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1. How did you enter into sap sd?

2. Tell me what you did in your last implementation?

3. What type of documents you prepared?

4. How many sales documents have you customized for your Clint.

5. Why we need different document types?

6. Why your client need third party? Please justify it.

7. Tell me consignment process?

8. How you know that consignee sell the goods to his customer or not?

9. How can you do the consignment in intercompany sales?

10. How availability check will perform in business process?

11. What is the purpose of checking rule?

12. What is requirement type and requirement class?

13. What you can maintain in checking rule?

14. What is the purpose of material determination?

15. Why we maintain listing and exclusion?

16. When we do cutover activity?

17. In cutover activity would you upload open invoice or not? If yes how , if no why?

18. How reconciliation account determined?

19. What is the difference b/w the static and dynamic check?

20. What is difference b/w open item and open item value?

21. How many updates you have in credit management?

22. How requirement type determine in sales document?

23. Why we need to activate requirement and availability in requirement class and scheduline


24.what is the link b/w the pricing and account determination?

25. What is the difference b/w ERB and ERU account keys ?

26. How route will determined into sales document?

27. Can I determine different routes base on mode of transportation ? if yes how.

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