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NYBG its New York Botanical Garden . - Manual of i Graphic Standards pee eee een er en nee eee than the original seal, It conveys, Sree eget ana Porn neers Foeey Pe ero C era Peper acoee crates Srsteae eerste eran rac Ores The New York Botanical Garden York 1045 2) 220 8700 Th! ormation keeping with the character jonsultents end suppliers to c thet it y and um. cident Size Formats In order to effect economies in the Purchace and use of paper stock and to aid in standardiaing the size of ‘the printed materials, a format ayeten has been developed. ‘The various eizes are shorn on this ege- ‘The sizes, proportionslly related, are worldside standards, and official wherever the metric eysten hss bean adopted. They sre also convententiy related to the exteting inch systen. The sizes are: reid 423 3/8" x33 1/8" a2s16 1/2" 323 3/8" age Wiese 1/2" A/a" x11 1/16" Boe 5 7/8" x8 1/4" Bs 4 1/8" x5 2/8" A 2 7/8" x4 1/8" To etandardize folding Lends consistency and pronotes easier filing and retrieving. From left to righ Folding size A3 we cbtain 4 peges of size AA, Folding eize Aj we obtain 4 pages of size a5. "Fractional" formate of 1/8 or 2/3 of ‘the basic Aj sine could be used, Shown here is 2/3 size folded along the consistent helght of 8.1/4". Folding At in 3 parts we cbtein a folder with the height of AS. The grid is a tool designed to provide great layout flexibility and Production efficiency, but within @ framework of disoipline and consistency. ‘The grid show on this page 1s for ‘the double A4 page. It consists of three colums per page subdivided {nto 13 modules. Tt has been deviced to accommodate a great variety of needs. The proportion of 2 x 10 equals a 2:3 Retio. The proportion ‘Mx 10 equals 1 square. ALL diagonals steming from the modules maintain these proportions. Text can be set in 1, 2 or 3 colum width according to needs. In designing a page layout ne could Fetain either the height or the wiath of the modules, not nec Following these principle design of this Manual is entirely ‘based on this eae grid. oe ride for Other Sizes Modute 2.1/2" (15 Pioas) x 3/4" (6 Lines of 9 pte) Space between colums = 1 Pica Space detween Modules = 9 Points Outside mirgin = 1/4" or as close a8 practicable, The grids on this page have been designed to be used for the AS size or for the "fractional" sizes of 1/3 or 2/3 of Ad. The modules Gimensions have been designed for this use. We have here a page of 3 width by 6 lines of 9 pt. in height, 1 Pica in between colums, and 9 points between modules. Margine are of 1/4" ell around. 221 grids have beon structured vertically on multiples of 9 pt., ‘this being the reccamened point etse for the type in most cases, ‘Typetaces In onder to achieve consistent Because of the high cost involved in ‘typographical appearance it is ting type, the use of typewriter suggested to use the typeface "Mines 3¢, Teduced 13% a8 demonstrated in Roman" whenever typesetting 1s ‘thie'mnual, becomes a design involved. alternative, This typeface will confirm the grid specification as "Times Ronan" is available in any ‘entabl iched, setting technique in two weights regular and bold, ronan and itelic, The introduction an the market of composing machines for internal use ‘The use of other typefaces should be may alter thie alternative. Alscouraged, although exceptions should be considered, evaluated and Whenever appropriate allowed. ‘Times Roman abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 (&.,:;!2"“”-"$c%/£) ‘Times Roman Italie abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJK LMNOPQRSTUVWX YZ 1234567890 (&.,51?" *$¢4/) ‘Times Roman Bold abcdefghijklmnopqrstuywxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 (&.,:;12° <”"$C%/£) TEM Selectric Element: Large Elite 72 abcedefghi jklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEF GHIJKIMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890(&.,:3!2''""-%$¢%/) Mince Ronan 9 pt. on 9, 15 pias maxim (or 10 picas), flush left ragged right, is the etandard type specification. Word bresks should be avoided whenever possible. New paragraphs fare not to be indented, Leave one Line (9 pt.) between paracrazhs, Af necessary. Style te upper and ower case. ‘Type should be cet tight. Never letterepacing. Other sizes, whenever necessary, could be specified. The column width ia 15 picas for one colum, 31 pleas for two colums, and 47 picas for ‘three colums. For the snall size publication the width ie 10 pleas for one column, 21 picas for two colmne, and 32 pleas for three colums. Mines Ronan 9 on 9 Press Roman is a unique type face highli appearance and fine legibility. Charac Roman has no pronounced thick and are found frequently in other type ascenders and descenders help te ‘Times Ronan Bold 9 on 9 sre found frequently in other type faces. sscenders and descendets help (o create ‘Times Ronan Bold 24 pt Whenever appropriate, eclums could have type Justified left and right. Headlines are in Times Roman Pold, either Ronan or Italie, 24 pt., ‘72 pts, or exceptionally more if necessary. Secondary headlines should be 12 pt. ‘Times Roman Bold with 6 pt. space above. Subheadlines (within the body Gal) should be 9 pt, Times Roman Bold In typewriter typeface the headlines are typed ALL UPPER CASE. Follow the general style for the composition. ines Rosen Italie 9 on 9 Press Roman is a unique type fac appearance and fine legibility. Charae Roman has no pronounced thick ave found frequently in other type fa aseonders and descenders help 10 create “Tes Roman Bold Ttalfe 9 on 9 Press Roman is a unique type face highligh appearance and fine leit. Chaact ‘Roman has no pronounced thick and thin are found frequent in other type feces ‘ascenders and descenders help 10 Tine Ronan Bold 72 pt TheNenvork Bota B otani Til Selectric Elesent: Large Elite 72 Me ourrent year. They lock forvard to fa representative selection of your Unused material 1ight enough to go by letter post will be returned. Larger be retumed only if clearly nerked Yak and accompanied by e pre-addressed or international reply sun Pt eves cert ie temetiinlcainerel ie, of the published entry will be sent should be marked printed epecinens of Size 4 (8 1/4" x 11 1/6") Consistent with ail the elenente established co far, the letterhead for the Main Office and for all the Divisione within the umbrella of the New York Botanical Garden, starts with the in{tials MYBG, flush left with the first colum, followed ty ‘the nane of the division, on the ‘second and third column. Flush eft with the second colum, which eotabliohes the main elignnent, and on the second module from the top, is the address line. Te typeface is Times Roman Bold 0 pt. for the heading and Times fomn’9 pt. for the address. In the last module at the bottom and aligned with the rest is the seal. The color is green PIS 368. Tvexepse 45 size (5 7/8" x 8 1/4") stationery fe to be part of the program. The ‘asymetrical arrangenent of the letter 1s consistent with the style of this program. Tn the example below typing guidelines are given to ensure the desired effect of the design. Gailing cards (3" x 15/8") Mines Ronan Bold 9 pt. for the heading and the person's nane. ‘Tinos Homen Regular 9 pt. for the address and title. ‘The New York Botanical Garden Bie eos Large-size envelopes are nade of white or stone color kraft paper and printed In green PAS 368. The type follows the cane style ac in the stationery. ‘The atr mail envelope (4 1/8"x9 1/2") is Light-welght paper, printed in PMS warn red or green MUS 368. The main heading is on the back of the envelope, with @ return addres on the front, in 9 pt. Times Roman. Te regular envelope (4 1/8°x9 1/2") antches paper stock of the stationery and 1s printed in green AS 368. ‘The main heading 1s on the back, with fa return address on the front i 9 pt., Mnes Ronan. Stationery envelopes are designed with a equare flap as shown. i a 3 3 3 é Grid for Vertical Form The vertical grid is based on the A, size. As shown on the example on the right, it offers the possibility of structuring forms, with economy of neane and increased efficiency and ‘appearance. 3 pt. rulers divide the main ‘paragraph and hairlines provide the Gtvision between. ‘The same grid could be applied for forms on sualier sizes.) pt. rulere ‘and hatrlines should be consistently Internal Publications All printed matter, including internal publiceticns, should conform to the principle of design established by this Manual. Sizes, grids, and type should be applied ‘8 most appropriate way. Tae scope of ‘this program is not so much to ‘The baste grid, consistent with the applied. Project an "imge" as to convey en previous one, is modulated on Sattitude". A design avareness ie multiples of 18 pt. vertically (twice reflocted in the care devoted to 9 pt.) and 4 picas across. It hes’ two details. modules at the top for heading and Aéentification, which also restores ‘the basic 3-colum structure. The type 1s typeriter, reduced 19% and positioned eccording to the needs and eri, # NYBG ‘The New York Botanical Garden = NYBG ‘The NewYork Botanical Garden | | =: = Personnel Directory BRP, j i Hl! il if i ‘The example show here 1s the Peroonnel Directory in which the cover and typical page layout are orgentzed according to grid. Times Roman Bold Letraset on the cover and typewriter inside. The cover 19 stone color kreft paper, printed in green PAS 368. Special Activities Stationery and collateral materiel @eveloped for special events within tthe scope of the IYEG activities could have sone elesents of identification, such as epectal eymbole, colors, and materials ‘The example chown here maintains the general structure of the NYBG stationery, but has different text emphasis and a different syzbol st the bottom. The color, too, could be ‘another shade of green or brow, 98 desired. The typeface is mandatory to be Times Roun Hold and Regular. NYBG Garden Craft Certificates Size A3 (11 11/96" x 26 1/2") This example of certificate has been designed following the 43 grid. The modular structure is reflected in the @llocation of the different areas of ‘the message which is cot in Mme Ronan Bold, Ronen and Italie. 6 pt. miles divide the areas and hairlines fare used on the area dedicated to the reoipient's nane. ‘The paper should give some sense of precicusness and celebration, and be fm off-ahite shade. The coler is green PUS 368. The eal could be an exbossed oF gold-enbossed notary seal. The New York Botanical Garden Tivo Year Course in Landscape Gardening ‘has satisfactorily completed the required six terms study of the principles and practices of landscape gardening and | aoerace peers ae certificate Given at New York City this day of hune in the year of our Lord. ‘one thousand nine hundred and Kinny Mtohyé Wyte biges Periodicals Neroletters. Shom 1s an example of the Newsletter for the Cary Arboretum Organized entirely according to the ‘typographical standards esteblished so far, it follows the A, grid. Mo firet three nodules are for the masthead identification, in Tines Ronen Bold 72 pt, This is followed by a module containing the highlights of the iseue (in Bold 12 pt.) and bordered by 3 pt. rule: Headlines, in 24 pt. Times Ronan Bold are fielded in 1 module of epace, and yun all acrose the three colume, ‘The type ds Times Ronan Regular 9 pt. on 9, Flush left, ragged right. The paper 1s recycled material, off-white in color. Magazines, ‘The Garden Journal is restructured ‘according to the Aj size and grid. ‘The cover masthead is here in Times Roan Bold 72 pt. followed by the issue number. “A hsirline st the top links the two elenents, The space below is elloceted to the ADlustration which could be either a raving or « photograph. ‘The inside design follows the 3-colum set-up of the grid. Type is Tizes Roman Regular 9 on 9, with headlines in Bold. Captions are in Italie. ‘Amore dramatic use of the Allustrative material {2 show here. Within the eane allocation of space full spread picture has been inserted to provide an exotional contrast. Cary Perspectives The CaryArboretum © GardenJournal 234 Sotentitie Publications. In order to maintain the continulty of many of the NYBG publications, only cover redesign is proposed here. The size renains the sane as before, ‘the only typographical Link with the present is the new masthead in Tines Roman Bold, and the handling of the content where all the text is flush left, with the page number following the title. airlines define the space and structuralize the whole. Paper stock in white, printed green with the masthead in'white and the text in black, hairlines in white, Prograns Size Ab (5 7/8" x 8 1/4"). This formt is suiteble for sll kinds Publications ALL publications should be Paper: kraft stone color for cover of folders directed to promote etandardized to the AS size ‘and inside. special activities to the general (5 7/8" x 81/4"), This Gover:Times Ronan Bold, 24 pt. Public, Also to be used for ‘would simplify production and Inside: typewriter setting. invitations to dedications, openings, Increase savings. exhibitions, prograns. The character Folders. of the folder will vary according to Slaet "fractional" 1/3 of Ad. Ite destination, offset or specia} stock. possibility of more than one Cover stock of different colors (broms and greens) is printed in one | color, using large aleplay type (Hines Roman 201496 pt). The Inaide ie typewriter type 21 pleas wide. typewriter or Tims Roman ‘according to appropriateness. Tllustrations should be taken principally from the wealth of Mlustrative meteriale in the Library. NvBG ‘The NewYork Botanical Garden ta Han ant Gardening Saterat lemon Lect fl a Ht ld i Posters Adasic layout for posters is established to Insure a form of Adentificstion of this format with ‘the IIBG uetivities. wo sizes are available: A (23 3/8" x 33") and ‘Aa (26 1/2" x 23 3/8"). Me two variations of the format ere: fone with typography at the top and {Mustration below, and the other (to be used whenever the {Tlustration requires it) with type belor, ‘The type is Tines Roman Bold as show. Colors ae needed in the context, Dut efforts should be mde to Limit’ then ‘to two, maxim four, poseibly non Pree | Directional Signs A system of sign panels has been designed to convey throughout the Garden all directional information for pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Te panels are 18" square and have dark brow background and reveree ‘type. Type 18 Tines Roman Bola 11/2" high, providing the names sre short. Where appropriate the panels fare fastened to wooden poles 8" high x 4" eection. Muscum Building RTE EURO ecd Shop S CS Snuff Mill AY ROTO Conifer Collection Rose Garden ara er ia Native Plant Garden Magnolia Collection Azalea Collection Photographs Signe euch as "one way" and "Parking" fand "No Parking" are centered on the square panel. Sane applies to the "Stop" sien. Museum Building RUS Led oo Pets STC Conifer Collection Rose Garden ied Native Plant Garden Magnolia Collection Azalea Collection Outdoor Identification Signe Building and Site Identification eigne are routed on wood planke and should be considered special signs to be placed on the lam in front of the Building. Indoor Identification Signs A standard form of plexiglass (6" x 6") shaped as chown, 1s applied Yo the eurface of walle with double side adhesive tape, specified for ‘this use. A negative photostat card bearing room identifiestion and title ie Inserted and could be easily replaced whenever necessary. aI) Scanning Electron Microscope AY Te etal The plaque te mounted 5' from the floor, directly above and to the left fof the docr imob. The type 1s Times Roman Bold 1 1/2" for the room number and 42 pt. for ‘the title with 1/4" margin. The title etarts 3" fron top. Identification signs for rest rooms confors to standardized plotographs; ‘the eane ie for the "Wo Smoking” sign. Information Silene Picea Abies Variety Picea Abies Aya Information Signe on Buildings ‘ALL information eigns on bulléings fare to be silk screened on the inside of glass doors, as shown, in Tines Ronan Bold 72 pt. Conservatory Hours MY ‘Thurs. 10/3 Fri., Sat., Sun & Holidays 10 No carriages or dogs Allowed in Conservatory at any time Children under 12 years of age are not permitted ent! ORT ONINoAr ay TN CMEP OMNI by a responsible adult Mato program {2 designed as a working tool and is to a materiale with cooperation of all stas . in the edoption and application o thie progran, Yor further information regarding the Smplenentation of this progran consult the Design Office of the wees, ‘The Graphic Standards Progran has deen designed by Vignelli Assoeiates/New York.

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