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Serenity Martinie

Praxis Core Exam Analysis

In order to take courses towards a Bachelors Degree in Education at UNLV, NSC, or UNR, I

must pass the Praxis Core Exam. The passing scores for the Praxis Core in Nevada are as follows: 150

for Math, 156 for Reading, and 162 for Writing.

I prepared for this exam by skimming over the descriptions in each of the study companions, and

then heavily studying the practice examples within them. I studied each section by printing out the

companion pages with the practice questions and working each of them out, and then comparing them to

the answers. After which, I briefly reviewed the questions I got wrong. In total, I spent the most time

studying the Math section and the least time studying the Reading section. Unfortunately that reflected in

my results.

The following scores represent how likely I am to pass each section when I take the official

Praxis Core Exam. In Math, I scored in the 87% range, which means that I am likely to pass. In Writing, I

scored 83% which means that I am likely to pass in this section as well. Lastly, I scored 75% in Reading,

which means I am borderline passing.

In order to prepare for the actual Praxis Exam, I intend on doing several things. I will meet with

tutors regarding the area of weaknesses that the practice test diagnostics pointed out. This includes:

statistics and probability for Math, text types, purposes, and production for Writing, and key ideas for

Reading. I also plan to find study guides and practice my test taking skills. I will definitely take advantage

of the test prep website and any other online Praxis prep resources that I find, and I will take Praxis

Review courses at CSN if I can afford them. Lastly, I will prepare by working out as many example

questions as possible. Overall I realize how much of a challenge it is going to be to not only pass, but to

excel on the actual Praxis Exam.

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