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Assalamualaikum, my name is farhah lylia.

I’m the leader of Baling Superwomen Entrepreneurs

project or also known as BSEP. We got this idea when my friends and I helped our lecturer during
short courses. We thought why don’t we help the entrepreneurs in developing the business. Thus,
we came with this project. We have a little chat with the participant. Most of them are small
entrepreneur comes from small village yet they have a big dream to become a successful
businesswoman. They sell downstream products such as ikan pekasam, frozen food, traditional
coffee and chips. Their monthly income is very low, average from RM 300 to RM 500 per month.
From there, we consult with our lecturer to help those women. We started by identifying who we
want to help. Then we try to find what the products’ problem is. Through there we try our best to
help those entrepreneurs to enhance their product not just the appearance but also with the quality.
Throughout this project its help me build my leadership and problem solving skills.

Assalamualaikum, my name is ………………….. I’m part of Baling Superwoman Entrepreneur Project.

Through this project I’ve learn that’s everything is possible if you want to be successful. All you need
is hard work. There are lots of agency that can help you if you want to start up a business. All we
need to do is meet with the agency and ask for their help. Through this project I work as a mediator
between the agencies and the entrepreneur. I assist the entrepreneur on paperwork making and
also help to sell their product. This has help me built my confidence and communication skill.

Assalamualaikum, my name is ……………. BSEP help me improve my entrepreneurial potential. Before

this I have never interested in business but after joining this project I can see how doing a business
can improve your life and it is also fun. I get to meet and see different types of entrepreneur with
different types of business. I observed and learned how hard it is to be successful. I really hope this
project will still be continued even after I finish studying because it has help improve so many small
entrepreneurs economy and indirectly help us the students with the real life experience.

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