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Health Faculty

Midwife Nursery D IV Program

National University
Scientific Papers, Jakarta, Octover 2017
Surya Hanim Br Sebayang
The Prevalence of Anemia in 3rd Trimester Pregnant Women at Tarakan Hospital in 2017
xvi + 65 pages + 6 tables + 2 diagrams + 5 attachments
Background: The level of maternal morbidity on women who give birth normally is 1:5 compared
to elective Caesarean Section (C-section). However, the morbidity risk for failed vaginal birth
after caesarean (VBAC) during perinatal period is two times more compared those who chose for
a re C-section. One of the setbacks of giving birth normally is that it will leave a traumatizing birth
pain. C-section should only be performed when there are indications that would harm the wellness
of the mother and the baby that arise moments from nascency. One of the complications that could
occur to the baby known as Transient Tachypnea of the New Born (TTNB) or respiratory distress
which can cause accumulation of fluids filling the lungs of the baby in the womb which were not
compressed due to the C-section not delivering babies through the normal birth canal.
Furthermore, C-section babies look a bit drowsy due to the effect of anesthetic use.
Aim: To identify the correlation between anxiety and obstetrical emergency on the choice of labor
method on women with C-section history.
Research Design: Comparative descriptive analytic with case control study design.
Research Method: Subjects consist of 51 patients where the data were obtained from medical
records of patients who gave birth in the delivery room (VK) at Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah
Tarakan (RSUD Tarakan) in Central Jakarta from January to October 2017 which fulfilled the
inclusive and exclusive criteria. There were 17 VBACs take using the Total Sampling method
whereas the control group comprised 34 mothers chose using the ‘Proportionate Stratified random
sampling’ method who underwent C-section. Chi square test was used using a computer program.
Result: the results shows that there are correlations between anxiety (p=0.012; OR 0.073; 95%
Cl= 0.008-0.688) and obstetric emergency (p=0.001; OR 0.0111; 95% Cl= 0.029-0.429) on the
choice of labor method on pregnant women with histories of C-sections.
Conclusion: The number of VBACs among pregnant women at RSUD Tarakan in 2017 were only
17 (15.2%) which is lower compared to those who gave birth through C-sections which were 95
Keywords: Vaginal Birth after Caeserea (VBAC), Caesrean Section (CS), Anxiety, Obstetrical
References: 25 (2012-2017)

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