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Dark Particles

Graham Best
February 9th, 2018
Dark Particles is a theoretical way to explain Dark Energy. Instead of
viewing it as an energy, I view it as a relativistic particle that multiplies
itself as the expansion of the universe progresses. It’s a simple way to
think of it, but extremely difficult to comprehend in mathematical mode,
hence why I wrote this paper to exactly do that. Let’s get to the
multiplication part in my theory. I call it particle proliferation. It acts in a
way comparable to a cell multiplying in numbers. Here is a figure to show
what I mean,

As you can see its a tree, that adds up perfectly.. Except my tree takes on
the form of this equation:

I got this equation by pure logic and thinking, however it should be

correct, where ​ is the index of the sum, and is a function that can
access each index. How did I derive this equation you ask? Well, we know
each multiplied tree is the last number squared, so, would work
and so on. I got infinity because the particle proliferation will go on until
the universe dies out (if this ever happens) and then becomes zero,
cancelling out the whole equation.

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