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Raymond Cruz
English Literature(2)
January 29 2018

“I AM” Poem

I am the invisible teen who’s emotions are lost

I wonder what lies ahead as for the life after this one
I hear the moon singing as she looks upon my window
I see angels and demons being at peace with one another
I want not be pushed away whenever I try to help
I am the invisible teen who’s emotions are lost
I pretend to be happy for those who care for me
I touch the hand of the one I love and never feel the need to let go
I worry of the fate that those I care for will end horribly
I cry knowing the reason I am alone is my fault alone
I am the invisible teen who’s emotions are lost
I understand you only have one life to live
I say the world will become beautiful once again
I dream of feeling content with what I am
I try to be the person who everyone else wants me to be
I hope to know how to love without hatred in my soul
I am the invisible teen who’s emotions are lost

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