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How to paint 15mm Germans

Jacket Puches, bags, canteen

Extra Dark Green 896 (Vallejo) Dark oxide 302 (Vallejo, Panzer aces)

Poncho Leggins, gasmask cover

English uniform 921 (Vallejo) Germ. C. Extra Dark Green 896 (Vallejo)

Rifle Wood (pale, stielgrenate, etc)

Flat brown 982 (Vallejo) Desert yellow 977
Gunmetal grey 863 (Vallejo)

Trousers Panzerfaust
Dark grey 862 (Vallejo) English uniform 921 (Vallejo)
Dark bluegrey 867 (Vallejo) Desert yellow 977 (Vallejo)
Ivory 918 (Vallejo)

Step 1
Apply primer. I prefer use black primer because I can explode it when I do
the profiling. In this case I’ve use a brush. But it’s always better to use an air-
brush or spray, because the layer of paint is thinner and more homogeneous.

Step 2
Apply base colors. We paint the trousers with Dark grey 862 (Vallejo) and
the jacket with Germ. C. Extra Dark Green 896 (Vallejo). Remember, it’s recom-
mendable dilute a little the paint with water, because you can handle it easier.

If you are interested, you can find a more com-

pleted guide, plenty of other painting tips, and
information about how to paint Germans, in
the recently published PaintingWar: WWII
German Army in Campaign book.
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How to paint 15mm Germans

Step 3
Apply lights. We work the trousers first
with Dark bluegrey 867 (Vallejo) and
next with Ivory 918 (Vallejo) or white.
And we work jacket first with German
Fieldgrey WWII 830 and next by mixing
this color with Ivory or white. I usually
apply 4-5 lights, but you can apply as
many lights as you want, until you get
a good contrast. Anyway, once again, I
recommend work with diluted paints!
Therefore transitions will be smoother.

Step 4
Apply a profiling with black. When I apply a profiling I paint a thin
line in order to “separate” each element of the miniature. You should
use a thin brush and diluted paint, and I usually use black, but you can
use any other dark color. This step could be very unreal, but it’s a very
interesting resource in this scale, because we win a lot of contrast.

Step 5
Paint details. We paint the details. For
instance, I’ve used the following colors:
-Puches, bags, canteen, etc: Dark oxide
302 (Vallejo, Panzer aces)
Leggins, gasmask cover: Germ. C. Extra
Dark Green 896 (Vallejo)
-Poncho: English uniform 921 (Vallejo)
-Rifle: flat brown 982 (Vallejo) and Gun-
metal grey 863 (Vallejo)
-Panzerfaust: English uniform 921
(Vallejo) or Desert yellow 977 (Vallejo)
-Wood (pale, stielgrenate, etc): Desert
yellow 977
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How to paint 15mm Germans

Step 6
Apply lights on details. In general we
can use Ivory or white to light all colors,
except for Dark oxide and flat brown. In
this kind of browns, red browns, I prefer
use a lighter color. For example, I usually
use this scheme: Dark oxide 302 > flat
brown 862 > orange brown 981. So, to
paint pouches etc we can use only flat
brown like light, and when we paint
the Rifle, we can use first flat brown,
and then, orange brown. Anyway,
you can use any other combination!.

Step 7
Apply a profiling with black. Once
time, we apply a profiling, but this time
on the details. And like the first profil-
ing, this step is very important, because
we can get more and more contrast!

Step 8
Finally, we paint the skin. Like shad-
ow color I usually use Flat brown 982.
Then, I apply the general base with
Tan 066 (Vallejo, GameColor). This
general base imply leave some shad-
ow lines, to simulate the facial expres-
sion. Then, we apply Dwarf Skin 041
(Vallejo, GameColor) in several layers,
and finally we apply the maximum
light by mixing Dwarf skin and white.
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