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GRove-1 x GS/200 2008 Series GENERAL STUDIES: sie Paper I (Gnglish & Telugu Versions) ‘Time : 150 Minutes Max. Marke : 160 Sivas: 150 20svew Sreigen : 150 INSTRUCTIONS (2858) Pion cu th Tet Bota snare tat oan a he anion. ay defect (Sonsini Sh seid! a Whe imorseaee SS MOPHOE, Gh AEE Wo, Sos Soe ie eee aaa ioscan ses totses, 2, Tho'Rt Het cnane 10 ques, Fah usin cae one mat (Bey see! an Wagan. Eye BS nt hy Ferono tos, {Te Quen Pap i tin Bagh ad ranted inl Tl gun. The Fal veson ii emiered athe une vr or aoaon pepo Basin sok deinandina dex Sets Spar HainASd. ings hn rong GESs Sehe whem aration boriabe. A. The Tost Booklet is printed in four (4) Series, viz [AJ[BLOILD. The Series, X] oe [5] or [G) or (By ooo he Fahad ewer of te oer ps the Tet Brkt, Mar yur Ts Pe Sere or BerEloDln an esi 20 the Anrer Sheth carts the epi ice wits Pen [Bh Sie Sent SevoSt cern oie [A] [E]E) BD) sfiwostimpossaass, & Seioets [A] dB) mo G] wo [B rd i Sisss ome, ee BE OAR Srost SuBeseS$o. DLYS (oh SS as, Sf (Seren) [A] wa [B] md [E] ma B] md ‘Snow Sto bod Si SG C Hace wou Coronosaas Sygiats WO. WS panpresens tye Texte Seac Ape oe oen bo eoHoo {yon have not marked the Test Boole Series at Part C of side 2 ofthe Anscer ‘Sheet or marked tay that Toads to serepancy In determining the exact Test Rookie Seri, then, im all such caren your Answer Sheet wil be inelidated Trthant any forthe nti: Ne correspondence wil be entertained in the matter. Beth Aus Gat, Ep (Serle) SSrows Sie BBS 9F C ot igoddtanr OF QeOs Spo SSS S$S0 elds BeLTws Asses Bo diam om suet! 0 Soddysved', Ie aaSed FU wb Sesto! Snow Ses SODCoSose (nvaldated. 829 Hte2 2eited ade SngsSues mesos. (2 os Tah qos is atlowel by newer eee. hes, you Rave o selec eae correct aie Tear an the Aner Shot hy darkening the appropate circle fer the question I more ¢ ‘i ends darken he snawor wil tba valued a al, Use HB pect make exry b ew te ore compl, Make mo oer sry mark Ge Ghee weve Sogrines aSguGS0, oxtsot SOK marty DAED Shag St (Sins derasodoas tgs Sgr Q D8, u8 Dkr, Dkgs dyavoe Dod CRecrkto Sobbesedis, Sygints pgm Sym OQ Deipe’ WSO. By wad CSE Mg BES. ca: fihe sneer or Question No. Xt Anwar coke 2 itso be marke 8 allevs SE SShauny wiksony 1B eos) venti 9 & (B00 Ser AQOSES sfolelolo set Pe Coes a a en nh Hal Ta ih BB ele a tae eS Tn cet en cee ae a Ce La tn 6 tro sce 08 hut vo 8 Se ee ook iyoe segs atined Sg lest Sa a ne aeons Sirota sodoosas came 0 he Pape Cod ie O97, a al Noi 50278 fw sown ow Boatee | Ase 26 087 Sb OS So, OSGUSTE weDSE Bos eB SGM Das looosecooce|=| looneesooce|=| joeqqgeaeo0| loooeaeosce| looeeosoece|=| jeogeeoooge|> [e605500000|*| loooeaceace|* ocsocaer) loeeegoge0cs| jooee900000)* Peas go he signature of the vigatrafiaed in the space oie in tbe Answer She ‘Ntwes Sheet tnt te sient the nrg i able fr tnelidation ‘Singt S{sss0! Feroveds gosine? Sigh{KD lovato Gath Sessa Soe ‘Sats Sf Sod Siro Siéted* BXEFaNST wo SebbeSEae ‘ws200 ey ‘To change an anewer, eras completly the say darko ele and use HI pnd make fresh mar Dge (SS Moen SesyessOS, gods vod 20d4 yao (Crderd Sram Saye aasdd ED. LDF (gM Mgowsem, ‘he cnt shuld not de ough work oF write any ilerant mater isthe Anower Sheet Doing wil ead to nvatidation, oR "O80 (angh Work) 9 md SUES USES) BiasoDd md Sings SuSE (PSE, ag [DS SSeS Sie SBHOSiam aoseDE oO LoSEyS, Do mot srk ser hs 0 the Tet Haut Viton of thi wil be viewed serous Singino Siti Movers, 605 eMERODET Bisom SOnosess, ‘fore iearing the examioation hall return tho Answor Shoot to th Tvigitr, fling which, ciliary ato wil taken 804 SSS HED Beige Sines Ssh ofa oi SeREEOE Soe Efe uty Bec, ntr) a5g03. {lin the next umber in the series 3,7, 18,85, __ © 9 2) 80 1 0 © Pil inthe nest number ithe carios 5,15, 45, 185, __ ao @ 6 () 405 4) 5 (Chalk and Blackboard re related inthe (2) Student and Hooke (2) Ink and Paper (9) Door and Hanae (© Paint and Brosh ‘Spot the edd number in the allowing ae oa Me wa rn sao Choose the number that wil castinue the a @ a © 240, 959,464, 975, ome eas 6 om "Tom men ean finch construction of a well in eight days How many men are needed to finoh the work in ha-day ? o @ o « Avan walks slong a rectangle whose Devito je six km IF the aren of Fectangle is two aq. ki, ovhat is th ference between the’ Tength anc breadth of Use rectangle ? o @ ® w 3m Lin ahem 2m ‘one-up coin i placed on plain paper Howe many enna of the somo size can b placed round itso that each one touche the canal snd adjacent eons ? o ® @ w a 4 6 97200 & Goo sine saws soos 37 188, wo a 0 m7 wm God tas! aos spon 515,45, 196, ae oo wo Snob gFe'g sovogtate, «|r (Goo moet doe aye 7 a) Seas spat a8 ) eof tals 88 @) F5 Soot soe 4) devel Sas 0 & Bod See, BORRE goo ar on” ae ms @e wa ws Soop lg songs o a foo must, ests eDgyA0r Gost Soaiio Soups yess o ® « 22,885, 464,675, oe 06 1 Doqasss 10 S08 8 otwost Spates oh Sugeest SpGioinss Does eSB 7 o ® a ® “ 160 308 10 1908 100 2200 0 foe 6 Ab pres He Saiorsis tom Abies. us 9, 6g SuUpEEy Drogo 2 SAS. wossdl, bg Sawprsin Got, 20, Bsuge fads flo da Sod ? ® © « Lap 1 eb sts ats Geoos miiiy uf agendiop Gosedsn, of Sekreds fo 5 Saseont Seg Sai Seat SES wRiS eb, OD SE soy’ 7 ry o a 10, 12. « [A person covers the distance fom P to Q [18 ft the epee of three kph ram ta P| fhe covers it at abe kmph What is the fverage speed per hour? w a @ w 1 PASSPORT is coded ss RCUURQTY, | 35 kph 4 emp 45 hmph S mph ‘then how will BOOKLIPT be coed? a @ o o ind the probability tht in Sve tas, fein shows heads at leart 3 times in| cQQunry pri brexmew aquncy a @ « “The angle between the minute hand and| the hourrhands when the clock show the a rr} 1 a time ax 70, a ® @ “ on a hs. hs. total lass opted out ? o ® 3 © 6 ‘Spt the emotion that dace ot belong 1 he gz0up o ® @ w ‘orinkling res wrinkled nose straight forehead smiling Hips ‘Special Eacation’ programmes are 1 thee target ous o ® ® « industrious eildren soniue men and women ‘retarded men and women Dandieapped eildren ‘9/200 2 Sg P 0d @ B36 Ho creat Feb 1 AD, Sessa La. @ bod P| S66 BD. Sites dex, vaste, Font Sos Sits dod 7 (ye Hoa 5 8. (2) a fon 4 8. (a) owt 45 bs i) 2 ons 5 Bs. esis PASGPORT % Sold dnstast RCUURGTY me SeSésh, BOOKLET & Sole Grito 387 fy cagxNy @ cemaru (a) pesoow @ Daguncy ed emia ac Oy Shs Sombe, ak Sim Sra og do SeNSs| fo Soontgiis HSS ? circ 790 robes dni Soottns' DESMO, MBO Sey Lagod eg Fate Dod? m a je aa syste rian Denes Sas B80 BOGEiSt ef SERBED 80 08 rggiest 20 SoS ish 3O)m6, woot, angie Sumas! aDsisSe 248 0 miss So? w ® os & od one ped Stns ewe eid mpegs (0) Bik Dawtihs Hos vinlig oe) (2) Satises 586 sat (wrinkled noes) (a) Sen (traeht frend esege SeyES (emiing pe) Tye ey ages, oomee!, Dd Stintiny ofpias 0088 7 w © BE wodtis Mo géiow oom sovee Deorotegs een, (3 X has been caught redchanded in an ico, ooking inta le marked “Strel | Conideatis What will be bie most reasonable action inthe situation ? (2) To admit to the crime (2) Mo offer legen alibi 8)" Te tard rote to the ground 4) To feel embarraned A. man started walking from point towards South-West. Aer 5m he Earns right at rightangler Aker 10m be agai fom right at right-anges, In what lrctin ee Gal walking? (1) South-East (2) South-Weat (8) North-east (0) North-West ‘Y walks 16 km to the North, then 12 km, ant, and. 16 km South, How far ie ¥| feo the starting pin? © 2k @ 16km (2) 28 km ) Aken "Tobe as Wood at Coat hae Wear (2) Trower (a) shir, @ com o @ o w a a i i a ® o w o @ @ « fas. quantity 9, 16, 25, $6, 49. What will be the next, ‘number inthe order? .osiap0 Body includes Limb a5 Tree includes Wed Branch Seed seit Jar. What comes next in the fllowing letter BEL, DGK, FIM, HKO, _? MP vq aun MP 12. 1m 10 yoars A willbe twice os old as B eas 10 years ago. IFA ie now 0 years ‘der than B, the prcoot ago of B ie 19 years 28 yoars 49 yours 6 o a (267200 18 at reyoatiost “Eyéiom MaRS’ (Sinily “Cofdentia) 3 Sefoweds| pas ce WS Sy AEsyS x SS Sh Spokes o SbotiS eS08 eo Sess AOS Sp DO? ‘Setats wohtoose ques ots sonosnissesoee SDE coyp Doaae aayoam angie Seb at to Bau (SSH Bo Sty AateDgS oh Uakiwe Séod OS BgS SOeesee Bonk Be 30 Dodie sind Stas BOR, OsKer 28m D BY ashore Soy? w EG (orhoso) 3535 Ge) 5-85 (sergio) ESS (Sassy) Y ach Sg ageingy 16 2b. seoms sega 2 bb. Stak Stekss| 6 2, Mamie, wafesdOs gobs Soa ¥ 00 arate! amy? wy ats 8. ak, 5s ‘able, Wonk xonomiys, Cont 03] sb0aSiins 7 ® ‘rower ha a Body, Linh SOMA. Troe 439 orate @ o a Wont eed sa & (lod ORs Siggasinst Do Sanh 7 o o w so ‘BEL, DOK, #14, KO, _7 KP amma ap 0) S86 some A Sobsysions Septet SosisySe Totodenodis. ule, Sys A 9 Sossyeinw B amy ag Sas B BSS Say Do 7 « 19 So8sytoes 1p sossyetses 1 Sobsyetoes 49 soxaystoes Sosrads 8, 18,25, 96, 49 poet DoaBOAe, G asia! Seas Soy be" ® « ws a ‘risen in that cade ? a ) oy w Wit we 0 a @ © Spot the edd fre inthe fllowing o o cexoomise ceoNomise cENoomics ‘NocHosci sunday Monday Monday on January 1, 2007, ‘what day wae Far 1, 2008? os en ou w 6 @si200 ® ® au a kd odS Geno! RECESSION i|a7, 6 God Seiiwet 36 wie goss TRECSISNO mm [prosease, 6 odd ‘rest BCOXOMICS 2D dstum| (ectnase ? ‘croomsc ‘croxowise cenoonwes Noceascim £6 wSS0 1, 2007 SHieoo want, i801, aos 9 th eon aodsis 7 ares sere geste Soreness (foo Ret DEAS Setots gp o o ® CO x te o o We ene x See Te lok God Ste a) aN gossssiys 7 ae on ou @ a 29, Mark tho corect relationship between the vertial end horizotal ner in the | following igure o ® @ 2) i. las. ‘as200 ‘The first India-Rusie-Ching trilateral sine conference war held in (New Dats (Moscow () Beting (4) Goveshas ‘Ban K-Mloon took over a Uaited Nations Secretary General on (uly 1, 2006 (2 Janusey 1, 2007 (duly 1, 2008 (@) Sanary 1, 2008 India communications satelite INSAT-4B was lasched from (1) Thumbs (2) Baikonur (8) Seinaikota (©) French Guiana ‘The Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Renoarch Ineitne ir seated 1) West Bengal (2 Orisan 8) Gajarat (4) Andra Pradesh ‘The institute produced by the Uruuay Rovnd of ale te (2) Maltitatoral Agroement- on lettin (2) International Trade Organisation (@) ternational Monetary Pund (4) World Trade Organization .o8i200 «3h BG lod Sota? dash Poi soso so gy He SOS Sowedsas goss a) Ac=80 @ we>ac (@ no-ac ma 2366 sop Oey @ @ oo pap i. ls. B mao Bem gohan - dy Be fata ogee Soy wense Sg 8B @ way @) beer m8 a Sagebasiin SoD anggses S5gsa 0) eg 1, 206 A308 (a) 880 1, 2007 05 a) ag 1, 208 S00 4) eS 1, 208 S08 node any, stanton Hoyo assis SAO od S08 (Sarnowease 7 don Bees @ gsr (OS fase vob BF veh BBS BBE) Osh adgengs seye fo 33 some a) sm a Hao 6) og Sh Biily 05 Sees! aoposes SoG ) Bpeiboy posing aspect @) wodpphos ote S09 9) sashes (ty 29 4) SS0e antag so 2 7 aay ‘The announcement ofthe discovery ofthe 100" Planet to ari the San waa made By le artronomers of @ USA. 2) Rosia (@) France Ins "The eapital ofthe Congo is yea a) Di (2) Bisa (4) Brazzaville “Tho United Nations World Refugee Day > 21 aay (2 20% Jone @) 19 Jaty Go 18% Acuet ‘The Advanced Jet Trainer airra recently inducted into the Indian Air (0) ag (2) Gorthkow (9) Mirag-2000 ) Hawk132 "The flm which won the Oscar award fr ‘Best Fila a the 80" Anno (Academy) Award ie (0) Blzabeth +The Golden Age (2) The Bourne Utimatum (8) No Country for Old on lan. as. W) Michal Ctyton ost ‘Tho annual rate of fdiaton dosing July 2008 haw hit a now high of 22 milion a @ Sudan Zambia India’s frst Research Station inthe ‘Arete, “Hinades wns inauurstad on o @ ® @ ‘Apel 20, 2008 ‘May 10, 2008 Jone 2, 2008, Sly 1, 2008 {In Andhra Pradesh ae on July, 2008 the hamlet whieh has achieved 100 peront terey a ® o A Radio programme, ‘Vdba Thorangal Kukunoor, Khammam district Sowa, Vaakbapatnar district Atmekur, Anantapur detest Chevelle, Ranga Reddy district $s being aio forthe a a a w schol students shel teachers cellege an university stadeatt formers ‘astz00 18) om yon eta Sorte teeas ote wie 3 dense aes oo? oo eas mae @ eS o) aodos ont owe woe 3b fom ess nth ong SB Gk, (SOS Henge oe oa @ e520 a) ong as adie Zindt dei (sodasS D6a8y| ioe G54 Byess veges ad 8) ‘Sastry 907 a ets a rges ) mo2000 a se ums visoun, mS mgs (ersD)| vesbost Tash eg Sos] 285s ) d0s8 2 rps DF @ 0G opto mF dd OE ag drys BE gy05 a sng amma St Sys OYE DOKse oe SSS Gus woss BF Dass wéios ots diss o a a « pd Béoair soba sory SE eB, 2008 2k Hyon Sardi NS Goss ® ye eye enrete woyaE Polina Ding wie ame PhS th SOE tosis rbopo0s Se @ o ‘9 20, 2008 10, 208 aS 2, 2008 ag 1, 008 eos ES wey 2008 aE 100 aS weentyss D968 erste o ® bins, we ee Soy Dewtine er weyers, eons em 009. dom 89 ‘poy Stoorea? we Weir edges, « (od meet, ae Fes Gn detswne 7 ® @ Bins Deggee B36 Bere epgite BES ore beats Digpoyped Deyge 866 Sires othe See os 68) "The Kisan call contro telephone number 1861 @ ams @ a (oss Daring July, 2008 ShahebS mise een tered by (Pakistan (2) Israel Cy w Te the Trt vote held on Jay 22, 2008 in the Lok Satin, the voter secured. “AYES and "NOES respectively were (1) 267 and 252 2) 218 and 256 (8) 279 snd 267 4) 281 and 259 [Nepate rt els President it (D) Ginja Prasad Koirala (2) Paramanands Jha (3) De, Ram Baran Yadav (4) Ramarn Pratad Singh "The ‘Binds Nea stadia i a (1) Athens ©) Besiog ) Seout (© Sraney os ‘The local mame of Mohenjodae is ® @ @ Mound of the Great Moun ofthe Living Mound of the Survivor Mound ofthe Dead [Name the ruler of the Kushan dynasty, a ® ° @ Kdphines Ugrasena ‘Vikramaditya Poshyamites ‘Te tite Vikramaditya was auined b a a 6 o Abolen Kanishka Semudragupta Chandragupia Th When did Alexander invade India? ® @ oy sar ne 09 Be 902 Be 28 Be -$5/200 a ABS we ob BORE Soo ay 60 om oss eB ome of ais eatses Stboose a) ea ame a aes aot 6 sget we m2, 2008 wond DrgSibeok S0get wsmisotsan m0nK SAVES! S0u NOES 4 Som a) 275 So 258 (a) 278 Stas om 21 Sao 250 Sos com suyteas memes oes (0) ee BOS Sore (2) Seared dr 8) & ob vo oes orto SOE Soh 2G BY wi Bi Ho Bess ase dase a) beak a nardet sgt a7 a Bobesiom abouae! assy miso a « S05 wb 8 $705 ui 8 OD 705 o6 8 sags sro8 ub 0 ab time outcipests ow $8 357 a ry o “i a aes dso eye ‘Quinedy vs Dheotos o o o ots ase peed Sogrgaeat SOS etesiet ME gyms Denes dated sine 253 7 o ® ® @ os Seay seen savestost wbopodih aodaihp Hos ays ante o ® a au 08. ‘9 03. a 02, ome 8 a. 8 [AL which of the following places has | naj Rock Hat of Aol been found ? (1) Girsae (2) Allahabod (3) Barabor Das ‘Who wore the immediate successors of| “ ‘The remains of the Vioyanagar empire can be fund in (0) Bijapur (2) Hampi Baroda A) Goleonda In the ‘hind Battle of Panipat, the Marathas were defeated by the (a) Baglish (2) Raelaa ( Algha 4) Mughals Ramana preached (1) shia hak (8) yan (A) the Vedae s208 "The universal recipient blood geoup is @ AB aa @ 8 wo ‘The International Rie Recoarch Insitute is bared in 2) Nigeria (2) Mexico (3) Australia 4) Philippines ‘Venous Blod in carried to the lunge fr ‘oxggenation by the (0), pulmonary veins (@) pulmonary ateice (9) ight ventricle vena eva Tween dietary iodine causoe wan (2) iont (2) retin (3) enlarged chyroid 4 small hye Agents that caus beth dofcts are (0) teratogens (2) pathogens 8) motagens (4) shortens 1351200 as % ooenst, D Bodine’, oss BoE Belg EMSION Soe emp? ay megs soins @ eos wae toga’, ness, eS agrgrens ? fy wsorties Same @ Somer Go) Docges Deshi Seuple Gu, ustdos| Das Snags? a bari 8 a ete a Reyes finds Sp aiygted! Goto sponses 7 a) woifsios 2) ores agSeo soreves antec stoonse a 8 @ He @ Sigmon Ysa 6H YS ® ® @ my 0 2 onGSSS gS Orly abyorys doy ae ® abate ane wyoae ah bo Spiais WIESE SoH eisDaGOs asdaisedssa o « 9y98 Stee BBY Gibes ws a00e sist 3 wisi’! eras Cty Set Sogdosse @ @ e srraso doit ‘008 esto 25 ssiog eo moet esttalgpaetd StStocis dent deste D8 7 w ® o o estas a soyoes eyes ® @ @ a ‘The fonction nit in Reslogy ie tho a ppalation biosphere organiom cvoeystom [o. In. ‘Arop vad a the provention and onto! |73. mala o a @ “ Hatoroxine Choraguine Piporaine Resorina The 820 sod of structure of livin organiame ie known a= a @ ® “ Colony Histalogy Physiology ‘The Nobel Prize 2007 winner f Literate ia a @ o « Albert Fre Bie Maskin Doris Lessing Gerbaed re ‘The 14% SAARC Summit war he! during o ® o 5-6 Maren, 2007 3-4 Apri, 2007 32-14 November, 2007 10-11 December, 2007 ‘The sumber of member counties of ¢ ‘Buropean Union is o @ a 2 ‘cer200 a a OG fod SDE, wetmie Sambel]m. 40 solu dye sySy expats abcrnocs Sats eossbe 597 Disoes ? a Bog as 0) 88 dogs ways a) Rees @ to wii geretoss @ fowe wiyio (wo et800 86 ceyrigts 1,39 Stato Seats |r. >mepivet, 2007 Sotaysin, 0s 2 save Dus ms 2 @ 4 208 3S we a0 anyon (0 newg age 8, wide mite Gay otrage Serato © eee le. ab 48 Geos Stats eons @ tesiete (6-6 Sey 207 ot oe @ 3-496, aor e wa 5 @) 12-14 S008, 07 10-11 Boos, 2007 M8, 6 oa 90 D eaGsaltodio doa Deryost bass gS wedded annua lm. csretbuss cintass Saud eg Bre Sens 0) otes om ce gogs =m om pstes o spend wan 7% 7 ‘The Mahatna Gand ‘Aa for Resoeiiation and Pesce, 2008 ‘was conferred on a a ® w The Wangart Maathai Neleon Mandela Shyam Benegal Job Bante ‘Commonseslth (ay International Heads GGovornment Meeting (CHOGM) ix bing held anc in a @ ® tie exonthe ‘io years thew years ‘The winner of the Wimbledon, Women Singles ile 2008 is @ o oy Serena Walia Dinara Safina Ana Ivanovic DLP. Indian Premier League (LPLL) tile was won by o ® o “ Kolkata Knight Riders ‘Mumbat Indians (Cheana’ Super Kings Rajasthan Repale ia, ln. asa ‘The 19! Commonwealth Gamer 20 wil be held at 2 () Landon @ Sydoey @) New Det (9) Colombo "Tho champion af the ICC Cricket Wor ip 2007 ie nia (2) Sei Lanka (3) Anwtraia (8) Haglan "The 96" Science Congress was held at (Hyderabad (2) Visekhapatnam (8) Kanpur (4) Tirwananthaparam "The North Buropean Gas Pipeline deal tween, (1) Germany and Rasia (2) Russia and Poland (8) France and Germany 4) Germany and Poland 681200 Sitez mob voizbas vey 208 3, ‘Sisyassin sOnocone dam robs 6 Boe moet aoe atyuase 7 Soo tog, a) Begs Seder fo) ep aH SS esa SUS AE siege dio (OiSe-25) Serta Dos eta ashe ese ? (6 Boots a Sey siases G) Dose Sebsyeionss Se Sessysioew bonigS Sco Seely Bow monn sts © B85 spay cm ho Spas 0) ame shor © om osstas 4.38.55. nobesS Sa085 OF (03.98) gos Bas () Mote 35 265) Soop sodas (0) 3 So86-taF (wags oats (ay ln. B Sovagds (1N8) SS BF aes amo nie men a) e005 oh sy ab (Soot edd, GES (S808 HS maT cones ) ste @ Bee @ wfybar @ aogos BoBods (58) BS oS ONES péwset Deesegost to sieyeet 1) Bestostoet od east, gs csstaasS mys BOSS gLite DD Shivo Sey sense cy nih Stas Gey ©) gg Stes eos PH Sea eh agp) 08 2805 & laa) ‘The Right to Information Act of 2005| replaces the old Freedom of Information Aeot ay 2000 @) 2001 () 2002 (4) 2009 Brahms, the rapersanicerice missle Jelly developed by Tia and (1) France 2 @ usa © Germany ‘The disputa over Baglihar Projet ie tween nda and (2) Nopal (2) China « INS Beas, the guided mise frigate wa cunisione in (1) Kotkata 2 Paradip| Mumbai 4) Vieekhapatnam eo, os Tndi’s iret mobile court magurated i (Q) Awa, Rajasthan @ @ ® The (Chtrakout, Uttar Pradesh Mowat, Haryana Anglong, Assam Chairman of the 18!" 1 Commission ie a a o w VR Reishna Iyer AR Lakshmanan MAM. Pune VK. Du India Inunched ite frst over scion! ‘expedition to the Arctic region on o ® ® © The Sanuary 25, 2007 pil 20,2007 September 15, 2007 ‘August 8, 2007 fiat winner ofthe “National We werd i o a ws a Te Hem Dutta Popat Pawar Ram Moban Saiprakash Jaiwal National Land Hferms Council a @ ® a April 16,2007 May 21,2007 Ostobor 28, 2007 ecombor 29,2007 ‘esi200 (25) 5 oh Sod Sky, m005 SG tod wet as aoSanO SASH Some wpa PAS digs 2 Soseye Sines Sop] [ecodo0se 6 asim desea ? ® ) v0s6, capsct @ Bens, age gator © S28, Souveet ) eSp0h, edyset fo SBS 18S udp Bus. 8g ese ap dros ng sa OHS 8] a6 omes Soakfion solos, 2 26e SHiae' 05 wbsyg Sdsuass 7 a @ MA. eRe ag Biosine', aodoins, 5| eS aay 05.0, wah AeSadt Deis toes 7 w $5 GS ES GHS akon Sabsw) as a vos aps ‘Parnoose o wets aots saopet Depspesaet @) 3828, gob 3a es lus. soda, oak (ease ances 20m wlyab Da ams ereogoDs 38 (880 2, 2007 @ DBE 20, 2007 (@) Byoes5 15, 2007 wg 9, 207 Joh ass om HS mot amp ods tS a ) 230 So @) o& anos @ Bek Bogs lo. ert rSedyden Says DegEs da 0) 388 16, 2007 @ 21, 07 (@) wf'86 20, 07 (oe 25,2007 Which war the Seat catellite to be repaired in space? (0) Challenger (2) Sone Mare (2) Disevery 4) Palapa [A photoletic cel eomvert (0) eletical norny into heat energy (2) igh energy ata sound enersy (9) electric! energy into light eneney (4) ght energy into electrical energy (sy a ® o oy a @ ® ‘The colour oa star iran indiaton ofits | (8) 0) sie 2) shape (8) temperature distance i Inissted rape wore flat decd by te! (Herschel o 1) Rayleigh w (3) Baygons (4) Maxwet “The intensity level of sound is mensured Hors @ Ba (8) Souls (4) Angtrom 0 @ o « joe. The material used for have Joo. ‘Tue flowing Dosey machinos low melting point high melting pone igh dactity| high resiativty lo. Rasiontsty i «property of erage trast Light storie mass cited electrons los. What is the aouren of lactic energy ‘an artical satelite? dynamo Solar cle A thormopile Amini nuclosr reactor sed ag a brant Solphur Bausite Graphite Phosphoros 8/200 (zy wesetinet Sing moosebs Saco, aor () oB0e5 @ So5 shy ase 308 Bf OO Diggit, D DEES Srey soso 7 egg oir ln. @ SoBHD Mpg 8) Beps89 oBKAer CO) BOBHED BopSgee 28 Agate GH, SYS Hod et ap SDocs 7 (Sarat 2 ert agra © ests Soran Sees JY Hee ainda bss mse Se 0) SoS ob a) SoS © Sie 6 Got set, dD Seeatinst oo bs Fuad Faw iy? oO weg @ 96 8 () wohg Sp Bir atcrnoss [Hod bet doo gon aosses ? (D695 abgsS Ps @ digs whose pK 646 Syd lo deye Dotees Bacanenoyss, ee? ) xAsase @ edie des som (0) Shoe Hopes (aes dogyak Boa aver, ao ae AB pasocs Sep ES epee ae gar 28 Diggestees (6) 08 08 Sngtess sasnys eee wh absinest Showin, & oo Oe, dd abawmnosies ? « see wae ees pages ao 100. 102. osteo equal to ay ite 2 Sis a) 1ebite a a2 bie ‘The working principle of & washin! machine i (2) Conteifugation (2) Desantation (8) Capilanty Dison Which one of the following. scholar gests the Barth ocgin fom gases tnd dust partis ? () Alten 2) 0. Scimid (2) F Hayle (4) Samos Jeans Chesialy, baking 48 i (a) bakers yeast (2) calcium phoerhate (9) dium bicarbonate (4) sum eerie (7) sa J104. A gas which is mot present im norm samples of i (0) chlorine 2) now (9) ation, 4) carbon dioxide J. The clement not presen in ertliners (>) phosphors (2) siteogen hydrogen (4) coine 06. ‘te biting point of wate, on the Ke seale ef temperature, i 273 am @ 100 w 212 07, The gas used for artifical spenin ren fait ie (ethene (2) tylene (3) acetylene 4) earbon dioxide 108, ‘Tae Contr Drag Research Insite () Taseknow @) Bangalore () Allahobod (4) Hyderabad 181200 a 2 BS, & fonmaet BOE sins 7 2056 @ 8 05m em ww 0a Wo m2 B83 oye sai asaisin 9 59 ssp Opes 80 ass ? ) wstoteesy @ eye @ epseyete Bes [Lob moet, em andy wdoySen subgo Sth Grdemotett Déysie wd SxDoEsEES 7 OWS. 85 @ AB eo 35. 088 (0 5 8 erusndiam, Sanita ae ay Bt oy Wl Ess oye a) 98085 greys he co 808 ges a Joe sai) sam, oie Sneet onesedD mb D8 7 © ® a os Dans sees PeyS Babys 4 (Boe mOe, atipoet Hossiaioe Soeitis 587 o @ Spe Beas OS SF eta, ba Sot anes po o 2 @ « mm va 100) Sapo Soshio KyBtom snstgeeass Hab aScinnoss wasp a a « oss 3008 amos ays Boing ‘Doles I bry aS pang asp toed ® © oh Rotts sted Sonn @ 130) 108, The substance casted on plate laperecurder tapes ie () magnesiom aide (2) ine oxide (2) iron sulphate (4 ron oxide 110. The commonly used medicine for typhoid (1) ean dg (2) Aoromyestin (8) chloroguin (4) scorie ait 11. Im oil walls, oil, water and gat are present inthe flowing ascending order (0) eas, i, water (2) i a, water (5) water, oie (4) water, a ma, (3) Mamba (New Deh a a ® @ a ® o “ o @ ® nie. w os 38. The substance that cannot be fu decomposed by chemical means i sae ugar 114. The frst synthetically prepared orp compound wae ethane enzene slacone 115, Artal silk ease mown at aylon cron ‘os/200 iat a We. 296 HS Omgeo BSeD Ger Spates lin css Sze oye acsie DBR Aogie ba? ehoseds Sergi Shgoss azys 30a ) e8 ee @ sms & 08S 886 6 i) 265 ways @ me id me ae, “tpt, gute wm goats syoodmtin ssanos| SE, 20 oes a8 sey as sda ‘digi @ Bods @ geys ya ) otobase 4) od, B08 wos se ate ce, ng, gM BEE ME # Ber tow aa (toa one, bette Emus om seas 7 @ ges (0), sine, Bes @ dos @ S00, ms, bm @ aes Bs, oe, mS © Bes gS 88, 08, sos 16, Srey monet mod spy omy Soret Ma noboSS 35 bof) atyergs axe] — sade, ed tord Soy oh Sad sos Poue D Gols? aadoSt Sete ey @ as a) S8y53y cy Soop, wasp w@ sgap i 28g @ 32) ost 117 The sumerout minuto pores in ths /121. Ia which year did Bankim Chan ‘piri of lea reeled Chattopadhyay write Anandmath ? (0) stomata 1880 (2) entice 2) 1885 (8) bydathodes (3) 1892 0) poration co 1895 haa, ‘me formation ofan Interim Govern 118, Which of the falling is moc important |" st up on September 2. 1840 was | Ter the growth of children upto te age of | envisaged by ur (a) Simon Comission (Fate (2) Crippe Assion (2) it 2) Wavell Plan (3) Vitamins ( Cobinet Mission Plan (4) Proteins lies. The Mohammedan Anil-Orie 119, The transport of organic substances in|" Defence Ausocation (1893) was sta plants through ty sytem (Barada Tabi 2) hoes (2) T.Beck bees (3) AS Samuclion 4) wood (8) Syed ARmed Khon 120, The National Bureau of Plant Genetic |124, Hunter Commission’ was appsinic Resources is at ‘he Bests to probe into the (0) Joma (2) Chaur-Chaura incident (2) Shillong (2), Bardo Satyagraa (Now Det (9) Jllanwala Bagh tragedy () Bengaore Rolla agitation (98/200 LIT, usisos® wnigsigivy He oft Sng Sogsness D0 RDN ? m8, ry o reebto sddqsines osisoygsnes sedogios estes [foo SOs, uo. danoty neice be? & (foo ode, ausjest as Sones Sogises 29 ays deseo 7 o @ $05 angi oF gue anah oaeys ee ae Detar erties eet 2 towne Sotto Doge ese « = pon wy a8 orien (sa) 90 saga Bobo Yo FONG ya ase HS $0008 Sessys9 a) 188 a) 1992 (6 98 pees 2, 9H oF Does weyos Beségios sacuine GaREoase BOS eas @ 5) oas @ wae ps (6) 2gos6 DBs Os SaorigsS wot e0asoes 83S ‘enakss (1890 3 uoHoose Sess eysie @ s8 a) 335, anges 6) 8095 wigs os (Pees, ons ahs soo soHtes Fasew Doryes ow ? 0) Ste Sodets ) utd seyriven ) e008S mer ork cS (0 pegs wostes a 126, On September 20, 1982 Mahatma Gandhi began a fst unto death sm Yervada Jal a. ‘ my (0) Communal Award of Ramsay] MacDonald z (2) Bets repression ofthe satyageaie| o ‘Violation of the Gandbicewin Pact Communal riots in Caleatta ss ji20, which of the following alae: participated the least In the Indi National Movement” Princes of states owernment ofits Peasants Capitalists (0m the Dinsct Action Day unprecedented 180, Who of th fllowing nationalist lod | hae been raferned toon Loken? Vdshed took place at ares of HindwAfselim rts in ae oo (2), Vishnu Krish Chiplunkar (2) om a (3), Gopal Hari Deshmukh (3) Dhaka (4) Motilal Nebr 4) Cateuten 191, Who se up the famous ‘Bengal Cheri Mahader Govind Ranade was « member |!* [7s ener deca ate ‘Movement ? ot Se cee (0) P. Ray (2) Praetsana Sama) oe ae a (9) Ashwini Kamar Dutt ) Theosuphical Society ‘The Governor-General of proposed the change of capital om Caleta ta Dal a @) ord Hatings {ord Canning ‘Lond Hardinge TL ond Curzon India ho o ® o 132. The Gandhi was etarted in Robindra Nath Tagore first Satyerraha campaign Bardelt Baroda Dandi Champaran ‘981200 15, (BoB Det, AOR geese pou 20, Ned Saihey rol, Doys Beiiod aii aog| ogo 7 () OSS BEog Rhys ong des 2) SeyRoos (OME etcSase| so8 G) mobiatgS Of esonse washose Ses Helens! HaBS otrive Ses Bop alas a / ayy rate Oe, Dosr - Sibee fusion S08 agree Ggonsis wns ey Dob @ ol) 4) fete Std foes ott, oe (tonmaet, ADE" Stiga 7 oy wey stress @) Oger srete a) aodae OF ) easogas od fete Soa ORs oumad sranop GeoCs os, sok MoAES| a6? 2g Soh 28 a0 oF Sgo8 © og as (35) ha. a & (Bod) mde 2. send Boats Ps bad acpSese wa Guyer Desist ? ) omgescarwres 2 Geidg vpertoes ago Dyed oxtes & ot SOs, ese od Dateds wnbob mab O65 7 (oe 2x85 os dp Hy Ogoes ©) Ns so Stes abot age Sa age rots Gaye mons Roms ehas J Dov pity att ey i @) aa os wtosans a (od esr ws i) B06 mE eto mod RS DOr Serge Boreas esopoose ay eg 1) ote (608 eer) @ 436) 188, Who has been refered. to at the ‘concienoeeper of Gandhi? (© Rajogopslachar (@) GK Gokhale (2) ale Lajpat at (4) Madan Mobi Maviya 134, StatTrd Cripps was a member of the (2) Conservative Party (2) eral Party (8) Labour Party (4) Oficial hiearehy 185, The Governor-General of India who initised the introduction of English in| Tedia wan (ord Hastings (2) Lord Bentinck (8) Lord Curzon (4) Lord Ripon 196, The incrument used for messuring ‘hums in 4) Thermometer (@) Barometer (3) Hydrometer (0) Hygrometer 184, Blinds are characteristic of (0) Temperate region Antarctic rexion (@) Rgvatorial region (4) Tropa region a ® o w cy @ ® w a o o w a ® » w osm 188, An woper ai wind estem with vory hi elsitiee in certain parts of t sumoephore is called jet stream ss eylons an antigyione a0, Rainfall caused due to the prosence sountsing in the way of wine is calle cetone rain nivectional rain ‘oropraphic rain conventional rain 140, Plaine formed due to the Sling up lakes are called alluvial plaine ‘eed plains karst pains 41, To which group does the Back extn + of India belong ? Alleria Laterta Podsal Chernonam ‘esi200 or a M.S bod Oat, mobd Gym Bm Gums meiRNe eae ‘ogebSy 48 od ose aDREH 7 SREoe Gh ANS BE md Sore ft) 8 oattoeme cal @ 22 Hee Be HS oo ous6 0s (eres Wo) B85 anos Soda to) Begeosis 1M. PSE BS. Bod ane, comet] Se Sites Sage? cy sages sye5 oY lm, mo atrtose Sngtaet sepsis @ dues of Diya dome Sob feat Sgosios O08 3g bab soace? tt eos fa 0) igo sgorete 1s 06 aes ants at ngs] © APH Mods Ho Seta ‘Gays eo? 8) Sigs yeas wo ef ep (esate egos of bowed a og as tao, Seine pays Sos Daye Wo 055. f oe 1m, most Bits Fesons sdemnow| 1) BH ae 2) 2080 erties ara 880 erste @ aehes 2 = (488 porto hat. ode seed sedis sem A Bok th ie” et ee a) Stat woes wooo @ wcwoyat oss mous @) siete owas @ age (6) egies oie © aes @ 498) e 142, The sme piven to native American 147. Which pat of the islands in the Ar Indians ‘Sen is known a8 Minioy Ielande (a) Amorinds oooe (0) aterm 2) Alpine (9) stan @) Werte () Mestzo (3) Northern Southern 148. The largest peodoee of Tong staple cotton (1) Sadan ls, Where can one expect ary wint Iedia? (2) Chin @ usa (1) Benga pine adi (2) Tamil Nadu (@) desoais sod Koshi 144, tia loading producer of dn ra wp Fei 1a) eese (2) ‘buter and ghee 40, Which soi wells when wet and & (pork ee cracks when dry? (a) Alvin 145, trom i obtained mostly from tas eee (2) Black (2) eon pyeitan Rea (3) magnetite (4) haematite 160, Aluminium eavally occurs inthe 146. One of the Stator through which the ‘Tropic of Cancer passes = ( yite a) Bihar (2) bauxite (2) Shao sient (2) limenite (@) Himachal Pradech (4) pore metal (4) Jamu and Kashmir 657200 (39) tet, wBOe8S nyse sod D wrosiy gp Barak Ayam erenkd ? Ma tod woes aedaiivoth mtguas ee 1 e008 ® wy @ ass ages M3, & [bod we6', See aoere sg0 Sgt ogg Sass ee 253, sodas a seta, goo mae, doo seyestion acyg deine 7 8 (85) (Sty ta Ang (ps Seats) 1) 808 drain (0) (esse (6) 1 & Gon obtain £9 08 aby corsa? 1) So $0088 ome als 326) © sonpe ope Ma. 6 Goo oat > erie oy eee Be be See 7 a bas a eps a) Sine gs (tiny te o ® by Say ate (bod 08, aodairet, 9 (Posinet, BO SD meses Oecd Geass 7 a ® @ Rome Bens rosso! sae met whey eas ohsot Sows bob boaber got @osinet Got S86, D sey gD sam Asp —AdyOn, AK asses see) Deyas? ® odd eos eps go Sedna eos AS go Pediniom wong, 6 os dd, D esse" ODoxi ? o @ a we ene ops S948 ENG Ste

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