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“No matter delicious the cake might be, if you don’t have someone to share it with, you might

as well not have any.” – Binbouda Momiji

“Don’t distract the heart. Just mend it.” – Binbouda Momiji
“You are your own worst enemy. If your worries and doubts torment you, then just stop thinking about them.” – Binbouda Momiji
“It’s human nature to be jealous. You just need to be strong enough to withstand that jealousy.” – Sakura Ichiko
“People who only care about money have tiny, shrivelled hearts.” – Tsuwabuki Keita
“We are NOT asking him where the treasure is hidden!!! We're not even asking him whether there IS any treasure or not!! I'm not sure,
but... ...everybody set out to sea, risking their lives to search for it!!! If you ask this old man anything about it here and now... Then I'll quit
being a pirate! I don't want to go on a boring adventure like that!” – Monkey D. Luffy
“If you don’t take risks, you can’t create future.” – Monkey D. Luffy
“No matter how hard or impossible it is, never lose sight of your goal.” – Monkey D. Luffy
“Power isn’t determined by your size, but the size of your heart and dreams!” – Monkey D. Luffy
“Being alone hurts worse than pain.” – Monkey D. Luffy
“Dying is not repaying a debt! That is not what he saved you for! Only weak men would die after someone spared their lives!” – Monkey D.
“It’s over when you give up.” – Brook
“We have to live a life with no regrets.” – Portgas D. Ace
“Maybe nothing in this world happens by accident. As everything happens for a reason, our destiny slowly takes form...” – Silvers Rayleigh
“Even if armed with hundreds of weapons… there are times when you just can’t beat a man with a spear of conviction in his gut.”

“It's not the final judgement of "good" and �evil" that's important. What matters is that you come to that decision yourself. That you agonize
over it and eventually accept it.” – Tsunemori Akane
“The law doesn't protect people. People protect the law. People have always detested evil and sought out a righteous way of living. Their
feelings, the accumulation of those people’s feelings are the law. They're neither the provisions, nor the system. They're the fragile and
irreplaceable feelings that everyone carries in their hearts.” – Tsunemori Akane
“I think the only time people really have value is when they act according to their own will.” – Shougo Makishima
“Books are not something that you just read words in. They're also a tool to adjust your senses.” – Shougo Makishima
“Beautiful flowers, too, eventually wither and fall. That’s the fate of all living beings.” – Shougo Makishima
“No matter where you are, people find a way to entertain themselves.” – Shuusei Kagari
“They say people can change, but is that really true? If they decide they want to fly, will they grow wings? I don't think so. You don't change
yourself, you change how you do things. You have to make your own way. You have to create a way to fly, even while you stay the same. –
“We evolve beyond the person we were a minute before. Little by little, we advance a bit further with each turn.” – Simon
“Reject the common sense to make the impossible possible.” – Simon
“There’s no such thing as useless effort.” – Taiga Kagami
“Family is the society that you came into contact with first, the people who influence you first. But if that first society banishes you, there will
be another society that accepts you.” – Reisi Munakata
“Everybody can fight. It's just a choice of whether you should.” – Kirigaya Kazuto
“Hard work betrays none, but dreams betray many. Hard work alone doesn’t assure you that you’ll achieve your dreams. Actually there are
more cases where you don’t. Even so, working hard and achieving something is some consolation at least.” – Hachiman Hikigaya
“Time is proof that people have lived. Every person lives the time that has been given to them… that is life.” – Erza Scarlet
“We don’t have to know what tomorrow holds! That’s why we can live for everything we’re worth today!” – Natsu Dragneel
“Either people change or they die before they do. It’s one or the other.” – Orochimaru
“Life sometimes deals you a bad hand and you make a lot of mistakes along the way, but as long as you believe in yourself and walk along
your chosen path with a smile, everything will be alright.” – Marumi L. Anju
“A person can change at the moment when the person wishes to change.” – Fujioka Haruhi
“It’s not about being right or being wrong. There are more important things than that. That’s why apologies and forgiveness become
necessary.” – Aisaka Taiga
“Helping other people is the best way to make up for your mistakes.” – Himura Kenshin

“It doesn’t matter if you’re weak. If you struggle hard enough, you can make a miracle happen.” – Uryū Minene
“The difference between your decision and ours is experience. But you don't have to rely on that. CHOOSE... Believe in yourself, or believe
in the survey corps and me. I don't know... I never have. I can believe in my own abilities or the choices of the companions I trust. But no
one ever knows how it will turn out. So choose for yourself, whichever decision you will regret the least.” – Levi Ackerman

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