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Online Voting


Past research on Internet voting has been concentrated on two aspects. First, there

are investigations to find the appropriate balance between anonymity and authentication.

Second, the impact of the use of Internet voting to legislation has been studied. In this

project we analyze the impact of legislation to the design of a real Internet voting system.

We discuss how legal aspects constitute security requirements on a technical level and

refine the security requirements on the design level to corresponding security requirements

of the resulting system. In our project we a going to construct and internet voting

environment consist of a main server, sub main server and client system. All the main

server, sub server and client system are maintained by Unique MAC Address. For make the

whole inter voting very secure we are going for this kind of implementation. In our project

the main server will be only one server and sub server will be unlimited accoding to the no

of state added by main server. The client system also unlimited according to the booth

count the internet voting has taken by the government. The user/people that willing to vote

using the online voting system can give their voter id number with their thumb finger print

to register their vote.

Existing System:

Electronic Voting Machines ("EVM") are being used in Indian General and

State Elections to implement electronic voting in part from 1999 elections and in

total since 2002 elections. The EVMs reduce the time in both casting a vote and

declaring the results compared to the old paper ballot system.

Disadvantages of Existing System:

1. Damaged credibility of the electoral process

Any computer program can have an undetected, unintentional error (a “bug”). Any

Computer program can be changed by malicious programming (“hacked”) in a way

that is undetectable after the fact. This is true of all manufacturers and, in fact, of

all computer software. Various measures can reduce a DRE system’s vulnerability,

including computer security, physical security, testing and analysis of systems and

coding, and good election procedures. None of these steps, and no combination of

these steps, can change the irreducible, immutable vulnerability of computer

systems. For example, the computer security techniques used in India’s DRE

systems make it unlikely that they could be reprogrammed by a person with

limited, casual access to them (such as a voter), though the machines used in the

United States are vulnerable to such attacks.

2. Operational and logistical constraints of transitional environments

it can undermine the electoral process—several less dramatic dangers must also be

considered. These all relate to the practicality of DRE voting in difficult

environments. Training of election officials and voters, secure storage and

maintenance of the machines, power supplies, replacement machines and parts

must all be considered when debating the use of DREs in new, fragile, and

transitional democracies. In particular, poll worker training requires special

attention, as few poll workers will be experienced computer technicians, able to

correctly respond to computer errors (they may even be too unfamiliar with

computers to describe the error to remote technical assistants). The use of VVPBs

also complicates poll worker training because of the mechanical problems often

associated with printers. Technical complications and spiraling costs have already

created problems in the adoption of sophisticated electronic procedures in new,

fragile, and transitional democracies.

Proposed System:

In the proposed system, we use the internet voting method using the

fingerprints of the people who are eligible for voting. Online voting would add to

the convenience of being a citizen. It may particularly appeal to younger voters

(among whom voter turnout has tended to be particularly low).internet voting

systems can identify if voters attempt to vote for the wrong number of candidates

and notify them accordingly. Internet voting system could reduce expenses

involved in setting up and staffing polling sites. However, new voting

arrangements would, at least at first, be in addition to existing systems. This would

entail large additional costs and several years of government investment. The

major advantage of the internet is time consuming, i.e. with a couple of quick

clicks, use of finger prints and exercising your constitutional rights to cast our vote

in an election. For online polling, the particulars such as name, identity, fingerprint

image, original photo copies are already collected by our main server at the time

registration of new clients. In this proposed system there are main server, sub

server and client system. All internet voting system are maintained by their unique

MAC address. The sub system and client system are maintained & control by the

main admin system.

Advantages of Proposed System:

 It is economica.

 Less manpower required.

 Time conscious, as less time required for voting & counting.

 Avoids invalid voting.

 Convenient on the part of voter.

Hardware & software requirements

Hardware requirements

Processor : Pentium IV

Speed : Above 500 MHz

RAM capacity : 2 GB

Hard disk drive : 80 GB

Key Board : Samsung 108 keys

Mouse : Logitech Optical Mouse

Printer : DeskJet HP

Motherboard : Intel

Cabinet : ATX

Monitor : 17” Samsung

Software configuration

Operating System : Windows XP and above

Front end used : Java

Back End : SQL Server


1. Administrator Module.

- System Configuration Settings. (MAC Address)

- Row level lock / unlock.

- Election Date Announcement

2. Candidate / User Registration.

3. Online Voting.

4. Result Publishing.

Module Description:

1. Administrator Module:

In this module the admin is the one who has control of the sub server and the
client system. The existing user/people details are stored only in the main server.
And that user detail is stored in the sub server and the client system at the time of
election only.

 (MAC Address)

The main server, sub server, client server are differenced using MAC address for
increases the high level security. A Media Access Control address (MAC address)
is a unique identifier assigned to network interfaces for communications on the
physical network segment. MAC addresses are used for numerous network
technologies and most IEEE 802 network technologies including Ethernet.
Logically, MAC addresses are used in the Media Access Control protocol sub-layer
of the OSI reference model.
 Row level lock / unlock:

In this if a user is processing an online voting if his user name, finger print.. etc
data anything is wrong given by the user more than 3 times then that user session is
keeps locking by the admin. And that user session lock only unlock by using main
server only. At the time of user lock the particular user cannot able to vote.

 Election Date Announcement

In this the admin is the one has given the announcement about the date of the
election start. At the time of election start the sub server for the states will also get
started and voter detail db of state will be uploading to the sub server. And client
system will be started by both main server and sub server at the time of election.

2. Candidate / User Registration:

In this module the new user can request this module and get registration for
internet voting. New user registration can be done only from specific system client
system (MAC address).at the time of new registration of the new user the register
by using their finger print for unique identification. The finger print will not
directly store in the data base. For each finger print a unique ID will be
created and that id will be encrypted using DES algorithm. and that value will
be stored id the main server is the full authority of new user register in the
client system all the full detail given buy the user are stored in main admin
system only.

3. Online Voting:

In this module the user used to put the online voting by requesting the sub
server and sub server will ensure by the main server. And the user needs to give
user name, voter id, finger print. If the given dataset is match with the sub server
database the voter voting process will be success is displayed to the user.
4. Result Publishing:

In this module after the user vote session is completed. The server is used to
calculate number of vote and releasing the result for the election of this year.

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