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Who am I?

You are consciousness and energy.

You are the divine, loving, kind, compassionate energy in the universe.
Feel this infinite energy flow through your entire body.
Feel the energy flow through every muscle, bone, tendon, ligament, and organ of your
You are this loving energy.

Be externally and internally present.

Be without words. If words come let them come.
Be without words.
Sense the silence.
Be the silence.
You are the silence

My attempt to express this as a law is:

An Enlighten Embodied person= ((1/1+ (number of thoughts/minute)) times (% of the
Body that is filled with loving energy))
And so it is.
One way to categorize spiritual/religious practices is do they work with energy or do
they work with consciousness, the silence. For example, the Quakers had both types of
spiritual processes in their history. Originally they quaked, slain in the spirit. They
worked with embodying the divine living energy of the universe. Quaking is part of the
body healing process. Now they “enter into the silence”, working with consciousness.

Stephen Hawking claimed that when physicists find the theory he and his colleagues
are looking for - a so-called "theory of everything" - then they will have seen into
"the mind of God" By working with our capacity for awareness and directing loving
energy we know GOD directly without the discursive mind.
© 2017 Mickey Judkovics

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