowledge



W.Va State Board of Ed v. Burnette

students not REQUIRED to participate in flag salutes



divergent thinking

open ended






starts w basic assumptions or facts - proceeds to a logical conclusion



involves looking at a # of specific examples & try to identify a pattern or trend to determine a general


Lulac etal v. Fla Board of Education

Florida Consent Decree

protects the rights for ESOL students


criterion-referenced test

compare scores against a predetermined minimum standard of competency



dame schools - taught for pay by women in the community in their homes


1 room schools - town school



social level @ which language is spoken - context of the situation determines the socially appropriate
register for the speech used


1943 landmark case W.Va State Board of Ed v. Burnette

schools are prohibited from requiring students to participate in flag salutes


socratic method

develops the mind through knowledge & reason (not hands on experience)


emphasizes problem solving, students learn by doing and collaboration



withdrawing reinforcers to discourage undesirable behavior


constitutional amendment II

guarantees the right of the people to keep & bear arms


constitutional amendment IV

protects against 'unreasonable searches & seizures'


constitutional amendment VI

accused person 'the right to a speedy & public trial'


constitutional amendment X

grants the 'powers not delegated to the United States by the constitution to the states'


Formative assessment

takes place before & during the learning process - gives feedback to teacher about instructional process
- may be formal or informal


Needs assessment

Self evaluation by an organization



average - adding all scores and dividing this sum by the total # of scores that were added


the midpoint in a distribution of scores from highest to lowest



the score in a distribution that appears most frequently



the greatest score minus the least score in a set of scores


standard deviation

measure of the dispersion of a set of data values about the mean of the data set, the more teh data
values vary from the mean the greater the standard deviation, meaning that the data set has more

raw score

total number of correct responses on an assessment



1. Yuan always waits at his neighbor Gerald every morning. He enjoys seeing him while biking and
imitates the actions of Gerald while he rides his own bike. Who is the proponent of Social Learning
Theory which applies in the situation?

A. Bandura C. Bruner

B. Kohlberg D. Skinner

RATIONALIZATION: A- Albert Bandura developed the Social Learning Theory and advocated that
“children learn from what they see in the environment.”

2. A child submitted a poor written report but packaged with brightly colored paper. This

A. Art over academics C. art over science

B. Substance over “porma” D. “porma” over substance

RATIONALIZATION: D- When a student focuses more on designs and embellishments rather than of
content of a report, then it shows “porma” over substance.

3. With the use of mnemonics, the students are able to _____information.

A. Analyze C. understand

B. Apply D. remember

RATIONALIZATION: D-mnemonics like “My Dear Aunt Sally” to mean multiplication, division, addition
and subtraction help students remember information easily

4. According to Krathwohls’ affective domain of objectives,________ is the lowest level of affective


A. Valuing C. responding

B. Organization D. characterization

RATIONALIZATION: C-the arrangement of Krathwohls’ affective domain is responding, valuing,

organization and characterization.

5. A boy is closer to his mother and a girl is close to her father. These instances are under_.

A. Oedipal complex C. phallic stage

B. Latent stage D. Pre-genital stage

RATIONALIZATION: C-when a boy is closer to the mother (Oedipus complex) and a girl is closer to her
father (Electra complex), these instances are under Freud’s phallic stage in the Psychosexual
Development Theory.

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1. Teacher Abi asks one of her students, “What do you want to become when you grow up?” This
question is an indication of what kind of philosophy?

A. Progressivism C. Existentialism

B. Naturalism D. Idealism

RATIONALIZATION: D-idealism because it stresses the existence of ideas independent from the material
world. Ideas that which exist in the mind are the only reality.

2. Teacher Jessy has not only explained the concept of Philosophy of Education but also imparted this
to her students. This demonstrates what kind of philosophy?

A. Naturalism C. Realism

B. Idealism D. Perennialism

RATIONALIZATION: C-realism concerns with what is real, actual. For ideas to be realized, they must be
transferred or demonstrated.

3. Which pillar of learning aimed in the acquisition of the instrument of understanding in order to
develop the students’ learn-to-learn skills?

A. Learning to do C. learning to live together

B. Learning to know D. learning to be

RATIONALIZATION: B- learning to know implies learning how to earn by developing one’s concentration,
memory skills and ability to think, acquiring the instrument of understanding.

4. In his class, Teacher Jakob always presents principles and values so as to encourage his students to
examine them and decide for themselves whether to accept them or not. What kind of philosophy does
he practice?
A. Idealism C. Humanism

B. Essentialism D. Existentialism

RATIONALIZATION: D-Existentialism is a philosophy that emphasizes subjectivity, freedom and


5. When a teacher emphasizes that man’s sense should be trusted because they are the only way to
acquire knowledge, the teacher can be regarded as____.

A. Naturalist C. Empiricist

B. Realist D. Pragmatist

RATIONALIZATION: C-empiricism upholds that the only source of knowledge is the senses and sense-
based experience.

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1. The school conducted a general student election for the Supreme Student Council. The election is
patterned after the COMELEC system. The school is using what kind of technique?

A. Symposium C. Panel discussion

B. Simulation D. Dramatization

RATIONALIZATION: B-simulation is an activity that simulates “almost real-life situation”. Other

applications of simulation are the following: simulated flight for aviation students, assigning student to
be the mayor of the day.

2. During problem solving method, the teacher’s primary role is:

A. Director C. lecturer

B. Clarifier D. judge

RATIONALIZATION: B-during problem solving activities, the teacher acts as a clarifier especially when
students are in doubt how to go about the problem.

3. Which among the following devices can be a scaled replica of a certain object?

A. Mock ups C. globes

B. Models D. maps

RATIONALIZATION: B- models like Heart Models are scaled replicas.

4. Which of the following would be the best choice if a teacher would like to focus on attitudinal

A. Dramatization C. role play

B. Field study D. simulation

RATIONALIZATION: C-role playing allows the child to shows his own personal emotions and therefore is
a good option when focusing on attitudinal change.

5. This method relies heavily upon showing the learners a model performance.

A. Activity C. reporting

B. Demonstration D. field study

RATIONALIZATION: B- demonstration includes Teacher-Directed Demo, Student-Directed Demo,

Teacher-Student Directed Demo and Resource Person-Directed Demo.

- See more at:



v Act #74-enacted in January 21, 1901. It provides for the establishment of Department of Public
Instruction and establishment of PCAT now TUP and PNS now PNU

v Act #1870 founding of UP (June 18, 1908)

v Act #2706 Private School Law (enacted March 10, 1917)

v Commonwealth Act #1- preparatory military training shall begin in Elementary grade school at age 10.
This act was amended by PD 1706 (August 8, 1980) requiring all citizens to render civil welfare service,
law enforcement service and military service.

v Commonwealth Act #80- (October 26, 1936) established the Office of Adult Education (vocational
training in an effort to eliminate illiteracy)

v Commonwealth Act#578 (June 8, 1940) conferred the status of PERSONS IN AUTHORITY upon

v Commonwealth Act #586 Education Act of 1940-reduction of number of years in elementary (from 7
to 6), fixing school entrance age 7 years old, national support of elementary education, compulsory
attendance in the primary grades for all children enrolled in grade one, introduction of double single

v Commonwealth Act #589-(August 19, 1940) established school rituals in private and public schools

v RA #137 (June 14, 1947) enacted the Board of Textbooks

v RA #896 (June 20, 1953) Elementary Education Act of 1953. This law repealed Commonwealth Act
#586 (restoration of grade 7, abolition of double single session, compulsory completion of elementary,
compulsory enrolment of children in public school upon reaching 7 years old)

v RA #1124 (June 16, 1954) created the Board of National Education

v RA #1265 (June 11, 1955) compulsory daily flag ceremony in all educational institutions

v RA #1425 (June 12, 1956) teaching life, works and writings of Rizal especially Noli and Fili in all public
and private schools

v RA #4760 (June 18, 1966) Magna Cart of Public School Teachers

v RA #1079 (June 15, 1959) provided that civil service eligibility shall be permanent and valid lifetime

v RA #6655 (May 25, 1988) Free Public Secondary Act of 1988

v RA #7722 (May 18, 1994) created CHED

v RA #7743 (June 17, 1994) established public libraries and reading centers in every barangay

v RA #7784 (August 4, 1994) established Centers of Excellence and Teachers Education Council

v RA #7796 (August 25, 1994) established TESDA

v RA #7836 (December 16, 1994) Phil Teachers Professionalization Act (supercedes PBET)

v RA #7877 (February 14, 1995) Anti-Sexual Harassment Act

v EO #27 (July 4, 1986) inclusion of human rights courses or subjects

v EO #189 (June 10, 1987) Basic Salary and COLA of public school teachers will be paid for by national

v PD 6-A-(September 29, 1972) Education Development Decree of 1972

v PD 146-(March 9, 1972) NCEE (superceded by RA7731 on June 2, 1994)

v PD 688-(April 22, 1975) gave power to CSC the authority to give appropriate exam to all public school

v PD 907-(March 11, 1976) all honor graduates of colleges and universities are granted civil service

v PD 1006 (September 22, 1976) PBET

v DECS Order #30 s 1993- NEAT

v DECS Order #30 s 1994- NSAT

- See more at:

CURRICULUM APPROACHES (Curriculum Development)


The curriculum approaches reflect the developer’s philosophy, view of reality, history,
psychology, social issues and the domains of knowledge. Analysis of an approach provides information
about personal and collective commitments to a particular viewpoint and the values deemed important
by individuals, school and society.


The curriculum developers which may include specialists, superintendents, principals and coordinators
are likened to engineers and architects who use instruments and empirical methods in preparing a
blueprint with well defined elements orderly-sequenced procedures and quality control measures to
increase the probability of success in its implementation


It is a means-end approach. Curricula developed through this approach become the actual blueprints
which prescribe the roles of key figures in the educative process. Viewing the curricula as the means and
instruction as the end is a behavioral orientation


Motivate interest of all stakeholders. Encourage participation and involvement of all stakeholders.
Synthesize divergent viewpoints. Monitor curriculum implementation. Create a climate of innovation
and change.


It emphasizes the importance of theories and principles in curriculum planning. This model is influenced
by the philosophy of John Dewey.


Flexible and less structured without pre-determined objectives to guide the learning-teaching process.
Contends that not all ends of education can be known nor indeed to be known in all cases.


It argues that those who favor the rational approach miss the artistic and personal aspects of curriculum
and instruction. It is rooted in progressive philosophy which promotes the liberation of learners from
authoritarian teachers.

It criticizes the technocratic-scientific models as not sensitive to the inner feelings and experience of
individuals. It reflects on existentialist orientation. The aim of education is not to control instruction in
order to preserve existing order.


The school is an institution of social reform. It criticizes the progressivists for putting too much emphasis
on the individual learner to the neglect of the needs of society.


Oftentimes, Filipino educators, in particular, prefer eclectic models (halo-halo) which are a combination
of several approaches, rather than commit themselves to one particular approach only. Eclectic models
are not mere patchwork (pagtagpi-tagpi) but a synthesis (pagbuo(pagbuo o paghahabi) where desired
features from several models are selected and integrated into a new whole. - See more at:

- See more at:


Legal Bases of Philippine Education

Hinihingi ng mabisa at mabilis na pagtuturo ang pag-gamit ng mabubuting pamamaraan ng pagtuturo.

Nakasaalay sa mabuting pamaraan ng pagtuturo ang matagumpay, kawili-wili at mabisang pagkatuto ng
mag-aaral at pagtuturo ng guro.

Walang isang paraan lamang na masasabing sadyang mabisa para sa lahat ng uri ng paksang aralin o
isang pamamaraan kaya na angkop gamitin sa lahat ng pagkakataon. Kaya ang guro ang nagbabalak at
nagpapasya sa pamamaraang kanyang gagamitin na angkop sa bunga ng pagkatuto na nais niyang
makamtan ng mag-aaral, angkop sa sitwasyon, angkop sa kakayahan ng mag-aaral at gayon din sa uri ng
paksang-aralin at asignaturang kanyang itinuturo.


Ang pamaraang ito ay angkop na angkop gamitin sa pagtuturo kaugnay ng pagbubuo ng tuntunin o
pagkakaroon ng isang paaglalahat o generalization. Ang pamamaraang ito, kung minsan ay tinatawag na
“Limang Pormal na Hakbang sa Pagtuturo” o dili kaya ay “Herbatian Method” sapagkat ipinakilala ito sa
larangan ng pagtuturo ni Herbert. Sinasabi rin ito na nagsimula sa nalalaman patungo sa hindi
nalalaman. Nagsisimula sa mga halimbawa patungo sa tuntunin kaya’t nasasabing ito ay egrule na
pamamaraan. Ang pamamaraang ito ay may limang hakbang 1) paghahanda o preparation, 2)
paglalahad o presentation, 3) paghahambing at paghalaw o comparison and abstraction, 4) paglalahat o
generalization at 5) paggamit o application.


Ang pamaraang pasaklaw ay kabaligtaran ng pamaraang pabuod. Samantalang ang pamaraang pabuod
ay nagsisimula sa mga halimbawa patungo sa paglalahat o pagbubuo ng tuntunin, ang pamaraang
pasaklaw naman ay nagsisimula sa paglalahat ng tuntunin patungo sa pagbibigay ng mga halimbawa
kaya may taguring “rule” o “rule of example”. May limang hakbang ito 1) panimula o introduction, 2)
pagbibigay ng tuntunin o katuturan o giving of rules/generalization 3)pagpapaliwanag ng tuntunin o
interpretation of the rule, 4) pagbibigay ng halimbawa o giving examples 5) pagsubok o testing.


Ang pamaraang ito ay angkop na angkop gamitin sa pagtuturo ng Edukasyong Panggawain. Angkop din
naming gamitin sa pagtuturo ng anumang asignatura na may nilalayong magsagawa ng proyekto. Sa
pamamaraang ito, nalilinang sa mga mag-aaral hindi lamang sa kakayahan at kasanayang pagpaplano, sa
pagsusuri, sa pagpapahayag at sa pagpapasiya kundi gayundin naman ang mga kapangkat at ang
kakayahan sa pagtanggap ng puna nang walang pagdaramdam o sama ng loob. Ito ay may apat na
hakbang 1) paglalayon o purposing 2) pagbabalak o planning 3) pagsasagawa o executing 4) pagpapasiya
o evaluating/judging.

4. PAMARAANG PAGTUKLAS (Discovery Method)

Ang pamaraang pagtuklas ay isang pamaraaan ng pagtuturo na bukod sa nagdudulot ng kawilihan ay

humahamon pa sa kakayahan ng mga mag-aaral. Ang pamamaraang ito ay nagbibigay ng pagkakataon sa
mga mag-aaral na siyang makatuklas ng kaalaman, konsepto, kaisipan, simulain at paglalahat. Ang mga
mag-aaral ay aktibong kasangkot sa pagtuklas ng karunungan at hindi basta na lamang taagatanggap ng
kung anu-anong mga idinidikta sa kanilang mga kaisipaan at kaalaman.

5. PAMARAANG PROSESO (Process Approach)

Ang process approach ay ginagamit sa pagtuturo ng mga asignatura sa aghaam at iba pang disiplina. Ito
ay isang pagdulog na ang binibigyang- diin ay hindi ang pagkakamit ng mga mag0aaral ng maraming
kabatirang ipasasaulo sa kanya kundi manapa’y ang pag angkin ng mga mag-aaral ng mga batayang
kasanayang intelektuwal na kailangan niya sa pagkatuto.

- See more at:




[SET 2 - PART 1]

1. Which assumption underlies the teacher's use of performance objectives?

A. Not every form of learning is observable.

B. Performance objectives assure the learrier of learning.

C. Learning is defined as a change in the learner's observable performance.

D. The success of learner is based on teacher performance.

2. In the parlance of test construction what does TOS mean?

A. Table of Specifics

B. Table of Specifications

C. Table of Specific Test Items

D. Team of Specifications

3. A student passes a research report poorly written but ornately presented in a folder to make up for
the poor quality of the book report content. Which Filipino trait does this practice prove? Emphasis on

A. art over academics

B. substance overporma
C. art over science

D. pormaover substance

4. In a criterion-referenced testing, what must you do to ensure that your test is fair?

A. Make all of the questions true or false.

B. Ask each student to contribute one question.

C. Make twenty questions but ask the students to answer only ten of their choice.

D. Use the objectives for the units as guide in your test construction.

5. Which does Noam Chomsky, assert about language learning for children?

I. Young children learn and apply grammatical rules and vocabulary as they are exposed to them.

II. Begin formal teaching of grammatical rules to children as early as possible.

III. Do not require initial formal language teaching for children.

A. I and III

B. II only

C. I only

D. I and II

6. Which Filipino trait works against the shift in teacher's role from teacher as a fountain of information
to teacher as facilitator?

A. Authoritativeness

B. Authoritarianism

C. Hiya
D. Pakikisama

7. If a teacher plans a constructivist lesson, what will he most likely do? Plan how he can

A. do evaluate his students' work

B. do reciprocal teaching

C. lecture to his students

D. engage his students in convergent thinking

8. Who among the following needs less verbal counseling but needs more concrete and operational
forms of assistance? The child who __________.

A. has mental retardation

B. has attention-deficit disorder

C. has learning disability

D. has conduct disorder

9. How would you select the most fit in government positions? Applying Confucius teachings, which
would be the answer?

A. By course accreditation of an accrediting body

B. By merit system and course accreditation

C. By merit system

D. By government examinations

10. Which types of play is most characteristic of a four to six-year old child?
A. Solitary and onlooker plays

B. Associative and coooperative plays

C. Associative and onlooker plays

D. Cooperative and solitary plays

11. A teacher's summary of a lesson serves the following functions, EXCEPT

A. it links the parts of the lesson

B. lt brings together the information that has been discussed

C. it makes provisions for full participation of students.

D. it clinches the basic ideas or concepts of the lesson.

12. All of the following describe the development of children aged eleven to thirteen EXCEPT

A. they shift from impulsivity to adaptive ability

B. sex differences in IQ becomes more evident

C. they exhibit increase objectivity in thinking

D. they show abstract thinking and judgement

13. Teacher T taught a lesson denoting ownership by means of possessives. He first introduced the rule,
then gave examples, followed by class exercises, then back to the rule before he moved into the second
rule. Which presenting technique did he use?

A. Combinatorial

B. Comparative

C. Part-whole
D. Sequence

14. "In the light of the facts presented, what is most likely to happen when ... ?" is a sample thought
question on

A. inferring

B. generalizing

C. synthesizing

D. justifying

15. Teacher E discussed how electricity flows through wires and what generates the electric charge.
Then she gave the students wires, bulbs, switches, and dry cells and told the class to create a circuit that
will increase the brightness of each bulb. Which one best describes the approach used?

A. It used a taxonomy of basic thinking skills

B. It was contructivist

C. It helped students understand scientific methodolgy

D. It used cooperative learning

16. Teacher B uses the direct instruction strategy. Which sequence of steps will she follow?

I. Independent practice

II. Feedback and correctiveness

III. Guided student practice

IV. Presenting and structuring

V. Reviewing the previous day's work




17. Which are direct measures of competence?

A. Personality tests

B. Performance tests

C. Paper-and-pencil tests

D. Standardized test

18. Under which program were students who were not accommodated in public elementary and
secondary schools because of lack of classroom, teachers, and instructional materials, were enrolled in
private schools in their respective communities at the government's expense?

A. Government Assistance Program

B. Study Now-Pay Later

C. Educational Service Contract System

D. National Scholarship Program

19. Which activity should a teacher have more for his students if he wants them to develop logical-
mathematical thinking?

A. Problem solving

B. Choral reading

C. Drama

D. Storytelling
20. An effective classroom manager uses low-profile classroom control. Which is a low-profile classroom

A. Note to parents

B. After-school detention

C. Withdrawal of privileges

D. Raising the pitch of the voice

21. Your teacher is of the opinion that the world and everything in it are ever changing and so teaches
you the skill to cope with change. What is his governing philosophy?

A. Idealism

B. Existentalism

C. Experimentalism

D. Realism

22. To come closer to the truth we need togo back to the things themselves.This is the advice of the

A. behaviorists

B. phenomenologists

C. idealists

D. pragmatists

23. Test norms are established in order to have a basis for __________.

A. establishing learning goals

B. interpreting test results

C. computing grades

D. identifying pupils' difficulties

24. A stitch on time saves nine, so goes the adage.. Applied to classroom management, this means that
we __________

A. may not occupy ourselves with disruptions which are worth ignoring because they are minor

B. must be reactive in our approach to discipline

C. have to Jesolve minor disruptions before they are out of control

D. may apply 9 rules out of 10 consistently

25. Which criterion should guide a teacher in the choice of instructional devices?

A. Attractiveness

B. Cost

C. Novelty

D. Appropriateness

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