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When I entered the first time to University y felt like itchy to study as soon as possible, to learn

the most I could because i though that it was the place where i could get a great knowledge
about my field of human resources. I found people with an airy aspect for its style of clothes
and their topics of conversation. If I were some of those guys I wouldn’t have been at Uni
because they seemed worrier in tv series, parties, pass the time doing something than study to
cultivate its culture, to learn to be a good worker of help to solve out the world. If at all it had
any doubt some of the leaders said only just finished the lesson “let´s go to party” . I obviously
didn´t go that sort of drunkenness because that one kill our neurones and our brain drinking
on and on and since some time ago I don´t less water and energetic drinks.

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