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MOSQUES ‘The five basic eategories of mosque design occur in seven distinctive regional styes. Inthe Arabian heartland, Spain and North tia there is 8 hypostye hall and an open courtyard. In ‘sub-Saharan West Arica the hypostyle hall ¢ of mud: brick or rammedearth construction. ran and Cental Asia have a bi ‘axial fouriwan style, On the Indian subcontinent there ae triple domes and an extensive courtyard, In Anatolia there ts always 2 massive central dome. The Chinese style has. detached pavilions within a walled garden enclosure, and South-East ‘Asia has a central pyramidal roof construction “The mosque (masjid or jamin ¢ a house of prayer, a cultural entre, 9 place fr social gatherings @ courthouse, 9 school and 8 university tn Islam the Quran isthe central source of al rules for living and teaching, and for the pronouncements of low, pk | ise religion ete) fo} In Islomie counties the mosque isin the base (ou), and = thusinthe conte of pai Incourtes where he amenities ofthe bazaar hairdressers, shops selling permitted foods, cafés tc. do nat exis, they should be included in the planning ofthe mosque ‘Smaller mosques (masia) rarely have a minaret (mina) whereas larger mosques \jamih) always do. There are nether bells nor organs in Islam. The muszzn's call to prayer can be heard five times a day resounding fram tha minaret, which has stairs or a lift leading to the upper ambulatory, whichis usually covered. Nowadays thecal fo prayer is vitualy always relayed by loudspeakers, although this is not permitted in some counties, | The sie ofthe prayer halls based on 0.85m? praving space > per person. It is usually rectangular or square, often with , i} Central dome, and faces Mecca, the direction in wich people bray (kiblah, The prayer nicho (mitrab) is set in the front wall {kibla) and next to its the minbar (pulpit, whicn must always hhave an add number of stars. This is used by the prayer leader ff the mosque (the Imam) in the Friday prayers. Men and women are segregated, sometimes purely symbolically, sometimes withthe women ina gallery. ‘The entrance area has shelves forthe school, and rooms for situalablutions and showers which must always have allowing ‘water supply. The WCs are usualy equating closet at right langle to the diection of Macca, Al these facilities often have Separate entrances for men and wamen, including the stirs to the women’s gallery ‘Many mosques have a central courtyard the same size as the prayer hall, which can be used on holy days as an extension. 4 _has'a decorative fountain itcheschme) for tual ablations In _] hot countries, trees are planted in the courtyard ina geometrical pattern to provide shade, 1] Offices, a library, lecture hall and classrooms, storeraoms ‘and apartments, at least for the imam and the muezzio, Complete the accommodation, ee] tational depictions of humans and animals is not TFL] towed Plants and geometrical ornamentation iarabesce), ‘and verses from the Quran in Arabi calligraphy, are very 5 popular and have been developed into a form of high culture, os OD 2 Sa Rigo 1 diumasme g ie, se rE CO oy © tetamic cttare contre in Frankfort © aanement + @ wy 585,

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