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COMM 362

Prof. Favela

Nov. 28, 2017

John Smith
1234 Main St
Anytown, CA 91234

Dear Mr. Smith:

Every year, thousands of animals face unimaginable cruelties without any way to
protect themselves. Dogs and cats just like your own are tortured and abandoned to
fend for themselves. Farm animals are placed in horrible living conditions and killed for
food. Wildlife are hunted and slaughtered. These precious animals that do no wrong to
us, are treated terribly and left completely helpless.

Our goal at the Humane Society of the United States is to prevent these animals from
facing such cruelties and to make the world a more humane place for all animals. We
are driving transformational change in the U.S. and around the world by combating
large-scale cruelties. With education, advocacy, and hands-on programs, we can
accomplish this. We strive to rescue and shelter these animals that desperately need

The only way we can change the world for animals is with the continued support of
people like you. We appreciate your past support and for being a good person. It is
because of people like you, that 100,000+ animals are rescued each year. With your
continued support, we can continue to fight for the lives of animals and rescue even
more animals every single day. Please visit us at and donate $25,
$50, $75 or more. Any donation can do so much for an animal in need.

The animals need our help. Join us in our efforts to combat such cruelties and create a
better world for animals.


Jennifer Takeda
Donor Care Specialist

P.S. – Their time surviving in such cruel conditions is very limited. Help us to help them
before it’s too late.

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