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“Pakistan is not involved” "N THE wake of the army’ econ tn the Golden Temple complex in Aart sar end Punjab last orth, there were ‘Tepors the media hinting at posible ‘ableton comply inthe Sth terrorists loo agitator for Khalisian. The Indian lasimitions have am vehement protests Fronthe Pakistan Government. The rena! ‘ant exchange of protest role: betneen Now Deihi al Blomobed appeared 10 _tall,erenf temporrly, the already slon Peay amen aie ‘ee eownries. Las fortnight, is view of the seriousness of the Indian charge, Ina ‘Touayapproached Pakistan's new Ambas- adr 0 India, Dr Mohanoned Hameyrn Khan, vihasemevhar unconventional r= ‘quesiforaelephonc interview with President Zl ag. Dr Khare ‘dy parsed on he reeuest tos eo ‘erament. Sic hows loter, General ‘Mobumoned Ziel Hog spokefiom ‘is home in Ravclpindi to Senior Eater a vexar wanavat in New Deli, The ecsie weephont in'- ‘enien, unprecedented inthe trou ‘Bled history ofthe Indon mbcont- ent lasted #0 mimates ding WHC, (he 60zyear-olf General anowered questions on a variety of sbjecs With natural courtesy and infie ‘therm and peti. "Lam speaking to ye from my heart," he told Ne rajan, Excerps: . The weapons that were scied fom the Golden Temple in dertsar and chewhere in Pexjah ine te pas fon eck oar Po and Cine markings, Is Jour romrnent lve ny try inex the Sthecremi in lad ’A- Aer we ard of such alle- ‘gtont from the Indian tide. ot orsign office issued avery catego ‘ical denial, Our foreign tinistr. ‘while passing through London, ‘was aaked this queston aude has ‘ni that Pakistan as no banc in ‘ths; thes allegations are alse and Yasclew, Pakistan isa sate whica ‘ought of imefering in the internal Fairsof India, Allegations of Pakistaniin volvement are wroag, baseless and false. ‘Q. U-your government i not dicey invloed in helping the Sikhs, could 1 Be thatthe weapons are coming tate Punad Iam across the border through sales, ‘Afghan Majaeden, Wezalerms dealers xticugh aye oe Paks ore 'A-Scch «thing should not be posse bie. We have a large border. All the border f not totally seed. Just before this incident, the Indians had tie to seal the Pakistan-ndia borders 28 effectively ssposible, Asyouare aware, the Border Seturiy Focoss were eplaced by regular tuoogs, We did not react at ll 0 this b= cause we felt wey comfcent, assed and ‘ateful thatthe Indian suthortes hed cared fo consult us beforehand. & few tronths ag, we hed docted aed based Lupa gang f smugglers, caught inthe pro- ‘es of smuggling go} and weapons io Patistan Irom India, If this con tke place, obviously the converse too ca happen. Bren sich an eventuabty itis fot powibie to emvgele weapons fiom Pakistan into India in sach large quit ites and ths nae India to categoria. Iy allege shat Pakistanis directly ox lac fecily helping somebody to create dstur- bance inide India Iti aot possible 'Q. Could tbe that over period of time this hasbeen gine on and the extre- imistsheve collected larg numberof ex pens? ’A Tay be posible Reause these days gun-rupning between Pakistan and India Is 48 comtion as anywhere i the world Q. The cris snpected to be sending weapons tothe Afohar Mie deem in Paster. Do you thik "har vhe cus may be posi sobre ‘assumption that the ‘ais nvolvedin arming the Maja ldeen in Pakistani wrong. If this is correc its ot within my know edge itis wot within my know lee, no weapons can pass 10 the Afghan Mujahedson through Pa- bissant teeters. I see no reason ‘vty che cishowld beinteresied arming somebody in Indin to Gente cistertanees. Revenlly, T inet Vice-Presdent Bush, He had come to Pabistan ater hi visi Theis. vant (0 el you tat Tha never heard such a categorical tement tems anybody so relable and so high piaced as Mr Bush, estated tome tnatitisthe United States's fim policy and bei that they want iostengthen Lada, they ‘want to have very good relations bipwith fod andy are ooking forwanl oa beter US nciaelae Aionship. Ise vo season wy on theone hang, Vice Present Bush fee me this and.on the other hand the cry should be involved i farming the Sikhs. Tt doesnt does not bebe ia Mactiavellan Pakistan is a state which does not vl rstes, We have xan nos (Q. How serious isthe problem Pherae rimestp’ ne believe in Machiavellian practices. oy ejiem arin he eben Souldsotieisysedy oie Allegations of Pakistani involvement ton horde ths i oer fered in owr internal alls. Silas, ‘we have nether tned nor have we are wrong, baseless and false. ‘Diateral ks" Between the m0 ‘coumee? What are the mares bud contemplated to check the sng OF gd hash, weapons and 9908? °b Thi prable is uly serious, Smuggling doe ake pace act's bo ders. This has hoen dicot most of the talateral mectngs According to ah geenent, the two. Border Sesity Forocs aro honour bound and. duty bound iocheckstugaing. They ae ao- sted to keep contact woth exch other in fordee to hep in proving neceiay in formationandtoensietbat emuesine Shocked in tins and ict, he nd ‘ualsareapprehende. Theres 3 go0d ‘vordination between the twe Border S- fury Peres and tis pon bas beet seustdat he diplomats eve practically inal the moatngs, We have Been cont uous) tying ose that such pracioes af smugalngscrzs the tuo borders sre atleast minima, ino oly checked ‘Q. Cou be tha sme digratied lements within Pohstan who may ot be trl posed tard your goer iment ave doing is cua jo cmbaresiment? Ae teat site yoo that nobody from the Pakisten side Could be involved 1Q. Your governments rfsal fo comment onthe recent develoy- tmetr is Ponab bens i Ts Internal matter has been pprecie= tad ber. But Ganga Singh Dhillon ies eon claming core rend sith yo, thereby tying thet yo rently hepag Kn. What the tear of pour fiensdp wit Nt “ow many tines did ke meet you? ‘lave any other pro-Kbafsta ee- mens the Jagit Sigh Chauhan ther met your If thy di what did {hey ook youd forthemand whet {4d you te then? "A (Laughs. have rover met ortalkedto Mr Chauhan nny Phave nt met Ganga Singh Dh. lontor elas years. hin inital) though a commen fend ‘Tris was afew years ago. I enly ret him as 2 Sikh ya Ww ad Come 10 ist holy placer fis Sourizy Evry ine has come part of delegation he bas mot me fad on all ich oecasont the Treian ambesiador has so been pretent When I wae nthe Unted Bates of Armcrice It him there ako. Bat we never dieased Ue Skis should in Tndia becay- st I believe in principles and T try ‘my best wo fllow what I speak ard te practize what I preach, Q. The Pekvtan radio and television have lately Been putting cut stories that ‘appear designed voincte the Site re- Delton. Some of ther recent reports, like ‘he mutiny im Aritsar, are baseless. Both ‘your vadlo and TV are controlled by the Government. Don't you think 0 Bit of re- Strait om hee part ov station he is ima nefghbourig county would go «long sony in bringing about Inde-Pakisten amity? ‘A keep my eye on both radio and television not because the Government controls them. Tuey are autonomous bo- dics, but they follow the polices ad broad guidelines given by the Govern- ment. We have an understanding with India that both the media organisations of India and Pakisian should not do an thing sontrary tothe broad scepted pol ies the ono governmenis. Why sheuld Racio Pakistan be poingall out bread- cast reports against Ira? J only met Dhillon as a Sikh AmongtourcvesvbatDhilonor patri who had come to visit holy empl places in this country. . Butteremst Se some ah the Indian prot? ‘Ar The other day sombody asked me a question: Wall ta sivation in Panjab andthe alegstion india agaist Pakistan afer Pakistan inci relations? Tid no, beens Paisan ison 4 pease ‘ofeasve Pakistan was to normal = laons with India ean stare you that Pakwlan radio and cleiion are espon sitleandrelabieorgaisatins. They wil not broadest reports which ould kere Sonsirecd intentionally or urntenio= all. (Q. Some of pour minions, in Boye endshe Untet Sats, or ported com ‘ving Straus ne bio ince thems ‘spate the Indien Gereroment ‘A. This as toaly wrong, bast- dese The Government of Palitan hase {iced on a poly at having good neigh- ouryrettons with Inia respective of India’s intereal probes, How ean you caea that he embasie of Pak tan would be folowing a policy contrary to this? Not posse 1 Unk these are unfounded surge ona, prtaps nisguided forme tion scht by cauberuntnteligence ance. 1. You are yourself « Selant- dar orm Peja. Whats your om ‘perception ofthe Panja opttin? “AT wasbomi Jalaeghar bat 1am a vey patriotic Pakistan. 7 amnow aPakisuni adam nowa Sanof the sil Whatever was there ‘ec let it for you to look afer ard fares thesteation in Puna 6 ‘oncerned, am one of thse po Sons wo never happy at some body eles trouble, We had gone throu sone very serious uouble like ths internally not only now bbitoren when Eat Pakistan waa [prof I seo reason why Pat estan shoud fel happy about ary fof nds dificltes, We wish you fa the Best and T hope that the Indian Government in own re sponsible manner vl ave isin rnalprablem and wil try to bring oheslonamong various minorities of Tedia inching the Muslins ‘who are avery large minority there ore many naan who sincerely elo in Indo Pakiten eeip. Bog thy ove ered ‘heat reports ef scaled Pakistan "nthe owe is Pani, ‘ha do you propose todo 10 cleat ch dower? ‘Ar Tido 904 think that the Government of Tia can be that ategpial and that sre that Pakistan ig involved. Please tell em tat Pakistan Would never do such 20 responsible thang, Pasian ven never lnveved ie anybody's atemal affairs eave alone those! dl, acount hich our sery ‘lose neighbour and wih whom ve ae ting to develo our reaions and im ‘rove them ts mush ss we can ‘Q. Your gorerament hes complained to Jaa about traning camps forthe ‘Zaligar long the orcer eons x Pana. The iden foreign scttary hes beady ied hs cation ding is tes ee ‘Pakistan He has ited your foreign se ‘pean tons anyplace west Intute check ir ont Doyoe seta) Belle that Indes ane ening the A Zelfigar group? 1. Wea rceved very categorical information, We checked Sand thee we brought 0 the noc o the ncn Fo feign Oe. This was dscused bythe two forign secretaries, We fet assured when Me Rasgo- tra atured our forign see ‘hat thee no such thing That Ge onwards we told the Indian foreign secre= lary that we aeept his word We hope there are no au campy tow and tat nia wi malesurethathere willbe no Such camps in ature 0: Do you fer emp Beat trope a fama 1 of the Bato fami? ita humble blever inflam and I doa fear anye thy ony have fen of Gxt Tonly Wy to do ny bet and berform my ies a con- ‘Seatouly {ean and eave the vest to Oo 1G. Mis Benasr Bhuta fads tht she wil ry 0 fo the eetons you propose 10 edn oar In Patan. ‘Act head that ope But eh statement” We wil take sare thatthe skctions reek and that they ae ee ind for Q. Wat you tet Benet tuto into Pabistan if she wishes to ren? Ifyou de il the be pared for he sites crime and if somebody makes mistakes there isa course of law which cakes them inlo account. Personal uhiensdo not pay ‘any pat in Pakistan, (0. But cas she come into Pakitten if =? heismost welcometocome back any time she ies. Wedide'tforce herout of the couniry. She weet on bet own agcord for her medical weatment, THis ie 'Q. You said some months ogo that youare net aailebletofigh the letionin ‘Pekisan. Have you changed your mind i telp? A. There is no change as yet. When there isa change I will ge you a all my- eit Q. 1 seems 10 me that the Biter mes mores of Partition, the Kashnir dxpate tnd the Banglodesk war continee 10 tor ‘ment the Indians aswel a5 the Pakistanis How mach longer do you thish i wil take sto forget al this and get downto liringas Fence? ‘A Twill take as long as you and | andibe common man andthe responsible persons will tae to forget i. The sooner Ine turn the chapter over an forget the pst and start with a fesh page without {ppeehensions the better ill be for both india and Pakistan, 10. If you were in the shoes of the prime minister of Fula what are the three ‘most important hing thet you would do Improve relations with Pakiton? ‘A. Thave no grudge against the ef forts 3f the prime minister of India, 1 think Mrs Gandhi is doing her best. We appreciate her efforts We hope that such an effort il eoptinue and will oot tem Doraniy be marred by shortsighted com. pulsions ofthe forthcoming Indian eee tion. I have nothing to suggest 1 & Yery shrevat and expenenced politician Tike Madam Gandhi smewhat cold to youforanyrea- ‘on? Do you think she may save beenmorecordial'o yous Act never fet it, U never had stich an inferiority com. plex! 1 hase. always. been grateful 10 Madam Gandhi for all the respect and uae

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