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Mulberry District
Spring Camporee
Camping by the River

Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts

Camp Friday
March 16-18 2018
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Dear Mulberry Scouter:

The following pages will introduce you to the Mulberry Spring Camporee . The Camping Committee
has worked on putting together a Camporee that brings adventure while encouraging the Scouts to
work on basic scouting skills with teamwork in mind. The hope is that your units will want to ‘Be
Prepared’ for the Camporee by practicing for the events and get excited about competing for honors.

Please read this 2018 Mulberry Spring Camporee Guidebook. This guidebook is being
distributed to Mulberry District unit leaders with the intention of letting you know what events
to expect at the Camporee and help organize the event. There are pre-assigned camp areas
for Boy Scouts so letting us know early you’re attending helps you on getting a good site!

Once you arrive at the site, please report to the Staff Headquarters. Have your Unit
Registration Sheet completed with all youth and adults attending from your unit. It will be
helpful if the unit leader to pays for everyone when registering if at all possible. There will be
designated separate camping areas for Troop and Packs, please camp in your applicable
designated area. Maps, a schedule of events and patches will be available at Staff
Headquarters when you check in.

Our staff will be happy to answer any questions you may have concerning the camporee.
Please contact one of the following persons if needed:

District Director- Vicki Rosengarten 256-272-3523

Camporee Coordinator- Danny Crigger (256) 347-0427
Camping Committee Chairman -
Cub Coordinator- Allison Sloan 205-919-3651
Look forward to seeing you in March at the Camporee!

Directions to Camp Friday

From Birmingham: Take 65 north to exit 284 Hayden/Corner. Go right off the exit to Hayden
heading east for approximately 11 miles . Look for “ District Camporee” signs at the entrance. Turn
right onto Elbert Gallimore Road and follow the signs

From Cullman: Take I65 south to exit 284. Go left off the exit to Hayden heading east for
approximately 11 miles . Look for “ District Camporee” signs at the entrance. Turn right onto Elbert
Gallimore Road and follow the signs .

Address: 401 Elbert Gallamore Road Hayden 35079

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DATE: March 16-18
LOCATION: Camp Friday
401 Elbert Gallimore Road in Hayden, Alabama
DRESS: Official Scout Uniform should be worn when you arrive, Opening Ceremony, Campfire
programs and for Scout’s Own services. Units should wear Activity Uniforms at other times.
FOOD: Each Troop will be responsible for its food..
The Registration fee will be $12.00 per person (Scouts and Scouters) for those camping and $8.00 per
person for those attending Saturday only. This fee includes: Insurance, Camping Fee, Camporee
Supplies, plus a Camporee Patch for each participant. Extra Patches will be on sale for $3.00. Unit
Registration Sheets must be turned in at registration when your unit arrives.
Units should check in on Friday between 4:00 and 7:30 at Staff HQ (look for signs)
Please camp by Units; this will help you and the judges in the Campsite Competition Event. Please
note: Upon breaking camp Sunday morning, your campsite needs to be cleaned up and left cleaner
than you found it. All campfires must be properly extinguished and cleaned.
Trash disposal is the responsibility of each Unit.
Portalets will be placed throughout the area. There will be water but bring your own drinking water.
Knives, axes and saws used by units shall be the responsibility of the unit leader. Any unsafe or
improper use shall result in the lowering of the unit score. Anyone using an axe, saw or knife must
have a valid Totin’ Chip card. No sheath knives are to be used. Medical staff will be in attendance at
the Camporee to take care of any minor and/or major medical emergencies.
Visitors are welcome but must check in at STAFF HQ upon arrival. (Please leave pets at home).
Each unit that participates will receive a Participation Ribbon.
2. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place ribbons will be awarded to the winning Patrol or Den of competitive events.
3. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place ribbons will be awarded to the Troop & Pack with the highest overall score.

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General Camporee Information
Friday evening at 9:00 PM there will be a meeting and cracker barrel with the adult leaders
and SPL from each unit. A program outline will be communicated as well as last minute
announcements. Saturday evening will feature a campfire and awards. Each troop is
encouraged to contribute a skit or song. Please be prepared to have your SPL provide the
Program Director with the song or skit for screening at noon on Saturday. In the event of
duplicates the first one submitted will be ok’d and the duplicate must be changed. Please
conform to Scouting standards when choosing your song or skit. Sunday morning there will
be an non-denominational worship service. All troops may attend.

After you break camp and clean up your campsite please send a representative to the
headquarters area to have their campsite inspected. Please leave the area in better condition
than you found it. Following a successful inspection, the troop will be allowed to leave.

Please follow Leave No Trace concepts. Please bring your own garbage bags and plan to
take your trash with you. There are no dumpsters on site.
Remember, no fire or flames inside tents at any time. Most campsites will not have fire rings.
We will adhere with fire warnings so If fires are allowed, please have campfires in your camp
area either in a portable fire pit (such as a kettle style grill) or build it according to leave no
trace principles.
There will be water available at the camporee site but please plan to bring portable water
storage for your troop, as it may be necessary to carry your water from the source by hand.
We will be next to a lake and creek so please dispose of wastewater properly.
There will be port-o-potties on site.
NO ELECTRONICS ALLOWED (Radios, TVs, cell phones, video games, IPODS, CD and
DVD players, MP3 players, should be left at home or in the car)

Please make sure that your scouts are prepared and dressed for the weather. This is
Alabama, after all, and you can never tell from one day to the next if it will be pleasant or
frigid in March. Severe weather plan will be covered at SPL/SM meeting.

Please have a Parts A & C health forms on all participants are required and will be reviewed
along with your registration when you arrive. They will be retained by the unit but must be
readily available and accessible to the first aid staff at all times. Scoutmasters are
responsible for the dispensing of prescribed medication to any of his scouts that require it.
There are no phones on site. Please have a leader with a cell phone give his number as an
emergency contact for scout’s families. If there is an emergency at the camporee, see the
Scoutmaster in charge at headquarters.

Troops are encouraged to display their troop and patrol flags at their campsites. To build the
gateway for your campsite, each troop is required to bring any wood and supplies you will
need with you as there will not be available wood “lying around”. Patrols are encouraged to
carry their patrol flag during the activities. Patrol yells and songs (within Scouting standards)
are encouraged. Scout spirit can be shown by participation.

At the camporee we want to keep up with who is supposed to be in the camporee area and
who isn’t. Visitors must check in or they’ll be asked to leave.

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Mulberry District
Spring Camporee
March 16-18
Registration Form

Unit # ____________ Adult Leader: ____________________ Youth Leader __________________

Troop : _____ Pack: _____ Crew:_____ Number of Scouts and Adults: __________

X $12.00 per person at event = $__________

Extra patches: ______________ X $3.00 each = $__________

Total enclosed = $__________

Adult leaders attending: 1. ___________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________

Patrol name: _______________Patrol name: _______________ Patrol name: ______________

1.________________________1. _______________________ 1. _______________________
2. _______________________ 2.________________________ 2. _______________________
3._______________________ 3. ________________________ 3.________________________
4. _______________________ 4. ________________________ 4. _______________________
5. _______________________ 5. ________________________ 5. _______________________
6. _______________________ 6. ________________________ 6. _______________________
7. _______________________ 7. ________________________ 7. _______________________
8. _______________________ 8. ________________________ 8. _______________________

Skit or song Skit or song Skit or song

________________________ _________________________ _________________________

________________________ __________________________ ________________________

Please list any additional names on the back of this form.

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Mulberry Spring 2018
At Camp Friday
Friday, March 16th
4:00 – 7:30 P.M. Registration / Check In at Staff HQ
5:00 – 7:30 P.M. Troop Campsite Setup
8:00 – 8:30 pm SPL / Scoutmaster Meeting
9:15 – 10:00 pm Fellowship Cracker Barrel at Staff HQ < Everyone Welcome >
10:45 TAPS (Quiet Time strictly observed)

Saturday, March 17th

7:00 – 8:30 am Reveille, Breakfast, and TROOP CAMPSITE PREP
8:15 – 8:30 am Boy Scout & WEBELOS Orientation <Assemble At Staff HQ>
All Scoutmasters, Senior Patrol Leaders & WEBELOS Den leaders
(Round Robin Format, assembly on Field next to Staff HQ at 8:30 am)
11:30 – 1:00 Lunch
1:30 – 2:15 Troop Campsite Inspection (Inspectors report to Staff HQ at 1:15)
2:45 – 3:30 TEAM COMPETITION EVENTS (Events held on the Field near Staff HQ)
3:30 – 5:00 Free time events: Ultimate frisbee
5:00 – 7:00 Dinner < Troop & Patrol Responsibility>
6:15 – 6:30 Dutch Oven Cook-Off Judging <Sign Up for Event when Registering Unit>
7:00 – 8:15 Campfire Program (Awards, skits, songs )
8:30 – 9:00* Cracker Barrel
10:45 TAPS (Quiet Time strictly observed)

Sunday, March 18th

7:00 – 8:00 A.M. Reveille – Breakfast
8:30 – 9:00 A.M Scout’s Own Devotional Service & Return to Camp
09:15 – 12:00 Break Camp, Camp Clean-up Inspection & Check Out at STAFF HQ

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(Check at registration for a schedule of when things occur)
These events are designed to offer as much variety as possible to different age Scout camping at the
Camporee. A Scout is not expected to work on and participate in every single event; we only wish
to have something for everyone. The following Demonstration Show & Do activities will be available:


This disc throwing event encourages unit competition. Join in and Pull for your Troop, Patrol or Crew.

Cub Scouts

Skit Practice
Are you smarter than a Cub Scout?(Parents Vs. Cubs)
Team Building Relays

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Cornhole Competition

Set up the boards directly facing each other with 27 feet between the front edge of each board. Pick
which side of the board you’ll throw from. In a 4-player game, your partner’s pitching box will be
directly across from you, patrols may rotate scouts so that all can play the game
Decide who goes first (usually the ugliest person) then take turns throwing bags with your opponent.
You throw one bag, then your opponent, then you, then your opponent, etc. Your feet may not go past
the front edge of the board.
Scoring is simple. After all bags have been thrown, a bag remaining on the board is worth 1 point. A
bag that went in the hole is worth 3 points. First patrol to 21 wins. Winning patrols will play the other
winning patrols in order to get 1st 2nd, and 3rd.

No Match Fire Starting

Scout team with materials supplied by the troop; judged on the time it takes to get a self-sustaining
flame to boil a cup of water. Flint, steel wool, etc., are permitted but no matches, lighters or
commercial scratch lighter. You will need good tinder here.

Log Hoist

Scout team : judged on time. Throw a 30 ft rope over a 6 ft crossbar 15ft away. Run up and tie a
timber hitch to a log (20 in long ). Hoist the log free of the ground and hitch the rope to a peg at your
starting point. The log must remain clear of the ground.

Tripod Chair

Scout team; judged on time. Lash and erect a tripod from three poles 14 ft long. Test by
suspending a rope with a bosun’s chair ( bowline on a bight) from the top. One scout must sit in the
chair and remain clear of the ground.

Blindfold Bowline-square knot

Two scout team; judged on time completed correctly. Scouts are blindfolded and forbidden to talk. All
will first tie a bowline on themselves, and then will tie a square knot between them

Compass Game

Scout team; judged on time completed correctly. Scouts receive an instruction card. This card tells the
players their bearings which direct them from marker to marker around the course. Each player copies
down the letter on each marker along their route. The six letter code word thus produced is checked
against the respective code work on the answer sheet. No two instruction cards describe the same

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Knot Relay

Have the patrols line up behind a starting line. A leader stands opposite each patrol and has one or two
ropes, and a pole (if desired).

At the GO signal, each patrol send one scout forward. The leader gives them a randomly selected knot.
The scout then must successfully tie that knot before returning to their patrol. When each scout returns to
the patrol, the next scout is sent forward.

Have each leader count the number of knots successful tied. Keep moving until the game period has
nearly expired. The patrol with the most successfully tied knots wins.

By running this relay for a fixed time, there is no need to adjust for different sized groups. Each scout
should get the opportunity to tie 2 or 3 different knots (at least).

In this game, the leaders should be willing to help scouts who have problems with specific knots.

Giant Knot

Scout team; judged on time. Given a 50’ rope, tie a clove hitch to a post in the middle of a 15’ circle.
You may not enter the circle.

Cub Scout Events

Shooting Sports (BB, Sling Shot and Archery)

Maps & Compass
First Aid
Science Experiments
Cooking without fire
CSI (Cub Scout Investigators)

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This competition will be between Patrols. Competition will take place on Saturday between 5 and 7
p.m. Judging will be conducted between 6:30 & 6:45pm giving the patrol/den 1 ½ hours to fully
prepare & cook the dish. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finishers will be awarded. This event does not count in
the overall unit competition.
Contestants are expected to provide their own Dutch ovens, ingredients, cooking utensils,
and preparation items. Gas or propane stoves are not allowed, but may be used to start charcoal and
heat water for clean up. Minimum Dutch oven size is 10 inches for all judged dishes.
Ingredients may not be precooked or prepared for cooking prior to the beginning of the cookoff.
All preparation must take place during the competition, only Dutch ovens may be used for cooking.
The patrol may elect to prepare an entire meal (which we encourage), but only one dish may
be presented for judging. It may be a meat, vegetable, salad or dessert.
PRESENTATION (20 Up to Points)
The food should include appropriate garnish, color contrasts, harmony and edible decorations. Light
and dark color contrast is often very pleasing. The pots should be very clean and well seasoned inside
and outside. Contestants will be rewarded for desirability of the dish. The dish will be penalized for
garnishes that hide the food, or are not edible. Extra decor will not result in additional points.
Contestants will be rewarded for even cooking that results in a uniform color and surface texture
such as the golden brown rolls with crisp crust and the evenly browned meat. Contestants will be
penalized for spotty cooking, burned spots, raw, tough, soggy, brittle, or crumbling results.
Contestants will be rewarded for pleasant aroma, uniform color, evenness of cooking, consistent
texture, and completeness of the cooking process. Contestants will be penalized for spotty cooking,
burned or raw spots, streaks or lumps.
TASTE (30 Up to Points)
The ideal dish is food that that tastes delicious. Contestants will be rewarded for pleasant use of
spices, natural food flavor, evenness of cooking, chewability and aroma. Contestants will be
penalized for toughness, off flavors, burned food, foreign objects, flatness, unwanted lumps, spotty
cooking, cold spots, raw spots and soggy crusts.
CLEANLINESS (20 Up to Points)
Utensils, ovens, ingredients, prep areas, and personal cleanliness will be watched. Contestants will
be rewarded for the use of wash areas, table coverings, washing of hands, and covering food items
from contamination. Contestants will be penalized for the lack of cleanliness in preparation and
cooking areas, ovens, ingredients, and hand washing.
TECHNIQUE (10 Up to Points)
Contestants will be judged on the showing of the proper use of ovens, heat source, tools, and
utensils. Contestants will be rewarded for proper use of tools, heat source, and ovens. Team
members should know how to start charcoal briquettes. They should also be able to show proper fire
use. Lack of these skills will be penalized. Dutch oven techniques showing proper use of ovens, heat
source, tools, and utensils should be judged. Reward proper use of tools, heat source, and ovens. Team
members should know how to start charcoal briquettes. They should also be able to show proper fire
use. Lack of these skills should be penalized.

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TROOP # ________ SPL ________________
Camporee Judges will judge each Troop on the following items. This inspection will take place
Saturday between 1:00 P.M. and 2:30 P.M. There will be awards for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place units. The
score will also be added to the overall unit scoring.


1. Defined entranceway to campsite (30 points) ( )

2. U.S. Flag properly displayed (20 points) ( )

3. Troop Flag properly displayed (20 points) ( )

4. First Aid Kit displayed, accessible (25 points) ( )

5. Evidence of Troop / Patrol spirit (25 points) ( )

6. Water buckets for fire (Filled and marked) (20 points) ( )

7. Campsite cleanliness (20 points) ( )

8. Trash bags easily located (20 points) ( )

9. Facility for Hand Sanitation (20 points) ( )

(200 points possible) Total ( )

Bonus points

1. Troop area clearly marked (10 points) ( )

2. Troop & Patrol equipment neatly organized (10 points) ( )

3. Safe campfire area (Must be raised off the ground ) (10 points) ( )

4. Ax yard properly marked, used, & safe (10 points) ( )

5. Troop Local camping permit displayed (10 points) ( )

( 50 points possible) Total ( )

GRAND TOTAL (250 points possible) ( )

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Welcome to the Mulberry District Camporee. It is the goal of the Mulberry District Camping
Committee to provide a safe environment for all District camporee events. As part of the Committee
function, a Camp Emergency Preparedness Plan has been developed for this event. It is requested that
all units review the following to familiarize themselves with their responsibilities under the Plan.


The camp first aid and Staff Headquarters will be designated at the Camporee site. Safety personnel
will be on duty 24 hours a day during the entire event. Any emergency or safety concern should be
reported to a Camporee Staffer as soon as practical.


In the event an emergency is declared, an emergency signal will be sounded. The signal will be
three short (3 second) air horn or siren blasts and will be repeated after about a 30 second pause.
Upon receiving the emergency signal, all Scouts and leaders must recall to their campsite and wait
for further instructions unless in by doing so would place members in immediate danger. Upon receipt
of the emergency signal, the Unit Safety Liaison shall proceed as rapidly as possible to the Staff HQ.
Unit Safety Liaison will then be briefed by the Camporee Director as to the nature of the emergency
and what corresponding action is to be taken.

Lost persons should be reported to the Staff HQ as soon as practical. Camporee Director will
notify the appropriate unit leader and make the necessary determination whether to begin a limited
search or to immediately call the Blount County Search & Rescue for support. In no cases should
Scouts be allowed to search for others alone.

Camp Safety personnel will inspect each campsite as part of the camp inspection team. They will
look for safety concerns such as: improper storage of fuels; leaking, loose, or improper fuel fittings;
tripping and/or climbing hazards; proper controls of axe yards and proper storage and use of axe
yard tools; proper use of grease pits; proper storage of foods; and cleanliness.

Units participating in the Camporee by camping must camp either by units or as contingent units
with appropriate two deep adult leadership. No youth will be allowed to stay overnight without
appropriate adult leaders. During unit check-in (at the Staff HQ), each unit participating in the event
must designate an adult individual as their Unit Safety Liaison. This person should check in with the
Camp Safety Director during the check-in process. A map of the Camporee area will be marked to
show each unit’s campsite and will be kept in the Staff HQ.

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• The name of the leader in charge at camp and emergency backup [including phone number(s)].
This should be someone not at the camp who can be reached in the event an emergency arises
impacting the adult leadership of the unit.
• Where the unit is camping.
• How many youth/adults are camping with the unit.
• Any pertinent medical information concerning individuals in the unit that could affect timely
and effective emergency care.
Each unit will be responsible for dispensing any medications to members of their unit and for
keeping a copy of the medical forms of their members.
Units leaving the camp, for any reason, should check out with the Camporee Director. Individuals
leaving camp, for any reason, should check out with their unit leaders.

Units will be required to use containers to remove any grease at each of the campsites. All “gray-
water” should be properly disposed and units must use Port-o-Lets for personal hygiene.
Units are responsible for bringing portable water for cooking, cleaning, and consumption.

Visitors for the day will be expected to follow the parking restrictions (see Parking section) and
follow appropriate instructions in the event the Camp Emergency Plan is activated. Day visitors will
be instructed to check in at the Staff HQ where they will be briefed on the Emergency Plan and
what to do in the event they need first aid.

Parking will be restricted to designated areas only. The road into the camp and the area around the
main fields must be kept clear for emergency vehicle use. Each overnight unit will be allowed to
bring in temporary vehicles to load and unload equipment (please be courteous and reasonable).
However, each unit will be allowed to keep only one vehicle inside the camping area. The in-camp
vehicle must be parked in the designated spaces in the upper parking lot. All other vehicles must be
moved to the overflow parking area at the entrance to the Camporee area.
Visitors for the day must park in the overflow lot outside the Camporee area. Day use visitors will
be instructed to check in at the Staff HQ.

Rope monkey bridges and pioneering towers are to be built following the guidelines found in the
“Guide to Safe Scouting.” A designated member of the District Activity Staff or Camp Safety
Committee will inspect the bridge or tower before anyone, other than a member of the unit building
a bridge or tower, is permitted to climb or cross the bridge. The Camporee Director or other designated
Staff member will immediately inform the appropriate unit leader of safety concerns regarding
structure(s) the unit has built. It will be the responsibility of the unit leader to rectify and/or control the
use of the unit’s structure.

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