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“Electrolytes and Non-electrolytes”



Learning Objectieves :

A. Basic Competence and Indicator :

1.1 Aware regularity of hydrocarbon characteristic, thermochemistry, reaction rate,
chemistry equilibrium, solution, and koloid as a manifestation of the greatness of
almighty God and the knowledge of the matter particle’s structure as a result of
human creative thinking what truth is tentative.
Indicator :
1.1.1 Show the admire of regularity acid and base solution that reflect the greatness
of God almighty based on learning activity
Learning Objectives : Student can admire the regularity acid and base solution based on
phenomenon in daily life correctly

2.1 Show attitude (curious, discipline, honest, objective, open mind, be able to
distinguish between fact and opinion, tenancious, precise, responsible, critical,
creative, innovative, democratic, communicative) in design, do experiment and
discuss that applied in daily life.
Indicator :
2.1.1 Show attitude (precise, responsible, and communicative) when did the

Learning Objectives : Student can show precise attitude in observating the experiment result based
on experiment activity correctly Student can show responsible attitude in doing discussion based on problem
that is given correctly Student can show communicative attitude in delivering the opinion based on
discussion activity correctly

3.10 Analyze the characteristic of solution based on concept of acid and base and or pH
Indicator :
3.10.1 Analyze the characteristic acid or base of solution using litmus paper
3.10.2 Interpret experiment data using litmus paper to identify the characteristic of
acid or base in a solution.
Learning Objectives : can analyze the characteristic acid or base in solution using litmus
paper indicator based on colour changing which appear correctly Student can interpret experiment data using litmus paper to identify the
characteristic of acid or base based in a solution that given correctly .

4.10 Present idea or opinion about using the correct indicator to determine the acidity of
acid/base or titration acid/base
Indicator :
4.10.1 Do experiment to identify characteristic of acid or base in as solution using
litmus paper.
Learning Objectives : Student can make do experiment to identify characteristic of acid or base

using litmus paper based on solution that is given correctly. Student can present their observation result after doing experiment to
identify characteristic of acid or base using litmus paper based on solution
that is given correctly.

To determine the pH of a solution can be done in several ways, among others, as follows.

1. Using Multiple Indicators

An indicator is a weak organic acid or a weak organic base that can change color over a
certain pH range (James E. Brady, 1990). The pH value of a solution can be estimated using
the pH indicator route. Indicators have different color change routes. Thus from the test
solution with some indicators will be obtained slice area pH of the solution. For example, a
solution with brom blue thymol (6.0- 7,6) is blue and with phenolphthalein (8.3-10.0)
colorless, the pH of the solution is 7.6-8.3. This is because if the blue timol bromine is blue,
the pH of the solution is greater than 7.6 and if with phenolphthalein is colorless, the pH of
the solution is less than 8.3.

2. Using the Universal indicator

The pH of a solution can also be determined using a universal indicator, which is a mixture of
indicators that can indicate the pH of a solution of the color change. The universal indicator
color can be seen in the table below

3. Using pH meter

pH meter is a very high accuracy pH gauge.

4. Using litmus paper

The color of litmus paper in acidic solution, base solution and solution are different neutral.
There are two kinds of litmus paper, the red litmus and the blue litmus. The properties of
each of these litmus papers are as follows.

a. Lakmus is red

The red lymph in red acid solution and in solution blue base.

b. Blue Lakmus

The blue lantern in the acid solution is red and in solution blue base.

c. Both red and blue lacquers in neutral solutions do not change color.
Phenomenon :

Accumulator or accu or battery car is kind

of batteries, capacitors, or other relating to an
object which can store electrical charge and may
be recharged after the charge is discharged. It can
be used to store energy (generally electrical
energy) in the form of chemical energy. As an
electrochemical cell, the battery comprises an
electrode component and an electrolyte solution.

The electrolyte solution contained in the

battery is a sulfuric acid (H2SO4) solution
commonly known as accuzuur battery water. It use
H2SO4 solution because the solution can conduct
electricity. Why is accuzuur or H2SO4 solution can
conduct electricity? Are there any solution that
conduct electricity? or Are there any solution that
can not conduct electricity? To answer the
question, let's do the following experiment !
1. Based on the phenomena, write the problem formulation!

How sulfuric acid or accuzuur can conduct electricity ?

2. Based on problems formulation, write your hypothesis!

Sulfuric acid or accuzuur can conduct electricity because sulfuric acid

(H2SO4) is a strong electrolyte which has ions H+ and SO42- can move
freely so that the two combined ion can conduct electricity. The two ions
can eventually be combined with positive and negative electrodes so that
they can produce an electric current through the electrolyte solution.


Tools : Ingredients :

1. Beaker Glass 1. Sugar solution

2. Graduated 2. Salt solution
3. Vinegar solution
3. Battery
4. Cable 5. Aquadest

5. Lamp
6. Carbon electrode
7. Cable clamp
work steps

1. Prepare tools and materials to be used

2. Arrange the apparatus like in the picture below
3. Add 50 mL aquadest into beaker glass and observe the changing of lamp and its
4. Clean the electrode by aquadest and tissue.
5. Repeat the steps for sugar solution, salt solution, and vinegar solution.
6. Write the result in the table

Table Observation Result

Flame of Lamp Exist of Gas Bubble

Dim Light Much Little No Strong/Weak/Non
No Solution Bright Electrolyte
(+) off (-) (++) (+) bubble
1 Aquadest √ √ Weak Electrolyte

Sugar √ √ Non-Electrolyte
Salt √ Strong Electrolyte
3 √
4 Vinegar √ √ Weak Electrolyte
Data Analysis

1. What are the solutions that show the light of lamp?


Aquadest, salt solution, and vinegar

2. What are the solutions that show the appearance of gas bubble?

Answer :

Aquadest, salt solution, and vinegar

3. What are the solutions that not show both indications above?

Answer :

Sugar solution

4. What are the solution that can conduct electricity?

Answer :

Aquadest, salt solution, and vinegar

5. What are the solution that can’t conduct electricity?

Answer :

Sugar solution
Make the conclusion based on the question
1. What is the definition of electrolyte solution?
2. What is the definition of electrolyte solution?
3. How the electrolyte solution can make the light bright?
4. How the non-electrolyte solution can’t make the light bright?

Answer :

Electrolyte solution is a solution that can conduct electricity that proving by the light is on
and there are bubbles and non-electrolyte Solution is a solution that can’t conduct electricity
that proving by the light is off and there aren’t any bubbles. Electrolyte solution can make the
light bright because it has ions positive and negative that can move freely so that the two
combined ion can conduct electricity. The two ions can eventually be combined with positive
and negative electrodes so that they can produce an electric current through the electrolyte
solution. Non-electrolyte solution can’t make the light bright or can’t conduct electricity
because the solution can not produce ions (not ionizing). The solution can not ionized or
decomposed into ions, but remains as molecules, consequently the non electrolyte solution
can not conduct electricity.


Utami, Budi., Dkk. 2009. Kimia Untuk SMA/MA Kelas X. Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan,
Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.
Hernanto, Ari., Rumiten. 2009. Kimia 1 Untuk SMA/MA Kelas X. Jakarta: Pusat
Perbukuan, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.
Setyawati, Arifatun Anifah. 2009. Kimia: Mengkaji Fenomena Alam Untuk Kelas X
SMA/MA. Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.

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