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Idea Pitch Template

My Startup

•Slide 1: Business Name & Team Profile: Introduction of the team

members and their respective roles in the execution of your business
venture. You must clearly jot down ‘who is responsible for what’ for the
due course of the project.
•Slide 2: Business Concept & Unique Value proposition: What is
your product/service (the business concept)? What pain or problem
does it solve for the customers? What is different and valuable about
your product/service? How is it better than similar
businesses/alternatives currently serving your target market?
•Slide 3: Type and size of target market: Demographic and
geographic segmentation of the target market? Size estimates of the
target market, i.e.
–Total Attainable Market (TAM) for your business idea
–Percentage of customers you will cater through your startup
–Estimated revenue/customer & the total revenue you can potentially earn
through your startup in the due course

•Slide 4: Total Investment Required: Break-up of the total investment

you would need to start and run your business of which Rs50K will be
provided by SDSB and the remaining can be invested by the group
members themselves, if they wish to, depending upon the requirement
of their respective startups. Generally, we do not expect the total startup
capital to exceed 100K at the initial stage.
•Slide 5: Potential Risk Factors: What are the critical risk factors that
may hinder the success of your startup & what is your plan to deal with
those risks?

P.S. Each group will get a maximum of 7 mins for the presentation followed by 5-10
mins of Q & A.

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