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Exercise 1: Describing a random object three times

Day 1: The Sofa-Bed

1. It’s dark and covered with speckles of dirt. Everything about it screams “indifference”. There are
uncovered pillows and white power cords strewn all over it. The black bed sheet ruffled and
unkempt and one corner of the bed is uncovered. White paper sheets lie on top of the pillows,
half-filled with notes on chemistry and economics.
2. It’s messy I know, there are papers all over the place and there are bits of dirt that contrast with
the dark, crumpled bed sheet. My blue wool blanket is messily folded underneath the two
pillows, one uncovered and the other covered by a yellow-pink sheet. My lightning cable, which
has a small tear near the top, plugged into the extension cord on top of the bed. Despite all this I
find a sort of order in the state my bed is in, a sort of symmetry created by the asymmetrical
way everything is placed that gives it an odd comforting feeling in my chest.
3. My bed, which isn’t actually a bed, is covered by a black cloth sheet which has small flecks of dirt
on it. It’s actually a sofa bed which I guess can be counted as a bed or maybe half a bed I really
can’t make up my mind. There are signs of “productivity” spread on it, my Ipad and phone are
on it and they lie right beside each other and right across them are three white sheets of paper
almost, but not quite, filled with notes written by a newly sharpened pencil. They provide a
sense of order in the otherwise chaotic state of my bed which has pillows, both uncovered and
covered, on top of it and a blue wool blanket that was hastily folded this morning right below it.
An extension cord and a lightning cable can also be found on top of my bed with the cable zig-
zagging across the surface. I believe it’s just another(5 minutes are done so I stopped midway, I
wanted to say na it’s just another typical coffee run, college student’s place of sleep or

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