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Carotenoids are red, yellow and orange organic colour pigments which are fat soluble present in photosynthetic
organism i.e. plants and some bacteria and algae. Animals and human beings cannot synthesized these, they
obtain these pigments from plants.1

Carotenoids of 600 types are known which are classified in

two classes:

 Xanthophylls(contain oxygen)
 Carotenes(contain no oxygen)1

Green leafy vegetables contain Xanthophylls and yellow

vegetables and fruits contain Carotenes. Most important
carotenoids are alpha cartenes , beta carotenes and beta
cryptoxanthin, lycopene,lutein, astaxanthin, neoxanthin and
violaxanthin are also important.2


Plants carotenoids are present in stem, leaves, flowers and fruits. This is present in plastid. Chloroplast are
responsible of synthesizing and storage of carotenoids and also in photosynthesis. Two main carotenoids in
plant, beta carotene are present in carrots and sweet potatoes, lycopene are responsible for reddish colour in
tomatoes. When human beings eat carrots liver split carotenoids into two half of vitamin A. In plants
carotenoids perform two main functions:

1. It absorbs light and transfer to chlorophyll.

2. It helps to prevent plant from photo damage as
when it absorbs light it dissipates excesslight and
the rest light transfer. In the abscess of carotenoids,
when plants are overexposed proteins, membranes
and other molecules are damaged.
3. They are also responsible certain development
response in plants.9


These are yellow pigments, present in geen leaves in high concentrartion. It act as non photochemical agent to
deal with chlorophyll present in excited form. In animal and dietary animal products ,obtain from plants, color
of egg yolk is from xanthophylls carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin. Yellow color of fat and skin is also due to
ingested xanthophylls. Zeaxanthin and lutein are present in human macula lutea are also responsible of yellow
coloration. These two are not converted to retinal and these protect the eye from blue light ionization which is
absorbed.3 lutein is also present in green vegetables and fruits i.e. broccoli, cabbage and kale. Red colour in
fruits are due to lycopene i.e. tomatoes, watermelon, red grapes and pink grapes and also present in apricots and
papaya.4 lutein and zeaxanthophylls act as antioxidants in humanbody and enhances the immunesystem. Under
the exposure of Ultraviolet rays or toxins or cigarette smoke, free radicles are produced by normal cell
metabolism. These free radicles react with proteins and lipid of cell membrane and damage it. Which results in
cancer or tumor. These antioxidants prevent this damage and react with these free radicles, so risks of cancer


These are provitamin A. In human body these are converted to retinal or vitamin A. Vitamin A is necessary for
vision, bones, immunesystem etc. one molecule of beta carotene is broken into two molecules of retinol(vitamin
A). Beta carotene breakage occur in walls of small intestine in the presence of beta carotene dioxygenase

Beta carotenes in body are stored in liver and some are circulated in blood and are converted to retinal which is
reversibly converted to retinol and irreversibly to retinoic acid. esterification of retinol to palmitic acid is
transferred from chylomicrons to blood and is stored in liver as retinyl ester, and when it transfer to bloo
converted to 11-cis retinal chromophore for rhodopsin. Retinal is converted to retinol by retinaldehyde
So, these are important in vision. Due to this we are able to see in dark.11


Carotenoids are more available as oil to body in dietary supplements as in food. When vegetables are cooked in
oil they are readily absorbed.


1. Beta carotene: is provitamin A, yellow orange in color.It is present in carrot, pumpkin, spinach, winter
squash, kale and broccoli. 12 microgram of beta carotenes form 1 microgram of vitamin A. it’s proven
well controlled following clinical diseases:
 Erthyropoietic protoporphyria in this skin becomes sensitive to sunlight.
 It helps in prevention of heart and coronary diseases. It acts with vitamin E as an antioxidant to reduce
the oxidation of LDL-cholestrol.
 High intake of it with vitamin C also reduses health problems and enhances the lung capacity.
 It helps in prevention of cancer i.e. breast cancer. Colon, lung cancer etc
 It also help to keep the cells in proper communication
 It helps activate the thymus which is important in immune system function.
 Beta carotene with vitamin E and C helps in prevention from UV radiations
 It prevents the oxidation by breakdown of chain reaction
 Vegetables and fruits rich in beta carotenes are also reduce the risk of other diseases.
2. Alpha carotenes: is also provitamin A, present in carrot, pumpkin, raw tomatoes, winter squash, peas,
tangerines and collard green. 24 microgram of it requires for 1 microgram of retinol.
3. Beta cryptoxanthin : is also provitamin A and present in papaya, oranges, orange juice, corn, carrot,
watermelon, pumpkins, red belles, pepper, tangerines and nectarines. 1 microgram of retinol needs 24
microgram of it.
4. Lutein and Zeaxanthin: These are present in human eye and have no vitamin A activity. They are
present in spinach, kale, turnip, collard green, mustard, summer squash, broccoli Brussels sprout,
yellow corn and peas. These act as antioxidants and prevent cell from oxidation damage. It helps in
slow development oif cataract which is changes of lens results of clouding and vision loss. It also
prevents Macular degradation.
5. Lycopene: are present in tomatoes, watermelons and guavas and give them reddish colour.It prevents
oxidation of low density lipoprotein cholesterol and reduces the risks of atherosclerosis and heart
6. In plants, like in flowers aroma or fragrance is due to the degradation of carotenoids, which results in
aromatic chemical compounds. Sweet aroma i.e. in black tea, tobacco, grapes, and in many fruits is due
to these aromatic compounds.
7. In bacteria some carotenoids are produced which protect them from oxidative immune attack. these
carotenoids act as antioxidant and help it to envade in host immune system by reactive oxygen specie
used by host.10
8. Beta carotenes are responsible for photochemical events in humans.7,8
9. As carotenoids in plants are responsible of preventing them from photo damage.
10. In plants leaves also contain carotenoids as chlorophyll color suppresses its color. That’s why autumn
leaves are orange yellowish in color because green colour disappears and carotenoids color expresses.
Similarly, in ripe fruits carotenoids are present as unripe fruits are green in color but with the passage
of time green colour vanishes.9
11. Vitamin A from beta carotenes in body is responsible for following:
 Maintain the health of specialized tissues like retina
 Promotes normal development of teeth, bones, and soft and skeletal tissues
 Growths and maintain the health of skin and mucous membrane.
12. Vitamin A is also helpful in prevention of diseases i.e. cataract, acne, AIDS, dry eyes, Hyperkeratosis,
poor vision, viral infections etc.12
13. Carotenoids form of Vitamin A also helpful in prevention or treatment of lung cancer, asthma, cancer,
cataract, pneumonia, photosensitivity, osteoarthritis, female and male infertility, rheumatoid arthritis
14. Keto carotenoids are present in yeast, microalgae, shrimp, salmon, Trout(pink color), crayfish,
ladybird, crustaceans and birds.
15. Keto carotenoids gives red color to shell fish and salmon meat.
16. Carotenoids in birds make them colorful and sexually attractive
17. Flamingo’s feathers and skin is pink in color due to carotenoids.
18. Carotenoids are also present in testes and seminal fluid prevent sperms from oxidative damage and
enhances the male fertilization ability. 14
19. Marine animals also contains carotenoids which they accumulate from food such as algae or other
20. Sponges are filter feeders and associate with other bacteria or algae(symbiosis), possess brilliant colors
due to the presence of carotenoids.16
21. Major carotenoids in chitons are lutein, zeaxanthin, fucoxanthin and their metabolites. 17


As Vitamin A is necessary for immune system, bones and vision. Vitamin A is barrier for different micro
organisms in skin. It also helpful in prevention of other infectious diseases. As its deficiency can causes
different complications.
 Night blindness: vitamin A is necessary for production of rhodopsins, light sensitive protein, due to
which we are able to see in night. Vitamin A deficiency or beta carotene decreases the production of
rhodopsins since the ability to see in night diminishes. Reduction in night vision is first sign of
vitamin A deficiency.
 Cloudy, dry eyes: vitamin A plays vital role in maintainace of normal growth of epithelial tissues of
organs especially lens and eyelid. Its shortage leads to the dryness of eyes or xerophthalmia.
Tissues donot work properly.
 Dryness of skin: vitamin A helps in replacement of sloughing old cells with new skin cells. Its
deficiency leads to the thickness of skin and rashes also forms on skin.
 Paleness and fatigue: vitamin A is necessary for red blood cells. Its shortage leads to low blood cell
count or anemia. Paleness of skin, fatigue and shortness of breath are common symptoms.
 Prolonged infection: lack of vitamin A improper functioning of epithelial lining which covers the
digestive track, respiratory track and urinary system. This leads to infections of kidneys, lungs and
 Immune system inefficiency: lack of vitamin A also leads to the reduction of ability of immune
system to infections. It takes prolong time of recovery from infections.15


 Carotenemia occurs due to the presence of orange pigment in blood due to the excessive intake of
carrots or other vegetables which results in increased serum carotenoids. It’s mostly present in
vegetarians. It’s mostly occur in is occurred in light complexion of people may refer as orange
discoloration of palms. Excessive carotenoids accumulates in intracellular lipids of stratum corneum
which leads to thickness of this layer and increased sweating.
 HYPERCAROTENAMIA: excessive intake of dietary carotenoids or nutrients supplements which
leads to increasing of lipids and decreasing of carotenoids. In certain diseases conversion to retinol is
slow down and which results increase plasma level.
 Carotenoderma: is of two types primary and secondary. Primary is due to the increased ingestion of
oral carotenoids where as second is due to underlying disease state that increase serum carotenoids with
normal intake of it.
 Secondary carotenoderma: It includes diabetes, anorexia nervosa, hypothyroidism, nephritic problems
and liver diseases. It also leads brittle hair and nail and xerosis. Alzheimer is also reported.
 Food containing high level of carotenoids are: apricot, apple, cucumber, egg, peaches, beans, figs
cheese, carrots etc 18

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