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Bau Bau City and Kendari City

Southeast Sulawesi has two municipality, the Bau Bau city and Kendari city. However , it save a
million charms and the beauty of the tour. The first, I will tell from Kendari City. Kendari City is
the capital of Southeast Sulawesi and known as the City of Bertaqwa that keeps tourist charms
that are not inferior to other parts of Indonesia such as Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan and Papua.
The interesting things in Kendari are Kendari Bay, Nambo Beach, Purirano Coral Beach, Bukori
Island Molulo Dance, Sinonggi, Gambol Handicrafts, and Silver Crafts.
While the city smell smell has a charm that is not inferior to Kendari City. The city smells odor
is familiar with the city of Semerbak and Kota is still thick with wolio sultanate. The nature tour
is a visit to enjoy the beauty of natural scenery and beautiful panoramas such as beaches Kamali,
Lakeba, Kokalukuna to Nirvana.
Then Tirtarimba Waterfall, Samparona and Lagaguna are also always there like Goa Lakasa,
Ntiti Kaisabu. As for other water attractions can enjoy the tourist area in Bungi Natural Baths
that have treats from the waterfall terraced.
Another uniqueness that is also the pride of Baubau City is about its international relations. Why
is that, because Baubau City is one of the "Twin Cities" or Twin Cities which is the name for two
cities different locations and administration politikm but have similarities in terms of
demographic conditions as well as problems faced.
In other words, two cities are pen pals in the concept of twin city relationships. Baubau city itself
is a twin city with the city of Seoul which is a city in the country of South Korea. That is the
interesting thing to know from Baubau City, Southeast Sulawesi.

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