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COQ (ROOSTER) ‘Create by Eric Joisel in 1995. With a square of paper size ‘60x60 cm, your model will measure 16 cin. The best is metallic papar If you have not, take a paper strong and very thin, Sara es Foor FEATHER, FEATHER THE ROOSTER UNFOLD aclassical base with 6 points and the center. The grey strip Is to made the fingers, the lower beak and a 6" feather. This is the left-up comer. See the result step 4 oe Repeat vith the 3 other comers. Fold like @ preliminary base Reverse-told the edges. aw Petal-told. a byy, Fold i ® OM p is & mr erate, WT Ny drawn in steps 20-23 Q ir @ ve Turn the first layer. Repeat steps 19-23 ‘on the right a Nec (Hap with a litle square Mi Repeat steps 19-24 ee U2 ony theleg wil be drawn ‘on the first flap. inthe fallewing steps.

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