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Zeus was the main deity he was King of the Gods and deity of the sky. His, wife was Hera, but he
had many human wives such as Semele. This is the story of Semele.
Zeus was bored, Hera was off sorting out weddings, so he looked out on the world and caught
glimpse of a beautiful young woman: Semele. He flew down to her and very soon they had a
child but then he suspected Hera was home and flew back to Olympus. Hera knew what Zeus
was like and found Semele, but she didn’t tell Zeus. She flew down and disguised herself as an
old crone selling baby toys, she knocked on Semele’s door and croaked, “Buy my baby toys.”
Semele thought that would be a good idea, so she bought some then Hera asked, “Who’s the
father?” Semele who loved to brag said, “Zeus!” Hera leaned in and whispered, “How do you
know it’s the real Zeus, ask him to show you his true form then you’ll know.” Semele agreed and
when Zeus next came to visit she asked him to show her his true form she asked and asked until
Zeus finally gave in. But before he showed his true form he warned her that mortals cannot
survive the raw power, but maybe demigods. Zeus went ahead and showed her his true form;
Semele burnt up, but surviving was his son. Zeus realized he was half dead, so he cut open his
thigh and put the child inside; hoping his godly ichor would restore him. A few days later he felt
a bulge in his thigh and decided to cut his son out. He had grown into a young boy and Zeus felt
the need to name him, so he chose his Greek name: Dios (Διος) and combined it with the area
Semele lived in: Nysa. Hera was unhappy having him on Olympus, so Zeus sent him to live with
maenads; party nymphs. One day Dionysus was messing around making grape juice when the
maenads said they were going to have a party, so he ran off and forgot about the juice. After the
party he was thirsty so, he drank his grape juice; it was delicious. Even better than grape juice so he
named it wine. He told the maenads and they drank; they loved it to. Dionysus decided to take the
wine to his father, Zeus tried it and loved it to, slowly all the gods tried it and loved it apart from
Hera who didn’t want to accept that Dionysus was good at something so, she refused to drink it until
she was persuaded to and when she tried it she admitted it was better than ambrosia; the immortal
drink. Dionysus gained the tittle god of wine and a seat on the Olympian Council

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