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Saloon Girls Planner:

Characters and Arc

Daisy St. Montgomery is making one of her famed blue-ribbon pies. She is the cutest little
housewife there is. The Homecoming and Prom Queen has lived the charmed life. She was
popular, dating the Quarterback of the football team, and married him. Now, her life has no
meaning. She slaves at home that stands behind the white picket fences as she watches her life
pass her by. She fantasizes of an escape. Daisy is now Violent Violet. Violet is an asshole, the
meanest Head Bitch in Charge, and she's American. She loves it. When Daisy realizes she can
escape, the girl with an electric heart does that because her manifesto is clear, to live a life
notoriously uncensored.

In the corners of the counterculture, in stream of consciousness, the bizarre adventures of a
female gonzo having her own Hunter S. Thompson "Fear and Loathing" situation in the middle
of nowhere realizes the mad world she lives in. Santana Lorde loaded, on drugs. This is her
inner monologue speaking. Lorde is having an existential crisis.

All her life, Charlie Binx, a simple but sweetly cheery musical journalist from Tennessee, was
obsessed with The King, Elvis Presley. One day, her luck changes. She gets the chance to
interview Elvis Presley for a Rolling Stone piece. Her fantasy of who she fantasizes of and who
Elvis is is an awakening unlike any other. Binx and Presley forge a small friendship in their short
time together in the summer of '77. Two months later, the King was dead.


Eloise entertains the men at Folsom County Blues. She empathizes with them as she describes
to the men how they're not missing much. She meanders through the world looking at the faces
of freed evil. Parker envies the prisoners because they live in a bubble, away from the outside
evils of the American Dream. She describes their institutionalized prison slavery and how the
mistreatment of the woman's essence is the fall of man. In the end, Parker describes what she'd
do to get locked up forever.

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