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h Semester — CSE — Regulations 2009/2010) Maximum ; 100 marks: Renee ATT questione PART A — (10 x 2 = 20 marks) ¢ Operating System. at do you mean by a critical section problem? « types of C ning the pees Cee "Process Burst time Priority pl 10 3 2 in p3 2 pd ib ps 5 processes are assumed to have arrived in order pl, p2, p3, pd, p5 all at time 0. a6) /® Draw Gantt chats illustrating the execution of these processes using FCFS, SJF, a non-preemptive priority (a smaller priority Bumber implies a higher priority) and RR (quantum = 1) scheduling. @) What is the turn around time of each process for each of the. scheduling algorithms in part (i)? Or Briefly explain methods of handling dead lock @) _ Define the requirement of the correct solution. How semaphores are ‘Used to solve dining philosophers problem? @ ‘system contains three resource classes, namely Rl, R2 and number of resource units in these classes is 7,7 and 10 The current resource allocation state is as shown below Allocated resources Maximum requirement Rl R2 Rg. 6 3 4 the concept of demand paging. ’s the system detect trashing? Once it detect trashing what © system does to eliminate this problem? ®& @ ®

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