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Dylan Crimm



A) Theme- The power of God’s holiness

B) Scripture Passage-

Ascribe to the LORD, O heavenly beings,[a]

ascribe to the LORD glory and strength.

Ascribe to the LORD the glory of his name;

worship the LORD in holy splendor. (Ps. 29:1-2, NRSVCE)

C) Reflection- The Lords holiness is beyond comprehension. Our God has the power to create anything imaginable.

He could create a whole civilization while in the midst of ending one. Our Lord is the most powerful being on earth,

and yet he stays sinless. The thought of punishment towards a human is unthinkable to him. He believes in us

when no one else will. He will stand with us when the horrors of tragedy come for us. When a family member dies

of disease or when a friend commits suicide, his holiness gives us hope. God knows what will happen before it ever

happens, but he still lets us make our own decisions. As Christians we believe that God’s holiness is the most

powerful entity imaginable. God is holy and in the end he will always win.

D) Prayer-

We pray to you O Lord to help us remember that you will always be with us. That your holiness will help

us persevere through the obstacles of life. That your strength will protect us from the evils of Satan and

the fires of hell. That all sins can be forgiven through your faith.

We pray to those who have lost someone to tragedy, that they will trust and believe in your holy works.

That they will put there trust and faith in you.

We ask in your name O Lord that with the help of your Son and the Holy Spirit, that you continue to

protect us and to care for us until we join you in your heavenly kingdom. We pray to you one God, forever

and ever. Amen

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