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Jurnal Farmasi Klinik Indonesia

Volume 1, Nomor 2, Juni 2012

Ocular Insert: Dosage Form for Sustain Opthalmic Drug Delivery

Sunil Kumar1, Badri P. Nagori2, Roshan Issarani2, Munish Ahuja3

Akal College of Pharmacy and Technical Education, Mastuana Sahib, Sangrur, India

Lachoo Memorial College of Science and Technology, Pharmacy Wing, Jodhpur, India

Departament of Pharmaceutical Sciences, G. J. University of Science and Technology, Hisar,

Except for skin, the eye is the most easily accessible site for topical administration of a medication. Tra-
ditional topical ophthalmic formulations (eye drops and ointments) have poor bioavailability because of
rapid pre-corneal elimination, conjunctival absorption, solution drainage by gravity, induced lacrimation
and normal tear turnover. This leads to frequent installations of concentrated medication to achieve a
therapeutic effect. The typical “pulse-entry” type drug release observed with ocular aqueous solutions
(eye drops), suspensions and ointments can be replaced by more controlled, sustained, and continuous
drug delivery, using a controlled-release ocular drug delivery system. Ocular inserts are solid or semi-
solid sterile preparations, of appropriate size and shape, designed to be inserted behind the eyelid or held
on the eye and to deliver drugs for topical or systemic effect. These are polymeric systems into which the
drug is incorporated as a solution or dispersion. They are better tolerated as to drainage and tear flow com-
pared with other ophthalmic formulation and produce reliable drug release in the conjunctival cul-de-sac.

Key words: Eye, ocular inserts, films simulated tear fluid, cul-de-sac

Penyisipan Okular: Sediaan untuk Penghantaran Obat Mata Diperlambat

Mata adalah organ yang paling mudah dijangkau untuk pengobatan topikal selain kulit. Formulasi sediaan
topikal tradisional untuk mata (tetes mata dan salep) memiliki ketersediaan hayati yang rendah karena cepat
dieliminasi sebelum mencapai kornea, absorpsi konjungtiva, kekeringan cairan mata karena gravitasi,
lakrimasi terinduksi, dan pergantian normal air mata. Hal ini mengarahkan pada penggunaan obat yang
pekat secara berulang untuk menghasilkan efek terapi. Tipe obat pulse-entry seperti tetes mata, suspensi,
dan salep dapat digantikan dengan penghantaran obat yang lebih terkontrol, diperlambat, dan berkelanju-
tan menggunakan sistem penghantaran obat okular yang pengeluarannya dikontrol. Sediaan penyisipan
okular merupakan sediaan steril berbentuk solid dan semisolid, dengan ukuran dan bentuk yang sesuai,
serta didesain untuk dapat disisipkan di belakang kelopak mata atau diletakkan di atas mata untuk meng-
hantarkan efek obat secara topikal atau sistemik. Sediaan ini merupakan sistem polimer yang tidak larut
atau terdispersi. Sediaan ini lebih baik dalam hal pengeringan dan aliran air mata dibandingkan formu-
lasi sediaan mata yang lain dan menghasilkan pengeluaran obat yang reliabel pada konjungtiva kuldesak.

Kata kunci: Mata, penyisipan okular, simulasi cairan air mata film, kuldesak

Corresponding author: Sunil Kumar, M. Pharm, Akal College of Pharmacy and Technical
Education, Mastuana Sahib, Sangrur, Punjab, India, email:

Jurnal Farmasi Klinik Indonesia Volume 1, Nomor 2, Juni 2012

Introduction drug delivery to the posterior segment of oc-

ular tissue.9 The physiological requirement
The eye is unique organ from anatomical and to preserve visual activity poses significant
physiological point of view, containing widely problems in achieving sustained drug con-
varied structures with independent physiolog- centrations particularly associated with the
ical functions1. Eye ailment can cause distress need to provide a transparent formulation, re-
and angst in patients with the ultimate fear of ducing irritancy and avoid rapid clearance.10
loss of vision or even facial disfigurement.2 A Sustained and controlled delivery of drug to
rapid expansion of new technologies in ocu- the ocular tissues continue to remain a major
lar drug delivery and new drug candidates, objective for formulation scientists and engi-
including biologics, to treat these challeng- neers in light of the emergence of more potent
ing diseases in the anterior and posterior seg- drugs and biological response modifications
ments to the eye have recently emerged. These with limited biological half lifes.11 Various ap-
approaches are necessary because the eye proaches that have been attempted to increase
has many unique barriers to drug delivery.3 the bioavailability and the duration of thera-
Delivery of medication to the human eye peutic action of ocular drugs can be divided
is an integral part of medical treatment. The into two categories: the first is based on the use
delivery of drug to the site of action has been of drug delivery system, which provides the
practiced since ancient time, which succes- controlled and continuous delivery of ophthal-
sively advanced in a variety of ophthalmic mic drugs. The second involves maximizing
dosage form.4 For the therapeutic treatment of corneal drug absorption and minimizing pre
most ocular problems, topical administration corneal drug loss. These systems can achieve
clearly seems the preferred route over sys- therapeutic action with a smaller dose and a
tematic administration for obvious reasons5,6: lesser systemic and ocular side effect.12 These
1. The systemic toxicity of many ophthalmic practical issues have stimulated the search for
drugs alternative methods for ocular drug delivery.13
2. The rapid onset of action and Consequently, numerous novel ophthalmic
3. The smaller dose required compared to the drug delivery systems are developed to achieve
systemic route. a higher bioavailability of drugs. Among
The topical ocular administration of drugs these formulations are in-situ gelling poly-
has two different purposes: to treat superficial mers, microspheres, nanoparticles, liposome
eye diseases, such as infections (i.e. conjunc- and ocular insert.14 One of the new classes of
tivitis, blepharitis, keratitis, sicca), and to pro- drug delivery systems, polymeric film ocular
vide intra-ocular treatment through the cornea drug delivery system/ ocular inserts, which
for diseases such as glaucoma or uvetitis.7 are gaining worldwide accolade, serves as
At the present time, diseases of the eye are platform for the release of one or more active
treated by applying ophthalmic drugs in liquid substances8. This review covers types, fabrica-
(eye drops) or ointment forms. These dosage tion methods and evaluation of ocular inserts.
forms are easy to install but suffer from the
inherent drawbacks (Figure 1).8 The major de- Ocular Insert
ficiencies of these conventional dosage forms
include poor ocular drug bioavailability, pulse Solid inserts are introduced to the ophthal-
drug entry after topical administration, sys- mic market 60 years ago. The earliest official
temic exposure because of nesolacrimal duct record of a solid inserts are described in the
drainage and a lack of effective systems for 1948, British Pharmacopoeia. It is an atropine

Jurnal Farmasi Klinik Indonesia Volume 1, Nomor 2, Juni 2012

containing gelatin wafer, Lamelli. The poten- to produce an ocular effect. These inserts are
tial of solid inserts for sustained and controlled placed in the lower fornix and less frequent-
drug release was subsequently recognized ly, in the upper fornix or on the cornea. They
and, in the 1979 & 1980s numerous systems generally consist of a reservoir of active sub-
were developed using various polymers and stance embedded in a matrix or bounded by
applying different drug release principles.9,15 a rate controlling membrane. The active sub-
Ophthalmic inserts are sterile, solid or semi- stance, which is more or less soluble in physi-
solid preparations of suitable size and shape, ological fluid, is released over determined
dispensed to be inserted in the conjunctival sac period of time at a relatively slow rate.8,16,17.

Figure1 Drawbacks of some ocular dosage form

Advantages and Disadvantages8,17,20 4. Possibility to providing a prolong drug re-

lease and thus a better efficacy.
In comparison with the traditional ophthal- 5. Reduction of systemic absorption thus re-
mic dosage form i.e. drops and ointments, the duces systemic side effects.
ocular inserts have some advantages such as 6. Reduction in frequency of administration,
1. Increasing ocular contact time with re- thus better patient compliance and a lower
spect to standard vehicles thus improving incidence of visual and systemic side ef-
bioavailability. fects.
2. Accurate dosing as the entire drug is re- 7. Possibility of targeting internal ocular tis-
tained at the absorption site. sues through non-corneal conjunctival
3. Capacity to provide, in some cases, a con- sclera penetration route.
stant rate of drug release. 8. Increased shelf life with respect to aque-

Jurnal Farmasi Klinik Indonesia Volume 1, Nomor 2, Juni 2012

ous solution. These inserts are safe and convenient because

9. Possibility of incorporating various novel they are biodegradable although the release
chemical/technological approaches such process of the drug from these inserts is com-
as prodrugs, mucoadhesives, penetration plicated under physiological conditions. The
enhancers, microparticulates, salt acting polymeric matrix will disappear from the eye
as buffers etc. by dissolution or erosion. These processes
Each type of insert represents a compro- may coexist in some cases.22
mise between the desirable properties in- Various materials have been utilized in the
herent to solid dosage form and negative development of degradable inserts including
constraints imposed by the structure and poly vinyl alcohol, hydroxyl propyl cellulose,
components of the insert itself, by fabrica- poly vinyl pyrolidone, hyaluronic acid26 and
tion costs, as well as by the physical/physi- polyethylene oxide27. These polymers can
ological constraints of the application site. form hydrogen bonds with water, therefore,
1. A capital disadvantage of ocular inserts re- when they come in contact with water, hydrate
sides in their solidity i.e. they are felt by and eventually erodes as polymer dissolves.
the patients as a foreign body in the eye.
2. The occasional inadvertent loss during Non Degradable/Bio insoluble28,31
sleep or while rubbing the eyes.
3. Difficulty with self insertion. Non degradable inserts have also been de-
veloped with polymers related to soft contact
Types of ocular inserts lenses and ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymers.
The matrix requires topical safety during ap-
A number of solid polymeric inserts have been plication and removal from the eye after use.
developed as ocular drug delivery systems and Drug release from the bio insoluble inserts
are currently available in market or are in the may be more predictable than that from the
later stages of development. They are better biosoluble insert.22
tolerated as to drainage and tear flow com- Such ocular inserts are fabricated of flex-
pared with other ophthalmic formulations and ible polymeric materials that are biologically
produce reliable drug release in the conjuncti- inert, non allergenic, and insoluble in tear
val cul-de-sac. Ocular inserts can be classified fluid. Since the polymeric material is insol-
into two categories.21-22 uble, in tear fluid it retains its integrity and
1. Degradable/Bioerodible/Biosoluble remains intact during the course of therapy,
2. Nondegradable acting as a reservoir to continuously release
the drug to the eye and surrounding tissues
Degradable/Bioerodible/Biosoluble23,25 at a rate which is not affected by dissolution
or erosion of this polymeric material. On
Degredable/bioerodible/biosoluble ocular in- termination of the therapeutic program, the
serts are the ocular inserts for the continuous ocular insert is removed from the cul-de-sac.
administration of a predetermined therapeuti- Exemplary materials for fabricating the ocular
cally effective dosage of drug to the eye over insert include hydrophobic polymers such as
a prolonged period of time and comprise of poly vinyl chloride, plasticized nylon, unplas-
drug formulation dispersed through a body of ticized soft nylon, plasticized polyethylene
selected polymers which erode in the environ- terephthalate and silicon rubber and hydro-
ment of the eye over a prolonged period of philic polymers such as the hydrophilic hydro
time to dispense the desired amount of drug. gels of esters of acrylic and methacrylic acid,

Jurnal Farmasi Klinik Indonesia Volume 1, Nomor 2, Juni 2012

modified collagen, crosslinked hydrophilic Melt Extrusion Technique17, 38

polyether gels, cross linked PVA and cross
linked partially hydrolyzed polyvinyl acetate. Melt extrusion is a technique in which during
extrusion, a polymer melt is pumped through
Fabrication of Ocular InsertnSolvent Casting a shaping die and formed into a profile. This
Technique/Mercury Substrate Method32,33 profile can be a plate, a film, a tube, or having
any shape of its cross section. In film extru-
The required amount of polymer is dissolved sion, the polymer melt is extruded through a
in appropriate solvent, with the help of mag- long slit die onto highly polished cooled rolls
netic stirrer to form the reservoir. Plasticizer which form and wind the furnished sheet. This
and drug are incorporated into above solution is known as cast film. The calculated dose of
under stirring conditions to form homogenous drug and the polymer are sieved through sieve
solution. After complete mixing, the drug res- no 60#, weighed and blended geometrically.
ervoir solution is kept overnight to remove The plasticizer is added and blended. The
any entrapped air bubbles. The polymeric so- blend is then charged to the barrel of melt flow
lution is then poured over a glass ring or mer- rate apparatus and extruded. The extrude is cut
cury substrate and covered with an inverted into appropriate size and packed.
funnel to allow slow and uniform evaporation
at temperature around 50°C in a oven for 48 Evaluation of Ocular Insert
hours. The dried film so obtained are carefully
removed and cut into appropriate size using a Thickness of film39, 42
sterile stainless steel borer or sharp edged die. Thickness of the film is an important factor
while considering drug release from ocular
Moulding technique34 delivery systems. If thickness varies from one
film to another, the drug release from the film
A glass mould of appropriate size (10 cm. will also vary. So it is must to keep the thick-
length, 5 cm. width and 1.5 cm. height with ness of the film uniform to get reproducible
a total surface area of 50 cm2) is fabricated results. Thickness of film can be measured
for formulation of inserts. A drug-reservoir by using dial calipers, micrometers or dead
polymer solution is made (as per solvent cast- weight thickness gauge at different point and
ing method) and then placed under vaccum to then calculating the mean value.
remove the air bubbles. The polymer drug so-
lution is then poured into prelubricated glass Weight variation or uniformity of weight40, 43
mould and kept for drying in a hot air oven Variation of the films can lead to difference in drug
at 50°C till complete drying. The film is cut content and release of the drug from the films.
into appropriate size with stainless steel borer. The weight variation test is carried out using
digital balance or an electronic balance. 3-5
Compression35,37 inserts from each batch are randomly selected,
weighted individually. The average weight
Polymers, active ingredients and plasticizers and standard deviations of weight variation is
are mixed properly. The polymer mixture are calculated.
then compressed by a hydraulic press or using
tablet punching machine at the highest pos- Drug Content Uniformity 44-46
sible force (around 1000 kg). The production
method is based on direct compression. Uniformity of the drug contents is determined

Jurnal Farmasi Klinik Indonesia Volume 1, Nomor 2, Juni 2012

by assaying the inserts. The optimized ocular Percentage Moisture Absorption

insert is powdered into a glass pastal & mor-
tar and dissolved in 25 ml. isotonic phosphate The percentage moisture absorption test is car-
buffer of pH 7.4 with occasional stirring. The ried out to check physical stability or integrity
resultant solution is filtered through a G-2 of ocular inserts. Ocular inserts are weighed
glass filter. From this, sample is taken, diluted and placed in a desiccators containing 100 ml.
suitably and analyzed spectrophotometrically. of saturated solution of aluminium chloride
(79.5% humidity)41, 43, 48-49 or ammonium chlo-
Surface pH determination ride (79 % humidity at 30°C).50 After three
days, the ocular inserts are taken out and re-
1. Surface pH of the inserts is determined by weighted. The percentage moisture absorption
allowing them to swell by placing 2 drops is calculated using the formula.
of double distilled water over it or by plac-
ing them in a closed petridish containing
0.1 ml. of double distilled water for 30
minutes at room temp. After this the swol-
len devices are removed and placed on the
pH paper to determine the surface pH. Percentage Moisture Loss39, 43, 48, 48, 50
After one minute the colour developed is
compared with the standard colour scale.44, Percentage moisture loss is carried out to check
45, 47
integrity of the film at dry condition. Ocular
2. Inserts are left to swell for 5 hours on agar inserts are weighed and kept in the dessicator
plate prepared by dissolving 2% (w/v) agar containing anhydrous CaCl2. After three days,
in warm stimulated tear fluid of pH 7.2 un- the inserts are taken out and reweighed. The %
der stirring and then pouring the solution moisture loss is calculated using the formula:
into petri dish till gelling at room temp.
The surface pH is measured by means of a
pH paper placed on the surface of swollen

Folding Endurance Value39, 42, 43, 45, 48

Determination of water uptake and swelling
The folding endurance is expressed as the behavior/ Swelling Index14, 42, 43, 51
number of folds or number of times the inserts
is folded at the same place, either to break the Swelling of the polymer depends on the con-
specimen or to develop visible cracks. This centration of the polymer, ionic strength and
test is important to check the ability of the the presence of water. Water uptake is deter-
sample to withstand folding. This also gives mined gravimetrically. Initial weight of the
an indication of brittleness. The specimen is ocular inserts is taken. Inserts is placed on a
folded in the center, between the fingers and filter. The lower side of the filter is immersed
the thumb and then opened. This is termed as in a beaker containing simulated lacrimal fluid
one folding. The process is repeated till the or inserts can be placed directly on agar gel
insert showed breakage or cracks in center of plate. The inserts are incubated at 32°C, the
inserts. The total folding operations are named eye surface temperature. The beaker is closed
as folding endurance value. with paraffin to prevent evaporation during the

Jurnal Farmasi Klinik Indonesia Volume 1, Nomor 2, Juni 2012

experiment. Inserts are removed at predeter-

mined time periods, surface water is removed
with the help of filter paper and inserts are re-
weighted using an analytical balance. The %
of swelling or swelling index is calculated by
the following equation.

Where ΔL = elongation at break

L = length of the film
Where Wt is the weight of swollen insert after a = width of film
time t and W0 is the initial weight of insert. b = thickness of film
The size changes of the inserts due to swelling Break force = Weight required to break the
are investigated macroscopically. film

Where W = Gm. of water transmitted lb = length of film at break when stress is ap-
L = Thickness of film plied
S = Exposed surface area of film
Ocular Irritation Test40, 45, 47, 53, 54
Mechanical Strength33, 42, 52
Ocular irritation studies are performed accord-
Ocular inserts with good tensile strength and ing to the Draize Irritancy test. The test has
percent elongation would resist tearing due been standardized at the international level,
to stress generated by blinking action of eye. e.g. using the OECD guidelines and test guide-
Percentage of elongation at break and tensile line 405. The OECD guideline for eye irritan-
strength of film are measured using a pully cy test is currently the most valuable and reli-
based tensile strength apparatus. The appa- able method for evaluating hazard or safety of
ratus consisted of a base plate with a pully a substance introduced into or around the eye.
aligned on it. The film is cut into strips (around The ocular irritancy potential of a substance
4 × 1cm). The film is fixed in insert holder at is evaluated by observing them for any red-
one end of the base plate and another end is ness, inflammation or increased tear produc-
kept with the help of forceps having triangular tion (Table I). The observation based on scor-
end to keep the film straight during stretch- ing approach (Table 2) established the safety
ing. A thread is tied to the triangular end and of ocular insert in the eye. Testing is carried
passed over the pully to which a small pan is out on adult albino rabbits weighting about 2.5
attached to hold weights. A small pointer is at- to 3.5 kg of either sex. All rabbits are main-
tached to the tread that travels on the graph pa- tained under 12 h light and dark cycles and
per affixed on the base plate. The weights are are fed with green vegetables throughout the
gradually added to the pan till the film is bro- course of study. Food and water is allowed ad
ken. The weight necessary to break the film is libitum. Twelve rabbits are used for testing the
noted as break force and the simultaneously eye irritation potential of the ocular insert.
distance travelled by the pointer on the graph The sterile formulation is placed into the cul-
paper indicated the elongation at break. de-sac of the rabbit while other eye served as

Jurnal Farmasi Klinik Indonesia Volume 1, Nomor 2, Juni 2012

a control. The rabbits are observed periodically for redness swelling and watering of the eyes
of them.

Table 1 Draize irritancy test for ocular safety

Ocular Tissue Scoring Scale Calculation Total
Cornea: Opacity (O) 0,1,2,3,4 O×A×5 80
Area involved (A) 0,1,2,3,4
Iris: Values for congestion and 0,1,2 yI×5 10
hemorrhage (I)
y Conjuntiva: Redness (R) 0,1,2,3 y (R+C+D) × 2 20
Chemosis (C) 0,1,2,3,4
Discharge (D) 0,1,2,3
Total Max. 110 110
Note: Score of 0 is normal, 3 and 4 is severe in case of O, R, C and D. Score of 0 is none, 1,2,3,4
is the extent of cornea covered for A. Score of 0 is normal and 2 is severe in case of I.

Table 2 Safety evaluation chart

Score Rating
0.0 – 0.5 Non Irritating
0.5 – 2.5 Practically Non Irrigating
1.5– 15.0 Minimally Irritating
15.0 – 25.0 Mildly Irritating
25.0 – 50.0 Moderately Irritating
50.0 – 80.0 Severely Irritating
80.0 – 110.0 Extremely Irritating

Mucoadhesive Strength/Bioadhesive which is required to detach the patch from the

Strength27, 34, 42 conjunctival surface, is a measure of Bioadhe-
sive strength. Force of adhesion is calculated
Mucoadhesive strength is calculated by mea- by given formula Force of adhesion (N) =
suring the work required to detach the unit (Bioadhesive Strength x 9.81) /1000
surface of sample from a mucous membrane.
Mucoadhesive strength is measured on a In vitro drug release study
modified physical balance and the freshly ex- 1. Bi-chamber donor-receiver compartment
cised conjunctiva membrane or the mucous model54, 55
membrane from the intestine of goat is used In vitro release studies are carried out using
as model mucous membrane. Membrane is a bi-chamber donor-receiver compartment
tied to open mouth of a glass beaker filled model using commercial semi permeable
with STF (pH 7,2; 32 0C). Separately, insert is membrane. The cellophane membrane,
adhered to the lower side of a rubber stopper, presoaked overnight in the freshly prepared
which is attached to lever of a physical bal- dissolution medium (STF, pH 7.2) and is
ance. The mass, put on other limb of balance, tied to one end of an open cylinder (open

Jurnal Farmasi Klinik Indonesia Volume 1, Nomor 2, Juni 2012

at both the sides), which acts as the donor the dissolution medium. The disk is steadi-
compartment. The semi permeable mem- ly inserted into the cell containing 2 ml.
brane is used to mimic in vivo conditions, of fluid. The temperature of fluid is kept
like a corneal epithelial barrier. The ocular at 37±1°C. At regular intervals diffusion
insert is placed inside the donor compart- fluid is taken to analyze the drug content
ment. In order to simulate the tear volume, using spectrophotometer.
0.7 ml. of water for injection is placed in 3. The inserts are placed in a beaker contain-
donor compartment and maintained at the ing defined quantity of phosphate buffer pH
same level throughout the study. The en- 7.4 kept at 37±1°C, under control stirring.
tire surface of the membrane is in contact At various intervals sample are withdrawn
with the reservoir compartment containing and analyzed spectrophotometrically.43,46
25 ml of pH 7.4 phosphate buffer by sus-
pending the donor compartment into reser- In vivo Release Study 22, 58
voir with the help of a clamping stand. The
dissolution medium is stirred continuously Approval of the use of animals in the study
at a low speed using magnetic stirrer. The is obtained from local animal ethical com-
aliquots of defined quantity of sample is mittee. Adult Newzeland Albino rabbits of
withdrawn from receptor compartment at either sex are used to study the in vivo re-
periodic intervals and replaced with equal lease. Each rabbits are kept in good hygienic
volume of phosphate buffer pH 7.4. The condition in order to avoid vulnerability of
samples are analyzed spectrophotometri- any disease including ophthalmic type. The
cally. rabbits are housed singly in restraining box-
2. Open Flow Through Apparatus56, 57 es during the experiment and allowed feed
The open flow through apparatus mimics with standard diet and water ad libitum.
the continuous flow of tears to a certain ex- Free legs and eye movements are allowed.
tent but the constant blinking action of the The inserts are sterilized before in vivo
eye is not attempted to be simulated. The study. Selected ocular inserts are placed in
apparatus consisted of a 2 ml. glass tube the lower cul-de-sac of each rabbit while the
open at both ends used as an in vitro dif- other eye served as a control. At periodic in-
fusion cell. Two fluted glass adaptors are tervals the inserts are taken out carefully from
fused at both ends so that one formed inlet and analyzed for the remaining drug content
and the other fluted end used to withdraw as mentioned in drug content uniformity. The
samples. The inlet of this tube is connect- drug remaining is subtracted from the ini-
ed to a reservoir containing isotonic phos- tial drug content of the drug, which gave the
phate buffer saline (IPBS) pH 7.4, with the amount of drug released in the rabbit eye.
help of PVC flexible tubes which had 2 Observation for any fall out of the in-
ml. of buffers. The rate of flow of buffer is serts is also recorded throughout the experi-
controlled with a valve. The head of reser- ment. After one week of wash period the ex-
voir kept constant. The setup is validated. periment is repeated for two times as before.
IPBS pH 7.4 is put into the reservoir. A
small volume of fluid is allowed to drain Sterility study33, 41, 51
away, so as to remove any entrapped air
bubbles, in the cell. An ocular insert is It is done for detecting the presence of vi-
stuck on to a thin, small, circular, Teflon able forms of microorganisms in the prepa-
disk, so that only one surface is exposed to ration. The working conditions should be

Jurnal Farmasi Klinik Indonesia Volume 1, Nomor 2, Juni 2012

monitored regularly by taking the samples prolonging its contact with the corneal surface.
of air and surface of working areas and Ophthalmic inserts offer several advantages
there should not be any cross contamination. over conventional dosage forms, like increased
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