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Unit 5


After completing this unit, the students are

expected to be able to:

 Identify good attitude in job

 Know some common questions in job
 Know how to conduct job interview
I. Starter

Here are mistakes as some of major reasons for the rejection for the job seeking

Voice quality and low Bad handshakes

No eye-contact confidence level
Inappropriate attire
Don’t have information Bad posture
about the company


In your opinion which mistake contribute to the failure of job interview?

II. Reading & Vocabulary

1. Complete the table based on the information you got

Do’s Don’ts





Inappropriate Attire
Wearing a tuxedo to an interview is never appropriate. Wearing shorts, knee
high socks, and sandals will give a bad first impression. Our advice to both men and
women is to be professional and conservative in your approach. Figure out what the
professional attire for that industry is and wear the most basic colors and accessories.
You want to draw attention to your personal qualities not your $5000 Tiffany diamond

Weak Handshakes
“Rock” or “Dap” - the traditional handshake - is going nowhere in the
professional world. A weak handshake shows that you are not confident. For a proper
 Look other party directly in the eye
 Hold out right hand
 Grip his or her hand firmly (not crushingly)
 Shake (use your judgement on how many shakes)

Lack of eye-contact
Remember you’re not interviewing in a room by yourself! Engage all
participants with eye contact both when you speak and when you are listening. Failing
to do that can send the message that you are uncomfortable and lack confidence.

Bad Posture
You may have developed bad posture habits over years of doing the same thing
and not even realized it! No worries though! We will give you some tips for appropriate
 Sit up straight
 Keep shoulders relaxed
 Keep both feet on the ground
 Do not hunch over or lean in
 Do not cross arms or legs
Overall you want to display body language that is open and makes you approachable.

Filler Words
The annoyingfiller words have ruined many an interview over the years. An
advice for you: if the word is out of place in writing, don’t use it when you talk. You
would NEVER use “um” in writing! So don’t say it when you talk! Lose it from your
vocabulary! Here are some other words/phrases you should not use:
 Whatever (shows disinterest)
 Ya know (No I don’t know! That’s why I asked!!)
 Uh (See “um”)
 So (Gets old real fast)
The best way to rid yourself of filler words is to just slow your rate of speech. Let your
mind to organize your dialogue.
Fast Pace & Negative Tone
There is no rush to finish the interview and you don’t want the interviewer to
miss anything that you said. This means that you must deliver answers at a smooth
pace and with composure and clarity. Also make sure to keep an upbeat tone in your
voice.ou should be excited for the opportunity to interview! Interviewers want to see
you display that excitement and passion!

Poor Manner
Some interviewees seem to throw all manners out the door in the interview.
If you’re offered a drink your response should be “yes please” or “no thank you”, not
“yeah” or “no”. Always address the interviewer by the name they introduced
themselves as not “bro” or “lady”. Most importantly, thank them for their time after the
interview is over. They didn’t have to take your interview so be appreciative of their

2. Match the vocabulary highlighted in the text with the following meaning
a. Look at each other’s eye Eye-contact
b. Feeling or opinion about someone ...............................................
c. Clothes, especially for formal type ...............................................
d. Words that mark a pause in speech ...............................................
e. Speed ...............................................
f. Way something happens ...............................................

III. Listening
1. Watch the video “08
common Interview question and answers - Job Interview Skills” and
match the questions with the possible answer.

a. Tell me about your self! When I was in my internship program, I was

C very adaptable with new conditions. I never
complaint about with whom I will work with.
b. What are your strengths? I’m a perfectionist person. It makes me really
D care to the detail. That’s why sometimes I need
more time to accomplish a task. But I realize
that and I always try to improve it.
c. How well you handle a I grew up in Indonesia. I love to help people. I
A have several internship experiences in local
hospitals. During that program, I learn fast and
got lot of practical knowledge.
d. What are your weaknesses? Your company is very well-known for the
F customer service. You also won the several
awards related to it.
e. What are your short and Well, definitely working under or without
long-term goals? G pressure would just the same for me. When I
was a student, in the end of semester, it
frequents we got a lot of assignment and
schedule for practices. However, i can handle it
with a good time management.
f. Tell me something about
B I’m a very organized person. I plan everything
what you know about our carefully before starting my work. I’m an easy-
company! going person so that I’m quite approachable for
many people. I believe these are my strengths.
g. How well do you work Well, in the first year I want to gain as many as
D practical experiences. Then maybe in the next
under pressure?
few years, I can be in a management position.

IV. Grammar Focus

Wh-questions begin with what, when, where, who, whom, which, whose, why
and how. We use them to ask for information. The answer cannot be yes or

What is used for a thing.

‘What are your strengths/ weaknesses?’

Who is used for a person. Whose has the same meaning but it is always followed
by a noun.
‘Who is your role model?’
‘Whose application is that?’

Why is used for a reason.

‘Why do you leave your previous job?’

When is used for a time or date

‘When do you want to start working here?’

Which is used for a choice.

‘Which do you prefer, tea or coffee?’

Where is used for a place.

‘Where did you study?’

How is used for an amount or the way or condition.

‘How much salary do you want?’
How do I get the infomation about this company?’
How is Ms. Helen?


1. Watch the video about

“Top 10 interview questions for Nurses”
2. Write down the questions.
3. Work in pair to prepare the answer of questions given in the video.

These are some videos about interview for nurses’ positions so you can gain lots
of insight about it:
1. 12 Nursing Interview
Questions & How to Answer Them
2. Live Nursing Interview
3. Nursing Interview
Important Questions and Answers
4. AnAnswersh?v=iMS16PUKwCs Top 10
Interview Questions & Answers

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