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Activity 3 – Writing assignment


Claudia Paola Gómez Código:

Nilsa Dyney García Código:1117499149
Yarledy Mellizo Código:

Grupo: 900002_305

Leidy Katerine Ortega

Universidad Abierta Y A Distancia Unad

Escuela de Ciencias Sociales Artes Y Humanidades
Programa de psicología
06 –OCTUBRE-2017
A. Check grammar structures/vocabulary: Each participant will select ONE
Grammar topic to COMPLETE the chart in the forum with the explanations of
such grammar topics


Present simple Explanation:To express habits and routines, general
facts, repeated actions or situations, emotions and
permanent desires
Structure: The structure of the verb in simple
present is normally the same as the form of the
infinitive in all persons except the third singular
person, where an "s" or "is" is added: I work, you
work, she / he / it / works We work, they work. I go,
you go, she / he / it goes, we go, they go.
Examples: I smoke (habit); I work in London
(stay); London is a large city (general fact)
To give instructions or directions:
You walk for two hundred meters, then you turn left.
To discuss scheduled, present or future events:
Your exam starts at 09.00.
To refer to the future, behind some conjunctions:
after, when, before, as soon as, until:
I'll give it to you when you eat next Saturday.

Present progressive Explanation: this tense allows expressing the

ongoing action that a person performs.
Structure: In this case the sentences have to be
formed by using the verb to be. Its structure is the
verb to be plus the verb that represents the action
using its gerund way and the complement. To ask
you need to change just the position of the verb to be
and keep the rest of the sentence. To negate it is
only necessary to add the negation form of the verb
to be.
Examples: Affirmative sentences: I am watching tv
right now. They are eating a cake. We are partying
at Milena’s house. She is baking a cake. This job is
being hard. He is singing a beautiful song. Negative
sentences: I am not cooking today. They are not
enjoying the film. She is not doing her homework. It
is not being funny. You are not respecting your
friend. Interrogative sentences: Are you working the
whole day? Are we attending to the concert tonight?
Are they eating shrimps? Is she watching a romantic
movie? Is he falling in love with her?

There is/are Explanation: It is used to talk about quantity. It is

useful to describe how many units there are by using
them. "There is" is used to talk about one thing and
"there are" to talk about
several. Structure: Depending on the number of
things you are going to talk about you use one of
them plus the noun and the complement. To negate
and write interrogative sentences it is necessary to
use the verb to be form. Examples: Affirmative
ones: there are many apples on the table. There is
one option tonight. There are two dogs at home.
Negative ones: There are no more options. There is
no food today at home. Interrogative ones: is there
any cookie left? Are there more plates downstairs?
Frequency adverbs These adverbs indicate the periodicity with which an
action is performed. To know, we ask "how often?"
(always, never, often, once a day).
always (ólweis)
usually (iúshuali)
frequently (fríkuentli)
often (ófen)
sometimes (sámtáims)
occasionally (okéishonali)
rarely (rérli)
seldom (séldom)
hardly ever (járdli éver)
never (néver)
 I always have little eggs for breakfast.
✓ Erika occasionally visits her sisters.

Connectors in writing
B. Practice: Each participant will select ONE practical exercise that is different from
the topic he/she explained before in order to develop the answers in the forum

Exercise 1. From the picture of the refrigerator. Write 5 complete positive sentences,
three negative sentences and two interrogative sentences using THERE + BE


1. There is fresh lettuce in the last drawer of the fridge

2. The broccoli is next to the pepper and the carrots
3. There is a jar full of strawberries on top of the lettuce
4. There is meat in the first drawer of the fridge
5. There is a soda beside the jar of the milk

Negative sentences

1. There is no onion in the fridge

2. No water in the fridge for juice
3. There are no sausages in the fridge

Interrogative sentences using

1. ¿Is there chicken in the fridge to make lunch?
2. ¿Is there fruit for breakfast?

Exercise 2: write corresponding sentences to the images in Present simple tense. Use The
subject according to the pictures

1) He takes a shower before going out.
2) The boy wears a white t-shirt to go to the school
3) She gets up early in the morning
4) She stretches her body before getting up
5) She walks from her house to the school
6) He eats quickly each morning
7) The girl washes the dishes after eating
8) He washes his teeth three times a day
9) She takes notes in all her classes
10)He relaxes in front of the TV after having long days.
Exercise 3: Describe ten actions of the people in the picture. Use presente progressive
in both positive and pegative


1. The boy is reading a book outdoors

2. The boy is riding his skateboard in the pack, but he is not wearing the protective
3. She is walking in the park with her dog
4. A couple is riding a bicycle in the park
5. The man is running in the park
6. The photographer is taking pictures of the landscape.
7. The Lord is playing the guitar, but he is not singing
8. The couple are sharing a delicious lunch outdoors
9. The young man is using the computer while he is sitting in the park chair
10. The boy is taking guitar lessons in the park
Exercise 3: Answer five questions about you and five about one member from your
family. Use Adverbs of frequency

How often do you do these activities?

1. I rarely play basketball with my friends

2. I always do my homework
3. Sometimes i go shopping with my friends
4. I always read a book before bed
5. I visit my friends from time to time

How often does your family member do these activities?

1. Mom always sends love messages to Dad for her birthday.

2. my mom always takes two showers a day
3. My mom rarely showers in the afternoon
4. My mom always washes clothes with hot water
5. My mommy from time to time goes swimming to relax


C. Planning the letter to your mother: You will write a letter to your mother
describing what your life is like after two months of moving with your
husband/wife/partner to a different country. You will include description of the
city, description of daily routine and description of a picture you sent.
Párrafo 1 Salutation Greetings
Hello, mother of my heart I tell you that I am happy to start a new stage in
my life with my husband, but I miss you a lot, your attentions, your
delicious meals. I tell you Cristian already has an excellent job, for my
part I'm waiting for answers to some interviews I did work, however the
climate change has affected me a bit and I'm a little indisposed but nothing
serious I'll be sending you photos so you can see this beautiful place, it is
very pleasant on vacation will bring you to meet you, soon will come the
summer season will be great you will love it.

Párrafo 2 Describing Your City

Mom, it has been so special for me. I am living so wonderful experiences
and my husband and I are very excited because of this new challenge. This
place is really awesome. Our house is placed just in front of the downtown
and I can see so many people every day. As you know, it can be so
expensive but this is worth it. There is a museum and I enjoy a lot visiting
it. We usually go for tours everyday because it is not that expensive so we
can know more places by using a bus and looking around. There are three
big churches seen so far and I am totally sure that you are going to love
them. The restaurants are amazing and their food as well. Spain people are
pretty organized. I have not seen garbage on the floor and the nights are
beautiful. The streets are very bright. This is a country with a nice culture
which I am very happy to know. I would like to have the opportunity to
spend time here with my mom too. So, get ready to visit me because I am
working on it.

Párrafo 3 Describing Your House

Describing Your and your partner` s routine

Párrafo 4 Mother then I tell you my daily days are to get up at 6 in the morning and
arrange the children and take them to school I go back and prepare
Fabian's breakfast that goes to work at the office, after organizing the
house I leave for 10 : 30 for the gym where I am an hour and return to
prepare lunch. Fabian brings the children and we have lunch together, then
we take a nap after my children do the tasks with the help of papito and
Párrafo 5

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