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Learning how to play the guitar 

and teaching others  

Bryan Silva 

For my activity passage I am going to learn how to play an instrument (the guitar)
I have always wanted to learn how to play the guitar and I am a fan of music (sierrena) and I am
going to be making a tutorial video. By the end of this project I will learn how to professionally
play at least 2 songs on the guitar. I would like people to be able to learn throught my videos and
try to make it as easy as possible for them to learn.

Gps Domains:
Investigate the world: ​I am going to be investigating the world by playing music sierrena which
is mexican music which is from another culture.

Take Action​: This goes under taking action because we will be learning how to play an
instrument that I haven't played before we are also going to be making a tutorial video so that
others can learn and we will try to make it easy as possible for others to learn.
Recognize Perspectives​: I will recognize perspectives of those who are trying to learn how to
play the guitar. Also be
cause there is many types of genres where they use the guitar.

Communicate Ideas​: This goes under communicate ideas because I am going to i will teach
others how to tune the guitar and also how to play the guitar.

Learning objectives​:
● I will learn the notes of the guitar
● Show my partner and my committee members my progress
● Learn a complete song

● Manage time
● Communication with my partner and committee

● A guitar
● Social Media
● Family / Friends
● Timeline
● You tube
● Messenger
● Timeline


Passage proposal draft 2/7/17

Passage proposal final 2/13/17

Committee Meeting 2/16-17/17

Look up songs we would like to learn 2/20-21/17

Start to learn the notes and practice 2/23/17

Keep practicing 2/27-28/17

Start to memorize the notes 3/3/17

Practice the notes without help 3/7-8/17

Practice notes 3/10/17

The final product​: For the final project we will upload a video on you tube and we are going to
teach others how to play a few songs.

1. ​Learn how to play the guitar
2. ​Time management
3.​ Remembering the notes
4. Stay on task
5. Getting other people to learn from my video
6. Trying to have them send a video of when they learned the song.
7.Trying to edit videos

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