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In my culture, most of People still practice and keep the traditions, rituals and beliefs from their

grandparents and ancients. It´s unbelievable that people of all ages keep some superstitious
ideas, whatever they say about these kinds of things.

I have known children that put dreamcatchers in their rooms, because they believe these things
avoid their nightmares. Also, children avoid pass under a ladder while they are playing, because
they have heard from someone that it means bad luck. It can be noticed that there are many
young people who read advices, warnings of their zodiacal sign in the newspaper, magazines or
even watch it on tv . Furthermore many of my friends believe that pass a broom over their feet will
bring them back luck in love, and they won´t get married. Surprisingly, old people still believe that
they must receive the new year´s day with enough money in their wallets (handbags) so that they
have prosperity that year.

What I mention before, it´s only a little part of living superstitions in our country. In the rural
towns, there are many famous stories about ghosts like la llorona, el silbon, witches, and elves.
Even some people claim that they don´t believe in any superstitions, you can see them avoid
passing under a ladder, spilling salt, or doing tests and business on Friday thirteenth since
children to seniors.

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