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Preface to the Vatican Edition of the Roman Chant. xv. RUBRICS FOR THE CHANT OF THE MASS. Wen the priest gues towards the a, the canoe epi the tit. On Fetias and inp te eaton 0 Desa oct ara he go © tm ocr Pants an Sry, tere soc be to cantar bt on Some ests ‘her shoul be tras anys for re avaiable col comins wn the Pan, he part of fe Vene of the Pai a for theaters, nd the J ra Par are sung by te cantor te fal cht faking wp the rot at Ihe wie “Afra te art fr 0 the Palm sept by te alco i he st. inter ve soe way th cr ore acho beng ster the Antiphon and Vere. In that cae the Antipnon may be repeated ser every Vers orto Venza" Wen the pie eens he aa, che Poi iri ccenary imped tte end of « Vere, lia Pat sng nd aly the Antphon When the Antphon Is over, the choir sings the Kyrie eleson three, the Christe ekson thrice, and agin the Kyrie lelson thrice, alternately with the ‘cantor, or with the ster balf ofthe chair. But the last Kyrie ete i dived lito to or three parts, marked by a single or double asterisk. It there be only {wo parts, and hence oaly a single asters, the fst pars sung by the eartors ‘or by the fit al ofthe coi, the seco part bythe fll col. If there are thrce parts, the frst being marked by the simple asterisk, and the second by the ‘double one, then, the fist partis sung by the same sided in the former case: but the second ‘par, which repets the milody of the Mest part is sung by the other hai of the ele: andthe third pact Dy both sides together. Sometimes there fre even five pares then the manner of dividing the alterations Inthe chanting [S'marked by the single or double dvldg sgn belng several times inserted; what as een said above sufenty explains the exeution. “The pres alone in a clear voice gives the Intonation of the Gra in excelsis Deo, and en Et tn terre pax hominids, ete, is continued by the choir divided ‘nt fo parts, which answer each other, rele the full choi sings tn alternation With the preceaors. ‘Then follows the response of the eholr fo the Dorainus opts. 1V._ After the Epistle or Lasin one or two cantors give the Intonation ofthe ry, which ealed the Oradual, 25 Tor ab the sign andl or at ty fate the cantors chase, concude the chant with due cafe. ‘Two sing the Verse ‘ofthe Grad, andy afer the final Ssteris he full cole ses 1; ores, 1 the Fesponsoral method is prefered, the fol chlr repeats the Mist part of the FResponsory after the Verte is nied by’ he eantors or cantor. 1 Allua, Aletta isto be said with the Verse, the frst Alklufa is sung by fone orto voces a far asthe asterisk * and then the col fpeats the Aleta ‘continuing with the neum or jubius whlch prolongs the syllable a.” "The cantors snext slg the Vere, whichis finished by the fall cho, a8 before, besianing at the asterisk When the Verse is inished, the cantor or cators repeat the Allie, and the fall ho sings only the closing neu Alter Septuagesima, the Alleluia and the following Vere are let out, andthe ‘Teat is song, ie Vers being chante ltemately by fhe two sides of te cot sgwering each other, oF ele bythe antors and the fal hoi In Pascal Tie, he Gradual i omitted and in is place the Alea, Alletaia ung with its Verses above. Then one Altuie immediately follows, which

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