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To: Mary Jan Lantz, Director of Human Resources and Risk Management

From: Michael G. Gilbert, Director Galveston College Community Chorale

Date: February 14, 2018
Re: Employee Performance Award Supporting Documentation

In response to three given criteria:

1. Students grow personally and intellectually

Instructor uses a variety of techniques for teaching correct vocal style, tone
quality and music appreciation. Instructor recognizes that there are wide
variations in the music background of the chorus members and reminds
them that each makes a positive contribution to the group effort and

2. Knowledgeable in discipline

Bachelor and Masters Degrees in Music Education

Thirty-one years teaching Galveston public school choral music
Seven years teaching Galveston College Community Chorale
Galveston Chorale performs throughout the year in the community
Attends music conferences and workshops, and serves as judge for
high school choral competitions.
Ten years choral director Moody Methodist Church, five at First Baptist
Church and three years at Central Christian Church
Thirty-four years with the Houston Symphony Chorus, recognized for
500 performances, currently section leader for bass section. Opportunity
to travel, perform and learn from internationally known conductors,
most recently to Prague to perform with their symphony.

3. Approachable, available and helpful

Always available before and after rehearsals and by appointment. Students

have instructor's college and personal email addresses and phone
numbers. Instructor contacts students who miss classes to inquire as to their
welfare. Instructor enjoys the diverse backgrounds of the chorus and
strives to provide a variety of music that will reflect both traditional and
ethnic music experiences. Class always starts on time, thanking them for
being there. Individual and sectional problems are solved throughout the
rehearsal with positive feed back regarding their progress. Soloists have
additional practice time with instructor.

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