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ETL 1st Exercise

Create a table EMPLOYEE with fields EMP_ID, EMP_NAME, DEPT, MANAGER, SALARY insert some
sample records.

1. Find out number of employees in respective dept.

2. Group Employee according to their Manager they work under
3. X manager has left the company, So all employees under X manager change their Manager to Y
4. Employees with salary more than 1 lac Grade them as 'A', Salary more than 70k and less than 1
lac 'B', less than 70 k 'C'
5. Pull the data from table EMPLOYEE fields EMP_ID, EMP_NAME where DEPT = 'BI' and rename
the fields as EMP_CODE, EMPLOYEE respectively and insert it into a temp table 'BI_EMP_LIST'
6. Combine the files given below and load into a table.

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