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2014 IEEE International Inter-Disciplinary Conference on Cognitive Methods in Situation Awareness and Decision Support (CogSIMA)

Mobility Estimation Using an Extended Kalman

Filter for Unmanned Ground Vehicle Networks
Preetha Thulasiraman∗ , Grace A. Clark† , Timothy M. Beach∗
∗ Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA,
† Grace A. Clark, Ph.D., Consulting
(formerly with the Lawrence Livermore National Lab, July 1974-Oct. 2013)

Abstract— An ad hoc unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) net- individual UGV. Obtaining knowledge about the mobility of
work operates as an intermittently connected mobile delay the UGVs requires estimation of the position, velocity and
tolerant network (DTN). In this paper, we develop a mobility acceleration of the UGV node at a given time and is an integral
estimation algorithm that can be coupled with a cooperative
communication routing algorithm to provide a basis for real part of the path planning strategy.
time path planning in UGV-DTNs. A Gauss-Markov state space In this regard, the overall UGV-DTN system design requires
model is used for the node dynamics. The nonlinear measure- solution of the following two component problems:
ment signals are constant-power RSSI (Received Signal Strength
Indicator) signals transmitted from fixed-position base stations. • Mobility Estimation: We must develop a mobility estima-
An extended Kalman filter (EKF) is derived for estimating the tion algorithm that will achieve realistic estimates of the
position, velocity and acceleration of a UGV node in a two- positions of the individual UGV nodes within the DTN.
dimensional spatial grid environment. We use Matlab to simulate • Path Planning: We must develop a path planning strategy
a single mobile node traveling along a trajectory that includes using the mobility estimation results as inputs to achieve
abrupt maneuvers. Estimation performance is measured using
zero-mean whiteness tests on the innovations sequences, root cooperation among individual UGV nodes for routing.
mean square error (RSME) of the state estimates, weighted This paper focuses on the mobility estimation problem. The
sum squared residuals (WSSRs), and the posterior Cramer-Rao development of the path planning algorithm and the integration
lower bound (PCRLB). Under these performance indices, we
of the two components is left for future research.
demonstrate that the mobility estimation algorithm performs
A. Contributions
I. I NTRODUCTION This paper studies the creation of a new mobility estimation
In recent years, there has been increasing interest in the approach that exploits a general two-dimensional spatial grid
design and deployment of autonomous unmanned vehicles. In setting, a Gauss-Markov state space dynamic model, and a first
particular, one of the areas that has gained attention is the order semi-Markov model for the command action. To the best
deployment of unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs). The Navy, of our knowledge, this is the first work that integrates the use
Marine Corps and Army have invested monetary resources to of signal processing and control techniques for mobility esti-
the development of UGVs because of their potential to operate mation in a wireless network of UGV nodes. Our contribution
in a wide variety of situations [1]. With the introduction of in this paper can be summarized as follows: We develop a
unmanned vehicles, the traditional concept of warfare has mobility estimation algorithm in an ad hoc setting for both
shifted to a network centric view of military systems. This linear and non-linear models, based on an extended Kalman
involves the integration of communication networking and Filter (EKF). Specifically, Gauss-Markov and semi-Markov
information sharing into tactical military operations. This shift type signal models along with the EKF estimation algorithm
towards network centric warfare has led to the need for robust are exploited for use in the UGV-DTN mobility estimation
and reliable communications among groups of UGVs. algorithm. The discrete-time nonlinear Gauss Markov model
A UGV network operates as an intermittently connected and discrete time EKF algorithm are derived for the UGV-
mobile ad hoc network, otherwise known as a delay tolerant DTN and simulated using Matlab. Performance measures are
network (DTN) [2]. The ability to implement effective com- analyzed for the EKF mobility estimation algorithm.
munication protocols among UGVs depends on the strategy The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In
of understanding the environment in which they are deployed. Section II, the related work is discussed. The models used for
This is known as situational awareness and includes a real-time the mobile node, and the Jacobian matrix are given in Sec-
understanding of the terrain and activities of other UGVs in tion III. The EKF mobility estimation algorithm is formulated
the same command. A primary factor in obtaining information and discussed in Section IV. The performance evaluation is
for situational awareness is the dynamic mobility of each given in Section V. We conclude the paper in Section VI.

U.S. Government work not protected by U.S. copyright 223

2014 IEEE International Inter-Disciplinary Conference on Cognitive Methods in Situation Awareness and Decision Support (CogSIMA)

II. R ELATED W ORK parison with an EKF is performed with respect to accuracy and
computational complexity in scenarios with abrupt maneuvers.
The mobility estimation literature for an ad hoc network Advantages of the RBPF compared with the PF are decreased
focuses on determining node coordinates using measured computational complexity exhibiting similar accuracy and
signals from known base stations (BSs), the GPS, etc. smaller peak-dynamic errors during abrupt maneuvers, which
This type of setting is generally most appropriate for mobile is important for practical purposes [13]. In this paper, we adapt
ad hoc networks based on a DTN architecture, particularly the state space mobility model from [3].
in military applications. The measurements in this setting
usually involve RSSI signals from known base stations [3], III. M OBILITY E STIMATION M ODELS
[4]. The signal model is usually some form of Gauss-Markov The mobility estimation algorithm design requires several
model. These can include auto-regressive (AR) moving av- key problem specifications, or attributes. The key attributes
erage (ARMA) models and their many variants [5], [6], are as follows: (1) the operational mission setting and physical
[7]. These models are sometimes augmented with a semi- constraints, (2) the set of available sensor measurements or ob-
Markov model to represent uncertain accelerations, etc. [8], servations, (3) an appropriate physics model, (4) an appropriate
[9].The performance indices generally include mean squared performance index or set of performance indices, and (5) an
error (MSE), the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB), and the appropriate estimation/tracking algorithm or set of algorithms.
posterior CRLB (PCLRB) [9], [6]. The estimation algorithms We describe and compose an algorithm in terms of these five
usually consist of a Kalman Filter (KF), EKF, Unscented KF key attributes.
or particle filter (PF), also called a sequential Monte Carlo
(SMC) filter, depending on whether or not the system model A. UGV-DTN System Model
is linear or nonlinear and the uncertainties (noise processes) The network environment considered in this paper is shown
are Gaussian or Non-Gaussian. Some published algorithms in Fig. 1. Spatially distributed UGV cluster islands are as-
assume that the model parameters are known a priori [14]. sumed to be connected via an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)
Zaidi et al. [4] study ad hoc networks with intermittent which can act as a relay node to carry information among
connectivity. The algorithm for mobility tracking developed groups of UGV cluster islands. No direct communication
in [4] uses RSSI measurements from neighboring nodes mod- exists among nodes of different cluster islands. UGVs within
eled as a linear system driven by a discrete semi-Markov a cluster island communicate cooperatively to forward mes-
process in combination with an efficient averaging filter and an sages from source to destination within one cluster island.
EKF. The proposed algorithm allows robust mobility tracking Geo-location using the Global Positioning System (GPS) is
in ad hoc networks using RSSI measurements. Root MSE assumed to be available on an UAV and on a sub-set of UGV
(RMSE) is used as the performance measure. The algorithm nodes, which carry GPS in addition to their built-in received
is able to follow mobile trajectories accurately over a wide signal strength indicator (RSSI) sensors. This paper explores
range of parameter values. The proposed mobility tracking mobility estimation within one individual UGV cluster island.
algorithm can be applied in a variety of scenarios, such as The UAV and all of the UGV nodes contain sensors that
adaptive clustering, routing, and mobility management in ad produce measurements as indicated in Fig. 2. The mobile
hoc networks [4]. nodes and the UAV pass measurement signals/data to the
Yang et al. [10] consider a SMC method for joint mobility routing and mobility predication algorithms. The purpose of
tracking and cellular handoff in wireless communication net- the mobility estimation algorithm is to produce estimates of
works. The mobility tracking is based on the measurement of position, velocity and acceleration versus time for a particular
RSSI signals from known base stations. The system dynamics node or nodes in the cluster island. To further breakdown the
are described by a nonlinear state space model. The mobility overall problem, the measurements obtained from one UGV
tracking includes estimation of the position and velocity of node will be used to construct the measurement vector for the
the mobile node. The EKF is identified as the main tech- mobility estimation algorithm as shown in Fig. 3.
nique for solving online estimation in a nonlinear dynamic
system. Using the SMC framework, Yang et al. jointly solve B. Mobility Estimation Models
the problem of online estimation and online prediction of For our analysis we chose to use a Gauss-Markov state space
RSSI at some future time instance. The SMC was compared model [4]. The specific model chosen for the implementation
with the modified EKF and was shown to improve tracking of the mobility estimation of a UGV node in a UGV-DTN is a
accuracy and minimize the tradeoff between quality of service discrete-time variant of the Singer model originally proposed
(QoS) and resource utilization [18]. However, the SMC-based in [11]. Mihaylova et al. [3] has shown that the modified
approach comes with a significantly high computational cost. Springer model used by Yang and Wang [10] performs well,
Mihaylova et al. [3] also consider a SMC technique for is simple, and allows efficient computation of performance
mobility tracking in wireless communication networks by indices. This is a Gauss-Markov type model modified to
means of RSSI. The technique allows for estimation of mobile include a discrete semi-Markov type model for the input
position, velocity and acceleration. A PF and RBPF are command function. The dynamic model for the mobile node
proposed and analyzed over real and simulated data. A com- is linear, but the measurement model is highly nonlinear.

2014 IEEE International Inter-Disciplinary Conference on Cognitive Methods in Situation Awareness and Decision Support (CogSIMA)

1) Model for the State of the Mobile Node: Let the two-
dimensional spatial coordinates be denoted by (x, y). Let k
denote the discrete time index, and let T denote the tem-
poral sampling period. We let (xk , yk ) denote the position
of the mobile node at discrete time k. We then denote the
speed by (x˙k , y˙k ) and the acceleration by (x¨k , y¨k ). The state
of the mobile node at discrete time k is then denoted by
xk = [xk , x˙k , x¨k , yk , y˙k , y¨k ]T where the superscript T denotes
vector transpose. The linear state for the mobile node is given
xk = A(T, α)xk−1 + Bu (T )uk + Bw (T )wk (1)
where uk = [ux,k , uy,k ]T is the discrete time command
process, or system input and wk = [wx,k , wy,k ] is a white
Gaussian noise sequence with zero mean and covariance
Fig. 1. A clustered UGV-DTN communicating wirelessly within each cluster matrix Q = σw I where I denotes the unit or identity matrix
and to and from a UAV 2
and σw is the covariance of noise. The parameter α depends
on the duration of a maneuver, and is the reciprocal of the
maneuver time constant. Note that the matrix A(T, α) is a
function only of the sampling period and the reciprocal of the
maneuver constant, and the matrices Bu (T ) and Bw (T ) are
functions only of the sampling period [3].
In the real world, a mobile node is likely to have both
discontinuous motion and continuous motion. A mobile node
is likely to have sudden and unexpected acceleration changes.
Simultaneously, we must account for the fact that node accel-
eration is likely to be correlated over time, due to momentum.
For these reasons, we model the mobile node as a dynamic
system driven by a semi-Markov acceleration process ak =
uk + rk . This acceleration is the sum of a two-dimensional
semi-Markov driving command uk = [ux,k , uy,k ]T and a
two-dimensional time-correlated random acceleration vector
rk = [rx,k , ry,k ]T . Both ux,k and uy,k are independent semi-
Markov processes acting in the x and y directions [4], [8], [11].
The model produces correlated random accelerations using
a representative model of the autocorrelation function given
by [8]
Fig. 2. Block diagram of the overall signal/data flow for a UGV-DTN
Rrr (τ ) = E{r(t)rT (t + τ )} = σm 2 e−α|τ | I (2)
where α ≥ 0, σm 2 is the variance of the random acceleration
in a single dimension, and α is the reciprocal of the random
acceleration time constant. The final mobile node dynamic
model is summarized in Eq. 3.
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ 2 ⎞⎛ ⎞
xk 1 T T2 0 0 0 xk−1
⎜ẋk ⎟ ⎜0 1 T 0 0 0 ⎟ ⎜ẋk−1 ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟
⎜ẍk ⎟ ⎜0 0 α 0 0 0 ⎟ ⎜ẍk−1 ⎟
⎜ ⎟=⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ yk ⎟ ⎜0 0 0 1 T T 2 ⎟ ⎜ yk−1 ⎟ +
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ T ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ ẏk ⎠ ⎝0 0 0 0 1 T ⎠ ⎝ ẏk−1 ⎠
ÿk 0 0 0 0 0 α ÿk−1
⎛T2 ⎞ ⎛T2 ⎞
2 0 2 0
⎜T 0⎟ ⎜ 0⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜T ⎟
⎜0 0 ⎟ ux,k ⎜1 0 ⎟ wx,k
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ 0 T 2 ⎟ uy,k + ⎜ 0 T 2 ⎟ wy,k (3)
Fig. 3. Block diagram of the overall signal/data flow for one UGV-DTN ⎜ 2 ⎟ ⎜ 2 ⎟
node in a cluster ⎝0 T⎠ ⎝0 T⎠
0 0 0 1

2014 IEEE International Inter-Disciplinary Conference on Cognitive Methods in Situation Awareness and Decision Support (CogSIMA)

⎛ ⎞
−10η(xk,1 −a1 ) −10η(xk,4 −b1 )
2 2 0 0 ln(10)[(xk,1 −a1 )2 +(xk,4 −b1 )2 ] 0 0
⎜ ln(10)[(x−10η(x
k,1 −a1 ) +(xk,4 −b1 ) ]

H= ⎜ k,1 −a2 )
0 0
−10η(xk,4 −b2 )
0 0⎟ (4)
⎝ ln(10)[(xk,1 −a2 )2 +(xk,4 −b2 )2 ] ln(10)[(xk,1 −a2 )2 +(xk,4 −b2 )2 ] ⎠
−10η(xk,1 −a3 ) −10η(xk,4 −b3 )
ln(10)[(xk,1 −a3 )2 +(xk,4 −b3 )2 ] 0 0 ln(10)[(xk,1 −a3 )2 +(xk,4 −b3 )2 ] 0 0

C. Measurement (Observation) Model error in the states at time step t, given data up to a time step
The measurements consist of RSSI signals from known- t − 1. A double tilde indicates an error covariance matrix [12],
location BSs. Locating a node in a two-dimensional spatial [13].
plane requires a minimum of three BSs. Increasing the number
A. Discrete Time Nonlinear Gauss-Markov Model
of BSs to seven will improve accuracy [3]. Let MBS denote
the number of BSs. We are given measurements of the location Given state vector x(t), initial state vector x(0), system
(ai,k , bi,k ) of each of the BSs at discrete time k, where matrices A(.), Bu (.), and Bw (.), system input vector u(t) and
i = i, ..., MBS . Let us denote the measurement model by a process noise w(t), we can write the state propagation model
nonlinear vector equation of the form: as follows:
x(t) = A(T, α)x(t − 1) + Bu (T )u(t) + Bw (T )w(t) (8)
z k = h[xk ] + v k (5)
Given the system output measurement vector z(t) =
where z k denotes the measurement vector, h[xk ] is a nonlinear
[z1 (t), z2 (t), z3 (t)]T , nonlinear function h(.), and measure-
function, and v k is the measurement noise. The RSSI signal
ment noise vector v(t), we can write the measurement prop-
can be modeled as a sum of two terms: path loss (h[xk ]) and
agation as follows:
shadow fading (v k ). The RSSI (measured in dB) signal of a
single BS is modeled by: z(t) = h[x(t)] + v(t) (9)

z k,i = z 0,i − 10ηlog10 (dk,i [xk ]) + vk,i (6) Note that for our mobility problem, w(t) and v(t) are zero-
mean white Gaussian noise sequences.
where z 0,i is a constant characterizing the transmission power
of the base station. It is a function of wavelength, antenna, B. Discrete Time EKF Algorithm
height and gain of node i. The constant η is called the Given the nonlinear Gauss-Markov model for the mobile
slope index, and it takes on various values, depending on node, the derived EKF algorithm equations are summarized
the characteristics of the physical environment (i.e., η=2 for as follows:
highways, or 4 for microcells in a city). The distance dk,i [xk ] 1) Prediction: The state prediction is
is the distance between the mobile node and the base station
i at a discrete time k. The process vk = [vk,1 , ..., vk,MBS ] is x̂(t | t − 1) = A(T, α)x̂(t − 1 | t − 1) + Bu (T )u(t − 1) (10)
the shadowing component.
and the state error covariance step is
D. Derivation of Jacobian Matrix for EKF
P̃˜ (t | t − 1) = A(T, α)P̃˜ (t − 1 | t − 1)AT (T, α) + R̃W (t − 1)
The EKF used for the estimation algorithm requires a
Jacobian, or gradient matrix H for approximate linearization
Using Eqs. 10 and 11, we predict the next estimate of the state
of our non-linear measurement, where
error covariance by propagating the state estimation error from

∂h[xk ]

the previous time step through the system matrix A(T, α) and
H (7)
x =x̂ adding process noise covariance.
k k|k−1 2) Innovation: The innovations sequence is the error be-
Due to space limitations, we do not include the derivation steps tween the measured output and the estimated output
for the Jacobian. The final Jacobian matrix used in this work
is given in Eq. 4 [12]. e(t) = z(t) − ẑ(t | t − 1) (12)

IV. E XTENDED K ALMAN F ILTER A LGORITHM and the innovation covariance is

The EKF is a state space nonlinear state estimator that R̃e (t) = H̃[x̂(t | t − 1)]P̃˜ (t | t − 1)H̃ T [x̂(t | t − 1)] + R̃V (t)
provides estimates of the state vector at each discrete time (13)
step t. It is the optimal least squares estimator for our model. The innovations vector is the difference between the current
The EKF is an extension of the KF, a wholly linear estimator, measurement and the last estimate of the measurement vector
because it handles the nonlinear Gauss-Markov model. The given data up to time t − 1. The innovations represent new in-
following is notation used in this section: a “hat” above a formation available to the EKF since the last state update.Once
symbol denotes an estimate (i.e., x̂(t)). A tilde above a symbol the innovations vector is computed, we calculate the next value
is used to denote an error (i.e., x̃(t | t−1)). This is read as the of the innovations covariance matrix using Eq. 13.

2014 IEEE International Inter-Disciplinary Conference on Cognitive Methods in Situation Awareness and Decision Support (CogSIMA)

3) Gain: The Kalman gain is plot this error for each of the states as a measure of
performance. The mean is estimated by averaging over
K̃(t) = P̃˜ (t | t − 1)H̃ T [x̂(t | t − 1)]R̃e−1 (t) (14) 100 realizations of the stochastic process.
The Kalman gain matrix provides the key factor we use in the • Weighted Sum Squared Residuals (WSSR): The WSSR
next step to update the state estimate in a direction toward provides a method for whiteness testing over all of the in-
minimizing the MSE. A small value of the Kalman gain novations by aggregating innovations vector information
indicates that the filter places a large weight on the latest model into a single scalar test statistic. We use a hypothesis test
predictions; whereas, a large gain indicates that the filter places to ascertain that the WSSR lies below a pre-determined
a large weight on the latest measurements [4]. threshold [9], [12], [13].
4) Correction: The state correction step is • Posterior Cramer-Rao Lower Bound (PCRLB): The
PCRLB provides a lower bound on the state error co-
x(t | t − 1) = x̂(t | t − 1) + K̃(t)e(t) (15) variance matrix P̃˜ (t|t − 1). This tells us the best possible
and the state error covariance estimator correction step is theoretical covariance that is attainable [3], [9], [12], [14].

P̃˜ (t | t) = {I˜ − K̃(t)H̃[x̂(t | t − 1)]}P̃˜ (t | t − 1) (16) V. S IMULATION E XPERIMENTS AND P ERFORMANCE

In this step, the filter updates (corrects) the last state estimate
by adding to it the product of the Kalman gain matrix and the In this section, we present the simulation results conducted
innovations vector. By doing so, it moves the state estimate in Matlab to demonstrate and validate the EKF algorithm.
in a direction that reduces the MSE. After many time steps, We simulate a single mobile node traveling along a trajectory
a properly tuned EKF will converge toward the minimum that includes abrupt maneuvers. We use a Gauss-Markov state
mean square error estimate of the states. In this correction space model for the node dynamics. Process noise is assumed
step, the EKF also updates (corrects) the state estimation error to be zero. The measurements are constant power RSSI signals
covariance matrix as in Eq. 16. transmitted from fixed position base stations. We use the
5) Initial Conditions: The initial state vector estimate EKF derived in Section IV for state estimation, including
x̂(0|0) and the initial state error covariance matrix are chosen node position coordinates in a two-dimensional spatial grid
and explored in Section V. environment.
6) Jacobian Matrix: The Jacobian matrix given in Sec- The simulation parameters used in Matlab are as follows:
tion III-D is used to linearize the nonlinear RSSI measurement The discretization time step (T ) is 0.5 secs, correlation coeffi-
equation given in Eq. 9. cient (α) is 0.6, path loss index (η) is 3, base station transmis-
sion power (z0,i ) is 90, covariance (σw 2 ) of the noise wk is
C. Performance Measures for the EKF 0.52 [m/s2 ]2 , covariance (σv 2 ) of the noise vi,k is 42 [db]2 , the
The following section summarizes methods for evaluating maximum speed (Vmax ) is 45 m/s, the transition probabilities
the performance of the EKF and its application to the UGV- (pi,j ) are set to 0.8, and the initial mode probabilities μi,0
DTN scenario. are 1/M, i = 1, ...., M, M = 5. The parameters are chosen
• Zero-Mean Test: When the EKF is tuned, it provides the
such that node behavior is realistic. In other words, abrupt
optimal mean squared error (MSE) estimate of the state maneuvers are included to test the estimator’s ability to adapt
vector. A necessary and sufficient condition for the EKF to rapid trajectory changes.
to be optimal is that the innovations sequence is zero- The EKF initial state estimate is set to:
mean and white [9]. We therefore use hypothesis testing T
to ascertain that the innovations have zero mean within x̂(0 | 0) = 3400 5 0 8700 8 0 (17)
a 95% confidence interval, or “two-sigma bounds” [9],
[12], [13]. The EKF initial covariance estimate is set to:
• Whiteness Test: We use another hypothesis test to declare
⎛ ⎞
4002 0 0 0 0 0
whether or not the innovations are white. The test statistic ⎜ 0 152 0 0 0 0⎟
⎜ ⎟
is the normalized sample auto-covariance function of an P̃˜ (0 | 0) = ⎜
⎜ 0 0 52
0 0 0⎟
⎟ (18)
individual innovations sequence. Ideally, if the innova- ⎝ 0 0 0 4002 0 0 ⎠
tions are white, then the auto-covariance should be a 0 0 0 0 0 52
Kronecker delta function. A 95% confidence interval on
the covariance values is computed. If fewer than 5% of The initial state estimate was chosen based on the assump-
the N-1 samples in the covariance sequence that follow tion that we have reasonable a priori knowledge of the initial
the sample at zero lag lie within the confidence interval, states of the UGV node because we deploy the node ourselves.
then the innovations are declared to be white [9], [12], The initial covariance estimate is chosen based on the estimate
[13]. we make on the standard deviations of the node states based
• Root Mean Square Error (RMSE): The error in the states on our knowledge of the operational environment and node
is given by x̃(t) = x(t) − x̂(t|t − 1). We compute and capabilities.

2014 IEEE International Inter-Disciplinary Conference on Cognitive Methods in Situation Awareness and Decision Support (CogSIMA)

A. Estimation of the States with the EKF are shown to be acceptable in that they are approximately zero
The discrete-time input command process ux,k and uy,k mean and Gaussian in distribution. The errors are shown to be
is chosen to be a first order Markov chain that can take on zero-mean and lie within the two sigma-bounds at three tenths
discrete values -3.5, 0 and 3.5 in units of m/s2 . The command of a percent deviation each.
input includes two turns, once at 150 secs and once at 200 secs.
Please see [12] for further details.
A plot of the estimated track x̂k|k−1 from the EKF overlayed
on a plot of the actual trajectory to include base stations used
for triangulation is shown in Fig. 4. After the initial track
errors during the transient state, the estimation settles into a
trajectory that tracks closely to the actual
trajectory. A plot of
the estimated root mean speed ẋ ˆk = x̂2 + x̂2 overlayed
on a plot of the actual root mean speed ẋk = x2 2,k + x2 5,k
is illustrated in Fig. 5. The initial velocity errors settle after
about 40 seconds of transient behavior and closely track the
true velocity [12].

Fig. 6. Error between the estimated states and the actual states x̃k = x̂k −xk
of the UGV nodes and their respective two sigma bounds plotted over time.
The top plot corresponds to position, the middle plot corresponds to velocity,
and the bottom plot corresponds to acceleration of the UGV node

B. Performance and Tuning of the EKF

The innovations were tested and shown to satisfy the zero-
mean and whiteness tests, as described earlier. Please see [12]
for a complete description of the tests. Figures 7 and 8 depict
a measure of the ability of the EKF to estimate the node
trajectory. Figure 7 shows the position RMSE overlaid on the
position PCRLB for the node. Figure 8 shows the velocity
RMSE overlaid on the velocity PCRLB for the node. In
Fig. 4. Estimated track, simulated track, and locations of base stations both Figures 7 and 8, the means were estimated using 100
transmitting RSSI signals used for triangulation of the UGV node
realizations of the stochastic processes. We see from Figure 7
that the position RMSE is within about 100 meters of the
position PCRLB. In Figure 8, we see that the velocity RMSE
is within about 5 meters of the velocity PCRLB. Given that
the initial position standard deviation was 400m and the initial
velocity standard deviation was 15 m/sec, we see that the EKF
estimates converged nicely toward the best possible theoretical
values (the PCRLB).

Fig. 5. Speed plots of the UGV node. Top plot: estimated root mean speed

ˆk = x̂2 + x̂2 and actual root mean speed ẋk = x2 2,k + x2 5,k .
ẋ 2,k 5,k
Bottom plot: estimated x and y velocity, x̂2,k and x̂5,k and actual x and y
velocity, x2,k and x5,k of the node

The error between the estimated and actual states x̃k = Fig. 7. Ensemble average of the position RMSE plotted with the ensemble
xk − x̂k|k−1 over time is presented in Fig. 6. The errors x̃k average of the position PCRLB of the UGV node over 100 runs

2014 IEEE International Inter-Disciplinary Conference on Cognitive Methods in Situation Awareness and Decision Support (CogSIMA)

is minimized. The algorithm is shown to implement efficient

mobility tracking of UGV nodes in a wireless network and
therefore can be legitimately integrated into a new cooperative
routing protocol with enhanced performance. In our future
work, the formulation of a path planning strategy using the
mobility prediction model developed in this paper will be
studied in the UGV-DTN environment.
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Note that the convergence speed of the EKF is highly

sensitive to the choice of initial conditions. The more prior
knowledge one has of the operational environment and node
behavior, the better choices one can make for the initial
In this paper we have implemented a mobility estimation
algorithm that can be coupled with a cooperative commu-
nication routing algorithm to provide a basis for real time
path planning in UGV-DTNs. The algorithm is based on an
EKF technique that exploits a non-linear Gauss Markov state
model to reflect node dynamics. The EKF algorithm filters
recursively, estimating the current state of the UGV node.
The storage of additional past information is not required,
so storage resource utilization for an individual UGV node


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