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HAMILLON TORAH AAYX YYCIYA The Dictionary of Torah A Reference Guide to Being Definitions of Light compiled from Torah Light Classes of Bet HaShem Midrash PO Box 49, Woodburn, IN 46797 Published in the USA and Di Bet HaShem Midrash House of The Name Academy POBox 49 Woodburn, IN 46797-0049 ISBN 1-883517-06-0 © Bet HaShem Midrash, 1997, 1998, 2001, 2002, 2003 Alll rights reserved. Printing supervised in the United States of America by Aleph bet Document Centre & Translations 13539 US Hwy 24 East New Haven, iN 46774 wt ty § Merh bee & Y,docomenr cenree ey we Contents Preface, 4 Introduction, 6 Alphabet Tables Dictionary AlAlef, 1 ‘Bet, 37 VGimel, 47 a/Dalet, 54 alHe, 59 siWaw, 63 ‘VZayin, 64 WChet, 67 @/Tet, 78 UYod, 79 wKaf, 95 Lamed, 102 Mem, 107 iNun, 127 ¥Samek, 139 OlAyin, 142 Pe, 157 WTsade, 162 P10of, 167 4Resh, 175 WwiShin, 182 xiTaw, 199 Prefixes & Suffixes, 206 Verbal Adverbs, 205 Abbreviations, 208 References, 209 English Index*, addendum * The index is 2 separate publication that may be download, Preface To the Reader Thanks be to Elohim and to all the students of Bet HaShem Midrash who have contributed through participation and support for the Midrash, The presentation of this dic- tionary is the fruit of many years of study in acceptance of the work of Light. The dictio- nary started unexpectedly: not by afore- thought, but in response to the inner openings and ever gentle Guidance of the Spirit I clearly remember the first Hebrew word that was shown to me analytically. The word was WaS/kadosh, normally translated as “holy.” Presented from right to left, the meanings of the combined letters was stated to be: “consecration is the path to wisdom.” As I meditated on the instruction, I under- stood that the Hebrew letters, themselves, provide the interpretation of each word, along. with the meanings and intrinsic values uttered in their combinations, What is holy? The question is answered in the letters kof, dalet, and shin, Wat: a dise tinguishable/* path/avenue/a of wisdom’. When The Spirit of Wisdom or The Fire sets someone or something apart and distinguish- es it unto a particular function for a purpo: ful avenue of service, it is kadosh’ holy! One taste of this spiritual teaching and I desired more. More came, and more is com- ing. This first edition of the Bet HaShem Torah dictionary is being presented to share the insights and understandings that have been received via quickenings of Ruach HaQodesh and via spiritual discernment through Torah study in the presence of angels. More is coming, both in terms of the number of entries and in terms of the depth of revelation, As ason of Aharon, there is nothing I desire more than to know and share the illumination given to assist others to fully light the menorah within their own taberna- cle, It is to this end that the material is being presented. ‘The dictionary is not shared to show that someone is right or that another is wrong in their interpretations; nor is it shared to resolve etymological conundrums, This work is given to share the light that is in the words themselves and thereby providing keys to mysteries. am grateful for the companions that have been provided during the courses of studies in the Midrash. I must acknowledge ‘one companion in particular, Benyamin ben Kohath, who, with my son, Benyamin, assist- ‘ed to produce a paleo-Hebrew font for the computer system we dedicated for the work of Midrash Bet HaShem. Without ever com- plaining, he entered my barely legible hand- written notes into computer format to begin the process of forming the dictionary. This work, begun many years ago, is ‘now maturing and taking shape by benefit of the mind and hands of Bora Ben Elazar. His input includes creating the Bora Paleo Hebrew font useable by the computer plat- forms in operation today has assisted others to use the characters, Bora has contributed from his deep perceptions and generously given to format the pages. I consider the relationship with Benyamin and Bora in this project part of my destiny. No matter where ‘we were placed in the earth, the mission that we share would put us in contact with each ‘other to work together in the house of Aharon. Through the goats we all raised con- nections were made for us to meet. ‘The Paleo fonts used in the dictionary pages ‘were created by Bora Ben Elazar. ‘The entries included are a beginning; ‘we have much to add to this work; but 1 agree that it is appropriate not to delay shar- ing the dictionary in this state of develop- ment, In faith that HaShem will finish what hhas been initiated by Ruach HaQodesh, therefore, we are offering what has been assembled. Numerical values are listed in each entry. This value may be of interest to com- prehend the messages of wisdom in words with the same value, Where some of the val- ues are exactly as the entry, we have not belabored the point to add repetitive ver- biage. Also, during Torah Light Studies of BHM (1999) the value of the letters counting by ones was presented. Thus some of the entries have one or two values depicted depending on the value assigned to the letter. In some entries the resulting value is exactly the same. Included also are some mathematical formulas of the words. These formulas pro- vide significant understanding of the struc- ture of light and how an action/verb or noun is balanced. Some entries are found in post Torah writings which ate considered further details and evolutions of Torah thought. The index may assist you to find a word in the Hebrew alpabetical order. We appreciate your drawing to our attention any adjustments that need to be made in prepar- ing a fuller printing of the dictionary work. 1 ask our readers to realize that the perfect ‘words and the perfect Torah are written by the Spirit within each person, and that the books and resources we use for study serve as a guide to the inscriptions within. May peace be increased as a result of this work, “YOM Shalon C4Y9W Shmuel ben Aharon Introduction The languages of the world, including modem Hebrew, are based on etymology. Thus, when enough people use a word form to mean the same thing long enough, that meaning becomes commonly understood among the general populace, with the result that experts come to recognize that meaning, perhaps with alternative senses and applic tions, when they compile dictionaries. It is a way of correlating words between languages, and its been helpful to assist translations. ‘When things of the Spirit are discussed in the languages of man, however, meanings can become of more consequence than in ordinary communications. Particularized de: nitions are desired. Anxiety, at times, accom- panies vital interests; and an explosive mit ture of religious zeal and misunderstanding, which arises from confusion of expression, impels men to argue and faiths to collide. ‘The trend towards fragmentation is the pattern of etymology. There is no resolution along that path: only interim understandings and further questions, leading to further frag- ‘mentation, The purpose of religion is to reveal to mankind, dispersed within spiritual spiral, the way of the center. Language is capable of pointing to the center, butt not on the etymological level Other levels of usage must come into play, among them the oracular. Within any lan- guage there is text and subtext, which is where the oracular dimensions begin. It is from this wobble in the absolute of the literal that a student learns to open to processes of thought that broaden the mind until it is eapa- ble of guidance by the Spirit, Initially, the oracular is perceived to be a realm of mystery, and so it is. Recent re lation proves that the Wester alphabets, including Ketav Levonah, the ancient Hebrew prototype also known as the Phoenician and as the ancient Arabic, all devolve from a ‘common sacred geometry. As the intersee- tions of that geometry reveal themselves, the oracular emerges in its fullness, at which level it becomes not the language of religious mystery, but of religious science. The appear- ance of the Crown Diamond of the Tree of Life proves that the languages of man are congruent with the mathematics of the cos- The ancients must have known this to be so. They conversed with words written in richly symbolic hieroglyphs; and the words they used were, simultaneously, numbers. The meanings of words and the values of the numbers were associated together in all com- munications; for words and numbers were the same. This feature of language has been lost from the consciousness of most of us. It has not been lost to the language itself, however, for numerical value is inherent in all Western alphabets, as demonstrated by the geometry of the Crown Diamond. This level of under standing can be reclaimed for all Western lan- ‘guages. The hieroglyphic understandings underlying these languages can also be restored; for the letters of the prototypical ancient Hebrew are known to have specific meanings, and the subsequent character forms are of the same pattem: they must therefore share the same characteristis ‘The path to restoration is a path of mea- surement. Until complete measurements have been understood, the aura of mystery will continue to attend our thoughts. A mystery is a veiled expression: an unstated signification is being pre the clues pointing to that signification are hidden in the construction of the mystery, itself. As with mere fictional mystery, a spiri- tual mystery is a story in which the veiled parts (such as characterization, cause and result, and the very progression of events) funetion precisely as variables function in a ‘mathematical equation. In any mystery, certain truths are known—stated. To resolve the mystery, one juggles known facts with hypothetical vari- ables. This is the same process of thought used in algebra. Because of known factors A and B, we can solve for x when we deduct from its probable solution erroneous possil ities and =, thereby establishing the like hood of probabilities m and n, Further calcu- lations bring us, eventually, to the answer. Scripture is an interweaving of many mysteries operating at many levels. Both Jewish and Christian writers of accepted canons refer to scripture as being the “lively oracles of Elohim/God.” Whatever its histori- cal merits, therefore, scripture’s real power lies in its oracular dimensions. It is the nature of an oracle to speak to the question prevalent in the mind of the peti- tioner, and therefore an oracle’s revelations cannot be said to have but one meaning. In the case of oracular scripture, its revelations have as many valid meanings as can be invoked by the points of view it engenders. As oracles, scripture is mystery writing in its most highly developed form. The simplest mystery in seripture may be the parable, To understand a parable, one must first analyze the employed symbolism. With the structural parameters of the parable firmly in mind, one then searches among one’s store of verbal variables (words) to find a word set that satisfies the parameters of the symbolism. When a suitable word set is found, the parable can then be paraphrased according to that word set to arrive at an interpretation. ‘The process of interpretation is therefore equivalent to the process of reaching a math- ematical solution to an equation, To truly understand the mystery of a parable, however, itis not adequate merely to replace the literal word set of the parable with the variable word set selected as basis of terpretation; for a parable is a component of the lively oracles of Elohim, and every para- ble will have numerous valid interpretations applicable to human experience. ‘True understanding consists of a func~ tioning comprehension of the underlying dynamics operative in a scriptural equation. When the spiritual dynamics of a parable are discerned, verbal interpretations become rel vant only as they demonstrate an expedient utility in human communication. ‘The foundational components of scrip- tural mystery are the individual word forms, themselves—especially as concerns Torah, which is the basis of all other scripture. Torah ‘was originally written as a single word. How, then, did the ancient seribes arrive at the ‘word divisions we now study? Rav Shaul speaks of rightly dividing the ‘word of truth. Is only one set of word divi- sions to be considered as being correct, or does the correct word division at any given reading depend upon wisdom of the Holy Spirit, acting as guide? We conclude the lat- ter; for it is written, “Quench not the Spirit.” The literal elements of scripture kill— that is, they restrict focus, leading the mind to those questions expedient for spiritual growth. The spiritual elements of scripture quicken heart and mind, and they attend the literal, peeking through the lattice. As one advances in study, different methods of dividing the words of scripture become apparent. To ignore them is to quench the spirit, but to embrace them is to enter into a higher level of study, where still other reading options present themselves, Every Hebrew word is a mathematical expression, read either as simple sums or as, algebraic equations, balanced or unbalanced Words can also be equated to other word forms by virtue of their having the same sums; this method of study is known as “Gematria.” Further, the mathematical prop- erties of distribution apply: a word’s numeric, letters can be read or interpreted in any order without changing the end result. In Hebrew study, this method is known as “Notaricon. Arelated method of study is named “Temura,” in which the letters of any given word form are, themselves, read as words. The word meanings for individual letters are derived from the hieroglyphic properties of the Ancient Hebrew script. To restore this tra- dition in strength, it is necessary to return to the source language. Every Hebrew word is an equation, It therefore follows that every Hebrew word is a veiled mystery. The oracular definition of any Hebrew word must therefore speak to all functioning dynamics underlying each letter and within each letter set. Etymological definitions are derived from usage: if enough people agree that a sound has a particular meaning, then that is hat that word means. This method of deter- mining the meaning of scriptural word forms has led to much confusion and error. The original language is oracular, and the restora- tion of all things must pare away the veils of darkness imposed upon scripture by the tradi- tions of men, ‘The comprehensive oracular definition for any Hebrew word form would be that set of interpretations which both treats of all pos- sible combinations of arithmetical variation in the valuing of the Hebrew letters in a ‘word-form equation and which also includes glyphs employed, remaining mindful of their locations on the Tree of Life. Thus does Shaul write that no scripture is of any private interpretation, meaning that the Truth of scripture is measured by the unification of all meanings it engenders, In 1985, the teachings of BHM began to move from commonly traditional external interpretations of the Torah, to a focus on spiritual readings of light principles that are ‘embedded in the Torah writings. This approach includes the examination of letter and word arrangements set in a progressive order to unfold the full revelation of the works/offspring of Elohim. Messengers Daniel and Yahushaphat have assisted in pro- viding understanding to the scrolls. Each word form is examined accord- ing to its root meaning as hieroglyph and i allowed to stand in that sense, untainted by the artifices of translation, to convey what is written: there is no forcing of the translation to bring forth an understandable sense, nor is there a commitment to maintain the popular and familiar translations; rather, each word is recognized for its vital importance, as inspired by the Holy Spirit to be written; and combinations of the words together in each sentence are allowed to speak for themselves in the presence of angels. Where there is no apparent understanding of the translation initially, the words are neverthe= less honoted and revered and allowed to emanate the message that they hold. The concealed mes- sage within the word arrangement often arises through meditation of sequential revelation. Where many translations add addi- tional words not justified by the Hebrew text, the translations of Midrash Bet HaShem do not; for the words inspired by Ruach haQodesh are sufficient in themselves, and English translations ate chosen to best con- vey the sense gathered. It is the message of the Holy Spirit that is listened for and read: the Midrash does not abide in the shadows of traditional renderings/interpretations. ‘The work of translation is committed to the sons of Aharon, who are entrusted to read and teach the Torah to all Yisrael and to all nations who come and say, “Teach us the Law!” It is to the sons of Aharon that the law is given; and, hence, itis the sons of Aharon who are appointed and gifted to teach the Torah, For how ean any teach what they were not given? To the priesthood the Torah is, given. The translations also are dedicated to convey the goodness of YHWH and to lead the hearer to the performance of the writings in faith. Through beholding the goodness of YHWH within, the initiate repents—that is, tums from vain servitude and devotion to the world to walk anew according to the interior kingdom of names and the commandments of li Torah is a Spiritual Light Force loaded within the manifestations of spiritual letters/signs. It is the guide for each man to regulate and develop his spiritual energies. Not walking by the outer darkness of the world, we walk by the inner illumination of the Word. The unfolding of the words of the Torah give each man the illumination through which YHWH directs his steps. In studying the Torah, the divine design and nature of man are addressed. By way of illustration, the genealogies are not read as lists of men as history; rather they are acknowledged as a record of the progressive unfolding of the dynamic attributes that char- acterize man and his unique, appointed name in each of his ages, or epochs of time. Each name in the Torah is a vital attribute of the totality of HaShem YHWH. It must be understood that every name in the Torah contributes in comprising the whole nature of man; and as each name is con- firmed and fully actualized within, man ‘comes to walk in his fullness: in accordance with and in fulfillment of the promise of Mashiyach’s coming, as given to Avraham, to Moshe, and to the other priestly prophets. ‘Additionally, there are contextual sayings and numbers that pertain to the names, and these are integral to their understanding, ‘The commandments of the Torah are ‘other means to convey the Spiritual Force of Light. First there are the names, which are the attributes of the Spiritual Force of Unity. Correspondingly, there are the command- ments, which are the orders, the movements, the wills of the Spiritual Force of Unity. ‘These commandments and statutes are the activities of The Name. Each saying conveys the order and ‘work of light pertaining to the names of the ‘generations of Adam. There is nothing in the Torah that man is ordered to do by light that YHWH does not perform Himself. We are participants with the Father and Giver of life. In all words of the Torah, we are ordered sequentially to become perfect/complete as He is perfecticomplete, ‘Through the study and meditations of the names, sayings, statutes, and command- ments, each man is led to his full measure- ment of being. This is precisely what Rabbi Shaul perceived the Torah to be: a school ‘master to bring us to the goal of our measure- ment—to the Messiah/Mashiyach, It is unto this end that the work of Bet HaShem Midrash has been initiated in our generation and unto which we pledge our services as sons of Aharon to all mankind, which collee- tively comprises the House of YHWH. twill be useful, now, to take a look at an actual Hebrew word form to demonstrate ‘what these things have to offer in terms of increased understanding. When we consider the values of the letters in ahav/34/love, we examine the numerical set (2, 5,1}, which is identical to the letter set (2, 4, 4}. Reading this set as an equation, we find the word form imbalanced, However, the word can be bal- anced with the addition of a yod/2, which has a value of 10 and produces the numerical set 12.5,,10}. The letters with these values pro- duce the word form ahavi/3.944, normally translated as “my love” or love actuated. The balanced equation is written as 10x 1=2x5, orast x £=9xK A This equation teaches us that conscious ness! (2) multiplied by illumination’ (5) equalslyields the fulfillment/blessing/2. (10) of inner principles/< (1) It also teaches that to achieve balance, love must be both given and received (7). Other word sets for interpreta- tion of the hieroglyphs in ahavi will produce other understandings: eg, “form multiplied by emanation equals the actualization/mani- festation of principle.” Torah is written as a single saying— love. Until we master all these things in rela- tion to the words of Torah, we have yet to eam of its true and absolute meanings. How foolish of us to make men offenders because of a word! We are yet children learning the Janguage of HaShem. Itis neces ary to say something con- ceming the dictionary layout for the entry headings. Both ancient and modern Hebrew word forms are provided without vowel points. We have also chosen to provide only representative pronunciations, which are ‘understood to be but references to facilitate study. Also provided to the left of each entry in small print are the Strong’s number refer- ‘ences for the vowel-pointed Masoretic word forms, as many study tools in use today make use of this system, Shalom b’nai Aharon Shmuel ben Aharon and Bora ben Elazar KNOWING AND USING THE LETTERS AS NUMBERS ‘The expansion of the aleph/ 4 unto the shin/W creates the taw/X —the totality of all things: ie. 4/1 +W/21 = 22/K or 1421-2214. When counting the letters by tens/hundreds, the formula reads 4/1 + W/300) = 301 or 3+1=400/4. The basic value of the letters are seen by counting them by ones. Traditionally the letters have been counted by ones up to vod and then by tens (10-90) unto kof and then by hundreds (100-400). The same numerical value base is derived as illustrated in the following examples: Kaf/Y, the central letter in the eleventh position has the value of eleven; however, traditionally the value of 20. 1I=1 +1 +0=20; ie the letter lamed!¢ in the twelfth position has the base value of 12; however, traditionally the value of Jamed is 30. 12=1 +2 +0=30; ic. shin/W has the value of 21 = 2+ 1400 or 300. The same letters may be expanded unto thousands also in which they depict the abundant concepts of their sign, In the dictionary entries that fol- low, both ways of calculating the value of a word will be used; however, in the revision of this work, the entries will be of the basic values 1-22 as this value is more at the heart of the letters assembled. Also, the formulas of st considered by the the words will be basic values. 10 Alef & soacs Aleph; 1000, thousand; 1, one (alef, 8) Primal Cause; to initiate; to emanate, project: a projection of mind, enabling creation; central point, beginning; oneness, unity; to impregnate; conception; seed; Living Concepts, Principles of Light; horns; symbol of the ox, the priesthood; indicates strength, stability, power, outward expansion; side view of the eye, indicating presence of light, the capacity to see/perceive; an initial perspective; note: Alef? is foundational to the alefber triad that progresses to Chet! and culminates in Samek/¥; all twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alefbet are contained within the Aleph, by nature and design: the Aleph is comprised of three strokes, the first being the descend ing/ascending vertical ine, and the remainding two strokes of expansion or contraction diverg- ing from or coming to a single point, lines conveying the nature of light; and foremost is the vertical line of descending and ascending, which provides a path for expansion unto universal consciousness: the vertical stance of the light prevails, gloriously, to unfold/expand every con- cept in the maturity of Unity’s totality. See one/a¥4;thousand/leph!7C4; oxen/493. +4 father (ay, ev, 28) 94 patriarch, progenitor; source and instigator of thought (Isa. $7:19; In. 6-44); principal force; seed expanded: when a seed! « formulates/brings forth’ after its kind, a father is manifested: a father is the source of a house/body, whose principles/< are joined to a child’; and unless the Aleph/< is united with the offspring/2, the Father nature has yet to appear; note: father and son are estab- lished in the same day/act of light; master; principal influence; one who sees! and hears! power to formulate perceptions, vocalizations, rc; alo: greenness: the bud, sprout, young shoots; youth; conveys the generative nature of life; the principle strength’ « of a house’, an incipi cy/4 of form/s; foundation of the afefbet; foundation of all concepts and their manifestations; house/s of innumerable seeds! «; your father!'¥.34: concepts! « form’ and bring forth’ branch- ing relationships/. Value, 3/°\ lifts up. c-8 destroy (abad, ovad, 728) 49.4 to desist from a movement; concepts/« that envelop inhibit’ insights/a; to be lost, to lose; to ideas/ in manifestation/s that darken a gate/avenue/alternate route/4; the force! of a form! within a path’, and thereby a stumbling block to enter into the collective wholeness of the peoples (TQ Lev. 23:30); the projection/« of a form/s following itself! 4, unto destruction. Value, 7/:to terminate. Sce destroy/XAW. 20 melons (avtiach, DW"O28) LALO IL a fruit of the Shin/Ayin configuration; interior color of gold/Shin with an exterior shape and col- rations of silver/Ayin depicting total redemption when all concepts! created are collec- tively unified in the consciousness/@ with fulfillment’? of their ascension/# attaining/ full range of occupations/%; the culmination of the root word is Chet/H indicating that at the out- come all concepts has arisen as the moon to reflect the wonderments of wisdom concealed with- in the world; hence the golden interior fruit of the Shin/Wisdom/. The seeds inside are as ivory eyes of understanding defending and storing all that Wisdom is revealing in the world. The exte- rior lines of the melon are drawn from the two heads or the north and south poles, connecting the end to the beginning and providing paths to journey through every phase of understanding. depicting the phases of the moon. The surface of the melon is as the craters of the moon from which Wisdom shines from the depths to the heights of Ayin. Regarding all fruit bearing seed, there isa significant message regarding the placement of the seed(s) within the fruit body. Some " fruit form via a single concept/seed, others via clustering patterns of seeds, yet others via a scat- tering of seeds within the flesh of the fruit. Each of these types speak to us about how the fruit of our Name forms in relation to the ideas that we hold within. sg. Value, 30/¢: guidance ofthe inner onder: pl Value, 80: to make manifestsatist 24 Abib (Aviv, 2728) 3494 promoting greenness—a beginning of the process of ripening; time of immature fruit and of evi- dence of maturing fruit; the Father's/44 active hand/+. in the creation/4; the Father’s hand upon Mitzraim; age of emergence; time of the appearance of the head within the barley, a plant sym- bolizing humankind; the beginning of the awakening to journey through the twelve houses of Light—as the head begins to form within the sheath of the body, so a birthing or emergen occurs; Father bringing forth/.24 the Son/ (this emergence culminates at the head of the year); the first month of the Hebrew year, also called Nisan; the initial moon/petiod of light’s labor/revolution; sot: as the primary moon of the year, Aviv signifies an initial understanding, whenreby one perceives one’s inheritance in the house of YHWH; the emanation/proliferation/< of forms/4 to achieve/2 full development’; Unity/oneness/« formulates’ attainment and ful- fillment/+. of the unified form/Son/s; a sced/concept/< that causes growth/formation/develop- ‘ment/to attain/+. unto unity in HaMashiyach/2; composite earthly and heavenly sign that sig- nals ascension: the sign/x.of the moon’s activity’ in the paths/4 of wisdom’ to define’ con- ising growth/formation/developmen/ to achieve/+ the unity in haMashiyach’s; “maintain 92344 wa\a xa/the light Periods of Aviy,” that you may walk in Light’s unification (MTDeut 16:1)—maintain all that is activated and maturing within us; maintain the process of our ascension unto the full nature of Mashiyach. Value, 15/44: giving/emanation of Light. See Nisan/7#2. 27 Abidan (Avidan, }7728) YAL34 my/1. Father/44is Judge/%4; to judge/evaluate the use and positions (statutes and ordinances) of the light energies, seas, and Jand masses within the body/tabernacle’temple via the spiritual gamete (the mature elder Benyamin/77.¥ resident within the tabernacle) to determine alloca- tion of energy within structure; concepts/ by which to formulate/develop/3 the inscriptions’. to evaluate/a their unfoldment/%; a formulation of Gideoni/2¥0a-Vwarrior/hewer. Values, 67/5 to structure a goal; supportive instrument; 31/-¢:to order concepts. 30 Abihu (Avihu, Si7P2N) LYALIL “my Father is He”: my foundation/2.2< is light/ bound/¥ to an initiation’willlz; a bowing to my Father: my/2 source/foundation of thought/< gives way/bows/4v4 to that which is greater; my principles fall/give way: from the root . Value, 69/8: supportive interchange. Compare poor!ca. 40 Abimelech (Avimeleck, 79128) YCILIL my/t. father/s4 is king/9cv: “my fatheriprinciple govens/rules”; a Philistine/xwc? king of Gerar/ 447 a governing power to determine the use of the body's lands, involving the mastery 12 of elements and of manifestations through making peace with the Names of Light that enter into arth fields; an expansion’£ of consciousness/ that handlesimanages/2. the messages! of instruction/¢ for productivity/the purpose of branching out/¥; noe: Avimeleck first seeks to pos- sess the entering light energies, then makes peace with both Avraham/%434 and Vitzchaq/ ‘int, the masters of light and concepts; with the interplay between Avimeleck and Avraham concerning Sarai/z4", we behold the initial powers of Cham/2" and Shem/w resolving their mutual gifts to compose a body form for habitation. Value, 103/1F: domain of processes; tertory of ‘manifested communications so01 indeed; mourn (aval, avale, ehvel, 528) (3.4 to verify the promises; truly: Elohim speaks to assure a promise (SMB/Gen.17:19); seeing/.t and hearing/2 provide direction’stability/<# to see with understanding leads to following directions; Elohim speaks to provide insight and comprehension, whereby the people are moved unto the goal; to lament, fade, perish; to be sorry, regretful; to wither, languish; alo: pasture, meadow, plain, field; when used as adverb: but, however. Values, 33/°¢:1o direst communications; 15/4: inserip- tions of assurance cero stone (eben, ehven, oben, }28) 93-4 precious stone, gem; a weight, plummet; concepts/< by which to build/3 perfectly/*: thus, the twelve inner-foundation stones upon which to build the temple of YHwH/ava2; to change into stone, fossilize; note: compare the Arabic word ibn, meaning “son of,” recalling that we are com- prised of living stones, both collectively and individually; foundation of a house/world; con- cepts to develop one’s potential; uncut stones from an altar are fashioned by Ruach/Breath: the Father plants the cystallization patterns, the Mother, with every breath taken causes the Stones to form within her womb; we buildup the heart with seeds of knowledge; also the stones of the testes, which have, inherent, the full attributes for the altar/heart, Values, $3/"\%: perfected processes; 17/S4 inscriptions of complet alexandrite (ehven barilyume, 209772 J28) YYLLLAS 994 compound formed by the mineral chrysoberyl witha trace of chromium, a rare occurence; stone for the house of Aharon, corresponding to the multiple waves of light’s spectrum: force/ to develop’s the mind’s potentiality/> to fulfill instruction/¢+-43 pertaining to the day's illumina- tion/7¥2, and capable of radiating the colors of the twelve hours of light. Values, 351/42: wis- ddom’s display of principle; 17/54: inscriptions of completion; 73/0: deep perceptions of processes. See stone! 934. yestone (ehiven sid, YD JN) ALF 934 compound of caleium/=, carbon/s, and oxygen/4; concepts! by which to build/3 perfectly/ a supportive structure/# for attaining/+ insights/a; structure of vegetation hardened with princi ples of light and found at the base of a mountain; provides access to the mountaimvillumina tion/44 formed of calcite material. Values, 127/599: to regulate the branches unto completion; 17/52: inscriptions of completion; 29/@ organic remainsgatherings, See done’? 73 girdle, sash, belt, rope (avnate, 2:28) 893-4 stones/24 assembled/gathered’®; all projections of Father’ displayed! in an ensemble/@; a linen garment of the priest: the means to position and hold together all stones/energy centers; a garment of the mind; symbolizes a plummet line extended from the head unto the aligned place- ment of all within: esp, when following in sequence to the breeches/=%9, as the mind aligns all inner energies and then realigns according to what is gathered; concepts/ by which to build’s a perfect/complete/9 collectivity of being/®., Value, 62/2: strcturingalizning of life consciousness 13 3 Abraham (Avraham, 29728) 90494 to exalt principles; the concepts/ of the house/3 to govern/4 with enlightenment/ unto full- ness/¥; supremacy of principles to beget nations/processes; having strength to beget/bring forth the operating base of all light energies to occupy the soullexpressive faculties; not: the position to gover is first established before the waters/soul fields are placed in the elements; the inward state of Abram/7494 augmented with the letter He/a from HaShem (Yah/44) as the force of the Aleph-Bet/father!2 penetrates through the Reshimind/4 and shines/a within the waters/7, the light force/4 coming forth/forward via refraction to fully expand all light energies according to the potentialities of the soul fields; as father of multitudes: the source of all kings—of all inte- rior ruling attributes. Exalted Principles beget Yitzchaq/*¥r/laughter. Value, 248/44: headibe- ginning of life-measured ‘anointed performances, See Abramv’434. a7 Abram (Avram, 2728) 9494 to magnify/74 father/4; the expansion/enlargement/realization/4 of the Aleph-Bet!34 within; to exalt the father; the seed form of each spiritual name; Father Principle elevated to mastery over all forms whereby one may be transformed; Father Power that continually arises: the inher- ent, composite sum of one’s divine name in the heavens, possessing the full spiritual genetic code to become an offspring of Elohim/¥t-4¢4 in the earth; the greatness of the emanation force of one’s name to download the full heavenly nature to the earth: the power of Avram is released as one’s name becomes seated within the earth field; the genetic code assembled into a seed; stage of man transferring from Ur/ 4v4/Light Clusters to the earth for transformation and unfold- ‘ment; father of many parts/covenantor of pieces; the principle’ of the house’ that governs!4 over all inward nations/processes/bodies of water! naw: the change of name from Avram to Avraham signifies the presence of Light’s expansive nature (He/) according to YHWH/a¥at; Avram is the third-dimension stage of the ereation, Noach/+ being the second and Adam/744, the first. Value, 243/194: head of multitudes and processes. See Abrahamm/78494 52 Abishai, Abshai (4vsihai, ‘Z°28) LWL94; (Avshai, ‘W38) LWI father/£ to dispense wisdom’s/w gifts’2; brother of Yoab/3¥2, one of thirty chosen men of David/avalinstructor of loveiman of loyalty; conveys the strength to build, formulate, and unify via spiritual gifts and actions that overcome Ammon/¥¥%4; the expansive power! to forum late/3 and to achieve/2. wisdom’s/w gifts and actions’. Values, 313/12: wisdom activating process: cs; .9/99W: wisdom branching out in diverse channel; 34/4¢: the ord 1 oF nsightgates. co Agag (agag, 28) V4 4 prickling iritation/flame; a master/king of Amalek/#2%0; the thorn principle/« (multiplied -\1) throughout all channels/~ and processes/’. Value, 7/5: piering 119-24 si. Edom (Ehdome, adome, oem, D8; O78) 204; WOE 120.30 pl Edomite (Ehdomi, 278) LIA4 reddish; lifeblood: base of the thought formulations of body forms; means to carry/distribute messages; “suitable form”: name given to Esau/Yw0 upon his separation/distinction from Yaaqov/320%; principal/« gate/avenue/4, both to release’? and by which to attain’? the waters/%; a projection’ through openings/4 to receive/t. the waters/; connotes the blush of shame or the flush of anger; signifies the way of man in flesh seeking redemption, the vibran- cy of living flesh; encompasses spiritual powers and will not release hold, even as woman clings to man or as tissue does not willingly relinquish embodied light energy: in like manner, Edom 14 attempts to preempt the spiritual possessions of the inner man, with strife and conflict over inheritance and position. Values, 45/44 the flow of life; 1/4 desire o grow/expand: $5/4% displays of wach. Soe Esaw/YWO; Ser! 2-0 sia2¢ red, Adam; man (adam, adome, odem, DS) JO.4 humanity; first level of creating the b’nai/ofispring of Elohim/7.4c4; first stage of becoming; to conceive/4 the avenue/4 of fullness! concepts’ placed in the vagina’. for full extraction/; unity/4t is the way! of the universe/; the expanding/ever-widening/4 gates! 4 unto fullness!; 1 seed/concept of being/ in the paths’ of reflection’ %; contextual definitions: (1) male and female, depicting the interior roles of the initiation, utilization, and facilitation of Elohim (BVGod/c4 as undifferentiated Spirit, as United Principles); (2) reddish, ruby, garnet—a translucence of the fire nature of Man/w24: adam is the buming, radiant coal of life yet to be fanned into full flame by the intelligence of life; a red ball of fire yet to be exploded—yet to emanate the full nature of its potential for light; a house of fire which warms and makes vibrant the earth/444 (flow- ing with a molten river of blood): to expand’ via blood’; an allocation of the fire of Yuiwi/ava%; initial stage of man, being a concept of praise in motion: the basis of all forms of sacrifice; (3) the state in which the invisible ish/w4 enters into adamah/4%44 to become full by partaking of the tree of knowing the goodness and companionship of parts; unity/oneness with Father/< is the path/insight/ to fullness/; the one, living core of concepts/ Aleph power! « constructs itself into the dimensions of many parts/a multitude’ %; as name given to Man/w14: the essential life force’. in the blood!4; (4) the second Adam, in contrast to the first, is the expanded red fire, unfolded according to the full spectra of all its light natures: Yahushia—the mature/complete Adam—gives priority to unity with YHWH, his desire being for his disciples, also, to know unity with the Father (Jn, 17: 11,22); na: the second Adam is in the Bet! position, housing and attaining unto the fullness of Elohim: in Bereshith/Genesis, man is in a spirit state—having yet fully to enter into form: the teachings of the Beginning/Genesis designate the process by which the spirit’s cloud/dust form (a collection of thoughts and values) enters, via Yoseph/732, from the angelic into an earthly, visible house; Sefer Yetziat Mitzraim/Exodus de- scribes spirit entering into form/earth for the expressed purpose of being/unfolding the taberna- cle of Elohim: on one hand, our habitation in mortal flesh demonstrates to us the confinements and limitations of our lower nature, humbling us to come unto full knowledge of the light ener- ies within; on the other hand, the flesh demonstrates to us the inner-life dynamics, via reflec tion, and warms/nurtures us unto maturation; man/adam is formed in the likeness of Elohim, and this likeness does not limit mankind to one sphere of operation, even as Elohim is not restricted: a focus on individual attributes, or self, takes us away from the wholeness, blessed- ness, and freedom of YHWH/ava2/The Unity of Life; yet by His grace, man is provided a uni- fied mortal structure (to house the resident red ball of fire and all light energies it contains) as a teacher for Unity and as a mechanism for the process of reconciliation unto the fullness of Elohim. Expanding Blood begets Seth/xwian interior positioning of values to unfold the Kingdom/domain/dome. Value, 17/52: t attain completion, See manW22, WY'74: ground/4744. sar28Adamah; ground (adamah, "II78) A944 the name Adam/4a4 with the He\4 directive, signifying “Adam's movement” and indicating direction of movement on behalf of Adam, or towards Adam; seed/- receptacle/a to draw out’ life/ (upon the path/a of fullness’); an elemental: the physical composition of earth’ aretz/v44; adamah connotes the embodiment of energy; state of ideas/concepts/« seeking/ fullness/9 via illumination/; soil, of reddish color; ais: husbandman [as farmers are occupied 18 in cultivation of earth, where seeds! expand/a, facilitated by fluid (the water/anointing of Ruach)/ unto life/light/a); concepts/4 at the gates/a being watered/anointed!> to illuminate/shine/. Values, 49/8 fulless ofthe microcosms; 22/98 evidence of formulation, See earth 4; Adam/944. tse Edrei (u318) LO404 arm: an extension of the mind’s understanding, power, might, strength; perceiving/4 the path/a of knowledge/4 understanding/o, and attainment/1; a city/center of Bashan/sw.—of the flesh as the armiprojection of the spiritual. Value, 285/42 thoughts to expres illumination ss7s9 love (ahav, ohay, 298) 9A4 an attachment; to love and be loved is to be attached to a Name, Principle, or to a form, the later wwe are not to love/become attached for it is perishing and is able to retard and spoil the garment of the Spirit, to love the world is to attach ourselves to that which cannot cross over or go beyond, for the world is a fixed projection of thought and not the Thought itself; in loving the world or the things in the world we limit ourselves and reduce our allegiance to the Master Name; the love of the world is lust/a craving and passion for that which is an illusion and not the essence of Thought itself; to be “in love” is to have consiousness of the state of light in which we abide collectively; initiations related to being whole/complete; concepts/4 of life/, being expressed/growing/expanding/3; the emanation! £ of the Light/a in a united state or in a state of agreement with the Light/3; love is the agreement/Bet with the Light that shines/He from Principles/Aleph; light radiates’ Principles’ in compatible unions/3 even as seed opens/4, releasing life’ to create a united house/3; love (the fulfillment of Torah) is light forms—ideas synchronized with behaviors in accordance with the limitless aspects of life, w. sin, or acts that cause decay and separtion; love is the unity of the actions of light, which bring wholeness/oneness, Value, 81: covenant perspective, foree of ascension, bond of covenants soses Ohel; tent (ohel, ahal, S78) CAL tabernacle; shelter, habitation; the expanse/- of light’ gives direction/support¢; to cover, over- shadow; to shine, as by virtue of a spiritual covering; the dome formulated by the energies of Gershon/¥yw4" according to the enlightened expressions/mouth of Aharon/9¥444 (CHP’Num. 4427} the foundational principles/« of enlightened’ roles/¢; nae: the plural form "#4244 is often translated as “aloes” (@ shiny and soothing gel providing protection from the heat), in accor- dance with the spiritual meanings of the singular. Value, 36'Y¢: instructive unity center. See tent of meet- ing/0¥7 C4; tabernacle of the eongregation/A4 4077, es: isos) tent of meeting (ohel moade, 732 SN) AOYY CAL tent of congregating: a habitation in which all energies are activated and positioned in service; the human body as house of the manifold operations of Intelligence; humanity as the compos- ite house of Mashiyach; a projection of light force appointed/4ov7, wherein concepts/< of light/a govern/¢ in each season—or unto stages of maturity/40y2, as in the seasonal changing of plants; those who are “in” the tent of meeting confirm principles’ of light’ with order/authority/¢; Principle/- enlightening/ and guiding/< peoples/waters/¥ united/ in under- standing/o and outlook/4; note: a tent/ca4 is an arrangement of the letters of Eloha/c.; the veils of the tabernacle are appointed to Gershon/#¥w4% according to the enlightenment of Aharon/7484 (CHP/Num. 4:27); projected light waves to instruct/¢a4 is a center for teaching wherein the anointing of Spirit brings together the understanding to access all realms/ a0v», 16 Value, 156779: a dvelling/domain extending perfect unity, See tent/<4.4; tabernacle of the congregation’. 40¥7, 173 Oholibama (Oholibamah, T3578) AYILAL exalted habitation: my tent/¢a is exalted/a%3; an expansive’ enlightenment/ guiding/¢ the soulfhouse/$ unto an anointed/¥ revelation/a; daughter of Anah/a%0, the daughter of Zibeon/*¥03": spiritual position to communicate the combined expressions of Anah (to answer/witness/be humbled) and to communicate the message of Zibeon (to color/paint/hold), internal parenting that brings forth expressions of exaltation; sote:a tent is another term for the body, or house, of man; and to exalt one’s tent for worship is unlawful; the tent is exalted by being filled with humility and colorization in accordance with the Holy Spirit (SMB/Gen. 36:2) Values, 83/2: expression of processes; 38/AC: order for ascension See tent of meeting) 20Y 175 Aaron (Aharon, JAAS; RN) 944.4; YY AAS force of illumination within the mind provided to bear one’s potential unto its maturation; the projected’« light waves/4 of thought/4 for unfoldment/; the spiritual, enlightened mind that upholds the living tabernacle; concepts/4 to illuminate/ the mind/4_ unto all balanced’ pro- ductivity and perfection’; the priest resident within and amongst the tribes; an enlightened ser- vant of humility; a projection/force/< of light’ to govern/instruct/4 man unto the unification/y of all potentials/unfoldments/¥; concepts/4 of enlightenment/ unto knowledge/4 of the cre- ation’; designation of mind to formulate and group thoughts according to context, setting, and season, with formulations occurring on the left side and adminstration on the right: as the brain is distinguished as having two tablets/sides, so is the priesthood of Aharon; the pineal gland is a centre for the priesthood to regulate the organs or the internal bodies of light with the lunar cycle, a function of transferring properties of thought through Manasseh, monitoring ideas and their release through nervous impulses, thus a center or city of the priesthood; note: concepts of the tabemacle are managed by Elazar, wheteas the forms of the tabernacle are administered by Itamar: Aharon/the enlightenment of mind begets/unfolds unto Elazar/4S0/adirective orders unto goals mastered, Itamar/4%x+-4/master of composing and stabilizing, and Pincus! Pinchas/2A%22/mouth/savings of a serpenthvisdom/regeneration; presentation of concepts (Aharon) is the first dimension of priesthood; instruction (Blazar) is the second dimension, and application (Pinchas) is the third; the role of the House of Aaron is to assist man to fulfill each manifestation with the glory/values of the Father/4; the 13 cities of Aharon pertain to inward centers of tribal management: two parts are for Yoseph and one part, each, for the remaining tribes. Formula: Aleph/Veoncepts drawn out of He/4llumination equals Resh/ Iknowledge divided by Nun/SJpotental: 4/5~ 4/1 = 4200) + ¥50, or the balanced value of 4, which pertains tothe interior pyramid, te seat of revelation (not: the equal sig is equivalent othe conjunetive Maw); an addtional basi formula for Aharon is 6'Y: 4/5 + 4/1 = 4/20 - 14: the mind fulfils its role to unify all it sin prfeet balance; for when the mind is adrift from its positon of light, itis out of balance. Values, 262/324: the mind structures forms/devel- ‘opments; 256/¥94 the mind completely extends unity sse190 Ulais perhaps, maybe (ulai, ewli, 18) LCY4 my/ strength/¢y.: principle/« bonded/ to roles/c and actions’; Sarai’s handmaid to assist the hand’ of the governess/4v: “I will build up my strength from the appointee/trustee/one in charge/4¥79" (SMBIGen. 16.2): she needs the strength to bear the heir; note: Abram under- stands/hears the voice of Sarai/the governess: the foundational concepts underlying our nature comprehends—is audibly attuned—to the governing vibrations. Values, 47/37: release completed: 19/@1: actions resolved. 7 ser99 Ulam; meeting place (ulum, 2518) ICY. a hall, parlor, antechamber, vestibule: an extension or recess to a principal room; concepts/£ joining together/y to provide direction’ unto fullness/”; aks: nevertheless, however, yet, also; the principle/« of weighing’ directs/¢ a release/, Value, 77/50: to encreleperceive a goaltarget. zo20e On; strength, power, potency (own, avsven, 18) IY ability; a city of Mitzraim/=2-4% wealth, substance: concepts! nutured!¥ unto full exten- sion/potency/* also: grief, sorrow, vanity, distress; a reduction/loss/« affixed’ to a potei ty/% the parameter letters of the first and second levels of the alefbet, whereby the values of are encountered. Values, $7/5% potential realizod; 21/M: processes culminating in wisdom. Compare strongy7¥"0, 74,950 zon Onan ax) YIY-L able-bodied; to be strong, stout, vigorous; luminous, bright; to mourn, masturbate; to expend strength, potency, substance: to release/.z what is gathered/Y (maintaining balance) in one’s pro- ductive/ unfoldment/¥; a son/formulation of Yahidah/aavatipraise that is coupled with Er/40lwatchflness: as one’s eyes open to the inward fortunes of Blohim/728c4, one will cast away seeds of vanity and self denial; noe: Onan sees not to build, apart from the values of praise; hence, ideas and values not of the Kingdom of Light are expressed in such a manner that they are not sowniplanted to become manifested. Value, 107/S%: purification of words; consecration of tongue. zie Tight (uy on, “aN) 4V-4 radiance, brightness, daylight, illumination; fire light; principle of knowledge: principle! bonded/y to knowledge/ 4 reé to the emanated presence of Elohim/‘A-4¢4 in creation; con- cepts/ bestowing/unifying/y thoughts’ an expanse’ of thoughts’ that unify/¥; principles’ held/gathered/y in the mind/4; concepts of life/ contained in/bestowed by/¥ the Head of the Universe/4; the Force of Unity/4 that maintains! and governs over all/4 note: without princi ples, there is obscurity, darkness, a non-distinguished mass; light is attended by principles/con cepts of United Order, and the gathering of concepts increases illumination; thus, “light” signi- fies a state of knowing; types of light: light to behold (sun); light to reflect (moon); light by which to travel (stars); light to conceive, to observe (morning); light to dispell darkness (noon); light to meditate (evening); penerating light force to charge/strike, to destroy/change (light- ning); bathing light force to cause growth, Formula: « (1) ¥ () 4(200) * 4 (200) (he War is under- stood to be the equal sign, and the property of division signifies the reduction process and the base relationship of the combined letters); inthis word formula, the attributes of knowledge’, which are contained in/equated to the Aleph’ 41, are One), Values, 207/54 knowledge of Torah; 27/59: branching of Torah. See earthit44 219; sv76-79 Ur of the Chaldees (Ur Kashdeem, B°72> “W8) YLAWY 4. the East; those distinguishing/observing from the East—from the fourth dimension: the realm of dreams, visions, and of the spiritual communication construed by science as telepathy; the lighvillumination/4¥.« of astrologers/-4w9—of those who track the paths of light energy, the Kashdeem comprising the celestial bodies entrusted with name/position/mission; the invisible principles! contained/y in knowledge/4 are extensions/¥ of wisdom/w that open the way/ to attainment/2 of the fullness of life! seed/concept contained in the mind; energy uniting/for- mulating thoughts; sow: as an inward land state, Ur Kashdeem comprises the patriarchal posi- tions of Shem/w to Abram/744. Values, 581/472%: to determine the destiny ofthe housed expressions of principle; 207/54 law of knowledge, See Chaldees!72W. 18 22520 letter, token; desire (ote, ute, MN) XY-4 sign, emblem, mark, indication; decoration; a symbol, letter of the alphabet; to be willing; to agree, consent; to be satisfied in an expression; the beginning/ < united/y with the culmination/x. Value, 407/3X: sign of renewal; the comprising of Torah, See hundred’*Y 227 ever since, then (az, 18) S4 therefore, then, formerly; since, ever; in conclusion; in perspective; from the beginning/« to the end/completion/s—from Alephi to Zayin/S (parameter letters of the alefbet’s first-level per- spective); note: the beginning and the end cannot be separated: hence, S4/then connotes results, consequences: the former will be the future; aio: continuum: ever since there was a beginning, so there will be an end; thus, az/S¢ conveys the former things of olden times. Value, 8/¥ pertain- ing to vision/perspective. aao41 ear (azan, ozen, 18) IS hearing; to balance, broaden; to carefully attune; to expand? the instruments/S of one’s poten- tiality in the Son of Man’; soe: azan corresponds to Horeb/34n (ascending/H of thought! occurs via hearing/s), depicting the body and work of mashiyach: Listen, to fulfill the letter Bet/3 Values, 58% iterstization of vison; 2/%: wo compose. See Horebi/34H4. 240 native, home-born (ezerach, M718) WAS citizen; one who is founded/rooted/ and established! in the knowledge’ of Torah covenant and service/¥; native stock to one’s own spiritual name, »s. a branching forth with estranged characteristics; to be native/naturalized in accordance with the foundational spiritual genome of ‘Yuu; planted/< with a goal/Sto mastery/4and ascension/A. Values, 216'¥2-4: mind displaying unity: 360%: stability of unity asies brother (ach, oach, M8) BA confederate: connotes any mind member within the individual; a comrade, kinsman, friend; cohort: member of same unit; one committed to uphold another in life; strength’ « of a covenant agreement ako: to lft-up; an expansive « elevation/vs to bring forth good works in another; a strength/+ of help/¥; provider of concepts for study/4 to assist others in attaining higher lev- els/v the parameter leters of the alefbet from the first level to the second: the means of a con- cept £ arising/W is via a brother/4; a seed/concept/« of shared laboriresponsibility/s; one prin- cipled/< in covenant relationships’. Value, 9: community. Seo sister! asusa f, XM one (echad, achad, “MN) AML nity; initiation, primal cause; to expand/« and ascend/ via gates/a which are provided accord- ing to oneness; perception; concept/£ ascension/H via insights/pathways/a: we know how to proceed when we are one; the expansive state/4¢ of an assignment/ in all gateways’; all parts unified/ gathered into one (SMB/Gen, 42:11); to be whole, without division; the strength/4 of inte- grated/¥ pathways/a; the health/wholeness/uility/H of man’s unity: male/ covenanted’ss with female! a, Formula: 4 (4) + 4 (4) = ¥ (8) x 4 (1): understanding perception equates to concep- tulization multiplied through service/ascensions; the fem. form/X¥4 conveys concept/£ ascen- sion/4 composing totality/X; the statement once in a yearl49WS XA denotes through unified study comes access to the arK/aron, Valves, ms, 13/4: the gitVinerptions of flletevating communica- tion; Vale, £ 31/42 ordering of concepts; both 13 and 31 reduce to the value of 4 conveying through oneness wwe ave accessor pass trough gates. See one; aleph/24 19 ze: Ehud; unity, union (ehud, “18) AYA son of Bithan/va¢9 via Benyamin/7¥.73, a man of unified vibration: the principles/4 of one’s abors/it contained in/bonded to/Y insights/a (I DEY/Chr. 7:10, 8:6); noe: Ehud serves as a code name for the tribe of Benyamin: as Benyamin conveys new works/revival/administrating new lands, so the sons of Benyamin are rendered functional by insight received and retained; ato: fusion, combination, consolidation, amalgum, confederation, unification, solidarity; princi- ples/in state of agreement’ funneling/y into a base/refuge/4. Values, 19/84: to achieve uniticaion; 39/5¢: guide to fulfillment. 200 sister (achot, MTS) YRS a companion, friend; strength to uphold another to achieve renewal and change; strength/4 of help/'i to bring forth/y renewal/perfection/harmony/x; concepts to restore/unify all things: e. to bring together members of a household or to unify parts of a lesson into a whole that leads to knowledge of the Torah; the force of life/ to uphold/elevate/s and administer/y change/ renewal/totality/X. Values, 415/44X: renewal of atvitis of lite; 37/S¢: aude to fulfillment zroz1 —Ahaz, Achazs possession (achaz, 178) SH4 to grasp an estate; to take hold of, grip; to fasten, lock up; the concept/« of mission/s is ful- filled/: the will power take hold of and to achieve the promise and fulfillment of being b ‘nai Elohimi"A.3¢-£ La)built by Elohim; the capacity of sight/ clevated/ to fulfill the goal/ laws/S. Value, 16/¥4: the exercise of bonding; hands of unity. 20s Aiezer (Achieozer, “12°78) 4SOLH4 my/t brother/4 is a help/4S0; a watchman over the body/tabemacle/temple; principles/< .e/w to activate/t. understanding/o in words/goals/s of knowledge/ 4; a soniformulation of Dan/va/judge, being a mature leader of discernment; son of Ammishaddai/tawt70/my people of abundance. Value, 296!¥¥4 chief component in the transformations of Uniy. za Ahira; a brother (Achira, D778) OFLA my/+ brother/it« is a friend/reflection/o4; the force of friendship resident within the body/tab- cemnacle/temple; principles!« arising/M to give/t. knowledge/4 and understanding/o; a mature elder within the hear/Naphtali/tcxoywrestlings; a son/formulation of Oaynan/7Oleyes. Values, 289/624 the mind's expressions of resolution; 5/44 display of enlightenment sin son13 Ahr; after, behind (achar, achair, 78) 444 construct (achari, "S) LAA to carry forth, take further; to follow through unto maturity; afterwards, thereafter; another, other, different, strange; second: to “second” is to confirm—like saying “awmen” when the truth is proclaimed, and to confirm is to follow through on the revelation; the ability to con- ceive/« the assignment/mission/¥ of the mind/-4and to project it forward/2; abs: to procrastinate, defer: to loiter, overstay; to be tardy, late; to delay, detain (causing another to follow behind), an expansion/« of effort required/x for thought! 4, Values, 209/@ mind's afixaton on truth; 219124 rind manifesting the power of truth sos where; islands (ee, ahi, °S) L4 unified members resolved into constituent parts and actions (SMB'Gen. 10:5); initiations’ « of the hand/2, rer to temporary conditions—the “ifs, ahs, woes”: the “islands/2.2 of the nations” are the passing conditions of the interior structures/ongoing proce a solitary creature; ref to the various inner land masses (organs), such as the eyeballs, liver, heart—all that are floating in 20 the oceans/waters of man; desirable dwelling places set apart; the force of unity/< positioned i motions/designated activities/+; ow: to illustrate the inward islands: Shem/9 signifies the name, or position, of man within Creation; the islands of Yapheth/x>2/expansion (representing the mind and soul’s opening centers) abide in the tents of Shem—within the tabernacle/house of the Spirit; the outer construct of the tent is Cham/7s, which is a servant to both mind and soul; these three (Shem, Yapeth, and Cham) are primary centers‘islands of life and are unfold- ings of the mind into molecular structures and formulas which come into the sperm as it enters the ark/49x (the Measurement/x of the House/ of Life/). Value, 11/4: fulfilling of Principles. See Noachiv Lamentations (Agycha, 72°) AYL4; where, how (aché, 778) ILA somehow; to qualify; principle’ activates’ frutfulness/¥; concepts! determining’? how! where fruitfulness is to be extended/¥, Values, 31/42: the goad of principle; 36°¥: the guidance of unity 25254 pl head; ram, hart, roebuck (aylim, D'S) YCL4; sing. (api ehyale, 8) CLS a chief, noble, lord; maturity of posture; the expansive power! z to appoint/z. direction/instruc- tion/¢; to distinguish with authority, as with the branches/antlers of knowledge belonging to a mature leader of the herd; concepts/« are presented/2. with authority/¢ to the people/% al: power, might, potency; strength of knowledge; not: in the case of the korban olah/aco 734%, the aylimirams defend/give authority to the principles unto their full development; the expression ana cLalone ram pertains to the maturity of being one. Values, 41/4 the flow af conceps; 91:4 warrior of principle ase-sr Elon, Aijalon, Ajalon (alon, ayalone, '9°8) YYCL 4 an oak tree grove; connotes rulership over all held for unfoldment; to confine/restriet/over- shadow (SMB/Gen, 36:2; strength/4 of the hand/2 to rule/¢ over all received’ and its potential’ Values, 97/Sh: the words of Torah; 43/4 to draw out processes. arers—ephah (ehphah, ehpho, "D*) APLL a measurement for the grain offering, concepts! £ appropriated/+. to opewreveal/? with distinc- tion’; concepts/+ inseribed/?. to open/teveal/? the Nature of Light/a; the follow-up to the sac- rifice includes making the mincha which pertains to study. To fulfill the sacrifice requires study—study to do’perform. Blessed is not the hearer but the doer of the Toralh—expansions come through doing. The Yod in this word denotes the commitment to express the illumination of mind, The Aleph conveys the will of the hand to express the illumination or whitening from the sacrifice; a disciplined’ « hand/t. to express/7 the illumination/4; note: measurements are by handfuls, each ephah equals 500 handfuls, a number signifying a composite of the holy princi- piles. Values, 96/Yr: transformation weights; 33/7: instructive process. arert man (ish, ayesh, 28) WLE husband; the hand/ in the fire/w i, the masculine nature of fire/spirit/w, as man/w:.< contains the spiritual seed/£ to inscribe/t. words of wisdom/; Principle! activities/blessings/. by fire/wisdom/: the giving/initiating/activating/? mode of fire/W4—the fire aspect that ignites and perpetuates the flame; the hand/2. sowing/ + wisdom/W; abo: a spiritual being: ish/We4 is used in reference both to men and to angels, and to YHWH/a¥a% as well (SYMIEx. 15:3); it there fore signifies not man as mortal flesh, but as the activity/2. of spiritifire/w2; note: both man/w2. and woman/aw4 are from the root word W./fire: male and female convey the giving and radi- ant aspects of Yah/a4-—the Source of Life: the Yod' given to the man fire; the He’, to the a woman fire; thus the Ish/w.2 is a Man of Fire/Wisdom, continually learning in the halls of Wisdom and discussing the full branching and unfoldments of Light; and like natural fire, the Ish is constantly changing—growing tallerolder in spirit; for unless there are ever-deeper and higher thoughts to explore and manifest, one is yet possessed of a child nature. Values, 311/£.¥: Wisdom inserbing Principles; 32/4: guide tothe hear. See woman/W4; fire!W-4; man/"A., WY ses Itamar (Eetamar, “2mN) 49XL4 a son/work of Aharon/7v44/the enlightened mind, mental functions pertaining to the left side of the brain and working in conjunetion with those of the right (Elazar/4s0c4): lamar is mas ter of composing thoughts unto manifestation, while Elazar is master of understandings/per- ceptions; thus, Elazar is in charge of the holy/was/designations of fire, while ltamar is in charge of the tabernacle forms/manifestations; initiating works/ achieve/t. the composition’ of spit- itual/ thoughts/4; concepts/« derived from one’s works/hands/2. to compose/x fullness’ in the mind/4 (left-brain function). Value 651/ £94%: the composed mind’ display of concepts. so yea, surely (ak, 58) ¥4 but, only, however; yet, hardly; as soon as; concept/4 that branches/9 to confirm, showing diver- sity with assurance of direction; expansive/« branchings/¥. Value 21/29: fruitful concept there is, there are (ceka, NON) 49-4 coneepts/£ evident/¥ in the projection of will/2; a display of will in the exercise of ideas: an affirming presence; the will/« to branch forth’y concepts/4. Value 22/3: productive form. aveo: — Ucal; consume; eat (achal, okel, 9>8) C94 to devour, to ingest; to take away, devour food; a meal; eating process; to partake of, physical- ly and spiritually: to consume is to appropriate energies according to a particular order and movement; not: nothing is ever lost by consumption, which is a fire sacrifice: the energies are transferred, or committed, according to an order of service: e.. the daily lamb is consumed on the altar—appropriated by the fire, thereby releasing the measure of wisdom for the day or evening for the mind’s consumption; “to consume” is, the will/initiation of study/ extended into the branches of knowledge/y pertaining to an order of instruction/¢; in “eating,” concepts! branch forth’ for support/guidance/¢: the process of eating is the assimilation/y of concepts! according to instuction/¢; for only when we partake of the concepts, or principles, are we able to appropriate/consume the instruction; further, one consumes the fire/wisdom, itself, when drawing out concepts and extending them into branches of knowledge unto leaming; the con sumption of the daily/evening sacrifice is our fire nature releasing from within us concepts of wisdom and branching them forth unto leaning directions; indeed, nothing is lost and all is gained: according to what we eat, we have energy for movement; for eating from the Torah enables us to branch out in all directions; consumption is the strength/expansionl < of fruitfully instruction/¢ in principles/4 extended/ to provide directions/¢: eating from Torah extends one in full movements; «x. a seed/ becomes a plant’Y to become a staff/supportc bearing fruit for the strength’ of the plant/¥ supports/¢ activity/4 to assimilate/y instruction/¢ (the staff’¢ is the order/classification/support we commonly call instruction); also: a prey, means of life sup- Port, Value, $1/% to swallow/intemalize concepts (Mat, 26:26-28; J. 432). see ice Wa 22 409-13 sing Gods Primal Cause (el, af, ale, 98) 64 490 pl Light Principles; Gods (elohim, 2758) YLAC4 might; strength’« directed/¢; mighty one/ones; the ruling, governing, guiding principles/con- cepts; directive orders; strength/4 of the staff!¢; concepts/< of instruetion/¢; concepts! princi- ples! of authority/¢, either positive or negative; concepts that regulate the light and the soul energy fields; groupings of life energies to express completeness; the Principles that comprise ‘YHWH/ava4—the United Principles of Light; se: the plural form is often used, literally, as, “He of the Elohim"/¥.4¢24 2vax—the One (the Unity) of the Elohim (SMB\Gen.1:3; MT/Deut. 4:35); expansion/contraction/4 that guides and orders/<, emanating illumination/a and activating/achieving/2. fullness/extraction/; source/< of authority/¢ continually giving light’; the fullness of life; concepts/« of instruction/¢ yield lightlenergy/ producing/granting life! % no: “you are elohim"—agents of creative activities: Elohim is a cluster of instructional concepts pro- viding light to attain fullness of being; when the He’ (definite article) preceeds the noun as HaElohim, certain definite concepts of instruction are expressed. Our service is unto the Living Elohim, 5. unto objects: the service, or dedication, of energies unto Elohim is faith in action; the service, or dedication, of energies unto objects or processes is idolatry. Categories of Elohim include: God/E of Comfort’ Consultation, Elohim of Love, Elohim of Control, Elohim of Filling, Elohim of Humility, Elohim of Exchange/Fairness, Elohim of Light, Elohim of Maturity, Elohim of Declaration/Announcment, Elohim of Households (Eph. 2:19); Elohim of Unions/Sex/Joy and of Giving/Receiving (Eph. 2:16); Elohim of Unity, Elohim of Forgiveness, Elohim of Mercy (Eph 2:4); Elohim of Justice (11 Thes, 1:5); Elohim of Gifts (Eph. 2:8; Elohim of Order, Elohim of Hope (Eph.2:12); Blohim of Patience, Elohim of Purity/Cleanliness, Elohim of Goals/Direetion, Elohim of Peace (Phil. 4:7); Elohim of Wisdom, Elohim of Selection, Elohim of Beauty, Elohim of Creation/Image Making, Elohim of Victory, Elohim of Companion, Elohim of Elevation/Lifting (Aets 26:8); Elohim of Thanksgiving, Elohim of Respect’ Regard/Fear (Col. 322); Elohim of Faithfulness, Elohim of Birth (I Jn. 39); Elohim of Thoughts/Formations, Elohim of Authority/Thrones/Dominion (lt Tim. 1:8); Elohim of Wrath, Elohim of Music/Harps (Rev 15:2); Elohim of Glory/Substance/Weight (Rev. 15:8); Elohim of Resources (Rev. 16:14; Phil. 4:19); Elohim of Temple Order (1 Cor. 3:16); Elohim of Worship, Elohim of Counsel (Acts 20:27); Elohim of Congregating (Acts 20:28); Elohim of Help (Acts 2:22); Elohim of Foundation (11 Tim. 2:19); Elohim of Intelligence’Spirit (I Cor.2:14); Elohim of Increase (1 Cor. 3:7); Elohim of Will ([Cor. I; Col. 1}; Elohim of Inspiration (1 Tim. 3:16); Elohim of Heavens/Names (Rev. 16:11); Elohim of Stewardship (Tit. 7); Elohim of Earth, Elohim of Miracles (1 Pet. 4:11; Rom. 3:1 Tim, 29); Elohim of Grace (Eph 2); Elohim of Shabbat/Rest (Gen, 2); Elohim of Gospel/Rewatd (1 Per. 4:17); Elohim of Knowledge, Elohim of Righteousness, Elohim of Patriarchs (Acts 22:14); Elohim of Angels/Messengers (Acts 27.23); Elohim of Day, Elohim of Night, Elohim of Perfection’ Completion, Elohim of Abiding/Lodging/Clothing, Elohim of Remembrance; Elohim of Tabernacle (Rev. 21:3); all these are numbered among the faces of Elohim YHWH; so: your Elohim/Eloheychem/992-4¢4—con- cepts/« of instruction/¢ to enlighten/4 and activate/t the fruititeaching/¥ of the Spirit's anoint- ing’, which concepts are applicable to all members of mankind collectively, s. your Elohim/efo- hechaw/.a¢4—concepts specifically directing us to a particular fruitimember; note: the forms and compounds of £1/¢4 are also applicable to any who assemble by words of unity to fulfill stat- utes and ordinances: eg. “these/4cé are the called of Elohim/7.4¢4"—namely, all who are con- firmed in their places in the house of 4¥34/Unity (Ps. 29:1; $81; 82:16; Jn, 10:34; “strange/other slohim” is better rendered as “restrained light principles.” See God/c4, Values, 31/4¢: Guiding Concepts 86/V2: Faces of Unity. See mot/C4: these! C4: gods!¥3.C4: mighty/4¥9"; El Shaddai' aw C4, 23 som03 mo, not; «sp, mot mow (al, ON) C4 4 prodding; an impermanent negation of imminent action, suggesting a prerequisite must be met prior to a fruitful resumption of activity; concepts/4 direct us to future action; now: the term “no” is the same as “EI”; for what appears as a negative is actually a positive prodding of in- struction; an Alefdirection/force! z that negates/resists/¢ what is contrary to the orders of life, what consumes the fruit of instruction, what defies the source/head of authority, what denies the strength of the staff; ao: beginning over: projection/< of teaching (rod/¢) provides a founda- tion’ and direction/¢; seed! of instruction/<—concept of all instruction principles. Value 31/42 guidance of principle. See God/C, Compare not 4410, 7705 the Almighty; affluent supply (El Shaddai, "72 58) LAW C4 united roles/¢4 are my/t sources/ aw: the composite roles creating affluence; the multi-breast- edicornucopia’taw of El/c4, conveying the principle of nurturing: thus, my/t Nurturing Center/aw of United Order/é4; an ever-abundant supply: ¢4/the United Order of Life is the le! applying/c its Eternal Fire/W to supply/s all energies/activities/t: the unity/ of roles/¢ provides spiritual/w insights/a into all works/2; note: knowing/calling/reading El Shaddai is the base of Avraham’s entrance into the lands, and with this knowledge he moves in confidence unto full actualization, Value, 454°: liquid gold flows with ie the Spirit is a ow of light taking shape as it draws upon the resources of El Shaddai, Soc fine/W 4s breast AW; Almighty’-4M; God Cd 421.28 sing. God; Ela, Elah, Alah, Eloha; these (eleh, alah, aleh, 158) AC4 430 pl Gods (elohim, ano8) PLACE those divinely appointed; sto: an oak tree—a unified order/cé with many emanations/2; to sig- nify by an oath, promise; concepts/ £ order/direct/¢ illumination’; an organization/¢4 of illumi nation/a, a united order/¢4 of light/4s the emanation/radiance/4 of EWc4; the orders of light to which belong the Elohim/74-2/2. Values, 367¥¢: guidance of Unity; 86/2: expressions of Unity; 18ih: transforming principle. See God; eliml LC mighty/4¥9". soe3¢ Allon; oak (elon, aylone, 8) IYCL oak tree, conveying the nature of Qofi#/dominion/priesthood; a seat of kingdoms; domain of ings, priests (SMB/Gen, 13:18; 141-24); principles! ordering/directing/¢ the outpouring/y of the Son of Man/; also: locale pertaining to Napthali/22x7%, indicating a state achieved through med- itations of the heart: eg, Allon-bachuth/xvys 9¥c4: strong, deeply rooted sorrow; sorrowful ‘meditations. Value, 87/52: to partake of Torah ass chief (alooph, 378) VLA head, leader, lord, master, champion; one having, the concepts! of order/¢ by which to bring forth/y the Sayings/2—the means to articulate what is written; a ttle to denote those with a mas- ter mind to enter the United Order/cz of the Faces/2. primary Order to maintain the Faces of YHWH, also: a confidante, intimate friend, Values, 117/524: minster presenting Tora one designated to achieve a goal, 36/¥¢: master of unity. See Alef 264. sae Elia (Eliav, 28758) 94L64 my/ El/c4 is a father/34; the force conducive to honorable speech within the body/taberna- cle/temple; principle/« directing/¢ the release/+ of concepts! from within’; a son/formulation of Chalon/vew/fortitude. Value, 44187 ow of insight 451 unto her (aleyah, M8) ALLA 8 concept£ directive/¢ that arranges/t the illumination’; concept directives/¢4 arranged/t 24 within the feminine radiance’: as we hear a messenger, we relegate/read the messages unto their proper arrangement within the feminine nature, whereby they are magnified and brought forth into actions (SMB/Gen, 16:13); alo: lamentation; ear lobe; the fat tail of a sheep. Values, 46°77 to reflect on maturity; 28/444 to branch forth via knowledge. See unto him/Y22& aso Elijah (Eliyahu, 1758) YALL. the Divine/4 Order/¢ of the Emanation/z. of Light/ Unions’; the activity of the Aleph! (con- ceptualization) and the Lamedic (instruction, staff, authority) is given through Eliyahu, wher by one attains/receives/2 the light/life/ unto redemption/restoration/unity/y: Eliyahu orients/turms our members unto the inscriptions/+. of MaSheh/Moses—to the Torah of Spirit: unto the Unified Order of Light Emanations, unto the Unity of YahiiWah; force to overthrow worship of Baal/¢03, Values, 52/2% the potentiality ofthe tabernacle; 34/4¢to direct inquiris/inwadness. 419, unto him (ala, PON) VLC to achieve unification/balance/testoration; concept! « directive/¢ that arranges/+. connections/; the inner strength to appoint connections/unions: we are addressed and spoken unto via mes- sengers according to our capacity to receive and hold, that we may manage our lives with jus- tice and mercy; united/4 order/¢ achieves/+. restoration/mercy/bonds/y; thus, when YHWH speaks “unto him,” there is a message to activate/manage bonds within us and between us: alaw/y2cé is the means to achieve a union/an establishment/y, while unto her/2%-c4 is the means to achieve a radiance/4; unto you/¥-c4 is the means to achieve fruitfulness/branching/; unto me/ca is the means to achieve activation/managment/2., Values, 47/57 to reflect on a goal: 29184 w know the consciousness of universal unity. See unto her/24-C4. 457 ph idols (ehleelim, D>°ON) ILCLCA; sine idol (ehleel, 2°98) CLLA false, empty, vain; to nullify the inner in preference to the outer; idolatry, which is right-of-way to immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and greed (Col. 3:5); concepts’ that resist/ the ac- tivities/+ of lfe’s direction/¢; ideas that resist the movement of life; concepts/- that overthrow/¢ the hand’2. of correction/¢. Values, 71/40: darkenedieonfused concepts; 121/49: a covering upon the feuits of Principle. Compare molten image/49*%; graven image/C#7: imagel2% 410 strength, courageous: gods (elim, DYN) YLL4 to become the sons/formulations of Elim (Ps. 29:1); to be ordered by light principles: concepts! < provide’? order/¢ unto fullness of life/% seeds! of instruction/¢ bestow the gifts/2 of spirit; the state of man in process of arising from the worm nature: when the letter HYe/ explodes in the Elim status, man progresses unto the Elohim/"7-a¢4 level of consciousness. Values, 81/47 par- taking of principle: 37/30 directive to gol 460 Eliasaph (9p%5N) JFLC EW/c4 expands/increases/adds/7#2; a chief over assimilative processes within the body/taberna- cle/temple; principle/< directing/¢ activities/t. in support/¥ of the breath of life/2; a son/formu- lation of Deuel/cavoa/friendship with Bl. Values, 181/429: discerament in partaking of concepts 58/4% acceptance of innumerable gis 400 Elizur (Elitsur, 13°78) 4YPLC4 my/t BV ct is a Rock/4¥r; a force for stability within the body/taberacle/temple; principle’ < that guides/<, bringing/2. a transformative! equilibrium! of mind/< a son/formulation of Shedaur/4v4%4Wlabundant supply of light. Values, 337/SCW wisdom directing goals; 67/S%: suppor of goals, 25 a79—_Blishah (nas) AWLC4 El establishes/helps/sets upright (from the root owi/salvation); the United Order/EV/ to initi- ate’ a lamb/av: the united order of life pertaining to the spiritual fire-form at the core of every person; the core essence to charge the structure of being, whether mortal or immortal, and to formulate all gathered; essence’ that orders/¢ the activities/+ of the fire/W of life/4; a son‘for- mulation of Yavan/¥2/the heart chakra. Value, 46°79: wisdom's anointed vessel. Soe Yavan 77 sro Elishama (Elishama, 3278) OWL A my/t. EU/ce hears/o%W; agent to coordinate the activities of heart and mind; principle/4 that orders/¢ the activities’? of wisdom’ according to the flow/7 of understanding/©; a son/formu- lation of Ammihud/avat70lmy majestic people. Values, 451/27: renewal ofthe potentialities of seed; 72/30: an understanding developer. sosoarsiayas mortal (almute, NVBN) RVI the prohibition of death; a sheaf, bundle, shaft of light; extension/x¥ of EVGod/c: the state of continuation entered as we come unto the Unity of Father/Emanator and Son/Formulator; the expansive Principles’ that guide and direct/¢ the multitudes of heaven and earth’ via the bond- ed justice and merey/y within the boundless continuum of life/x; noe: immortality is not what we receive, but what we enter info; because the immortal already now is, has been, and forev- er will be: as we have put on garments to enter the mortal state, so we put on garments of im- mortality to be borw/translated/extended into the immortal state (ref, BHM Torah Light Tape #24 (1995) Value, 477/50X: fulfillment of the prophecy of reéemption—o the composite perspective of Torah, See death/X¥; die not/X¥ 4 blassom/Ar%, 490 widow (almanah, T2358) AVILA abandoned, desolate, oppressed; one needing care; one devoted to spiritual works (whose “hus- band” is not of this world); strength! «to guide/cand draw out/¥ the display/potential/9 of life/3; one having the advantage of leadership (due to age and experience) to be a handmaid to assist others to be productive and to become illuminated. Values, 126¥9%: dedicated to the branchings of Unity: 45/9: to extracvlextractd from life 459 terebinths; dome; these (elon, JX) 9C4 oak tree (variant of *¥c4/oak); a domed shape above a given region: eg, £499 19¢4idome of region/territory of the chief angelic majesty; now: Elon-Mamre contains the root ¢4/El, the strength’ and authority/c of heavenly messengers; for Mamre is the place of abiding under the various domes of the heavenly host: Abram/4.4 dwelt in Mamre, where he received instructions and assistance from Mamre, Eshcol/¢v3W&, and Anet/4%0, as these formed a confederacy (heavenly host) to assist him in his defeat of other spiritual powers; Mamre is Hebron/¥y4s%, the heavenly region of the mind from whence all seeds fall to the earth to become great, and to which all returns to be buried/interred/planted (SYM/EX. 23:19. Values, 81/42: region of principle; 27/S¥: branchings of Torah. See oaki9¥4; Mamrel £497 soo Bleazar (Blacar, “1258) 4SOC4 Elice is hetp/430; concepts! of order/¢ surround/yield full perception of/6 the goal/ of the Master Mind of the Universe/4 (to be of help, one must understand the goal of the person need- ing help); mind that perceives and understands the intent of the Law; second dimension of Priesthood; insights/«into/c Torah yield knowledge/ 50; Elazar is the role of instruction/¢4 to accomplish understanding/© of the Law/S unto mastery/4, and the fruit of the instruction is 26 understanding unto mastery, leadership, control; noe: the priesthood of Elazar sees the end of all creation; hence, Elazar is the one bringing Yisrael/¢44wt. unto the Promised Land acquisition stage; for Elazar is the mind’s formulation of enlightenment—that is, he is what the mastery of enlightenment develops. Value, 308/A¥: strength ofthe Spirit helps/uplifis. See Aharon/¥¥ 48. so2or. 441 Eleph, Aleph; thousandfold, thousand, one (alef, alof, aloof, OS) 26-4 Aleph: name of 4, the first/primary letter of the alefbet, depicted by oxen; brightest star; to ear; to teach, train, tame, domesticate; Primary Force’ that orders/supports/teaches/¢ all man- ifestations/expressions/7; United Order/c4 reveals/speaks/2: each concept directs an ex-pres- sion, even as each seed directs the formulation of a fruit; to make myriads; to grow by thou- sands; a community, cluster; word form for the numbers 1 and 1000: 1 (by itself or at the end of a number) signifies a concept, principle; 1000 (at the beginning of number) signifies multiple concepts uniting/abounding; principle! orders/¢ expression/7; now: 9#49W 2¢4/a thousand years signifies study/renewal by concepts of Light; slo: to associate with; to learn; a family, group, herd—as of oxen; to tame, domesticate; propulsion, expansion; to thrust forward; to be sent— as man sends forth seed; to condense into one point; to comprise a unity of all parts; to descend and ascend; that which comes from the east to the west; a town pertaining to Benyamin/2¥2%4; the basis of all fruit; represented in Tehillah 119 by the word 2.4W4/ashrey, meaning “to verify,” which Aleph does in every way. Values, 111/19 the distinguishing actions of prinipl (value formula: 10017 x 10x 1/4= 1000/Aleph 30/¢:stafT of life. See one, aH chief 7¥C4. siria mother; on condition (aim, eem, EN) 94 dependency: whether, if, in case, or; bearer of seed; reception of spiritual concepts; conceiver; a seed’ in watet!, unto the seed’s/« full extraction’; a state of entrustment; a principle/< reflected’; the assemblage/” of principles’, organized/%, an idea/seed/4 attended unto/nur- tured/¥, conveying the mother nature; the strength’ of washing/cleansing/immersion/eleva- tion’; carrier of messages; to be intuitive; perception’. of spirit; the emergence of Aleph out of waters/amniotic fluids! aio: bond of the family; the principles/4 of a multitude/; ampli- fied/4 fullness/%: thus, a nation, people; note: the condition of our assemblage in spirit form determines our “mother”—the waters of life that we enter; therefore, one should always honor one’s natural mother and should, likewise, never despise the spiritual states of entrance and sup- Port, Value, 41/4% fll of Alef: to germinate seed, Compare people!70, eubiti224, 51924 pl eubits (amot, umot, DD8) XV"; sing maids cubit (amah, umah, 738) 3°94 forearm; foundation; middle finger; ell (originally, the length from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger); maidservant; aqueduct, canal, conduit; penis; door post; a nation/people; so matrix: all ideas expressing the means to measure or to become extended; processes of, con- ception/conceptulization’« by the anointing! of light’ (TK/Lev. 25:6; SYM/EX. 20:10); concepts < reflecting/measuring/ life/, even as a seed is both the measurement and the means of exten- sion of the parent form; the force of life contained in all things; concepts! derived from! wweighing/considering/y the sum of all creation/x. Values, 47/57: measurement drawing out the prop erties of completion; 46/7 a full extension of unity: Compare people!"40; mother! sos28 Ammon, Amon; steady, firm (amon, ehmune, 1728) 9V94 confidence, loyalty, faithfulness, trust, fidelity; training; the force of life/« flowing/ in unity/y with purpose/extension/; a son/formulation of Lov/®¥é, Value, 97/3 righteous gots ar 590 faith (emunah, T27BN) ATVI confidence, trust, loyalty; honesty, fidelity; from the root, awmen!?"4; concepts planted! in the wwaters/9 to yield/y the unfoldments/> of life/4; also: steadfast; security, firmness, faithfulness: the strength of a seed breaking forth out of the great reservoir of the heavens/names and extend- ing in all directions of life/light; a mother/"4 bearing/¥ the offspring/? life! means to access all avenues of spirit; concepts! of spiritual/ vatues/v unfolding/* Light words' note: faith is the establishment of concepts to verify the unseen principles of light; thus, without faith it is impossible to please HaShem, meaning that without verifying the concepts of life, one does not agree with the Elohim, Values, 102/44 a sanctified house; 39/64: guiding consciousness. sso58 strong; to close (amats, ometz, P38) P94 to prevent access; to examine! apart from’ transformation’; to close the eyes: not paying attention or giving heed, whereby the openings close; to be set in a course; to be bold, strong, intense; the force/« released? by a warrior/r; si: to be alert, courageous; to harden, fortify; 10 prevail. Value, 131/429 an abodeposition wo onler perception. Sce strong/®SH, HY, SYSO, 20. Compa mighty/4¥3%, PO. ssac4 —_Immers to consider, say, think (amar, omar, imair, “w28) 4°94 to utter, name, mean; to promise, intend; to comprehend; to think to oneself: meditative con- versation—to say a thing in one’s heart (SMBiGen, 27:41); an utterance, saying, speech, word; to release concepts/< that draw out/make full/7 the mind/intellect/4; a projection/« of spiritual! thoughts! the spirit projecting knowledge; a spiritual expansion of the mind: what you sayiproject is spiritual—it is unseen; note: with every saying/472 of YHWH/ava%, a higher con- of Being is attained; and he savsi-49.c.y: one meditating/ 4% has received’. and now may also dispense/¥ and project! spiritual’ knowledge’ Value, 241/74: a mind lowing with eon- cepts. 507 Amori (amare, *7128) L494 my/t. speech/saying/474; conveyance of thoughts; land of concepts/words‘ideas/seeds resulting from the teachings of the Canaani/2.%07%, and/or which produce the teachings of the Canaani; note: Amori either follows or preceeds the Canaan in the Torah: a tree/branch/¥ of the Canaani produces concepts/seeds/sayings/2.494 (SYM/Ex. 382, 9); the words/seeds/Amori produce a tree/Canaani (SYM/Es. 34:11, 1); to produce seeds! drawn out/? of the mind/intellect/4 and to implement them unto action/2; a code term for the body of man as a land of ideas: ref to the ter- ritory of mindithought formulations. Values, 251/474: the mind’s display of concepts; 444% to draw out from the gates. sea Amraphel; a marvelous saying (amrafel, 55138) (7494 a saying/ 494 of wonder/cz; to be extraordinary; a marvel, miracle; a concept’ that releases! frees! the mind/ to manifest/2 change/¢; a ruling power of Shinar/ 40%w/angelic transmutation; ako: a treasurer; administrator, officer. Values, 351/ £9¥: wisdom’s displays of principle; 63/°\F: fortifying communications, See think/494, sr truth, to verify (amet, Fis) X24 concept/ reflecting, thus filling/* the totality/x; the world testifies of the truth by displaying every concept that fills and makes up the sum; the truth is in every level as the Mem desig- nates—in vapor/steam/air, in all liquid states, and within all forms. Values, 36/¥¢: the order of unity. 28 s77-79. where, whither; to lament (anah, 78) AY to mourn, bewail, sigh; vital energies/4 display/? evaporation’; to bring about, cause; to approach, befall: “no evil will a%4/befall you” (Ps. 91:10); depicts a condition that facilitates change; a concept/4 expands) the revelation’; an idea/z unfolds/® light’; aso: to deceive: ‘deas/« that reverse/7 revelation/4; a lobe. Values, 56° to desire unity; 201+ coming to know. 50269 pl men (anashim, D°WIN) PLW; sine Enos, Enosh; man (enosh, Dux) WY94 mortal; kindness, benevolence, humaneness; principles/ desiring/displaying/» the unity/y of ‘wisdom (and all who so desire shall be filled); the masculine force within the earth; the uplift- ing of the earth fields on behalf of a name/positioning of energy, as illustrated by Pharaoh/2042 giving the elements for Abram/"4424; initiations/ to withdraw’ wisdonvw for the activation’ of fullness/% to exert the will of human spirit to possess all of life. Benevolence begets Kenan/¥74.9/the ability o treasure. Values, 387/57: wilization of wath in purposes and goals; 01/4: the smeasurement of Principle. See man!¥8./NL4 seo ships I, AM (anee, once, *28) L94 the Single Voice; a realization of belonging to all living potential; inner projection displayed; inner force/< extended/9 through the inscriptions/actions/t; Unity/ vibrating/+ into writings/actions/+ conveys the unity of being “I”: the phrase, “I, YHWH" (eg. Tk/Lev. 22:2), dem- onstrates the Unity within being projected, or fully released; nate: the inward “ Unity of all parts being projected as the Master Resident/Architect; in the phra s unto you,” it is understood that The Single Voice is speaking: it should not be read as though an alien personality is speaking in distinetion to some other; «the statement, “you have heard Moses...” (meaning that you have listened to a particular voice or attributed the saying to the teacher, Moshe), “...but /say unto you,” is given to heal the misconception and to convey the Single Voice Moshe uttered: Moses is not to be interpreted as an individual speaking, in dis- tinction to another; for spokesmen of the Enlightenment of Mind speak the words of the Single Voice, not their own; to personalize words to show authorship is not necessary, and if it must be done, let the saying be attributed to the Single Voice; for the mouths of all people are really one voice; further, the phrase “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life” is read as, “The Single Voice is the Derek/¥4a/Way/Path of Access’ for the Mind’s/4 Branching/¥ & Productivity/4, the Emetix4iVerification’> of the Light Principle/ unto Totality/x, and the Chai/2w/Life—the Active Engagement/¥ of Sharing/2; slo: a ship; a vessel that moves alone or in fleets. Values, 61/6 tre of life concept: 25/49: branch of lightstracture of oneness. See V.Y4, sos I (anochi, "228) LIV vertical, perpendicular; to perceive inner unfoldments as a tree/branching with fulfilled respon- sibilities; self, the Unified’ Vibration branches/y unto fulfillment/z; the presence of will/« unfolds/9 into branches/¥ of fulfillment/2; note: the “self” of each spiritual name is the inner divine will to initiate unfoldments with evidence leading to fulfillment, whereby we declare openly with delight, “That’s me—I am a spark of the Unified Flame that is branching to be ful- filled.” Values, 81/2: the expression of principle; 36°¥C: progress of unity, Soe TAM/L 74 582 pl. men (anashim, DXDIN) YLWIA humanity; a grouping of mortals, males; seed/s drawn forth/? from Wisdom/w and deposited/positioned/+ in multitudes’. Value, 401/4%: the measurement of Principle, See mortal WY" & 29 62220 Asaph; gather (asaf; acuph, osef, asepah, MDX) JE4 to collect, take in, take away; the force/will/« to structure/* a fruit/an expression/7; a collection, an assemblage; concepts’ structure/ soul/expression/7. Value, 141/47: the treasuring of life princ- ples e31-32 vows to bind, imprision (asar, esar, “ON) 424 to conceive/plant/ a structure/# of thoughts/4; to bond; a concept/< conjoined’ with the mind/4; to fetter, tie, jail, arrest, prohibit, ban; the raw power/4 to confine/# a mind/4; ato: to enticiate, Values, 261/44: mind structured according to principle: 361¥C: ordering of bonds e739 nose; sense of smell (aph, 5S) 74 evaluation, mediation; to conceptualize/-t an expression/man jon2; to make sure; to detect and respond (cither “yea” or “nay") to an expression; to affirm, as in “surely, too, also”; to evie dence agreement with an expression or statement: thus, sometimes translated as “face”; the pro- Jjection/< of a face/; abo: to anger; to have wrath, as in response to an expression or statement; the essential energies/« given expression/>; the unity of self (a face!> response) in juxtaposi tion with what has preceded/has become manifested). Value, 81/42: to partake of concepts es7 tobe gone (ehphes, OBN) E74 zero; full, yet invisible; to expand/< and to close/? in equal proportions’; the unmanifested from which all emanates; the means of extension; to bring to an end, to the furthest extension; to attain to a capacity; to exhaust; to be nothing; to disappear, be absent; ako: an adverbial mod- iffer: notwithstanding, only, but, however; root meaning “an ankle” (the means of fleeing/dis- appearing, coming to nothing); root base of #.4774/quartermaster/storekeeper/provisioner— one capable of supplying what is absent. Value, 141/41: domains to extract Principles 005-60 gray (aypher, afair, “=X) 474 shifting; greyness, denoting transition; gloom, shadows; tone of gathering and releasing; to strew ashes, scatter drt (to cover in greyness); a covering; concepts/ 4 appearing/? in the mind! 4, even as smoke appears in the heavens; ake: nothingness, a conundrum; a meadow (filled with indistinet vegetation); a mask, obfuscation; cosmeties, cosmetician. Values, 281/-£74: a mind open to concep: 38/¥ instruction arises coo Ephraim (Ephrayim, 228) 9474 to be fruitful; double fruit; to thrive, grow; one’s origins/« manifest/2 the mind’s/4 activities/+. unto maturity/* to produce; to create a garment/covering: the role of Yoseph/7#v2 to robe each energy Member—to bless/expand the energies according to the seed gathered; to unify accord- ing to concept formulations: hence, Ephrayim serves to join us with others according to con- ceptiseed formulations; means to unite energies together into new states; note: with the priest- hood, Ephraim leads all members to occupy territories, including Egypt"1-4-4/Miteraim and the Promised Land; for it is Yoseph that first brings us into Egypt, and it is Yahushiia/Joshua that leads us into the Promise Land; energy of the penis/clitoris—aspect of mind that leads the inherent names into new States (Levitical Writings 2123); not: Ephrayim, whose service in the flesh corresponds to the functions of the glans penis, conveys the law through which all. Yisrael appears; for through 2¥//Levi/unions all sons/works appear; thus, Levi depicts the tabernacle body/structure of man, which makes man visible: unified in Lewi, the sons of Yaagov/2901. come unto Ephrayimv/knowledge to unite and bless all parts; the Northem Kingdom position 30 (Ephraim) refers to the realm above—the place from which seeds descend to revive the earth; thus, Ephrayim portrays (a) the reproductive system that transfers all within the seed unto a body; (b) means of blessing/expanding all parts, as emitting the seeds/fruit of the loins; (e) con- cepts of knowledge to distinguish and master man’s unity; (a) tribal members designated by mission to bear forth the expressions of knowledge unto the unity and fulfillment of all ‘mankind. Value, 331/42¥: Wisdom governs seed/concept (SMIB\Gen. 45:22) See souLW2 o72— Ephrath, Ephratah (Ephrar, EN) X474 to constitute, comprise, make up; the foremost/ expression/? of the crown/head/4 of all cre- ation/x, being the Chief Expression that governs over all things; as “ex.s 424/Ephrat Beth- Iehem, birthplace of Mashiyach: to constitute/x474 the house/xt of bread/"%; thus, the place within each person in which the Head of All emerges: the maturity of man, the Ruling Center of Hy4/Ruach/ Spirit that is formed within to manage/administer all things; therefore, Ephrat is also the birthplace of 9~.4/Benyamin/Son of the Right Hand, the Mashiyach: as Benyamin is the energy of the Seed/Gamete of Life, so he represents, the First/£ Expression/Manifestation/? of Life that Governs/4 over all matter/things/x: this is the Mashiyach, the Son/Projection/ Formulation of Elohim/ 4-424 who is the Chief Display of all, created to ruleladminister all el ments: so be it that each Name emerges at Ephrat! noe: the faces of Aleph! are sown within each Name, whereby each mind is enabled to bring forth the totality/42.; as the Seed/ Gamete of Life, the Nature of Benyamin contains all faces/expressions of Light to tend the tota in; Ephrat is a territory/place of light pertaining to a Name, ws locations that pertain to mani festations of names [or to openings of expanse, as for each of the triparte natures of man: Yapheth/x7texpansion (Assyria), Cham/*#enthusiasm (Mitzraim) and Shem!*/purpose (Yisrael) have physical locations pertaining to each nature (re to birthing the man-child ruler Ps. 8)] ‘Value, 681/4£24X: the composite mind of totality expresses Alef the Father. See Bethlehem 7%¢ X72. cre finger (ets-bag, D238) OSb-4. to grasp with, seize, take hold of; from the root meaning to dip [TK/Lev 4:17}, to variegate, dis- tinguish, the will/ to release/execute/t powericollective position of unity/2 based upon under- standing/o to accomplish change/transformation, thus used as the instrument to initiate an offering/sacrifice or to distinguish the mind as in writing an inscription; each finger pertains to a month as well as a tribal branch; see notes of SMB/Gen 15 regarding the ten states of Word verification and how they correspond to the ten extensions of the hands; rings are used to distinguish the season of the year and activities of light within the year; rings on the fingers of the right hand: index finger serves for both Yahidah and Yissachar, middle right: Zebulun and Reuben, fourth extension: Shimeon, and little finger: Gad; on the left hand: the index fin- ger serves for Le’uwi/Levi and Yoseph, the middle full extension for Dan and Benyamin, the fourth extension: Asher, and the little left finger for Naphtali. Value, 38/4" processes of ascension 1s the fingers are arranged to convey the daily ascent of the sun (right hand) and the moon (Left hand is their rs- ing and setting; thas the mide finger isthe fll finger of ascent 10208 Arba, Arbah; four (Arabah, T2378) 40344; (arbah, 3278) 0944 light of inquiry, discovery: a compound word comprised of the roots: light/+v4 and to ask/203, means of divulging secrets, exposing: a light/4¥4 to expose/@0%, or by which to inquire: as 4Valinsight/door: value of revelation; light! 4v- of inguiry/40% to initiate! 4 the mind/4 via inter- nalized/3 understandings/0 of Light/4; denotes the process of extraction; symbol of access; to at ional: a quad, pyramid arising from the four letters of HaShem; not: le in the vicinity of Mamre/£4¥%, Arbah is the locality of the deathiextension of Yitzchaq/HraJ/laughter, signifying that one’s mission is extended unto all comers/regions of the earth, Values, 273/04 mind understanding processes; 778/04: mastery of understanding and perspective. Sce bubble! 302; forty/72.0944; Hebron!9°749A, Compare desert/3940, 219,702.08 fourteen (arbah-awsar, “22 T2378) 4WO 20344 to inquire into/30944 and discover the wealth/4W; to ascertain inscriptions, the value of the lambs/2.3¥/kevashim pertaining to the burnt offerings/co%24#/Korban olah of the Feast of Tabernacles xv¥#4WChag Sukkot: for as one follows through (thereby branching in the devel: opment of the spirit), so one has full revelation concerning all acquired in the yearly growth cycle; to initiate/« the mind/4 via intemalized’s comprehension/© of Light/life/@ unto under- standing/o, wisdom, and knowledge/4 Value, 848/H°7%: to measure the composite of anointed visions. vos forty (arbaim, D'a"8) YLOI4L plural of four'o344, signifying light/4¥« of inquiries/%0%; a symbol of fullness; denotes the completion of a cycle; an expansion’ of mind/4 to formulate/9 understanding/© and achieve't fullness!" Valu, 323/°\9W: assimilation of productive processes. See four/0944. Compare desert/4.240, yoa Argob (2358) 3.44 accumulation; “I will pile together” (trilateral root #4): a gathering of seeds/concepts/ 4 piled together/3+4; concepts/£ transmitted’ to the mind/4 for the purpose of building/4; a stony place; ref to the lands of Manasseh/w7%/testes; the seeds/ of man/- transmit/regulate/* the shape/form/s, as district of Og/-Wo in Bashan/>w9 of Gilead/a0c’: the use of concepts for the vitality of the human form; a source of healing. Value, 206'¥4 a chief state unto unity v2 purple (argaman, 058) 9944 color signifying administration, grace; ideas’ govern/4 the delivery/* of messages’ and dis- plays! concepts/« from knowing/4 processes/* of the waters’/ potentials/; color of royalt concepts! of a King) 4 regulating/~ all within/ unto becoming the Son/Formulation of Man/¥; redemption; color signified by the letter HWaw/'. Value, 294/04: the mind's transmutations of insight, conveying principles of transformation unto future access, y27 ark, mind (aron, J1"8) 9Y 44 box; depository of Torah scrolls; concepts/ of mastery/4 that contain/hold/y potentials! not: the ark of covenant is depicted in the Torah with specific measurements to house the words of the Spirit: () the length is the mind of patience, forbearance, endurance: length also expresses continuing renewal when mind is positioned as a son/formulation of Elohim/7.4c4; (2 the width is the mind of generosity, comfort, expansion; (3) the height is the mind of restoration, es- tablishment, glorification, and elevation; the height conveys the freedom that comes in serving Elohim: as our minds accept the design of the Spirit, they acquire the capacity to hold the words of the Spirit; () the breadth expresses the foundations of spiritual operations and performance. Value, 257/394 mind intemalizing perfection; mind submitted t completeness. See bow! 744; Arnon/744; holy of holies 72.49 WA®, Compare ark/A3%, 779 to bind, make bounds a curse (aror, “778) 4¥ 44 he self will/« of intelligence/4 to unite with’ carnality/4; to from the root 444/10 execra 32 dam, restrain, hold back; to reduce in size or significance: ex. to enter into mortality, or into a particular dimension of an array, as in “YHWH curses the ground/a¥44—that is, HaShem establishes a confinement in the elements, making of them school masters whose limitations prepare the way of discovery and greater blessing, as they are balanced by understanding; thus, to set in proper proportion; the self will/ of mind/+ to be joined/¥ to another mind/4; a teacher—as Adam, willing to enter into a body (a proportioned space) whereby he may acquire the mind of YHWH. Value, 407/X: to appropriate a diretion/goal confirming words, 20-30 pl cedars (arazim, ehrezim, DYN) YL344 seeds of knowledge given to fulfill all men; seeds/< of knowledge/4 are the force of Light/S to achieve/t fullness/¥, concepts in the mind to fulfill the inscriptions of life: Torah is grasped vi concepts of Light; “cedar” depicts the Zayin/S/eentral force to distinguish between light and darkness; a branching of the Torah; nate: one of two primary woods required to build the Bet Hashem, as none can build the Temple of Light without the concepts/4 of knowing/4 Torah/S; the other wood is Wy 4s/eypress: note the Aleph-Resh/ 44 and the Bet-Resh/49 beginning the word forms of the two woods—we acquire both the concepts of light/44 to distinguish and fullfill all things (cedar/254) and also the sonship/developments of thoughts/48 formulated by fire/wis- dom (cypress/W¥44) to build the Bet HaShem; abo: to pack, tie together; rice (grain that packs together when cooked). Values, 258/74" mind evidencing covenant; 31/4 unfolding of concepts 748 Arioch; leoline (aréoke, 778) YYL44 lion-like, from the root fion/-44; concepts/« of knowledge/4 inscribed/+. within’ the branch- es/9 (of the body); symbol of fire, the force of fire letterswriting, Values, 287/SC-# mind governed by Torah; 48/04 quest to ascend vo235 — Brech; length (erek, arak, orak, 78) 944 to endure, continue; patience, forbearance; conveys extent and duration, determination and pur- pose; concepts/£ of knowledge’ 4 unto full extension/productivity/¥; as a center in the kingdom of Nimrod/44%% persistence, monomania, Value, 221/494: knowledge to branch forth concepts 758; 708 pl Aramaic; Syria, Aramites (Arami, "278) 1944; sing. Aram (C78) V4.4. highland; palace, castle, mansion; an energy field, Light field; concepts/4 originating/4 by com- bustion/» activities/4; the source for communications—that place where thought precedes artic- ulation: thus, the Resh/4 precedes the Mem/ in Aram, but follows in amar/-44, meaning, “to say”; note: Arami forms compound names pertaining to the developing of light pattems, «. Paddanah-Aram, a light field for cultivating/ploughing insights, in order to release their poten- tial illumination; as formulation of Shem/>w/name: attribute of a nameposition to exert its influence to elevate/exalt the chief principles/concepts of Light (SMB\Cen. 10:22-28); as formula- tion of Kemuel/¢4v#/raised of Bl: a celestial light body; as district in Canaan!%0%: branching thought patterns, Values, 241/-£9+ the mind's releases of light concepts; 251/ £74: the mind's interalizations flight concepts. See Padan-Aramv44 %42; Mesopotamia’ 44% ¥44 reaysa; 5102.08 — Mesopotamia (Aram-Naharim, 2°73 E78) YL489 944 Aram/744 of the (Two) Rivers/2-44%, a Light field streaming with flowing rivers of light; con- cepts/£ originating/ 4 by combustion’ to unfold/* the enlightened! mind/ via activities’? of fullness! Value, S461779%: the measured domain ofthe fullness of Unity. See Aram/244; river/ 42 ves.67 Oren, Aran; box (aron, oren, aren, 78) 244 a pine tree; concepts! of knowledge/4 in full extension’; container: a repository, chest, clos- et, enclosure, ark; concepts’ of the mind’ in display/, a son/formulation of Seir/+LoW/facili- 2 tating growth and cultivation the Chori/Horite/+-4W/causing 10 glow. Value, 251/£94: the mind unfolding concepts. See arki9¥’44. Compare ark/@3X, ros-ro Arnon ({278) 2944: the chest; valley/stream between Amori/2474 and Moabi/2s¥%: valley between the breast slopes, ie, the valley over the heart; a tumultuous stream; the seeds/concepts/4 of knowledge! 4 flourishing/> in full extensions’. Value, 30/4: a fringiniting of concepts. See ark. 770 earth, land (aretz, Y>N) P44 area of light/4¥« trans ormations/t(WVaw/y implied); realm of light for transformations/ changes effected by the heavens/names; territory to undergo change overseen by the Ministry of Light: while there are specific mi of angels and men, we all are under the overseeing Ministries of Light; the embodiment of energies of the heavens/names for purpose of transformation: out of Earth come forth all attributes of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom; for in the Earth, HaShem places the Word (Amos 9:6); the expansion/z of mind/4 through transformationsir; the stages of transformation of the light energies; a designated exchange level: residing concepts of Light/4 governing/4 the pursuits/transformations/use of energies/sacrifices/t; participatory exchange level of being in which the will of spirit is exercised; the place of transformations/sac- rifices—either unto unity or separateness; the place of inheritance—of the flow of life—desig- nated for the expressions of soul; place of coming to maturity and fullness; the extended/initi- ated/4 mind/ in pursuitit; counterpart to the heavens/ names/%.¥4; space given for the invis- ible attributes of life (the twelve light energies) to be fully expressed as Yisrael/<44w2; space to balance and tune, proportionately, the soul’s energies unto the wholeness of man; note: when the energies are fully balanced and appropriated according to life’s measurements, then the enei gies (expanded with soul, and now positioned to be eternally renewed) become self-perpetuat- ing by the wholeness achieved (Jn, 5:26); Earth/arets, as the collected body of energy, is distin- guished from ground/adamah (which are the elements of the visible creation configured on behalf of adami4.2): aretz is a state of light, love, bonding, favor, compensation, fulfillment, satisfaction; also: the phrase, “their lands/"2xr442,” expresses purposes for the openings of light, the forms, and attributes of fire (SMB\Gen.10:5.20,31) Value, 291/.£4: man in pursuittansformation unto tunity: knowledge is the appropriation of Afeph enengies. See ground/A%2.4; world’ hidden!%0, Compare Egyptl"A-4Y (noe: Mitzraim is an inverse/eflected/tured-inside-out variation of fandit-44, the Aleph being swallowed by the Yod't) tra to curse (arar, “78) 444 to be cursed, accursed; concepts! compounded 44; to withdrawitemoveltake away the knowl- edge; concepts of ignorance; ideas/4 that cleave! 4 the mind/4, Values, 401/£X: to end an expansion; 41/4 distraction principle, yase7 fire, heat, wrath ( the force of principle/4 characterizing wisdom/, which analyzes, elevat sumes/completes a cycle; the seed of your name! in wisdom’, fully blazing; the emanation force/Alephi of wisdom/consummation’; wisdom’s all-inclusive dynamic to unite all thoughts as one, as its Divine Fire melts us and reveals our commonality; the centrality of the covenant, as in Bereshithl xw245; the offerings of fire are the properties of Thought that can transform and consumate the intent and structure of the Thought; Fire creates supportive prop- erties of Thought as from Fire comes water, from water comes air; these three, fire, water, and air combine to form a State of Mind known as Earth; since the Fire is always present it can transform the State that it is residing within; noe: fire/W is created when the Aleph. is released 34 into the microcosm, resulting in a spark/w that is bonded to the Aleph: the same phenomenon is observed when a concept is released from the heart, mind, or loins and an electrical charge ‘occurs in the synapses of the brain, as the unity of life/4is fire/w; a “consuming fire” is wisdom consummating all it begins—gathering unto itself the perfection of all aspects of being that were let out/sent out to attain perfect knowing and expression; the parameter letters of Aleph 4/1 to Shiniw/21, culminating in Taw/x!22 (= 4+ W), Value, 301/4W: consummation of concepts; 22/33: the branchings of magnetism. See man/W4.£; woman/AW4; El Shaddai/aW C4 y04 pl slopes (eshdat, MWS) KAW: sing ravine; outpouring (ashadah, M7ws) AAW the manner of fire: a firelW2 law/xa, a fiery law; slope of a mountain; waterfall, cascade; rapid descent; the emanation/ of wisdom’ from the door/a of ight/4: the light from the total eom- posite of all creation’, Values, 3102¥: wisdom’sreleasepouring forth; 705/AWX: the totality of wisdom's emanations (being like a waterfall—a nishing stream from innermost being) s02 pl Women (nashim, 2°22) FLWY; sing. woman (isha, TDS) AWA wife (wives); the light-energy body devoted to illuminate stored concepts; to radiate’ wis- dom/fire/w2; to energize/illuminate a spiritual name/function via union: the force/ of wis- dom/spirit/W radiating/; the illuminative function of fire: a fire/W4 that illuminates/a; one who fans/4 the fires/w4, thereby warming, sustaining, and causing to glow; the expansive/« means of spirit/W unto illumination/; note: the Nun! in the plural form swallows up the Aleph of the singular form, even as the feminine receives into itself concepts/seed; the interior actions! of wisdom/w that bring forth/t the fullness of life/% a woman is the receptor of the words/teach- ings, as she denotes the form/body of flesh that houses the teachings; we therefore have coun- cil not to exalt the flesh to govern over the inner man or to speak in the assembly; these sayings refer to the tabernacle of man, not to the female of the species (1 Tim. 2:11,12). Values, 306/Y¥E wise dom of joining parts; 400/X: renewal, completion, See mam/W-4; fire/W-4 Female! 43%, 0s sing, Assyria, Asshur (ashiur, “e8) AW aos pl Asshurim, Ashurites, Assyrian (Asheri, 728) L4YW4 to step aright; principles! of Wisdom/W administered through/¥ authoritative/4 actions/t; a confirmation, corroboration, approval, endorsement, sanction, acknowledgment; one of the three natures of man that comprises the works of YHWH/4¥a% (Isa, 19:23-25); nate: Assyria corme- sponds to the soul—to the extension and flowering nature of the light energies that come from the centers and openings of the pre-embryonic mind: es. Nineveh/av“24/progeny united with Light, Rehoboth-Ir/42.0 xa 4lobservers of ways, Calalvcsicompletion, and Resen/7=4icorrec- tion; Assyria’s taking the tribes captive corresponds to the nature of the developing/emerging soul taking captive the energies of light, to use them as it wills; later (in the age of Adam § matu- rity), Assyria has a path in Egypt, and Egypt, a path into Assyria: as the two natures of the embodiment of mind energies intertwine to form the light body blessed by Yisrael/ ¢4wt, Asshur is formulated, in that the collective descendants of Yapheth/xt are designated to be within the tents of Shem/w: the fruit of Assyria is undergirded by the roots of Yaphethithe openings of soul; Asshur, as the formulation of Shem/9W/namelposition, signifies acknowledg- ment of mission, being the attribute of a name that gives direction with approval (SMB\Gen. 10:22) Values, $07/S9X: to measure the ordained goal; SI7/SL-FX: to measure ordained activities with words. See Asher! Wd. 35 ai12 — Esheol (122%) CYYWA the fire’s/w4 totality/wholeness/¢¥; the fire completes/expands all begotten; a name for Planet Earth as a creation of Light to complete/expand/v9 fire/wisdom/w4; als: a cluster: ¢. a clus- tering of the fire traits assembled in the soul, as depicted by clusters of testicles or of grapes trait of soul to house and radiate spirit; the fire’s force to assemble, holding the core supply of strength and the fortitude of life; the principles’ of wisdom/w extending/¥ and nurturing/y roles/¢; an Amori/t.492 confederate with Abram/¥424, as soul is confederate with name. Value, 357/39: wisdom’s displays unto completion/rest. See Mamre/447%; Sheoli“¥ 4W, ea Ashkenaz (12508) SYYW the gathering/s¥ of fire/W4, the clustering/s9¥ of wisdom/w4; a bunch, cluster; eg. a poplar tree cluster/grove; a formulation/son of Yapeth’x7/expansion through Gomer!4-Vreaching con- clusions; the principles/4« of wisdom! made evident/¥ in purposeful’? words/s; fire/wa branch- es forth/y with desire/7 to be complete/S. Value, 378/HOM: utilization of understanding in perspective. See Gomer!49. e718 guilt offering (asham, Dox) YW force/£ of wisdom/ to restore! 7; to have knowledge of fault; to be guilty, culpable, blamewor- thy; to sin, transgress; to perceive/4 wisdom’s/w fullness!” and thereby to engage the energies unto transformation/correction; to instigate/4 a spiritual/w release/7. Value, 341/4£9W: wisdom cleanses concepts 29030 sine Asher happiness (asher, “2X) 4W4 e439 pl Asherites (asherim, 28) YLAWA that which satisfies; the projection! of spiritual/w thoughts/ the expansion/< of wisdom/w in the mind/4 to attain/2. unto fullness’; force of direction; to go forward, lead; to prosper; to bless; to be level, straight; to guide; to take a step: hence, forasmuch, as, since, regarding (in the sense of certification); asa formulation/son of Yaaqov/ #02: to make happy, relieve; happiness, blessing; means of expansion; as a triberbranch of Yisrael/¢.t4W2: ref to the seat of the stomach, which approves or disapproves; wr to the horn of understanding, in the shape of the WW3) LLALHC 443 ‘Well of the Living One Seeing Me”; a wellspring of HaShem (SMBiGen. 16:14); a pathway of wisdom to bring together/s concepts! of the mind/4 for the life'tne of the beholder/s.<4; house/ concepts/« of the mind/4 to direct/¢ perspective/# and to activate/2. a knowledgeable mastery/4 of principle! £in all activities/4; note: a well arising from the twelve swirling rivers of spirit “underground” in the body and positioned 15° apart at the circumference, forming con- centric circles of living water (anatomy: the dermatotome/metamere segments of the abdominal) the upper walls of the well are the neck, the neck serving as the well cap, and the tongue (as a ladle) draws out from the well the “waters” of the twelve rivers; Beer-laChaiRoi serves as a mir- ror to reflect an individual's life and the paths of that life: the well contains the golden Dalet/a of the Diamond Paths that rise and fall within the waters (sce Crown Diamond); in meditation, one should consider the tidal effects of the moon, which cause the waters within to rise and fall. As the Daleth arises unto the crown, the throat (well cap) of the sacrifical lamb is pierced, releas- ing the Wisdom stored within, Values, 462/8X: infinite support ofthe house; 84/42: mouth of the triangle, opening ofthe door axe Beer Sheva (be'eer sheva, 232 782) O9W 443 well 423 of an oath/seven/o3—well of satisfaction/completion; to bring together’ concepts/< of the mind/4 for completion/osw, wellspring located in the region of the stomach that announces understanding and releases substances for assimilation; interiorized/ principles/< rule/4 for the assimilation’ and utilization’ of understanding/0, Values:575/40%%: infinite confir~ mation of the understandings of life; 62/95: structures maturity estos Babylon, Babel (Bavel, 522) C99 a state of assimilation or confusion due to mingling, which may lead to being confounded with’ consciousness/4 of instruction/¢, the provisions of our original form/compound a dusticlouds/thoughts prior to our knowing (or coming) into a manifestation of order; before’ my/4 knowing/instruction/¢; to compound matter! 43 into orders/¢; to be/3 with Bel/caldecay, and thus capable of change; to integrate/s frequencies of light into manifestations/4 of orders/class- 9/¢ to maintain held positions by reflection, or by outward evidence/appearances; ao: a disar- ray; as a united border for the diverse sons/formulations of Noach/%—namely, Yapeth!72, CCham/H, and Shem/Sw—an affixation to verbalized thought in seeking the elements necessary for rest or consolation; house/9 of anxiety/¢2. Value, 34/4¢: a guide tothe gates. avo garment (beged, bagad, “2) 4\3 to cover; a role, assignment, ministry; a robe; a particular calling; the means’ to communicate/ insights/all within the gates/a: the successive flow of revelation; the means unto revelation (as allis given according to the gifts and callings appropriate to our respective garments/roles); sls: to be covert; treachery; to gather'9 the import/news/"at the gates/4 Valu, 9/8: a shielding arrangement sos.07 linens staves, poles (vad, 73) 49 means of transporting the ark/9¥44; depicts teachings placed in the four side rings/ears/x038, whereby the ark is transported/carried forth: when the Torah is heard/understood, then itis ful- filled—enacted into movement; means to actualize the energies in man; having the capacity to enter/9 the openings/4; sso: a portion, part, delineation from the whole—thus, sometimes con- strued as “falsehood, lie, fabrication, concoction”; a distinctive part; a branch, thread—eyp. of cloth material; white linen; a development/ manifestation’ of insights/. Value, 6'¥: connects togoer. See linen tunie/ 49 X23; breeches/43 $92, Compare staff rod!@%;statbar/@Y', 38 ore —bdellium resin (b'dolach, Mo73) ACAI crystal; to erystallize—to reveal the facets of all contained within; to interiorize!9 the insights! leading/c to covenant to display the diamond facets of a spiritual name; compound of vad! a3 meaning, “textile, white linen,” and /uach/e, meaning “green, fresh, glistening, moist, vigor- ous”—the natural force of name within spirit; ste: bdellium conveys the “whiteness” of the force and light patterns within a name, informing us that the character of name is brillant, being the vigor of spirit: ««, the Torah phrase: ¥c43%W/name of Bdellium (SMB/Gea, 2:12) Valuo, 44/8% reflection upon insights toi im the likeness (b'demut, m273) XYYAI according to character; similitude, reflection; with/in/s a form/shape/xY74—being within/9 the paths/4 to reflectimirror/¥ the contained? totality/X. Value, 452/4%X: a measurement of the potental- ties of fom, s29 cattle (b’hamah, “372) AIAI with’ hamah/a%: “with heat—with yearnings, shouts of confirmation”; to long for; those who cluster together, as a herd, belonging to His care; connotes all energies and functions of life: the individual aspects of light energies that herd together to be one/Alephi the ox; to house! an animation! of the fullness/waters/7 of life/#; as position of an olah (TQ/Lev. 1:2): to expand! the illumination’ unto release/* of full radiance/4; not: “cattle/h fhamah” depicts the unity of life yielding illumination among all men and all forms of life. Value, 52/2%: means of potential devel ‘opment. See to yearn/buzz/hum/4%. e905 come (bo, 812) 479 coming, appearance, materialization; to manifest, reach, arrive, enter, abide; form/9 connect- edi¥ to principle/4; consciousness’ uniting/y with the invisible/<. Value, 9: union of parts. See golcome/ <2, Compare come out/going out! 0, 1159 bubble, pore (ba-ah, 123) AO: (bo-ah, N21) AOYI to ask, inquire; to discover; to divulge secrets; to expose, reveal, lay bare, elucidate; to give form/9 to the content/Y and understandings/0 of revelation’; the ear/s discerning/o, without limitation’; to destroy; as: to bubble, boil, erupt; a vesicle, pore; vesicular; to develop’ keen/© evaluation/y of emanations’. Valves, 7/50: awareness of import 83/°2: to manifist what is hidden. See four/os44. 77 choose (bachar, "M2) 4149 to select, elect, pick, try; a preference; a conscious/9 effort unto mastery/knowledge/4, Value, 210/24 lscrtion in acquisitions, See bullock’ 492, herd 494, sa002 Beten; stomach, body (beten, boten, 122) 389 to be hollow; the belly, abdomen, womb, inner part; house/9 of truth/congregating/@ capable of full extension’; a center pertaining to Asher/w4; als: depth; to bulge; to impregnate; th crings/s upon the baskets/@ of flourishing’; to cover with an inward lining (as with the mucous lining of the stomach, or the placenta lining of the womb, in contradistinetion to such outer lin- ings as the mucous membranes over the glans or the heart); that which is sanctified according to the inner principles; noe-as the stomach is to the body, so the body is to the macrocosm: both partake, digest, and joyfully store for making all full; the body is the covering, or reflective form, and changes with the inner development to yield the garments of light; a covenant form of unified agreements with Life Principles; form devoted to life to manifest concepts. Value, 61/4; a seore place supporting all living concepts. Compare stomach 9. 39 auzse inthe day (b’yom, 292) YYLI in the midst of/3 daylight/ 772; house/3 of warmth/7r2; developing/s occurrences/t. coupling/Y with fullness’ via the activity/t of Light! 72. Value, $818 potential for labor/service, See day/ 72. oso im the midst, between (bayne, 1") ILI amongst, amidst, during; in the middle; to interpolate; to understand, comprehend, distinguish; an intemalized/3 activity/+ of potential extensions/; the exercise/2 and administration’ of unfoldment. Value, 62/3: structural development oo.oe house (bayeet, bayith, Bet, 172) X79 a household, school; a receptacle; interior; that which lies within; the interiorized/4 manifesta- tion’2 of all things/x; family; form containing a composite of ever-renewing principles; form/3 capable of/t regeneration/X; ako: to domesticate; receptivity/ to the hand/t. that designates! measures/x; to incorporate; to take inwardly. Value, 412/92X: a totliperfeet workiact of unity. See daughter x3, 1000 Beth-El (Bet-Al, 9"T7) C4 XLI House/xt2 of E/God/¢4; the house of instructional concepts commonly referred to as the “House of Strength”: location of the heart, from which messages ascend and to which they descend; a house/formulation/xz of order/c4: the manifestation/construct of Divine Order (SMBAGen. 12:8); a total, flowing communication center where the camps of angels are encoun- tered; house/x2.9 of might/¢4: a recognition of all cohesive elements and principles of li bined as a single Unity, which is the purport of the realization statement of Yaaqov/ 490% upon his encounter with the angel (SMB/Gen. 28:17); the state of consciousness! furnishing/. contin- ual renewal and amplification/x of the principles/< of authority/¢; note: Beth-El is perceived “from the West”/7%—from the receptivity and exercise of all flowing from the East/4749. Value, 4/57 flow of tongues soos; 2068 House of The Name (Bet HaShem, parrny2) IWA X13 a house of all characteristics of Unity—of all combined functions of life: a recognition of all life’s combined/cohesive elements and principles; the confession and realization statement of Yaagov (SMB\Gen. 28:17); house/3 manifesting/+ complete/x Illumination’, Wisdom/w, and Spirit!, Value, 757/5%X: the totality of wisdom unfolded in the formulation/son of perfection. toxs Bethlehem (Bet Lechem, 2n9-T°2) IAC XLI house/x9 of bread/sustenance/7#¢; former name is Luz/3vé, meaning “to tum away from,” and thus, interior/x22 combat/%¢; birthplace of Mashiyach, signifying that, in the company of haMashiyach, interior struggles are no longer obstacles; rather, they provide the impetus for change, recalling Yahushia’s words, “whom I love, I chasten”; house/9 receiving/ complete! guidance/é in ascensions’A unto fullness. Value, 490%: sign of righteousness. See Luz/Sv¢; Ephratab’x474, tosr Beth Peor (1BE"T*3) 4¥O7 X19 house/xts of openings/+02: place of value transference and determination of future states, conveying “house” as a set of openings—es, the mouth, vagina, penis, anus—to determine future expansions; so: uncovering oneself to ease nature; to be wide open; a gap: a space between where we are presently, as accumulations, and where we will be going in our fulfill ment; to the female receptivity position; a form/4 capable/+ of regeneration/x with opening/? cavities/o to unite’ with the head/glans/, house/receptacte/x23 expressing/? the values/0 con- 40 tained/y in the mind/4: when a house acquires the Torah and expresses that faith, the inward will has then formulated a receptacle/body through which to perform the Torah, whereupon there is renewal. Value, 768/HEWX; measurement and assimilation of the dimensions of perspective. See Baal peor! 4¥07 £02; Peor/ 402. toone1 firstborn (b’chor, b’koor, “122) 4Y99 eldest, foremost, chief; a principal fruit; that which opens the door for others (sign of matura- tion); a formulation/s of branches! contained within the collection of thoughts/+—the fore- most ability/fruit/evidence/construct of assembled thoughts; to develop/9 the branching/exten- sions/¥ contained'y in the mind/-; as Mashiyach, the firstborn: state of appearance’ in which the interior and integral/3 extensions/ of Unity/ rule/govern/4, as Yisrael/<4-w, the firstborn: a term designating the evidence of totality already within the mind of the Father; the unfold- ing/s inner evidence’ contained’ within Aharon/the mind/4; the primary form that adequate- ly expresses the principles of the Father. Value, 228/A¥4: foremost branch of serviee/assignment, See first fruits KW, so6s-70 bullock (boker, bakar, beeker, "23) 199 development’ of the teachings/¥ in the mind/4 via the priest/4—via the inward bullock active in the work of ploughing and cultivation; same letters as ¥4s/bless, also an action of the priest/enlightened mind; sko: to prefer, select, choose; to establish/3 a branch’y of thought! to beara (first) child; to give form/ to the offspring/¥ of the husband’ 4; to ripen early; to be pre- ferred; to invest with the birthright. Values, 222/29 the mind's frit development; 33°: instruction process, See choose! 4, herd/474, Compare bless/¥43; Rechab/ 294 1000.01 Bilhah; guardian, mistress; tenderness (bilhah, balahah, n>) AACS Rachel’s maid; the formative’ orders/¢ of illumination’s/ radiance/4; development/ comes by directing/c the multiple aspects of light/42: the interiorization/4 of the guidancel¢ of light/a is enlightenment/4; abo: horror, terror; the interiorization/ of prohibited/¢ illumination/ without limit or restraint/4; a catastrophe, disaster, calamity. Values, 42/3% anointed consciousness; 24/49: branch of insight; branching to higher unions and productivity soo7 without, excluding (belee, *92) 29 except for, excluding; an interior’ resistance/¢ to action/2; forever, endless, without limit, infi- nite, limitless; interiorization/9 of the guidance/¢ of manifested power’: intly; to ‘wear out, decay; destruction, annihilation; climacteric; the internalization/s of the direction/¢ manifested/2. Value 42% the flow for within, See without?2.£9% 110408 Belah, Bela; to swallow (belah, balah, 252) OCI to absorb, assimilate, devour; to interiorize/9 the lessons/¢ of understanding/6; to gluttonize, de- stroy, confuse; to store up/s prohibited/< confusion/©; a son/formulation of Beor/4¥O9/burning: as sobriquet for Tsoar/Zoar/ with inscriptions/+ to fill/ and fully extend/9. Valuc, 152/997: to distinguish the potentialities of the house, See soullW2% right handi7271, vise Boaz (3) 309 valour; to be with/3 strength/So; offspring of Yahidah/aava4; name of the left pllar/leg of the Temple; the characteristic of walking as one who houses/4 the understanding/© of the Word!s; ‘Values, 79/80: understands community; 25/49" Tre of Life. See Vachin29%, 166.69 pl Baalim (0°22) 7LCO4: sing, Baal (522) COI lord, master, owner, husband; one who has mastered and undergone development, thus able to teach: the maturation’ of understanding/o to instruct/exercise authority/<—the result of acquir- ing understanding; a collection of rulers/masters (p): a construct/3 of light and/or darkness/© di- recting/< the actions/2. of the peoples/waters/¥. Values, 102/ the dominion of a house; 152/349: domain susceptible to passivity. See Baal-Peor!-4¥O7 C02; Beth Peor/4¥O7 X23 ta” Baal-Peor (7128"522) 4YO7 C03 Master of Opportunity; owner/mastery/<03 of the openings/4¥02; conscious! understanding/o provoking/c the manifestation’? of openings/o for the consideration/Y of intellect/4. Value 4S8/4%: a summing up of our potential labors to determine Future horizons. See Baal/20%: Peor/ #02; Beth Peor/4¥O2 x2, 42 1:80 Baal-Zephon (Baal-Tsphon, 128"522) 9Y7 CO3 Master of the Hidden Secrets/Coverings; conscious/9 understanding/© directing/¢ transforma- tivelr utterances/? that are yoked’ to potentiality’. Value, 328/A9W: wisdom in extensions of perspec- tive, See northihidden! 77% e190 in the plains (barabute, n2922) X¥9403 place where the waters become calm; the development/s of understanding/© that is i Mashiyach/4 unto unity/s o join together/ all things). Vales, 680/24: sgn of the mind's opening; (68)ME: suppor provider. See desert 340. 129493 to distinguish, break forth; bekah (beka, baka, 272) OF3 to break through; the results of deliberation; a value of silver, denoting understanding/insight; half the value of a shekel/¢#™, which conveys that a beka is the light that breaks forth from our examinations, extending our deliberations into the world of manifestation; the establishment/3 of the domain’? of understanding/©. Value, 172/40%: holy understanding of the houseleongregation/body. See gerah/a4%; shekelic9, ¥, 1207 plain, valley (begah, "2p3) AOPS to split wide open; to penetrate, cleave, sever; a segmental/3 separation/# for the understand- ing/o of life/4; to crack open the elements in order to penetrate’ examine components; a formistate of consciousness/s under the dome offovershadowed by/? the perpetuity/o of Light/; note: the “plain” in Shinar! 40%Wlransmutation of the angelic, refers to penetration of the energy fields unto composition of soul/body—the exploration of the physical realm for the purpose of enhancing manifestation and expanding utilization of the elements. Value, 177/507: realm in which openings are penetrated. Compare lowland/C7¥. 129042 herd, morning; examine (boker, 972) 4?.9 to investigate, observe; to establish/9 the domain/> of intellect/4; developing/expanding/4 the consecrated/? mind/4; to audit, control; to heed, attend; designated position of an olah/3co (TQILev. 1:2): to develop/internalize/9 the dominion’ of thoughts/ 4 aso: herd, cattle, oxen—the Aleph’ ox is the means to examine what was obscured in darkness; no: an ox of the herd has 60 chromosones, corresponding to the value of Samek/s/support (third level of Aleph); offering of “one bullock” (eg, on Yom Kippur) pertains to the unifying force to examine all to be one; and “two bullocks” (cs, on Rosi Chodesh) pertains to establishing/renewing concepts/observa- tions: the bullock offerings are the inward release of the accumulations of what light has brought to the birth within each of us, and the observations birthed within, as children, will be the means to fuel ascensions; 474/bullock signifies intemaliztion/s of conscecrated/? thoughts/4: develop and internalize the frequencies of knowledge Light radiates within you; for until you internalize/give birth to Light's frequencies, you have yet fo observe them. Value, 302/9N: to assimilate consciousness. See bullock’, choase/ 44 1245 seek, sought (bekash, Dp>) WPI to ask, claim, request, require, search, intend, desire; to commit’ the meditative mind/ to wis- dom/the activity of Fire/W. Value, 402/9%: measurement of eonseiousness. Compare seekiW44, 1254 produce, ereate (bora, 872) 443 to formulate, shape; to develop a house/space/2 for the mind’s/4 concepts’. a primary goal/con- cept of Torah [bereshith hora! £49 X3.W243 (SMB/Gen, 1:1); heit/work/son/bar/ 43 of principle/4; also: to cut down/fell trees; the instrumental action/9 of the axe/4 of renewal/ ; to recover, recuper- ate, strengthen; to intemalize/ mastery/4 of concepts’. Value, 203/°4 the mind of communications 43 1258-60 Bereds hail, hailstones (barad, 772) 449 location of an inner well/443 associated with Kadesh/wa® (SMB\Gen. 16:14); to be spotted, speck~ Jed, dappled, pied; a hail storm; to imprint/3 the mind/4 with crystals’: to structure erystalline thoughts; having three dimensions/access; the accompainment of thunder; to be aroused; to par- ticipate in the “wonder of knowing”; one of the ten plagues (SYMIEx. 9:18). Values, 206/44 knowl- edge, conained: 26'YY: evidence of evaluaton, 128082 sing. Bariah; bar, bolt (bereeach, M°"3) HL49 pt bars (bereeachim, 2°17"2) PLALAI a latch; means’ to control/4activities/+. and labors/; the clavicle, collarbone; axis; to receive’ a mind/head/ that rules/4 outlook/; ako: to escape, be free; acceptance of/3 and reverence for/4 the blessings/+ of covenant/n; a fugitive; flight, eg, a “fleeing” serpent (Isa, 27:1); to internal- ize/s knowledge’ that manifests a perspective/s that brings’ fullness! name of a constel- lation. Values, 20/94: thought extensions; 70/04: intlletual discernment 120507 Berith; covenant (b"reet, borith, brit, $72) XL43 contract, agreement; interiorized acceptance’ of the Kingly Mind/4 which rules’. in all ngs/X; expansion/formulation/ of mind/ to administer’ all things/; a son/work/expansion of mind/4s to administero/+. with consequence/X; an agreement/3 of mind/4 to attain/t. totali- 'b/x, a condensed form of Bereshithix2w442: the fires of Mind!beginnings” (realms of fire beings/w2); being fulfilled/concealed/contained/covered, by virtue of covenant; now: to enter covenant/x2.49 is to develop/s the intellect’4 unto attaining/+. totality/x; the covenant is through Words which makes the covenant to be everlasting verses through an object which endures for a season; our lives are in Words and in Thoughts, hence the everlasting covenant is through one’s life, how can we make an agreement with a nonliving object when it does not comprehend our thoughts or with a written document since the paper has no thoughts except that which I give it?, upon entering into a covenant through Words we become One, for now the basis and State of our Lives are joined/nited, in this Unity you are me and I am You, therefore we could not deny one another; when HaShem sets before us a covenant it is based upon an understanding that we are One, the Words of the covenant articulate the Oneness and expand the Thoughts of our Unity, if we did not consider each other to be One, we would not consider the Words of an agreement; through the Words we enter together into all aspects of our Unified Mind; a concept directive as in 4-49 C£ (ShophetimJudges 9:46); the brit established with Avraham/72424 pertains to the pattern of agreement within HaShem, our spiritual name, and our seed; to “keep” the covenant is to proceed in the patterns of HaShem/ava2, whereas the breaking of covenant is denial of the divine pattern within, or to walk contray to that pattern; our unity with the patterns of HaShem YHWH is the primary, selfrenewing covenant: the old/former covenant is the secondary agreement in effect when the Name enters into matte because of the learning curve involved with harmonizing Name and Earth, the secondry con- tract was broken by the developing energies (the House of Yisrael), but the restoration of the primary covenant is still within the Mind/Head: the Name that contains the Primary/New Covenant will rewrite—aseribe anew with understanding—the words upon the inner tablets of energies; the renewed covenant cannot be written or put into effect until the Mind/Head/Husband dies—becomes fully extended’ fully given—at which time the words of the covenant are written within the organ tablets (See BHM Torah Light Notes: Genesis 10:4); the sign of the Covenant—circumcision affirms that we will enter into a fulfilled State of Mind 44 Development. Value, 612/92-4%: composing thoughts to administer States of Unity; 54/4% Son of “Man inthe door/fiture. see MoeVeireumeision/2¥2, 1269-1201 bless (barak, baruch, 73) 949 to enlarge or expand, whereas a curse/¢¢* reduces; to clothe/3 with honor/4 and fruitfulness/9; praise; the productivity’ of a son/worki 43; expansion, growth; ako: to kneel, bend; to pait/9 the head/4 with the foot/¥; to profit; the inverse of master/3rav, augmented with Kaf’¥/productiv- ity: for the teachings of a rav are given to develop one fully, according to the rabbi’s own bles ing of instruction; the interior expansion/9 of knowledge’ unto productivity/. the interior ex- pansion/9 of mind/4 unto full branching/¥: HaShem is expanded as our name is blessed, as each of our Names is an attribute of HaShem YHWH. Value, 222/494: a mind for productive development, 1200 Bera (Behrah, 272) 049 gifted; spontaneous gift; son/49 of consciousness/understanding/o; formulation’ of thought/4 via conscious perceptions/0; as master/king of Sodom/¥4#/deliberations: one of the masters of light to be united in the war between light and darkness (SMB\Gen. 142). Value, 272/904: the mind's discemment ofthe interior. ‘o08Birsha (Beershah, 2773) OW49 son/49 of salvation/regard/ow; a king/ruling power of Gomorrah/a4¥0: a master of light! per- taining to all stored in 4¥0/the sheaves (eg, leaf/4/0 and branch/?¥); master of considering all unfoldments of a seed; to formulate’ knowledge’ according to wisdom’ and understand- ing/O, Value, $72/407%: t9 measure the domain of dscemment of forms. sa1a11 to seethe (bashale, 772) CWI process to mature, ripen, grow; intemnalization/4 of wisdom’s!W guidance/¢; also: to cook, boil: for what is yet green, or capable of spoilage, is preserved via cooking/maturation—whether as grapes into wine, or as milk into cheese; now: “to seethe/cws a kid in the milk of the mother” is to attempt the maturity of unity through “food” that has yet to reach its ultimate form, a state of stability/preservation: such a process will never be the approach to satisfying Torah inquiry, which is the reason Torah states that you will not attain maturation in this way, and why those ‘who pursue their fullness have no such perspective/practice. Value, 332/3CW: wisdom directing con- sore Bashan (je) 9W9 the physical expressions of soul and body; flesh, forms; house/2 for wisdom’s/W potentialities!¥; the physical, projected realm; vast, formative area open for detailing and molding; a broad and open territory for eventual occupation, but which has yet to be defined by principles—by the fire energies of Yisrael/c4-4w1; territory devoted to one-half tribe of Manassch/aw7 as a devel- ‘opmental base; form/s energized by wisdom/fire/W purposes/®. Value, 352/39: the Glory of HaShemn Aourishing in created forms, ssis21 flesh (b sar, 7w2) 4W9 a projection of light for expansion and development; a projection of one’s spiritual Name for habitation/expansion; a temple of diamond-path constructs (eg, the Crown Diamond); a form/3 of fire/wisdom/w for governance’, a form comprised of wisdom/spiritual intelligence: a manifes- tation/9 of spiritual/w authority/knowledge'thoughts/ 4 also: meat, pulp of fruit, pudendum of a ‘man; to herald, announce, bring good news; a messenger; noe: to be “a bearer of good news” is the primary function of flesh (is, 9:6 flesh is granted with acceptance of the unity of heaven and earth, whereby a Name acquires, possess, and enters into that dimension to multiply; those 45, who accept not the unity of heaven and earth remain in outer darkness; for entering into flesh enables man/W2< to mirror and, thereby, to behold the glory/value of av44/YHWH: Mashiyach comes into flesh to unite, repossess, and redeem; for by taking a body, he executes a means of expiation, taking upon himself our sin, disposing of it in the grave of his own body, and cleans- ing us from defilement via blood: and so do all who rise unto the nature of Mashiyach; for through Yahiishua’s act of sacrifice, the energies are cleansed/enlightened by the Word (the expansion of Light being accepted) and the blood (the flowing of understanding) unto reunifi- cation with YHWH, whereby all may continue their ascension; by taking a body of flesh, every man is enabled to be transformed from a worm state that burrows itself into the earth, to beeome a gloried and incorruptible seraph/2w—winged in freedom, with the capacity of all light enei gies fully developed; in flesh, all spiritual potentialites are brought into phy’ by they become fully evident to be cleansed/whitened and perpetually renewed; our sins/viola- tions become buried in flesh, which serves as a depository, or means of removal, and a as the field in which a Name of Light may grow and fully develop; note: the term “one flesh” signifies embracing the complete form of Unity, blood relation, kindred; as food: the eating of flesh/4W3 corresponds to a spiritual mind acquiring the branches of knowledge referred to a “the meat of the Word”: the flesh’food profits‘accomplishes nothing on its own, nor can it con- tribute anything on its own; for it is dependent upon Spirit for existence and is given for the soul’s meditation/reflection, even as knowledge itself is dependent upon wisdom. Value, 02/9°%: 8 composite of sanctified form. ose delayed (bashash, a2) WW3 union/3 of spirits/ww: es. the spirit of Moshe receiving from Ruach Elobim (Syms. 32:1; teeth, locked together and thus not communicating to the people of Yisrael; the instrumental action/ of teeth/W in turmoil; also: shame; to be ashamed interior! agitation/w and distress/w; house of spirits in conversation without translation to other members or faculities. Values, 602/94%: sign ofa mind in development; 44/44 actuating access ‘e228 daughter (Bet, bot, bat, 3) X9 child, maiden; means/s to compose/to renew unto perfection’; branch; village; a liquid mea- sure equal to an ephah/2+4; used in the constructs: “native of, inhabitant of, worthy of, belong- ing to the same party of”; a composite/x house of mutuality/4; unity/2 through summation/x; to gather/3 all things into one/x; to develop/9 the Torah’ via hearing/2; means to receive for ful- fillment; ako: to change; to establish bridges—the means to transfer energies from one embodi- ‘ment to another; house/ of renewal/; to construct; with the movement of; at once; simulta- neously. Value, 402/9%: to change form: a perfection of hearing: the composition of form. See house!Xt4; build’; daughters? essa among (batok, “pn2) YVXI wwithin/s the center/¥vx; form/9 perfected/x in an equilibrium! of eycles/¥. Value, 428/49X: eon- tinnum of fruit labors. See center’ YX, sss virgin (bethulah, non) ACYXS girl, maid, young woman; a daughter/xs, developed/9 to perfection’ and poised’ for the instruction of light’. Values, 483/2%: composite of waters and processes; 475% fll life in completion and ready to entra new phase soseos divide (bathar, bether, 72) 4X3 to dissect, cut into pieces; to pait/2 the mark/x and the axe/4; to divide in pieces/s the compos- ite/x of mind’ even as the body is segmented and molecularly structured in pieces/parts com- posing mind; to halve, as a deep ravine cuts the land in pieces; to look at the outcome/conse- 48 quences; als: to follow after, as the body follows the head; the last, the latest. Values, 602/34X: to ‘measure the mind's composition; 43/\% the flowing of erevices. Gimel \ camel; to benefit, treat bountifully (Gimel, 2) to carry, transmit, convey; birth canal; processes; conduits, passageways, crevices, channels; as- cending; breakthroughs; throat; to lift-up, rise, sprout; neck, umbilical cord; that which trans- mits, transports, assists to produce all ideas derived from the house/body: vocalization, trans- mission of sound; carrier of actions; waves; transportation of body; movement, locomotion; ‘means of charity, plentitude; to recompense, to render, «; = 3rd day, the land arising and sprouting: value of a trustee; resurrection; depicted by camel, llama, giraffe, ostrich, praying mantis; Gimell’ is foundational to the alefber triad that progresses to Yod/ and culminates in Pel7; Gimel is the Roman G rotated 90° while taking a similar form to the Qof??: in the Latinate alphabets, the Gime! was shifted from the third position to the fifth: since the Gimel pertains to the house of Gershon haLevi/zvca vw, it was thought that Gime! should be the basis of the Qof, as the Levites/* are foundational to the priesthood/®. See three/WYCH: Gimel! C7". sas0-s1 redeem (goel, ga’al, 82) C4 to save, rescue, liberate; to ransom, deliver; to transmit! the concepts/£ of instruction/¢; avenues by which to return’ to concepts/< of instruction/¢; avenue of correction and restora- tion via instruction; process of reviving the instructions/orders of life; process of being reborn according to our inheritance of life; alo: to desecrate, defile, pollute, profane; to stain; to be defiled; to become entangled’ with germinal concepts’ that are prohibited/¢. Values, 34/4: guid- tance on the path; 16/V: to bring unity 36 mighty (gibor, 7732) 4Y9\ heroic, powerful, valiant, courageous; warrior; one who subdues, conquers; processing/ inner strength/9 to judge/Y and rule/4 (an exercise of knowledge’); inversely: the overthrow/- of a house/state of consciousness/ via determinations/y of the mind! 4 (Zech. 4:6) Value, 211/424 ral ighty/ PO. Compare strong/ ‘M4, #5A, HY, SYSO, 70. ing to administer concepts. See God/EUC.E; 1975 cup (gevieyhaw, geviyah, 1°72) ALOLIY her/a cups/i.02.2"; a bowl, goblet, bell-shaped cup; an adaptable/~ form given/2 to surround/o an activity/2 of life/; no. to the menorah/a4¥%; to process/* the bringing together’ of inscrip- tions’2 for comprehension/© of the activites’? of light’; abo: sepaloid, calyx; bulb of a stem; bulb shape of the flower, prior to opening; a hill; base of the Gibeoni/ 03%, people who draw ‘water. Values, 100/% distinguishment process; 467¥: extracting unity. sar? mistress, ruling lady; might (geveerah, 77°23) A4LIV dowager, rich woman; queen, queen-mother; channel/’ to house/2 the inscriptions’ of mas- tery/4 of light/; processing/* inner strength/2 through activities/the hands/t. as a master/4 of light/, Values, 220/94 governess of tribes; 40/7 to anoint, measure ss10) Gebal; border (gabal, g’bol, 5932) CYI%; (gabal, g’bal, 932) CIV cord; boundary; to be bound; to confine, set a limit; denotes the extent, end—the termination— ar of a region or a stage of development: eg. the border of Canaan/70% is the end/goal of all that ‘man attains in the image of Tsidon/atr/gathering; as territory of Edom/%v4 and home of the Giblites/221: to be constrained; to define; to adjoin; neighbor; to communicate/’ the form’s!4 role/¢; slo: to knead, mix, make a lump of dough: to lift up/distinguish/~ the development/s of roles/¢; noe: Gebal assists in one’s formation: channels/~ of development/3 to contain/y instrue- tion Values, 35/A¢: guidance'Goad of Light, 41/4: to reflect Principle. 1303-80 Gibeah; hill (gabah, gibah, 71222) 203 a height, vantage point; avenue! by which to develop’ understanding/© in life/, Values, 802: ‘open region; 26'¥¥: evident evaluations 190607 _man, male, hero; valiant; might (gavare, g’ver, 723) 43 to be strong; a conduit/* that facilitates/4 authority/4; to inerease, prevail, strengthen; to over- come, overpower; to transfer/"\ house/ authority/4; to conquer, defeat, subdue (SYM/Ex. 17:11); communications’ to develop’ the mind/ 4 processes/* to unite/ heads/4; abo: rooster, cock. Values, 205/44 mastery without limitation; 25/49" to spread forth illumination ssor-so Gad assemble (gad, gawd, 73) 4° success of gathering; one of the twelve energy branches/tribes of life—Gad, commonly ren- dered as fortune, occupying the lands of the tongue to declare the true fortunes of wisdom, understanding, knowledge; as head of the digestive system: the energy to state what is being ingested; slo: an express agreement; the communication’ in the gate/; re to the tongue: the communication/* of wonders/insights/ whereupon words are assembled within the cavity of the mouth; the tongue is a river of life, flowing with light and energy coming from the heart to the mind; to group into troops whereby a fortune is assembled; success comes by collective strength or the grouping of words; from the root 4&-Vo cut, primarily in the sense to cut dates aay one gathers the harvest; even as the tongue is a cutting sword; tribal branch of the triad of Reuben/93y4leyes, Shimeon/*v7Wlears, and Gad/a-Vmouth, which are stationed in the South/31» for fall, direct illumination; communications’ of the fire amidst/4; also: coriander seed. Value, 7/5: completion. See sou 1ssi3 Giddel; great (gadol, godel, g deel, Giddale, 9°72) CYA 119 growth; upbringing (gadol, gadal, 573) CA advanced, high, noble; an uplifted/* heart/a joined/y with maturity/¢ greater than; growing, developing; to nurture another unto his potential; communicating/* insights/4 to unify/¥ roles/¢; nurture/* inereases/expands'4 you (unto the fullness of the Father) to perform/c as He (Yahuchinan/In. 14:12); also: becoming arrogant, or large, by projecting self above the whole; the means! to open up/4 all instructions/¢. Values, 43/1% the flow of communications; 37/S¢: direction of ‘momentum unto the oa See the great river/Ca"V3 449, s42s.28 Gadis kid (gadi, gedi, 3) LAV 1 young goat (v); a channel!” of access/insight/ unto action/2,; meansiprocess/~ unto the door! of attainment/2. Value, 17/52: to provide momentum, use hew (gada, 273) OA to cut off, fell, dehorn, destroy; to process!" the insights/4 of understanding/©. Value, 77/50: un-

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