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I Believe Statement

I truly believe my teaching career will not be about me, students will be
first. The most important principle for me as teacher will be that the class of
students are the number one priority and I can't ever quit on one student or a
group of students
I sincerely believe that as a teacher I must clearly define goals,
maintain a positive attitude and develop trust from my students. My
responsibility as a teacher is to connect students to each other by allowing
students to be creative and by encouraging open and respectful discussions.
As a teachers I have a major responsibility to explain to
students the progress they are achieving in class. The conversation must be
constructive and must be objective. The student must clearly understand at what
level they are at in comprehension of subject matter and how they can create
their own plan to enhance improvement with the assistance of the teacher.
As a teacher I must recognize student’s shortcomings and adapt
my teaching to meet their needs. The teacher needs to decide every day what is
most important for students. This must include ELL students of which I am one of
them and I can totally relate to their challenges.
I believe teachers should be involved in school activities outside
classroom. It allows students to see them in a different environment and will also
allow them to interact with students and parents in a more casual environment.
Lastly, self-examination is an important human trait. Great teachers will
continually look inside themselves to assess their performance and find new and
better teaching skills by furthering their education.

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