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This test was accomplished using ISCapture software interfacing with an objective turret with variable

levels of magnification, being set to 40x magnification. The microscope then being focused onto the
specimen with the indents facing down to allow for the software to be configured to the desired
resolution; the resolution providing a display of real-time movement. Utilizing lever of the microscope to
identify the micro indentation of the specimen while adjusting to focus to provide a clear image. Then
the magnification was increased to 100x while recalibrating the focus allowing for the most detailed
image possible.

The image was then saved using the ISCapture software to allow for measurement of the specimen to
occur. The magnification and precision of the image was then calibrated to allow the two diagonal
lengths of the micro indentation to be measured. The findings were then recorded and the procedure
was repeated to other specimens with micro indentations.

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