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RRL Pancake Avenue

A pancake is a flat cake, often thin, and round, prepared from a starch-based batter and cooked on
a hot surface such as a griddle or frying pan. InBritain, pancakes are often unleavened, and resemble a
crêpe. In North America, a raising agent is used (typically baking po der!. "he North American pancake
is similar to a #cotch pancake or drop scone.

Eating is considered as one of the most important part of our everydayliving, without it we can’t
expect the life to exist. The food we eat serves as the single source of energy and nutrition and through its
consumption we can geta glimpse of one’s lifestyle.

According to the book of marketing/management by Mullins et al. ”Customer buy benefits not
product. When people buy products to satisfy their needs, they are really buying the benefits they believe
the product will provide. Rather than the products per se. For instance, you buy headache relief not

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