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Leadership Skills 1

Leadership Skills

Sonia R. Soto

EDUC 5390 Educational Leadership

Dr. Nicole Walters

January 30, 2018

Leadership Skills 2

I have rated myself on my leadership skills my total score suggests some strengths but

also some underused leadership abilities. There are areas where I do feel confident of what I am

doing, or I am aware that I do and there are areas where I feel that do need to be worked on to

become a better leader. I seldom hear others say that I inspire them but that is my view. Leaders

have many abilities and I am not sure which might be my strengths and weaknesses. For the most

part I rated often on many of the questions. Knowing that sometimes we grade ourselves harder

that what other people would I asked my Assistant Principal to rate me. To my surprise she rated

all the questions with frequently suggesting that I am using all my leadership abilities well and I

do ask my coworkers or partners for their opinions to be more certain.

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