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Texas Department of Public Safety, Intelligence and Counterterrorism Division

Intelligence Bulletin
Bulletin# 2010–02–0015 (February 12, 2010)

Possible Flat-Screen Theft Organized Crime Ring


Law enforcement in the Midland/Odessa area has reported an ongoing series of thefts involving flat-
screen televisions at residences and businesses. Intelligence received in this area indicates that these
thefts are also increasing in surrounding counties.

Although the theft of flat-screen televisions is not uncommon, information obtained by law enforcement
indicates that the perpetrators are part of an organized criminal organization and may be transporting the
stolen items to the border regions and into Mexico. Organized criminal members are possibly fencing the
stolen items once they have reached their destination.

Law enforcement is encouraged to be alert to the transit of stolen flat-screen televisions from the
Midland/Odessa area towards the Texas/Mexico border region. Indicators include, but are not limited to,
televisions that are not in their original packages, lack of proof of purchase, and multiple televisions being
transported at one time.

Although the transporting of flat-screen televisions may not signify the presence of organized criminal
activity, one or more of these indicators may assist in developing reasonable suspicion. All officers are
highly encouraged to utilize extreme caution when encountering possible organized criminal activity and are
reminded to remain vigilant of their surroundings whether on or off duty.

Anyone with comments or questions regarding this bulletin, or with additional information regarding the
theft of flat-screen televisions, should contact the DPS Texas Intelligence Center at 1-866-786-5972 or by
e-mail at

Texas DPS Criminal Investigations Division, Gang Section.

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