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Superstitions are defined as ”irrational beliefs, especially with regard to the

unknown” (Collins English Dictionary). They cause us to act in strange ways,
believing in odd things and even leaving us unable to explain the reasons why.

Many superstitions may seem silly to people nowadays but as they continue to
influence our behavior, many people argue that that there are some very good
reasons, for example, for avoiding black cats or falling ladders.

There are many weird superstitions in Romania, some of which are very
popular. I will now present some of the most well-known ones.

1) If you break a mirror, then watch out! You are going to have 7 years of
bad luck!
2) If you play with a knife, the angels will run away from you and if you can
play with fire, you will pee in your bed.
3) If a black cat will cross the road in front of you, you will have bad luck.
4) If your left palm is itching, you will receive some money and if your right
palm is itching, you will give some money to somebody.
5) If it rains at your wedding, it means you will have a happy marriage.

Some of us may have never heard of some but there are many more awkward
superstitions all over the world. Whether we like it or not they affect our
lives and may even change our destiny.

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