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Sophokle Krongo



From a sociological perspective the author is emphasizing that gender, race and

religion. Played a massive role during the Salem witch trials.

The witch trials empower many characters within the play, “Crucible”. In general,

male-dominated Salem and women have few choices in life. Women work as servants

for townsmen until they're the right age to be married off and have children. Additionally

to being so restricted, In the text it states “Abigail is additionally slave to John Proctor’s

sexual whims—he strips away her innocence when he commits fornication together with

her, and he arouses her spiteful jealousy once he terminates their affair.” This conveys

that the empowerment of men and how they think men can do anything is what the

witch trails would contain. Because the Puritans’ greatest worry is that the defiance of

God, Abigail’s accusations of witchery and demonolatry immediately command the eye

of the court. By orienting herself, within the eyes of others, with God’s will, she gains

power over society, as do the opposite women in her pack, and her word becomes

nearly unassailable, as do theirs. Tituba, whose standing is not up to that of anyone

else within the play by virtue of the actual fact that she is black, manages equally to

deflect blame from herself by accusatory others. This goes that religion was a way for

girls and others to have hope. But at the same time religion was disrespected and a lot

of people didn't believe and that it was all blony.

The witch trials area unit central to the action of The melting pot, and dramatic

accusations and confessions fill the play even on the far side the compass of the court.

within the “1st act, even before the hysteria begins, we tend to see Parris accuse Abigail

of dishonoring him, and he then makes a series of accusations against his

parishioners.” This shows how gender plays a role and this was a set example from

them and they that this is the only and right way. Giles Corey and Proctor respond in a

similar way, and Putnam presently joins in, making a chorus of indictments even before

Hale arrives. The complete witch trial system thrives on accusations, the sole approach

that witches are often known, and confessions. Proctor makes an attempt to interrupt

this cycle with a confession of his own, once he admits to the affair with Abigail,

however this confession is trumped by the accusation of sorcery against him, that

successively demands a confession. Proctor’s adventurous decision, at the shut of the

play, to die instead of confess to a sin that he didn't commit, finally breaks the cycle.

The court collapses shortly afterwards, undone by the refusal of its victims to propagate

lies. Not everyone was on the same page. Race, Gender & Religion was a joke for a lot

of them.

Gender played the biggest role were men are on top and nothing bad really

happened to the men. Same goes for race is right there with gender. Race was by far

worst than Gender. Women had a somewhat a chance as for other race not so much

they were on their own. People used religion to have faith in cause others would have

faith and it was a path for them cause humanity didn't know from right and wrong and
went on with there own thought. But at the same time religion was very much mistreated

and you ever would follow religion was mistreated and a lot of people would stop cause

they didn't want to get mistreated and be a follower. A lot of it was fear and people didn't

stand up for themselves. Characters preferred to have stayed quite and not say a word

cause they were scared they would be next.

In conclusion, In the “Crucible” people from all races and religion were mistreat

and mis trusted and this played an enormous role in the “Crucible”. In the Salem cases,

men were the ones who were making the rulings. Women Were witnesses, accusers,

and sometimes examiners but they never had a say in the final decision. The idea that

women, even in this situation where women were such major parts of the event, did not

have an active role in legal proceedings. This had a big effect on all the characters and

their lives not to mention this put fear in others. People didn’t know what to do anymore

and didn't know if this was the right thing or not. There was a lot of mistrust and

miscommunication between all the characters. The Crucible established that not

everything in society will be the same at all times you must be prepared for the worse.

Even with these small things can have an effect on you. These trails were quick and

straight to the point if you have the gender, race in you it was going to be game over. A

lot of the characters didn’t stand a chance because they couldn't back it up. For

example Abigale was by far mistreated and had not say in what she believed in and

they just went off her religion, race and gender. This was unfair and everyone should

be treated the same no matter what. There needs to be a fair fight for all.

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