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Upon receipt of the said AOM, the agency has acted upon deficiency through sending the GAD

Focal Point System in a planning workshop to further enhance and equip our personnel in establishing
GAD within the bureau and utilizing the sex disaggregated data provided to analyze the needs of its
personnel. Furthermore, through its collated sex-disaggregated data, the GFPS can determine the needs
of the bureau to cater gender responsiveness in each activity.

The GFPS has currently intensifying their GAD Agenda and focuses on organizational set up to
enable its personnel instill GAD sensitivity in the workplace and to its community. Moreso, involving more
of its members and focal person of different sections in creating a database that is more consolidated and
accurate to easily grasp for reporting purposes.

Rest assured that the notable implications address to this office will be internalize and compiled
for a more harmonious interpersonal relation in the workplace.

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