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 What have you studied? / ¿Qué ha estudiado?

I studied an occupational health

 What are you studying now? / ¿Qué está estudiando?

I'm studying a technologist's management I hope to finish it next month

 What have been your motivations to study? / ¿Cuáles han sido sus motivaciones para estudiar?

My first motivation is to study to be someone successful and that my mom is proud of me

My second motivation is to have a lot of knowledge on various topics

My third motivation is to give me luxuries like a big house and a nice car

 Do you plan to study anything else? Why or why not? / ¿Planea estudiar algo más? ¿Por qué? O
¿Por qué no?

Yes, I want to be professional because I want to finish my higher education and be closer to my

 What do you want to do professionally speaking in the next three years? / ¿Qué quiere hacer
profesionalmente hablando en los próximos tres años?

In three years I would like to create my own technology company and be the president of the

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