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Complete with How much / How many.

• _____how much _ water do you drink every day?

• _____how many__ meals do you have every day?
• _____how many__ money do you spend every day?
• _____how many __ books do you read every day?
• _____how many__ English words do you learn every week?

How much y How many únicamente se utilizan en la forma interrogativa, y las reglas son:
1.- How many…? lo empleas para preguntar acerca de sustantivos contables.
2.- How much…? lo empleas para preguntar acerca de sustantivos incontables.

Fill in the blanks with Some or Any.

1. I want to buy _some presents for my family.

2. Could you lend me _some money for ice cream
3. There aren’t any empty tables in the coffee.
4. Would you like some water with your meal?
5. I don’t have any expensive jewelry

Any es ´´ninguno´´ se usa para oraciones negativas ... there aren´t , don´t. Etc...
Some es ´´algo´´ y se usa en oraciones afirmativas generalmente

-El SOME es solo para oraciones positivas

ejemplo: i have "some" books (yo tengo algunos libros)

-El ANY es para oraciones que ya son negativas

ejemplo: i don't have "any" dog (yo no tengo algún perro, ó yo no tengo ningun perro)

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